In the US today the one political party represents "CRAZY" and one party represents "NORMAL" (Poll)

Which party represents "normal", and which party represents "crazy"?

  • Republicans represent normal

    Votes: 43 51.2%
  • Republicans represent crazy

    Votes: 24 28.6%
  • Democrats represent normal

    Votes: 17 20.2%
  • Democrats represent crazy

    Votes: 51 60.7%

  • Total voters
Retiree Donald Trump had his nuts kicked over the moon by the American voter. His fragile ego could not handle just how much he is hated.

So he lied. And whined. And whines to this day.

Even everyone at Fox News, from top to bottom, knew he lost fair and square. But they chose to go along with the Big Lie for fear of losing their weak-minded viewers.

How sad is that? Instead of being a news organization, Fox allows their idiot viewers to drive content they want to hear!
And Ashley Babbitt is dead, can reasonably be argued that this is because she believed the election fraud lies promoted at Fox Faux News...and all other right wing sites that used Fox as a source for the stop the steal election fraud movement.
HA HA HA. You must think we were all born yeaterday. The VERTICAL DUMP lines are 100% for Biden, and at that time (late in the night or whenever) it is IMPOSSIBLE for ALL the votes to be for Biden, and none for Trump as these charts show. Please dont insult our intelligence.

Looks like they came up with a talking point to try to counter the charts. It's about the most :lame2: brain of any talking point ever seen.
And Ashley Babbitt is dead, can reasonably be argued that this is because she believed the election fraud lies promoted at Fox Faux News...and all other right wing sites that used Fox as a source for the stop the steal election fraud movement.

More brainwashing.

Forget Fox, and forget CNN and all the rest of the media. They're irrelevant, no one cares what they say or think.

Just LOOK at the graph. Look at the one in the right. Look at the vertical section of the blue line.

HOW MUCH red vote do you see accompanying that particular vote dump?

ZERO !!! Amirite? Yes of course I am, I'm never wrong.

The graph shows ZERO red vote inside a very large vote dump, and THAT is statistically IMPOSSIBLE.

Now, I don't care what you "call" it. A steal, a security problem, whatever you want to call it - but you can not deny its existence.

It's MATH, it's not a fucking opinion. The math says you have an outlier that's six to seven standard deviations out, and that NEVER happens. Not in a fair race.

And furthermore - one glitch is a coincidence, two glitches raise eyebrows, and three glitches are a pattern - but FIVE glitches all in swing states and all at the same time and all in the same direction suggest a concerted manipulation.
This poll is inherently rigged since both parties have both normal people and crazy people in them.
The Trump Tower meeting was a proven nothingburger. The only "Russian colluder" was Hillary paying Russians for the Steele Dossier
While many still disagree and continue believing that Trump colluded, there is no sense arguing anymore. The transcripts speak for themselves.

To a person, no one had any evidence that Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russian government, or Russian individuals, to beat Hillary.

I pined through 166 pages of testimony by Rinat Akhmetshin, a Russian-America lobbyist from Kazan city in Russia who was at the center of the infamous Trump Tower MEETING with Donald Trump Jr.

Rinat told Swalwell that he went to Trump Tower to represent a company that facilitates adoptions of Russian children. That had been banned by Russia in retaliation of the Magnitsky Act.

WTF are Trump's son, campaign people and Russians meeting for, in the first place?

"The only "Russian colluder" was Hillary paying Russians for the Steele Dossier".

Hillary didn't pay any Russian, she paid Fusion GPS.

Fusion GPS is a commercial research and strategic intelligence firm based in Washington, D.C. The company conducts open-source investigations and provides research and strategic advice for businesses, law firms and investors, as well as for political inquiries, such as opposition research.
The "GPS" initialism is derived from "Global research, Political analysis, Strategic insight".
More brainwashing.

Forget Fox, and forget CNN and all the rest of the media. They're irrelevant, no one cares what they say or think.

Just LOOK at the graph. Look at the one in the right. Look at the vertical section of the blue line.

HOW MUCH red vote do you see accompanying that particular vote dump?

ZERO !!! Amirite? Yes of course I am, I'm never wrong.

The graph shows ZERO red vote inside a very large vote dump, and THAT is statistically IMPOSSIBLE.

Now, I don't care what you "call" it. A steal, a security problem, whatever you want to call it - but you can not deny its existence.

It's MATH, it's not a fucking opinion. The math says you have an outlier that's six to seven standard deviations out, and that NEVER happens. Not in a fair race.

And furthermore - one glitch is a coincidence, two glitches raise eyebrows, and three glitches are a pattern - but FIVE glitches all in swing states and all at the same time and all in the same direction suggest a concerted manipulation.
It's not an accurate graph scruffy. It's incomplete, it stops days before the counting ends and all you are looking at are the absentee vote batches being entered. If you look at the actual tallies he allegedly made the graphs from, Trump too got 100% of the vote in the well. Counters were separating Trump votes and Biden votes before tally entries...

75% of the absentee voter's were Democratic voters, who were told to stay away from covid infected polling places and vote absentee ballot...they did.

Trump told his voters to vote in person and have a covid spreading party. :)

And that is exactly how they voted, as the chart shows....primarily Repubs voted on election day, democrats voted primarily thru absentee ballot, which counts are entered after election day votes.

All registered voters who made a request for an absentee ballot, could vote that way once they received the ballot requested. Absentee ballot voting nearly doubled in some states....and in person election day voting was greatly reduced.I

No absentee ballot was counted in the vote tally, if the individual registered voter, had not requested a ballot be mailed to them. And the ballot mailed to the voter had tracking, where the voter could follow their ballot until counted...or rejected for signature match, then they had 10 days past election day to come back in to cure the non signature match.

There are no previous graphs that can be compared to...this was a major shift in voting.

There is no opportunity to dump fraudulent ballots as you suggest....

as previously said, all ballots in the 5 swing states, the registered voter had to individually request a ballot to be mailed to them. Fraudulent ballot dumps of absentee ballots, is IMPOSSIBLE to do, with the checks in place.

I love to vote mail in ballot! You can get the ballot early, have time to evaluate the candidates and any referendum questions we vote on locally..... It's awesome! I don't have to worry about trying to make it to my polling place in a snow or icestorm.... Absentee voting is the best thing since sliced bread and I never want to vote, any other way!!!
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It's not an accurate graph scruffy. It's incomplete, it stops days before the counting ends and all you are looking at are the absentee vote batches being entered. If you look at the actual tallies he allegedly made the graphs from, Trump too got 100% of the vote in the well. Counters were separating Trump votes and Biden votes before tally entries...

75% of the absentee voter's were Democratic voters, who were told to stay away from covid infected polling places and vote absentee ballot...they did.

Trump told his voters to vote in person and have a covid spreading party. :)

And that is exactly how they voted, as the chart shows....primarily Repubs voted on election day, democrats voted primarily thru absentee ballot, which counts are entered after election day votes.

All registered voters who made a request for an absentee ballot, could vote that way once they received the ballot requested. Absentee ballot voting nearly doubled in some states....and in person election day voting was greatly reduced.I

No absentee ballot was counted in the vote tally, if the individual registered voter, had not requested a ballot be mailed to them. And the ballot mailed to the voter had tracking, where the voter could follow their ballot until counted...or rejected for signature match, then they had 10 days past election day to come back in to cure the non signature match.

There are no previous graphs that can be compared to...this was a major shift in voting.

There is no opportunity to dump fraudulent ballots as you suggest....

as previously said, all ballots in the 5 swing states, the registered voter had to individually request a ballot to be mailed to them. Fraudulent ballot dumps of absentee ballots, is IMPOSSIBLE to do, with the checks in place.

I love to vote mail in ballot! You can get the ballot early, have time to evaluate the candidates and any referendum questions we vote on locally..... It's awesome! I don't have to worry about trying to make it to my polling place in a snow or icestorm.... Absentee voting is the best thing since sliced bread and I never want to vote, any other way!!!

Well, he says he's an election security expert....but somehow he can't answer how the GOP picked up seats at the same time the blob lost.

Then again, he also says he didn't vote for Trump so I'm always curious why he's so upset the blob lost.
More brainwashing.

Forget Fox, and forget CNN and all the rest of the media. They're irrelevant, no one cares what they say or think.

Just LOOK at the graph. Look at the one in the right. Look at the vertical section of the blue line.

HOW MUCH red vote do you see accompanying that particular vote dump?

ZERO !!! Amirite? Yes of course I am, I'm never wrong.

The graph shows ZERO red vote inside a very large vote dump, and THAT is statistically IMPOSSIBLE.

Now, I don't care what you "call" it. A steal, a security problem, whatever you want to call it - but you can not deny its existence.

It's MATH, it's not a fucking opinion. The math says you have an outlier that's six to seven standard deviations out, and that NEVER happens. Not in a fair race.

And furthermore - one glitch is a coincidence, two glitches raise eyebrows, and three glitches are a pattern - but FIVE glitches all in swing states and all at the same time and all in the same direction suggest a concerted manipulation. what district(s) did the dump occur and how many votes were "dumped"
It's not an accurate graph scruffy. It's incomplete, it stops days before the counting ends and all you are looking at are the absentee vote batches being entered. If you look at the actual tallies he allegedly made the graphs from, Trump too got 100% of the vote in the well. Counters were separating Trump votes and Biden votes before tally entries...

75% of the absentee voter's were Democratic voters, who were told to stay away from covid infected polling places and vote absentee ballot...they did.

Trump told his voters to vote in person and have a covid spreading party. :)

And that is exactly how they voted, as the chart shows....primarily Repubs voted on election day, democrats voted primarily thru absentee ballot, which counts are entered after election day votes.

All registered voters who made a request for an absentee ballot, could vote that way once they received the ballot requested. Absentee ballot voting nearly doubled in some states....and in person election day voting was greatly reduced.I

No absentee ballot was counted in the vote tally, if the individual registered voter, had not requested a ballot be mailed to them. And the ballot mailed to the voter had tracking, where the voter could follow their ballot until counted...or rejected for signature match, then they had 10 days past election day to come back in to cure the non signature match.

There are no previous graphs that can be compared to...this was a major shift in voting.

There is no opportunity to dump fraudulent ballots as you suggest....

as previously said, all ballots in the 5 swing states, the registered voter had to individually request a ballot to be mailed to them. Fraudulent ballot dumps of absentee ballots, is IMPOSSIBLE to do, with the checks in place.

I love to vote mail in ballot! You can get the ballot early, have time to evaluate the candidates and any referendum questions we vote on locally..... It's awesome! I don't have to worry about trying to make it to my polling place in a snow or icestorm.... Absentee voting is the best thing since sliced bread and I never want to vote, any other way!!!
That's 47 different (and sometimes contradictory) excuses wrapped into one post! What am I supposed to do, pick the one I like? :p
Remind me which party is the party of Jewish space lasers, Satanic cults in the basement of Comet Pizza, an attempted coup, the Parkland shooting as a false flag, Paul Pelosi in a lover's quarrel with a gay prostitute, windmills causing cancer, daily performative assholery, and the Democrats laundering Ukrainian money through FTX.
Both parties are batshit insane, hack.
1. Jewish space lasers? That's MTG not the GOP. Which party thinks Guam will capsize? <g>
2. Satanic cults at Comet Pizza? This is your brain on drugs, not the GOP. Which party thinks math is racist? <g>
3. There was no attempted coup, just a riot against perceived voter fraud, not a GOP endorsed riot, unlike the summer BLM riots.
4. The Parkland shooting, Pelosi's hubby, nor windmill cancer, are planks in any GOP political platform.

See the difference? I'm comparing political POLICIES, not 1-off nutty comments.
1. Jewish space lasers? That's MTG not the GOP. Which party thinks Guam will capsize? <g>
2. Satanic cults at Comet Pizza? This is your brain on drugs, not the GOP. Which party thinks math is racist? <g>
3. There was no attempted coup, just a riot against perceived voter fraud, not a GOP endorsed riot, unlike the summer BLM riots.
4. The Parkland shooting, Pelosi's hubby, nor windmill cancer, are planks in any GOP political platform.

See the difference? I'm comparing political POLICIES, not 1-off nutty comments.
The one-off nuts have formed a collective club of non-stop never-ending batshittery.

As for all those "virtues" you claim the New Right has, their ACTIONS betray their true nature of evil.

Anyone who thinks one party is better than the other is a damned fool.
The one-off nuts have formed a collective club of non-stop never-ending batshittery.
As for all those "virtues" you claim the New Right has, their ACTIONS betray their true nature of evil.
Anyone who thinks one party is better than the other is a damned fool.
We can both agree that neither party is perfect, in fact they are both far from perfect.

However, as can be seen from many of their policy positions in the OP, Republicans are much closer to my "traditional" views than democrats and their "amoral values".
I do think that Republicans are better than democrats, especially when teaching kids about morals, patriotism, and life choices.
See the difference? I'm comparing political POLICIES, not 1-off nutty comments.
Policies of the right are informed by their information ecosystem. There are too many 1-off nutty comments by too many powerful Republicans for this to be swept under the rug.

There are systemic problems in the right wing information ecosystem and this is leading to policy that affects people but moreover distracts from important problems.
Policies of the right are informed by their information ecosystem. There are too many 1-off nutty comments by too many powerful Republicans for this to be swept under the rug.
There are systemic problems in the right wing information ecosystem and this is leading to policy that affects people but moreover distracts from important problems.
Both parties have their "loose cannons". Their comments do not represent the party. Does the "defund the police" wing represent democrat party's position?

If you want to list RW policies that you are referring to we can see if they are true GOP policies. I'm thinking "climate change" and "vaccine mandates" as two deeply held policies where the parties are worlds apart. There may be others if you list them.
We can both agree that neither party is perfect, in fact they are both far from perfect.

However, as can be seen from many of their policy positions in the OP, Republicans are much closer to my "traditional" views than democrats and their "amoral values".
I do think that Republicans are better than democrats, especially when teaching kids about morals, patriotism, and life choices.
You mean your traditional views are serial adultery, forced abortions, child molestation, wife beating, stealing from the elderly, massive government overspending and growth, corruption, public drag shows, violating the law, and attempted coups?

Because that is what the modern GOP has demonstrated their values are by their ACTIONS.

And these are the BEST people you can find in your ranks!
The Michigan Republican Party investigated the claims of fraud, including the "dumps".

You can read their report debunking the Big Lie here: Wayback Machine
The "Big Lie" is that there was no fraud.

In Post # 287, asked you if you read post #s 215.....216....217.....218, in this thread. The fact that you didn't answer, tells me you didn't read those posts, including their links and sublinks + it could take a WEEK to read the whole thing, and not that much time has gone by. Until you do, IMO, you have nothing to say about 2020 election fraud.
Stupid libtard, we're talking about vertical lines and you're talking about reporting delays.

It's really just that simple. The didn't even really try to hide their thievery.
They can't get around those VERTICAL LINES, no matter what gobbledegook they come up with.

"And these batches were NOT 100% Biden votes," he added. "Behind the blue line, there is also a red line representing the thousands of votes Trump GAINED."

Indeed, the unofficial results for Milwaukee county, which includes the namesake city and 18 other municipalities, show that Biden secured 69.13 percent of those votes, while Trump received 29.28 percent, as of 3:56 am on November 4.

Counting Of Absentee Ballots Behind Surge For Joe Biden In Wisconsin | BOOM
FALSE! No there is NOT "a red line representing the thousands of votes Trump GAINED," That is a lie.

As anyone can plainly see, Trump's 4am redline could not be "thousands of votes gained - the red line is flat as a pancake. NO VOTES GAINED. The DUMPS (Vertical lines) were 100% Biden.



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