Independence Day 2019

Word. And that you are OCD with it is even worse. In the mean time, you have not refuted a thing I said, so keep it up. Displaying the pride in your coloring book is precious.

Seriously? That was the BEST comment you could come up with? Now that's so funny... :auiqs.jpg:
Word. And that you are OCD with it is even worse. In the mean time, you have not refuted a thing I said, so keep it up. Displaying the pride in your coloring book is precious.

Seriously? That was the BEST comment you could come up with? Now that's so funny... :auiqs.jpg:

Another person who doesn't have any facts to support their ego. No worries, everybody gets an award in conservative land too
All those homesteaders were dependent on welfare back in the day in the form of free land. The government paid its bills back in the day. Firearms were regulated back in the day. China and America traded freely and openly before conservatives screwed up that too. Oh the good old days pre-conservatives. We should get back there.
Is that just a flame post or do you really believe it?

I believe history. Not elementary school history coloring books.
Oh the ignorance of the partisan is always amazing to behold.

Word. And that you are OCD with it is even worse. In the mean time, you have not refuted a thing I said, so keep it up. Displaying the pride in your coloring book is precious.
Go away. I don’t like trolls mucking up my threads.

Still no facts, huh? Not surprising
It will never go back to the pure liberty we had long ago. But then again, in a nation of 700 million, mega cities, supersonic planes, in a world of terrorists and nukes, COULD we even go back to the way it was long ago? Maybe not. We have lost much but we have gained quite a bit, and we must stay safe too.
Nation of 700 million??? WTF!
Must be adding in the influx of illegals since Trump has been elected, can't ya feel the weight of it all now brother ?? LOL.
A day of mourning for liberty lost...

The Myth of Independence Day...
Today, the Jeffersonian ideals of personal natural rights and governmental legitimacy conditioned upon the individual consent of the governed have themselves become myths.

In Jefferson’s day, the voters knew all that the government did, and it knew nothing about them. Today, government operates largely in secrecy, and it captures our every communication.

In Jefferson’s day, the government needed the people’s expressed permission to tax and regulate them. Today, the people need the government’s permission to do nearly everything.

In Jefferson’s day, his colleagues fought for independence from England. Today, half the country is dependent on the government.

Did you consent to a Congress that steals liberty and property on a whim without due process; to a president who starts wars, raises taxes and spends money in defiance of Congress; or to courts that let folks be tried twice for the same crime or punished for crimes not yet committed?

Welcome to Independence Day 2019.
The Myth of Independence Day - LewRockwell
We definitely have changed, and we have lost a lot.... Trump is fighting an up hill battle to re-energize the concept, but he is being fought at every angle and every turn by the deranged left.
I don’t believe that. Trump isn’t fighting to return our lost liberty or protect our freedom. He has done nothing to limit the power and coercion of government. In fact, he is expanding it just as his predecessors did.
Expanding in a better way, not a bad one.
A dying empire.

All Empires die eventually. Change is the only constant in the Universe. When it dies it will be our fault. Did we do our best to help educate the next generation? Did you or I ever volunteer to help schools? Did we go door to door to help out the right candidates? I'll be most conservatives are forced to answer NO. Did we live a bad life and give Christianity a bad name, souring the next generation on it? Divorce? Drinking?

We are to blame for this mess. We must be adult enough to admit it.
A dying empire.

All Empires die eventually. Change is the only constant in the Universe. When it dies it will be our fault. Did we do our best to help educate the next generation? Did you or I ever volunteer to help schools? Did we go door to door to help out the right candidates? I'll be most conservatives are forced to answer NO. Did we live a bad life and give Christianity a bad name, souring the next generation on it? Divorce? Drinking?

We are to blame for this mess. We must be adult enough to admit it.
This from someone who’s avatar says YES SIR while saluting in a tank. There must be an explanation.

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