Incoming from the DEMS.. Dems are f*cked..

Fox nation, what an effen' joke. The democrats are absoutly crushing the GOP in the polls and looking to kick their asses again in 2014. But hey, keep right on believing the lies like a good sheep from your propaganda outlets :lol:
Some health insurance gets pricier as Obamacare rolls out -

Obamacare sticker shock | The Detroit News
Obamacare will increase underlying insurance rates for younger men by an average of 97 to 99 percent and for younger women by an average of 55 to 62 percent,” report Institute scholars, whose results echo an earlier Wall Street Journal study.
Better off are the 13 states that set up their own exchanges which will see premium hikes of 24 percent. Worse off are the 37 states, including Michigan, where Washington set up the exchange.
Nebraska will see the biggest increases, with premiums a staggering 279 percent higher for men and 227 percent higher for women. Faring best is Colorado, where rates will decline by 36 percent. Michigan will see a 166 percent increase for men and women.

Affordable Care Act: High deductibles could pinch consumers - Chicago Tribune

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