In the US today the one political party represents "CRAZY" and one party represents "NORMAL" (Poll)

Which party represents "normal", and which party represents "crazy"?

  • Republicans represent normal

    Votes: 43 51.2%
  • Republicans represent crazy

    Votes: 24 28.6%
  • Democrats represent normal

    Votes: 17 20.2%
  • Democrats represent crazy

    Votes: 51 60.7%

  • Total voters


FALSE! No there is NOT "a red line representing the thousands of votes Trump GAINED," That is a lie.

As anyone can plainly see, Trump's 4am redline could not be "thousands of votes gained - the red line is flat as a pancake. NO VOTES GAINED. The DUMPS (Vertical lines) were 100% Biden.


You're out of your mind, gramps. Batshit level.

If 100% of those ballots were for Biden and none, zero, went for Trump, how did the red line ascend?


All that is relevant is Trump's flat redline, and Biden's LARGE VERTICAL blue line. Ho hum.

You mean the lines you lied about?

It's very telling how you cover your ears when someone tries giving you a dose of reality.
Let's try this again, shall we? Starting from the top...

In the thread >> Trump: Stronger Than Ever

in Post # 676, I said >> "
last paragraph of Post # 460. Of course you'll say that it's not proof. LOL Well, nothing is "proof" to a liberal, unless it says what he wants to hear". :rolleyes:

And to the very end of that thread, you never quoted that post, never acknowldged it, never responded to it. And, after that illustrious display of cyber cowardice, you now pretend that I didn't provide my proof, when I did do that in that post # 460.

So instead of me lying as you claim, YOU were lying, and ARE lying now in this thread, and the truth caught up with you. It has a way of doing that.

And since you will probably DODGE that post # 460, and wait a while, and then again pretend it didn't exist, I'm going to copy/paste it for you right here, now >>

"An anonymous email sent to the Justice Department criminal division and Arizona legislature alleged that in Pima County, 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election, on behalf of each Democratic candidate at the local and federal level. The allegation coincides with a spike or "injection" of 143,000 votes noted at 8:06 p.m. on election night"

"In advance of the election"
means anytime before the election, which naturally could be well before the Sept 10 meeting, also. Could have been in August, Or July. Or June. Could actually have been in 2019.

Back to the 8th grade for you. :rolleyes:

And where's the evidence ? Well, liberals have a habit of dismissing evidence if it doesn't point favorably for them, This doesn't. Most objective observers would say that the combination of the report of the DOJ criminal division, and the "coincidence" (yeah right) of the coincide with a spike or "injection" of 143,000 votes noted at 8:06 p.m. on election night", is pretty worthwhile. People are serving time in prisons on circumstantial evidence less than that."

Poor gramps. You offered zero evidence there was a spike of 143,000 votes for Democrats at 8:06. You just said it. That doesn't make it true. That's all you ever do. Is make baseless claims with no evidence but still expect others to simply accept your baseless claims as fact.
You're out of your mind, gramps. Batshit level.

If 100% of those ballots were for Biden and none, zero, went for Trump, how did the red line ascend?
Can you read (charts or words) ? I said Trump's 4am red line is "flat as a pancake" (flat - not ascending - get it ?) Look at the charts. Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle)

Poor gramps. You offered zero evidence there was a spike of 143,000 votes for Democrats at 8:06. You just said it. That doesn't make it true. That's all you ever do. Is make baseless claims with no evidence but still expect others to simply accept your baseless claims as fact.
Again >> Most objective observers would say that the combination of the report of the DOJ criminal division, and the "coincidence" (yeah right) of the coincide with a spike or "injection" of 143,000 votes noted at 8:06 p.m. on election night", is pretty worthwhile. People are serving time in prisons on circumstantial evidence less than that. Ho hum. 😐
Those links didn't identify who the people committing the violence were.
All needed to know about them, is that they were protesting against police, and the death of George Floyd, which they were MISLED into thinking was police brutality, WHICH IT WAS NOT.

Can you read (charts or words) ? I said Trump's 4am red line is "flat as a pancake" (flat - not ascending - get it ?) Look at the charts. Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle)

These leftards cretins will never get it, and even if by some miracle they did, they'd never admit it.

That's why I insist the leftards are STUPID. They look at a blatantly obvious piece of evidence and their minds draw a blank. (If you can call that half a brain cell a mind).

That chart is evidence of SOMETHING inappropriate, there are still many possibilities as to what it might actually be, and the only purpose of the continual leftard bleating is to stop it from being investigated.
Democrats are batshit crazy and determined to make this country a Socialist shithole.

Unfortunately far too many times the RINO Republicans help the filthy Democrats to do it.
Can you read (charts or words) ? I said Trump's 4am red line is "flat as a pancake" (flat - not ascending - get it ?) Look at the charts. Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle)


But it's not "flat as a pancake." If it was, you would see it going straight through the blue line. What the red line is actually doing, is going up WITH the blue line and then going horizontal WITH the blue line until we see two dots at the end on the right. You don't see the red line because it's behind the blue line going UP.

Which means Trump votes got counted with Biden votes at that time.

The sad news for you is this means either you're too stupid to read a chart or you knew all along the there were votes for Trump in that bunch and you lied saying there were none. Which is it, gramps?

Can you read (charts or words) ? I said Trump's 4am red line is "flat as a pancake" (flat - not ascending - get it ?) Look at the charts. Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle)


Oh, and look... scruffy was dumb enough to give you a thumbs up for that.

Again >> Most objective observers would say that the combination of the report of the DOJ criminal division, and the "coincidence" (yeah right) of the coincide with a spike or "injection" of 143,000 votes noted at 8:06 p.m. on election night", is pretty worthwhile. People are serving time in prisons on circumstantial evidence less than that. Ho hum. 😐

Large batches of ballots were being counted in every state, you fucking retard. That's how they report ballots being counted. That's not evidence of fake ballots being "injected."

Not to mention, but I will, you never even offered proof that a batch of 143,000 ballots were reported at 8:06. Again, you just said it. Your word is not proof. In fact, it's the opposite of proof.

You are seriously fucked in the head, gramps.

These leftards cretins will never get it, and even if by some miracle they did, they'd never admit it.

That's why I insist the leftards are STUPID. They look at a blatantly obvious piece of evidence and their minds draw a blank. (If you can call that half a brain cell a mind).

That chart is evidence of SOMETHING inappropriate, there are still many possibilities as to what it might actually be, and the only purpose of the continual leftard bleating is to stop it from being investigated.


Nutjob, why is it so shocking to you that Biden got far more mail-in ballots than Trump from Wisconsin's most Liberal county? Keeping in mind Trump told his supporters to vote in person while Biden told his supporters to vote by mail.

You calling others, "stupid," is the apex of irony.
These leftards cretins will never get it, and even if by some miracle they did, they'd never admit it.

That's why I insist the leftards are STUPID. They look at a blatantly obvious piece of evidence and their minds draw a blank. (If you can call that half a brain cell a mind).

That chart is evidence of SOMETHING inappropriate, there are still many possibilities as to what it might actually be, and the only purpose of the continual leftard bleating is to stop it from being investigated.
Gee, maybe you can audit the votes. Oh guys did that in Arizona. How'd it turn out?

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