In the US today the one political party represents "CRAZY" and one party represents "NORMAL" (Poll)

Which party represents "normal", and which party represents "crazy"?

  • Republicans represent normal

    Votes: 43 51.2%
  • Republicans represent crazy

    Votes: 24 28.6%
  • Democrats represent normal

    Votes: 17 20.2%
  • Democrats represent crazy

    Votes: 51 60.7%

  • Total voters
From the Michigan GOP investigation:

10. Thousands of Ballots Were “Dumped” at the TCF Center on Election Night/The Next Morning
Several individuals testified and claimed that tens of thousands of ballots were “dumped” at the TCF Center on election night, when reported vote tallies showed that President Trump was still in the lead. They allege this occurred between 3 – 5 a.m. and that they were brought onto the floor to be counted. Chris Thomas, the senior elections advisor for the city of Detroit, stated he estimated 16,000 ballots were delivered to the TFC Center around that time. Some other persons and media speculated it was nearly 100,000, but most reported about 30,000-45,000. These ballots were submitted throughout Election Day at different locations, such as drop boxes, in the mail, and at the clerk’s main and satellite offices. After the ballots were compiled and processed at the clerk’s office, after the closing of polls at 8 p.m., they were brought to the TFC Center for counting. These ballots were not brought in a wagon as alleged, but via delivery truck and then placed on carts. A widely circulated picture in media and online reports allegedly showed ballots secretly being delivered late at night but, in reality, it was a photo of a WXYZ-TV photographer hauling his equipment.

Others claimed that the TCF Center security camera footage around the same time showed some type of “ballot dump.” While the video in question confirms that a number of ballots were delivered at the time alleged, it provides no evidence of fraudulent or wrongful conduct. In the video, the van arrived around 3:30 a.m. and unloaded the absentee ballots. Once unloaded, the van left around 3:55 a.m. to go back to the satellite office where the processing was occurring. The van arrived back once again around 4:30 a.m. to unload the final ballots.

This theory, like many of the other theories proposed as evidence of fraud, does not constitute actual evidence on its own. Those drawing such conclusions in their affidavits and testimony were asked to provide proof that something illegal actually occurred but no proof that ballots were fraudulent was provided or found by the Committee in testimony or in subpoenaed records. However, this situation does raise issues with the delayed and cumbersome process of obtaining absentee ballots from drop boxes on election night, when many other activities and processes are also ongoing. The Committee recommends that drop boxes not be utilized or be closed earlier than 8 p.m. on Election Day so that the time taken to collect such ballots will not, by necessity, extend processing and tabulating of such a large volume so long into the night. At the least, appointed staff should be on-hand to immediately collect ballots from drop boxes at 8 p.m. Additionally, the process of transferring ballots from the clerk’s office to other locations must be done with greater security and manifests so that there can be an accounting for each ballot sent and received between the two locations, establishing a chain of custody.

All that is relevant is Trump's flat redline, and Biden's LARGE VERTICAL blue line. Ho hum.
We can both agree that neither party is perfect, in fact they are both far from perfect.

However, as can be seen from many of their policy positions in the OP, Republicans are much closer to my "traditional" views than democrats and their "amoral values".
I do think that Republicans are better than democrats, especially when teaching kids about morals, patriotism, and life choices.

Morals. Really? Did you have the talk with your son about grabbing women by the pussy? Or, if a woman questions him...he should just say she was on her period?
1. Jewish space lasers? That's MTG not the GOP. Which party thinks Guam will capsize? <g>
2. Satanic cults at Comet Pizza? This is your brain on drugs, not the GOP. Which party thinks math is racist? <g>
3. There was no attempted coup, just a riot against perceived voter fraud, not a GOP endorsed riot, unlike the summer BLM riots.
4. The Parkland shooting, Pelosi's hubby, nor windmill cancer, are planks in any GOP political platform.

See the difference? I'm comparing political POLICIES, not 1-off nutty comments.

A resolution written by the RNC Chairwoman called the 1/6 riot "legitimate political discourse" so yes, the insurrection attempt was GOP endorsed.

Please list the DNC endorsing the BLM riots.
Poor gramps, even after failing to prove your claims, you repeat them anyway. Let's try this again, shall we? Starting from the top...
An anonymous email sent to the Justice Department criminal division and Arizona legislature alleged that in Pima County, 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election on behalf of each Democratic candidate at the local and federal level. The allegation coincides with a spike or "injection" of 143,000 votes noted at 8:06 p.m. on election night.
According to the email, discussed at a hearing, Pima County Democrats held a meeting on Sept. 10, 2020 in which plans were detailed to illegally inject 35,000 votes for each Democrat at the outset in statistically adjusted embeds that could be written off as human error if audited.

... show proof that 35,000 ballots were actually added for each Democratic candidate in Pima County or you're lying.

I already know you're lying. :badgrin:
Let's try this again, shall we? Starting from the top...

In the thread >> Trump: Stronger Than Ever

in Post # 676, I said >> "
last paragraph of Post # 460. Of course you'll say that it's not proof. LOL Well, nothing is "proof" to a liberal, unless it says what he wants to hear". :rolleyes:

And to the very end of that thread, you never quoted that post, never acknowldged it, never responded to it. And, after that illustrious display of cyber cowardice, you now pretend that I didn't provide my proof, when I did do that in that post # 460.

So instead of me lying as you claim, YOU were lying, and ARE lying now in this thread, and the truth caught up with you. It has a way of doing that.

And since you will probably DODGE that post # 460, and wait a while, and then again pretend it didn't exist, I'm going to copy/paste it for you right here, now >>

"An anonymous email sent to the Justice Department criminal division and Arizona legislature alleged that in Pima County, 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election, on behalf of each Democratic candidate at the local and federal level. The allegation coincides with a spike or "injection" of 143,000 votes noted at 8:06 p.m. on election night"

"In advance of the election"
means anytime before the election, which naturally could be well before the Sept 10 meeting, also. Could have been in August, Or July. Or June. Could actually have been in 2019.

Back to the 8th grade for you. :rolleyes:

And where's the evidence ? Well, liberals have a habit of dismissing evidence if it doesn't point favorably for them, This doesn't. Most objective observers would say that the combination of the report of the DOJ criminal division, and the "coincidence" (yeah right) of the coincide with a spike or "injection" of 143,000 votes noted at 8:06 p.m. on election night", is pretty worthwhile. People are serving time in prisons on circumstantial evidence less than that."
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Morals. Really? Did you have the talk with your son about grabbing women by the pussy? Or, if a woman questions him...he should just say she was on her period?
What about "grabbing women by the pussy." ? I'd appreciate if you would answer that directly, without deflecting to a snarky dodge.
A resolution written by the RNC Chairwoman called the 1/6 riot "legitimate political discourse" so yes, the insurrection attempt was GOP endorsed.

Please list the DNC endorsing the BLM riots.
There was no "insurrection" anything. That word is a hype from the leftist media. In over 1,000 arrests, not a single charge had the word "insurrection" in it.

And Rolling Stone isn't worth as much as lining a bird cage with.

Milwaukee is the one on the left. We're talking about the one on the right.

So now you're rebleating the second line of defense, which was also debunked and destroyed just moments after it was released.

See, to understand how ridiculous these excuses are, you have to understand a little math.

Look carefully at the graph on the right. What do you see?

Both lines are SMOOTH, right? Smew-th, till the vertical line.

And yet we know, that both lines represent the sum of "vote dumps" from the various precincts and counties.

So here's what you do: slide along the x axis from 0 to the anomaly. At each point, measure the DIFFERENCE between this point and the last point. (In other words, how many blue or red votes were added in THIS dump). All values should be (and are) positive and non-zero.

Now, for each such data point, calculate the absolute value (magnitude) of the DIFFERENCE between the number of blue votes and the number of red votes. And plot these numbers on a graph, and consider them as a time series.

You can now calculate the mean values of the increments in the red and blue votes, and therefore for any given amount of blue vote, you can calculate the expected amount of red vote.

What is impossible in the graph on the right, is that there is ZERO red vote accompanying the big blue glitch.

That is statistically IMPOSSIBLE, the odds of that happening are less than one in a million.

Keep trying though, maybe you'll find something new. :p which congressional district were these thousands and thousands of ballots dumped. They'd have to show up in those tallies as well. which congressional district were these thousands and thousands of ballots dumped. They'd have to show up in those tallies as well.
What difference does it make about "congressional district"? All congressional district's votes ae supposed to be counted (AND WATCHED)
In this election, vote count watching went out the window.
You mean your traditional views are serial adultery, forced abortions, child molestation, wife beating, stealing from the elderly, massive government overspending and growth, corruption, public drag shows, violating the law, and attempted coups?
Because that is what the modern GOP has demonstrated their values are by their ACTIONS.
And these are the BEST people you can find in your ranks!
I have no idea WTF your claims are about. If "attempted coups" is a clue, I know the list is bullshit.
This debate is about the policy differences between the parties.
A resolution written by the RNC Chairwoman called the 1/6 riot "legitimate political discourse" so yes, the insurrection attempt was GOP endorsed.
Please list the DNC endorsing the BLM riots.
1. J6 was not an insurrection. The GOP and DOJ said so.
2. The DNC may not have but most democrats endorsed the BLM riots
1. J6 was not an insurrection. The GOP and DOJ said so.
Are you calling assaulting cops "legitimate political discourse"? The GOP is saying so.


2. The DNC may not have but most democrats endorsed the BLM riots
View attachment 764589
Well clearly you're quoting these 4 people out of context. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Non-crazy people can have an honest debate. Since you cannot without're clearly crazy.


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Are you calling assaulting cops "legitimate political discourse"? The GOP is saying so.
Well clearly you're quoting these 4 people out of context. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Non-crazy people can have an honest debate. Since you cannot without're clearly crazy.
1. The GOP didn't endorse J6. The referenced document was for the censure of Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for being on the dem's kangaroo court.
2. Show me their quotes before calling me a liar. Hint: Their quotes are correct.
3. Your outrage is manufactured...

1. The GOP didn't endorse J6. The referenced document was for the censure of Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for being on the dem's kangaroo court.
You obviously didn't read the part that I've referenced twice where the GOP called 1/6 "legitimate political discourse".

Like the election denial simply can't deal in reality so you are, by definition, crazy.

2. Show me their quotes before calling me a liar. Hint: Their quotes are correct.
The quotes are correct. They were not made in reference to the BLM riots in at least one case.
3. Your outrage is manufactured...

View attachment 764609
You should expect nationwide outrage when you try to stage a coup and then say it was "legitimate political discourse".
You obviously didn't read the part that I've referenced twice where the GOP called 1/6 "legitimate political discourse".
Like the election denial simply can't deal in reality so you are, by definition, crazy.
The quotes are correct. They were not made in reference to the BLM riots in at least one case.
You should expect nationwide outrage when you try to stage a coup and then say it was "legitimate political discourse".
1. You are misrepresenting what the RNC meant by "legitimate political discourse". It was NOT about the riot. It was about the alternate electors. (google it)
Those activists were relatively small in number compared with the thousands who breached the Capitol: They were dozens of state and local GOP leaders who agreed to serve as electors for Trump and signed false documents claiming the former president had prevailed in at least five states that Joe Biden won. In McDaniel’s telling, those Republican activists were engaging in “legitimate” discourse by signing the false certificates and sending them to Washington, a crucial facet of Trump’s last-ditch plan to subvert the 2020 election.

2. The quotes encouraged violence. Be very careful when playing with matches in a gunpowder factory.

3. The election was a joke. If the RNC can't do a better job policing elections all hell will break loose.

to the suspicious total number of votes

We need to get back to election day, and mail in ballots by excuse only. Not election month when main-in votes can be "harvested" by activists.
1. You are misrepresenting what the RNC meant by "legitimate political discourse". It was NOT about the riot. It was about the alternate electors. (google it)
Those activists were relatively small in number compared with the thousands who breached the Capitol: They were dozens of state and local GOP leaders who agreed to serve as electors for Trump and signed false documents claiming the former president had prevailed in at least five states that Joe Biden won. In McDaniel’s telling, those Republican activists were engaging in “legitimate” discourse by signing the false certificates and sending them to Washington, a crucial facet of Trump’s last-ditch plan to subvert the 2020 election.
Oh that's what they meant. LOL. So they were not talking about the riot.... the supposedly "sane" party according to you called the "signing of false documents" (again, according to you) "legitimate political discourse."

Keep digging that hole.
2. The quotes encouraged violence. Be very careful when playing with matches in a gunpowder factory.
But of course now you're changing your story--we call the lying.

You said that the quotes were supporting the BLM riots. Now your backing away from that.

Doesn't sound very sane to me.
3. The election was a joke. If the RNC can't do a better job policing elections all hell will break loose.

to the suspicious total number of votes

We need to get back to election day, and mail in ballots by excuse only. Not election month when main-in votes can be "harvested" by activists.
Ahh, conspiracy theories.... Again...not very sane.

Are you on psychiatric medication?
Oh that's what they meant. LOL. So they were not talking about the riot.... the supposedly "sane" party according to you called the "signing of false documents" (again, according to you) "legitimate political discourse." Keep digging that hole.
But of course now you're changing your story--we call the lying.
You said that the quotes were supporting the BLM riots. Now your backing away from that.
Doesn't sound very sane to me.
Ahh, conspiracy theories.... Again...not very sane.
Are you on psychiatric medication?
1. That's what the RNC meant. So you're talking point is wrong. Digging what hole? Your lie? Stop lying.

2. Those seditious quotes instigated and encouraged violence. Whether BLM or not. Is violence the new acceptable norm? Think very carefully.

3. Facts are not conspiracy theory. House hearings just proved them. Even though you have a low-IQ, do try to keep up.

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