In warfare, drones are great for many reasons, but that's not really the question.



We know that shooting a tomahawk missile will leave many dead and wounded. In fact, an entire neighborhood could literally be leveled. This is why Obama has relied mostly on Drones. Every US military leader, active or retired I've seen interviewed approves of the use of Drones. The upper leadership of al Qaeda has been decimated by American drones.

Remember, Republicans aren't very bright. So the next question they ask is "Then why is there still al Qaeda?" (a line of reasoning they typically use. Example: If we evolved from apes, then why are there still apes?)

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. Who knows what plans and foundation he put in motion after close to a decade of virtual freedom? Add who knows how many from the hundreds of thousands of armed and trained Iraqi's from the old Iraqi military Republicans foolishly disbanded and both al Qaeda and Isis have a gigantic base of trained military recruits they can draw on.

So why doesn't Obama just leave?

He can't. Republicans have terrorized Americans into being terrified of everything. Obama has tried very hard to limit American involvement, but you know how easy it is for the GOP base to be made to cower in fear and terror. And Republicans are naturally scared. Put uneducated and backwards people into a modern world with modern technology and the GOP is what you get. After what the GOP did to get us into Iraq and the mess they created in the Middle East and they still haven't learned anything. They don't even know who are friends are in the Middle East or even if we have friends. And yet, they want to send our kids off to die? That makes them fools.

So in a real war, drones are great. Think of how many would have lived from the last couple of wars if we had been able to use drones.. But this is a religious war we should stay out of. And that's the answer to the real question no one is asking.
Who would Republicans target in the ME and where would they get the information from?
The far left who are no for drones strikes when they were against it pre 2009.

Then again what do you expect from these loyal far left drones that support the illegal wars of Obama.
The far left who are no for drones strikes when they were against it pre 2009.

Then again what do you expect from these loyal far left drones that support the illegal wars of Obama.
Wars are only legal when Republicans invade.
We know that shooting a tomahawk missile will leave many dead and wounded. In fact, an entire neighborhood could literally be leveled. This is why Obama has relied mostly on Drones. Every US military leader, active or retired I've seen interviewed approves of the use of Drones. The upper leadership of al Qaeda has been decimated by American drones.

Remember, Republicans aren't very bright. So the next question they ask is "Then why is there still al Qaeda?" (a line of reasoning they typically use. Example: If we evolved from apes, then why are there still apes?)

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. Who knows what plans and foundation he put in motion after close to a decade of virtual freedom? Add who knows how many from the hundreds of thousands of armed and trained Iraqi's from the old Iraqi military Republicans foolishly disbanded and both al Qaeda and Isis have a gigantic base of trained military recruits they can draw on.

So why doesn't Obama just leave?

He can't. Republicans have terrorized Americans into being terrified of everything. Obama has tried very hard to limit American involvement, but you know how easy it is for the GOP base to be made to cower in fear and terror. And Republicans are naturally scared. Put uneducated and backwards people into a modern world with modern technology and the GOP is what you get. After what the GOP did to get us into Iraq and the mess they created in the Middle East and they still haven't learned anything. They don't even know who are friends are in the Middle East or even if we have friends. And yet, they want to send our kids off to die? That makes them fools.

So in a real war, drones are great. Think of how many would have lived from the last couple of wars if we had been able to use drones.. But this is a religious war we should stay out of. And that's the answer to the real question no one is asking.

Uncle bill had him on a silver platter and let him go....crying that his hands were tied. This resulted in almost three thousand Americans losing their lives.
We know that shooting a tomahawk missile will leave many dead and wounded. In fact, an entire neighborhood could literally be leveled. This is why Obama has relied mostly on Drones. Every US military leader, active or retired I've seen interviewed approves of the use of Drones. The upper leadership of al Qaeda has been decimated by American drones.
Remember, Republicans aren't very bright. So the next question they ask is "Then why is there still al Qaeda?"
Oh look... more mindless partisan bigotry.
Tomahawk will not level an entire neighborhood.

Why do USMB Republicans say stupid things that can easily be debunked? Are they just stupid shits? They don't know how to use Google or search Youtube? An airfield is much larger than a neighborhood. Can anyone answer?
Tomahawk will not level an entire neighborhood.

Why do USMB Republicans say stupid things that can easily be debunked? Are they just stupid shits? They don't know how to use Google or search Youtube? An airfield is much larger than a neighborhood. Can anyone answer?

So you want to talk shit with obviously no military experience. The bomblets they used on the airfield are pretty light when it comes to explosives, they are used primarily against aircraft, light vehicles and personnel in open areas. They are not very effective in areas that have masonry buildings. A single 1000 pound warhead can level about a city block with light structures. BTW the drones used in the middle east are not normally cruise missiles. they are predator drones using hell fire missiles, which are much smaller than the tomahawk and more suitable for precision applications with less collateral damage.
The far left who are no for drones strikes when they were against it pre 2009.

Then again what do you expect from these loyal far left drones that support the illegal wars of Obama.
Wars are only legal when Republicans invade.

That's cause republicans go to congress before bombing other countries
Tomahawk will not level an entire neighborhood.

Why do USMB Republicans say stupid things that can easily be debunked? Are they just stupid shits? They don't know how to use Google or search Youtube? An airfield is much larger than a neighborhood. Can anyone answer?

So you want to talk shit with obviously no military experience. The bomblets they used on the airfield are pretty light when it comes to explosives, they are used primarily against aircraft, light vehicles and personnel in open areas. They are not very effective in areas that have masonry buildings. A single 1000 pound warhead can level about a city block with light structures. BTW the drones used in the middle east are not normally cruise missiles. they are predator drones using hell fire missiles, which are much smaller than the tomahawk and more suitable for precision applications with less collateral damage.

So it can level a neighborhood.
Tomahawk will not level an entire neighborhood.

Why do USMB Republicans say stupid things that can easily be debunked? Are they just stupid shits? They don't know how to use Google or search Youtube? An airfield is much larger than a neighborhood. Can anyone answer?

So you want to talk shit with obviously no military experience. The bomblets they used on the airfield are pretty light when it comes to explosives, they are used primarily against aircraft, light vehicles and personnel in open areas. They are not very effective in areas that have masonry buildings. A single 1000 pound warhead can level about a city block with light structures. BTW the drones used in the middle east are not normally cruise missiles. they are predator drones using hell fire missiles, which are much smaller than the tomahawk and more suitable for precision applications with less collateral damage.

So it can level a neighborhood.

Maybe a little one. I guess you missed the part that they aren't using them in the ME the tomahawk costs too much. Predators with hell fires are way less expensive and are more suitable and they won't even level a little neighborhood.
I support the use of drones against our enemies. This is one of the few areas I agree with Obama on. ;)

We're at war with the terrorist and drones are our tool for dealing with them.

Problem is Obama thinks conservatives are a bigger threat than al qaeda
Tomahawk will not level an entire neighborhood.

Why do USMB Republicans say stupid things that can easily be debunked? Are they just stupid shits? They don't know how to use Google or search Youtube? An airfield is much larger than a neighborhood. Can anyone answer?

Why are progressive people so ignorant? The fact is a Tomahawk won't level a whole block. It will blow the hell out of a large building though.
What is the difference between a drone blowing up a 16 year old American boy in a diner, on Obama's orders and a pressure cooker blowing up at a race?
Who is suggesting using Cruise Missile instead of drones? No one I see. The use of drones is exactly the war the left loves to wage. Hide in a bunker in Nevada and launch missiles with little concern of collateral damage. As long as there is not chance of damage to themselves.
Tomahawk will not level an entire neighborhood.

Why do USMB Republicans say stupid things that can easily be debunked? Are they just stupid shits? They don't know how to use Google or search Youtube? An airfield is much larger than a neighborhood. Can anyone answer?

So you want to talk shit with obviously no military experience. The bomblets they used on the airfield are pretty light when it comes to explosives, they are used primarily against aircraft, light vehicles and personnel in open areas. They are not very effective in areas that have masonry buildings. A single 1000 pound warhead can level about a city block with light structures. BTW the drones used in the middle east are not normally cruise missiles. they are predator drones using hell fire missiles, which are much smaller than the tomahawk and more suitable for precision applications with less collateral damage.

So it can level a neighborhood.

Maybe a little one. I guess you missed the part that they aren't using them in the ME the tomahawk costs too much. Predators with hell fires are way less expensive and are more suitable and they won't even level a little neighborhood.

That was my point from the beginning.
Who is suggesting using Cruise Missile instead of drones? No one I see. The use of drones is exactly the war the left loves to wage. Hide in a bunker in Nevada and launch missiles with little concern of collateral damage. As long as there is not chance of damage to themselves.
Answer me this question. Are you stupid.
The point is the small amount of collateral damage compared to using, oh, I don't know, a Cruise Missile? When right wingers say bomb everywhere, you know they don't mean using drones. Don't you? Well, don't you?

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