In the name of Islam

Thank you for the link! Uppermost in the case is his travels to the Middle East and his own proclamation that he did the shooting in the name of Islam. The mother suggested he had mental issues, not a Dr. She could have suggested this so he would have an insanity defense. She hoped the police had the wrong man when he was shot by the police officer at the scene and dropped the gun that was used to shoot Jesse. A hopeful mother does not make it true.

The mother is usually the first one to notice mental issues, men tend to deny them because of stigma. There's little in this person's actions to suggest rational thinking.
Stop generalising about a family you know nothing about. How about this generalisation 'mothers will say anything to protect their children'. And how about this, his brother, Shane Archer, stated he is NOT mentally ill.

You seem to think *you* know all about them. How about taking your own advice?
I'm not the one claiming to know anything about him, other than what he told the police, he did it for Islam. He may or may not be mentally ill, that's for a psychiatrist to decide, not you. You're the one spinning for him based on no evidence. I wonder why you endlessly do this for Muslims and Islam.

You're claiming he isn't. What evidence do you base that on?
Which part are you having difficulty understanding:

I'm not the one claiming to know anything about him, other than what he told the police, he did it for Islam. He may or may not be mentally ill, that's for a psychiatrist to decide, not you. You're the one spinning for him based on no evidence. I wonder why you endlessly do this for Muslims and Islam
Clearly he is influenced on the notion of killing in the name of Allah for the Islamic State.......a trend we see on the rise in the US and other western cultures regardless of official mental state or mosque attendance.
There is no proof he did not attend a mosque.

Quite possible. I was going by what one of the Imam's said - and what he said was he had no recollection of attending his mosque. My mistake.
An illustration of how willing you are to spin for Muslims. One imam says he has no recollection of archer attending his mosque, and you endlessly post that Archer 'did not even attend mosque'. Lol.

Another lie. I posted it once. And then a correction (I made my comment early on, based on what was said in the news at the time).
Another lie. You posted it SEVERAL times, hoping it would be viewed as another of your 'facts'. Lol.

That one is easy to verify. I posted it once, a second time in answer to a query on why I thought so, so I mentioned reading it in an article.

Hardly " you endlessly post that Archer 'did not even attend mosque'."
The mother is usually the first one to notice mental issues, men tend to deny them because of stigma. There's little in this person's actions to suggest rational thinking.
Stop generalising about a family you know nothing about. How about this generalisation 'mothers will say anything to protect their children'. And how about this, his brother, Shane Archer, stated he is NOT mentally ill.

You seem to think *you* know all about them. How about taking your own advice?
I'm not the one claiming to know anything about him, other than what he told the police, he did it for Islam. He may or may not be mentally ill, that's for a psychiatrist to decide, not you. You're the one spinning for him based on no evidence. I wonder why you endlessly do this for Muslims and Islam.

You're claiming he isn't. What evidence do you base that on?
Which part are you having difficulty understanding:

I'm not the one claiming to know anything about him, other than what he told the police, he did it for Islam. He may or may not be mentally ill, that's for a psychiatrist to decide, not you. You're the one spinning for him based on no evidence. I wonder why you endlessly do this for Muslims and Islam

You are the one claiming he did it for Islam and discounting mental illness with little more evidance.
Stop generalising about a family you know nothing about. How about this generalisation 'mothers will say anything to protect their children'. And how about this, his brother, Shane Archer, stated he is NOT mentally ill.

You seem to think *you* know all about them. How about taking your own advice?
I'm not the one claiming to know anything about him, other than what he told the police, he did it for Islam. He may or may not be mentally ill, that's for a psychiatrist to decide, not you. You're the one spinning for him based on no evidence. I wonder why you endlessly do this for Muslims and Islam.

You're claiming he isn't. What evidence do you base that on?
Which part are you having difficulty understanding:

I'm not the one claiming to know anything about him, other than what he told the police, he did it for Islam. He may or may not be mentally ill, that's for a psychiatrist to decide, not you. You're the one spinning for him based on no evidence. I wonder why you endlessly do this for Muslims and Islam

You are the one claiming he did it for Islam and discounting mental illness with little more evidance.
The man said he did it for Islam.
What is seen below will be an inconvenient truth for certain people here in this thread. Read 'em and weep.

Imam knew police shooter, but by Muslim name

All of you are going to have to deal with the fact that Archer was in fact a Muslim. It turns out the Imam DID know Archer, but by his Muslim name, Abdul Shaheed. Archer did attend the mosque, and went on the Hajj to Mecca, which explains his trip to Saudi Arabia. The Imam further iterated that Archer went to Egypt for close to a year to learn Arabic.

These facts are damning. And it makes my case, and blows the detractors here out of the water.

Friday afternoon, Rashid denounced the shooting and said he did not know the gunman, whom police identified as Edward Archer, 30, of Philadelphia and Yeadon.

A few hours later, members of the masjid set Rashid straight by citing Archer's Muslim name.

"We called him Abdul Shaheed . . . Abdul means 'servant,' and Shaheed means 'the witness,' " Rashid said. "He was a frequent member of the masjid. But I did not know him as Archer. And I did not recognize his picture. We don't call each other by the names we had before we converted to Islam."

In an interview Sunday, Rashid went on to explain Archer's role at the mosque:

"He was no companion of mine. He attended certain affairs that we had. He organized touch football teams in the community. That was the extent of it."

Typically, for the most important prayer of the week, said Rashid, Masjid Mujahideen gets 150 to 200 worshipers.

Rashid said he was interviewed Friday by the FBI in its effort to learn more about Archer's background and associates.

The investigation took on added urgency Saturday after a tipster told police that Archer is associated with three men who may share his "radical" beliefs and constitute a continuing threat to police.

"The mosque is a public place. People come and go. Whoever he hung with of his age group I wouldn't know," said Rashid.

"He was one of the younger guys," said Rashid, who is 64. "I don't allow foolish talk around the mosque. Whatever his opinions were, it was not something that permeated around the mosque."

Rashid said he told investigators all he knows: That Archer made the hajj pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia, and at some point went to Egypt to study Arabic.

"He stayed there six months to a year, with his wife, and came back," said Rashid. He said the wife, whom he did not identify, is not a member of Masjid Mujahideen.

And Sunni, this one's for you:

PHILADELPHIA, Jan 9 (Reuters) - The gunman who claimed allegiance to Islamic State after shooting a Philadelphia police officer was described by people who knew him as a devout, quiet Muslim who became more "combative" after trips to Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

As police charged Edward Archer on Saturday with attempted murder, aggravated assault and assault of a law enforcement officer, investigators continued to examine what prompted the 30-year-old construction worker to open fire on a police car.

Two people who knew him described a pious man who began expressing interest in Islam in his teenage years and devoted his life to religion. He participated in a local Muslim football league and worked on construction jobs, they added.

They said they did not understand why, at nearly midnight on Thursday, he approached officer Jesse Hartnett, 33, and fired 11 rounds, some at point-blank range, through the car window. Three shots struck the officer in his arm.

Archer later confessed to the attack and said he pledged allegiance to Islamic State, police said. FBI Special Agent Eric Ruona said Archer had traveled to Saudi Arabia in 2011 and Egypt in 2012 - a trip that a family friend said changed him.

"He became more drastic. More combative," said Jannah Abdulsalaam, who asked only to be identified by her Muslim name. "He was kind but I noticed that change."

The attack comes at a time of heightened anxiety in the United States over the threat posed by Islamic State. A Muslim couple inspired by the militant group killed 14 people on Dec. 2 in San Bernardino, California, just weeks after gunmen linked to the Islamic State group killed 130 people in Paris.

Shooter of Philadelphia policeman described as quiet, devout Muslim

Case closed.
You seem to think *you* know all about them. How about taking your own advice?
I'm not the one claiming to know anything about him, other than what he told the police, he did it for Islam. He may or may not be mentally ill, that's for a psychiatrist to decide, not you. You're the one spinning for him based on no evidence. I wonder why you endlessly do this for Muslims and Islam.

You're claiming he isn't. What evidence do you base that on?
Which part are you having difficulty understanding:

I'm not the one claiming to know anything about him, other than what he told the police, he did it for Islam. He may or may not be mentally ill, that's for a psychiatrist to decide, not you. You're the one spinning for him based on no evidence. I wonder why you endlessly do this for Muslims and Islam

You are the one claiming he did it for Islam and discounting mental illness with little more evidance.
The man said he did it for Islam.

So? Does Islam say he did it for them?
PHILADELPHIA, Jan 9 (Reuters) - The gunman who claimed allegiance to Islamic State after shooting a Philadelphia police officer was described by people who knew him as a devout, quiet Muslim who became more "combative" after trips to Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

The more devout, the more they adhere to the Quran, the more they want to kill us, and do.
I'm not the one claiming to know anything about him, other than what he told the police, he did it for Islam. He may or may not be mentally ill, that's for a psychiatrist to decide, not you. You're the one spinning for him based on no evidence. I wonder why you endlessly do this for Muslims and Islam.

You're claiming he isn't. What evidence do you base that on?
Which part are you having difficulty understanding:

I'm not the one claiming to know anything about him, other than what he told the police, he did it for Islam. He may or may not be mentally ill, that's for a psychiatrist to decide, not you. You're the one spinning for him based on no evidence. I wonder why you endlessly do this for Muslims and Islam

You are the one claiming he did it for Islam and discounting mental illness with little more evidance.
The man said he did it for Islam.

So? Does Islam say he did it for them?
Islam cannot speak.
Stop generalising about a family you know nothing about. How about this generalisation 'mothers will say anything to protect their children'. And how about this, his brother, Shane Archer, stated he is NOT mentally ill.

You seem to think *you* know all about them. How about taking your own advice?
I'm not the one claiming to know anything about him, other than what he told the police, he did it for Islam. He may or may not be mentally ill, that's for a psychiatrist to decide, not you. You're the one spinning for him based on no evidence. I wonder why you endlessly do this for Muslims and Islam.

You're claiming he isn't. What evidence do you base that on?
Which part are you having difficulty understanding:

I'm not the one claiming to know anything about him, other than what he told the police, he did it for Islam. He may or may not be mentally ill, that's for a psychiatrist to decide, not you. You're the one spinning for him based on no evidence. I wonder why you endlessly do this for Muslims and Islam

You are the one claiming he did it for Islam and discounting mental illness with little more evidence.

Actually, there is evidence. Concrete, irrefutable, and undeniable evidence that this man was a devout Muslim who prayed regularly at the mosque and went to Saudi Arabia to perform the Hajj to Mecca. This is yet another person who used Islam to justify he did what he did.

Facts trump emotion.
You're claiming he isn't. What evidence do you base that on?
Which part are you having difficulty understanding:

I'm not the one claiming to know anything about him, other than what he told the police, he did it for Islam. He may or may not be mentally ill, that's for a psychiatrist to decide, not you. You're the one spinning for him based on no evidence. I wonder why you endlessly do this for Muslims and Islam

You are the one claiming he did it for Islam and discounting mental illness with little more evidance.
The man said he did it for Islam.

So? Does Islam say he did it for them?
Islam cannot speak.

Ask 1000 Muslim-Americans whether they support this man's actions.

Then tell me which speaks for Islam, he or they.
You seem to think *you* know all about them. How about taking your own advice?
I'm not the one claiming to know anything about him, other than what he told the police, he did it for Islam. He may or may not be mentally ill, that's for a psychiatrist to decide, not you. You're the one spinning for him based on no evidence. I wonder why you endlessly do this for Muslims and Islam.

You're claiming he isn't. What evidence do you base that on?
Which part are you having difficulty understanding:

I'm not the one claiming to know anything about him, other than what he told the police, he did it for Islam. He may or may not be mentally ill, that's for a psychiatrist to decide, not you. You're the one spinning for him based on no evidence. I wonder why you endlessly do this for Muslims and Islam

You are the one claiming he did it for Islam and discounting mental illness with little more evidence.

Actually, there is evidence. Concrete, irrefutable, and undeniable evidence that this man was a devout Muslim who prayed regularly at the mosque and went to Saudi Arabia to perform the Hajj to Mecca.

Facts trump emotion.

And what is your point after all this?
Another lying imam? He knows all about this guy and what he does in the mosque, but didn't recognise the pic of him? Yeah, right. More al taqiyya no doubt.

"We called him Abdul Shaheed . . . Abdul means 'servant,' and Shaheed means 'the witness,' " Rashid said. "He was a frequent member of the masjid. But I did not know him as Archer. And I did not recognize his picture. We don't call each other by the names we had before we converted to Islam."

Shahid and Shaheed (Arabic: شهيد‎ šahīd, plural: شُهَدَاءšuhadāʾ ) originates from the Quranic Arabic word meaning "witness" and is also used to denote a "martyr". [1] It is used as a honorific for Muslims who have died fulfilling a religious commandment, especially those who die wielding jihad, or historically in the military expansion of Islam. The act of martyrdom is istishhad.
That's what Edward Archer stated as he tried to assassinate a Philadelphia police officer in his marked police car just before midnight on Thursday. They Mayor denied any connection to Islam.

Jim Kenney on Twitter

But if you're saying it wasn't "in the name of Islam" I challenge you to prove otherwise.

A gunman claiming allegiance to Islamic State militants shot and seriously wounded a Philadelphia police officer, saying he ambushed his patrol car "in the name of Islam," the city's police commissioner said on Friday.

Edward Archer of Philadelphia approached Officer Jesse Hartnett, 33, shortly before midnight and fired 11 rounds, three of which hit the officer in his arm, authorities said. Police released still images from surveillance video that showed the gunman dressed in a long white robe walking toward the car and firing, eventually getting close enough to shoot at point-blank range through the window.

Hartnett chased Archer, who was arrested by responding officers and later confessed to the attack, police officials told reporters.

"He has confessed to committing this cowardly act in the name of Islam," Ross told a press conference, adding that the 30-year-old assailant also referenced Islamic State militants.

Philadelphia Police Captain James Clark added, "He said he pledges his allegiance to Islamic State, he follows Allah and that was the reason he was called on to do this."

Gunman ambushes Philadelphia policeman 'in the name of Islam'

The man heard voices. He was mentally ill. He never attended a mosque.

Stop defaming Mohammad.
Now that you people think you've proven that all Muslims are guilty of terrorism, what's next?

Mass incarceration? Mass extermination?

What's your final solution?
Which part are you having difficulty understanding:

I'm not the one claiming to know anything about him, other than what he told the police, he did it for Islam. He may or may not be mentally ill, that's for a psychiatrist to decide, not you. You're the one spinning for him based on no evidence. I wonder why you endlessly do this for Muslims and Islam

You are the one claiming he did it for Islam and discounting mental illness with little more evidance.
The man said he did it for Islam.

So? Does Islam say he did it for them?
Islam cannot speak.

Ask 1000 Muslim-Americans whether they support this man's actions.

Then tell me which speaks for Islam, he or they.
You ask them. And don't forget to take your taqiyya detector with you.

Believe it or not, Coyote did little more than to argue for the link between mental illness and religion. Thus, Archer/Shaheed could have still been Muslim and mentally ill at the same time. This runs contrary to the "he wasn't Muslim, just mentally ill" narrative.
Now that you people think you've proven that all Muslims are guilty of terrorism, what's next?

Mass incarceration? Mass extermination?

What's your final solution?

Send them all to the moon.

The beautiful part is that we won't have to send them ourselves so long as we move the Zionist nation to the moon, then they will build space ships and move there themselves.

Believe it or not, Coyote did little more than to argue for the link between mental illness and religion. Thus, Archer/Shaheed could have still been Muslim and mentally ill at the same time. This runs contrary to the "he wasn't Muslim, just mentally ill" narrative.

I've always said, Islam and mental illness is a dangerous combination.

Any society with mentally ill people who are Islamic will have a terrorist problem

Believe it or not, Coyote did little more than to argue for the link between mental illness and religion. Thus, Archer/Shaheed could have still been Muslim and mentally ill at the same time. This runs contrary to the "he wasn't Muslim, just mentally ill" narrative.
She said Shaheed Didn't go to mosque, implying he is not a Muslim. She based her constant claim that he's mentally ill on a comment made by his mother alone. The brother said otherwise, and no psychiatrist has commented. I don't really understand what you're getting at otherwise.

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