Incrementalism & Hermaphrodites


Sep 23, 2010
Actor Morgan Freeman speaking about Hussein does not understand how Socialists work:

. . . Freeman thinks he should not be called America's first black president.

"First thing that always pops into my head regarding our president is that all of the people who are setting up this barrier for him ... they just conveniently forget that Barack had a mama, and she was white — very white American, Kansas, middle of America," Freeman said. "There was no argument about who he is or what he is. America's first black president hasn't arisen yet. He's not America's first black president — he's America's first mixed-race president."

Morgan Freeman: No Black President For U.S. Yet
by NPR Staff
July 5, 2012

http://www.npr. org/2012/07/05/156212527/m org an-freeman-no-black-president-for-u-s-yet

I’m not joking about this. Socialists do everything incrementally. They think in incremental steps. They had to go for a half & half first. An all-black president is the next incremental step.

Skin color is one thing, but what is the incremental step that comes before a woman? If the incremental strategy holds fast the first Socialist woman president will have to be a hermaphrodite. That also explains why liberals so hate real women like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann. feed. com/explorer25/10-things-you-did n t-know-about-hermaphrodites-172z

Hussein never told the truth about anything in his life, but he sort of told the truth when he said:

“The law I passed is here to stay,”. . .

Obama: Health law ‘here to stay’
By Alicia M. Cohn - 07/05/12 12:52 PM ET

http://thehill .com/video/campaign/236305-obama-healthcare-law-is-here-to-stay

Even when Hussein tells the truth he tints it with a lie. He did not pass a law —— he signed the legislation Democrats rammed down the public’s throat.

Up to now it’s been impossible to give Hussein credit for doing anything for anybody. To be fair, his comment was a weak attempt to help out Democrats in the election by turning the public’s attention to himself and away from congressional Democrats who actually passed an abominable healthcare law.

Telling the truth is something new for Hussein. Move the cursor to 1:56 to hear a funny bit about his lying:

Obama lies about everything

I’m sure Hussein knows he has nothing to fear from this:

House Republicans late Thursday released their proposal to repeal the 2010 healthcare law, arguing that it has increased healthcare costs, puts Americans at risk of losing coverage, and is dragging down the economy.

The boy liar’s flirtation with the truth is on solid ground:

The measure is expected to pass the lower chamber but die in the Democratically-controlled Senate.

GOP releases 'Repeal of Obamacare Act'
By Pete Kasperowicz - 07/06/12 08:11 AM ET

http://thehill .com/b logs/floor-action/house/236405-go p-releases-repeal-of-obamacare-act

Black Americans align themselves with Hussein. As far as I’m concerned they can have the white half, too. When Hussein is talking he is lying. Blacks are welcome to all of the blame unless they claim the white half is doing the lying. Such a claim would open up an interesting debate.

The most amazing thing about Hussein is that so many Americans believe him the way children believe fairy tales. The immature minds of children believe a story the instant a storyteller says the words “Once upon a time.” Believing a tale is true before hearing it leaves no room to question the myriad of lies that weaves the story into a whole. Children do not doubt Cinderella is real; so in their minds a coach that turns into a pumpkin at midnight is just as real. Children still believe Hussein is a prince come to rescue Cinderella from a life of drudgery because they believed his tale the minute he said “Once upon a time” in his novel Dreams From My Father.

The old chestnut about blacks that I like is the one that says “Blacks have to be better than everybody else in order to succeed.” Considering Hussein’s shady financial past; black bible thumpers; the black crooks in Congress, and a long list of black crooks in state and local governments, I’d say that “Better than everybody else” only applies to athletes and show business. Of course, I might be wrong. The old chestnut probably includes being a better crook than everybody else.

Blacks might have to be better than everybody else as they claim, but Judi McLeod nails how one half-black succeeded:

It wasn’t his intelligence or talent that drew the power-hungry elite into the Obama tent. In their case, anyone would do, but Obama’s blind hatred of the USA offered them lots to work with.

This is how they did it: They needed a silver-tongued black orator. Obama is half black and half white, but comes off as having no white side.

Obama’s the perfect paper president of the global elite because any and all complaints about his hypocrisy bring on the easy charge of “racism!”

To Capture a Nation
Judi McLeod Saturday, July 7, 2012

To Capture a Nation
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Morgan is correct, but, the president acts white in a white world, and acts the home boy when in the crib, with his squares..

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