Independents have no candidate

Well why not just say "I don't want David Duke's support" right away? It's not hard. In fact, it's quite easy.

I don't know whether Trump is a racist, but he certainly plays one on TV, and he certainly knows what motivates his "base".

Because Tapper was aware of it and the left does this shit. He knew he wasnt a Duke fan, but he wanted to keep the narrative and Trump fucked with him......
A Republican will always be tarred a racist by the media.......Noone ever called Trump one before he attack Obama

C'mon ... let's not pretend Trump hasn't flirted with racism many, many times over. Has he ever come out and said something where I was like, "That is 100%, undisputably a racist statement"? No. But he's said many things that made me scratch my head and wonder "why ... why would he say something like that? He has to know how people are going to perceive it". I believe they call it "dog-whistling".

That's not even mentioning the controversies of his past, before he became candidate Trump. Don't try and bullshit me, buddy.

"Race baiting" is what I call it. Lotta wags on this board don't seem to know the difference but you don't have to be a racist to bait those who are. And Rump is a master baiter.

he is a master baiter, I'd agree.
but hes not racist....its ludicrous and I personally get along with blacks and they with me. we even joke and have fun.
I had a guy at work give me the black power salute and I'd return a hail Hitler and we talked and hung out all the time.

It was for fun, because ewe have humanity and not this ridiculous idea we have to save everyone.

You can't compare yourself joking around with people who know you personally and are okay with it, to the POTUS ... obviously he has a much larger responsibility to avoid uttering borderline racist remarks, since a lot of the people in his country are not white. The POTUS is the President of the United States, not President of White America.
Only fools look at look at everything through race, that is not the real divide in this country grow up you silly little fucker.
Slade3200 , Stormy Daniels , John Shaw , Golfing Gator , Dont Taz Me Bro

Unfortunately, the best we may be able to do is watch these two insane parties pull us apart even further, so the people demand some sanity.

As 2020 candidates turn left, some Democrats worry about the center

Party activists have been energized as Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris and other candidates endorsed plans to provide Medicare coverage to every American, some form of tuition-free college, a national $15 minimum wage and the so-called "Green New Deal" advocated by U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

But Trump and his allies in the Republican Party have seized on those stances to attack the Democratic 2020 field as outside the American political mainstream — a claim the president plans to make throughout his re-election campaign, according to sources with knowledge of his strategy.

Some Democrats fear the argument has potency. They worry the primary may produce a nominee who will not appeal to centrist working and middle-class voters who voted for Trump in 2016 but whom Democrats believe they can win back.

"The big progressive programs are popular in a caucus or primary electorate, but probably don't move the needle among voters who want to find someone who will change Washington by tilting the system to favor people in the middle — not the very rich or the very poor," said Jeff Link, an Iowa Democrat who worked for former President Barack Obama's campaign.

And speaking of that, Trump will call anything 'socialism.' Democrats might as well go big.

This is all yet another extension of the "big lie" that traces back to the Red Scare daze, where the terms "communist" and "socialist" were intentionally tarnished and conflated with the more authoritarian European governments (and ignored with the less authoritarian ones to which the same labels could apply) as political pandering --- which also led to the intentional slurring of Liberalism by the same hyperconservative demagogues in the McCarthy era.

Ronald Reagan dabbled in this deceit specifically about "socialized medicine" in 1961 --- when the eeeebil plot of Medicare was imminent.


Notice that right at the start Reagan uses a quote from Norman Thomas conflating socialism with "liberalism". This is a fake quote. When you're selling deceit, veracity is the first casualty.

Author Upton Sinclair, who ran for both Congress (as a Socialist) and Governor of California (as a Democrat), noted the effect of deceitfully demonized terms:

"The American People will take Socialism, but they won’t take the label. I certainly proved it in the case of EPIC. Running on the Socialist ticket I got 60,000 votes, and running on the slogan to ‘End Poverty in California’ I got 879,000. I think we simply have to recognize the fact that our enemies have succeeded in spreading the Big Lie."​

Sadly this deceit slugs on even today. Scores of posters on this board fling "socialist" around like so many turds, yet can't explain why it's a turd even while they use socialist innovations like the internet to fling them. Ultimately it's the result of the failure of critical thinking. Nobody asks "why", they just swallow any emotional hook that matches what they want to hear. Context and meaning and veracity be damned.

Another example readily visible on this venue is the proliferation of fake quotes like Reagan's from 58 years ago and photoshopped images. Indeed there is nothing new about "fake news"; only its technology has changed. Reagan did it on a vinyl record; today we do it on Tweeter and Nosebook. But poisoning terminology has a long and infamous history.

Socialism is a living hell… Proven countless times over history so shut the fuck up you silly little fucker
I feel like we have no real candidate. I kinda like Tulsi but she can never win. All the current leading dems are shit as well.

Until people accept that the choice from either major party are pieces of shit and vote in mass for a 3rd party, we will never have good choices. We need an election or two where people just say "fuck it, no longer voting the lesser of two evils" and show that someone outside the two party paradigm can get significant votes.

Ross Perot might have been able to do this had he not dropped out the first election.
I was interested to see the rumors of the Kasich/Hickenlooper (or Hickenlooper/Kasich, whatever) ticket, just to see if some non-crazies could get some support. As I understand it, it never materialized, sadly.
No real conservative would ever vote for that ticket, kasich is Supported by the likes of Chris Matthews which makes him a progressive.
Chris Matthews is a fucking shit stain

No real conservative would ever vote for Trump...yet here we are...
Trump has governed more conservative than any career politician....
He may not be one himself but those are the facts
I feel like we have no real candidate. I kinda like Tulsi but she can never win. All the current leading dems are shit as well.

Until people accept that the choice from either major party are pieces of shit and vote in mass for a 3rd party, we will never have good choices. We need an election or two where people just say "fuck it, no longer voting the lesser of two evils" and show that someone outside the two party paradigm can get significant votes.

Ross Perot might have been able to do this had he not dropped out the first election.
I was interested to see the rumors of the Kasich/Hickenlooper (or Hickenlooper/Kasich, whatever) ticket, just to see if some non-crazies could get some support. As I understand it, it never materialized, sadly.
No real conservative would ever vote for that ticket, kasich is Supported by the likes of Chris Matthews which makes him a progressive.
Chris Matthews is a fucking shit stain

No real conservative would ever vote for Trump...yet here we are...
Trump has governed more conservative than any career politician....
He may not be one himself but those are the facts

There is nothing conservative about adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt in a booming economy.

There is nothing conservative about tariffs, they are governmental control over the economy...something real conservatives are against.
Slade3200 , Stormy Daniels , John Shaw , Golfing Gator , Dont Taz Me Bro

Unfortunately, the best we may be able to do is watch these two insane parties pull us apart even further, so the people demand some sanity.

As 2020 candidates turn left, some Democrats worry about the center

Party activists have been energized as Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris and other candidates endorsed plans to provide Medicare coverage to every American, some form of tuition-free college, a national $15 minimum wage and the so-called "Green New Deal" advocated by U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

But Trump and his allies in the Republican Party have seized on those stances to attack the Democratic 2020 field as outside the American political mainstream — a claim the president plans to make throughout his re-election campaign, according to sources with knowledge of his strategy.

Some Democrats fear the argument has potency. They worry the primary may produce a nominee who will not appeal to centrist working and middle-class voters who voted for Trump in 2016 but whom Democrats believe they can win back.

"The big progressive programs are popular in a caucus or primary electorate, but probably don't move the needle among voters who want to find someone who will change Washington by tilting the system to favor people in the middle — not the very rich or the very poor," said Jeff Link, an Iowa Democrat who worked for former President Barack Obama's campaign.

And speaking of that, Trump will call anything 'socialism.' Democrats might as well go big.

This is all yet another extension of the "big lie" that traces back to the Red Scare daze, where the terms "communist" and "socialist" were intentionally tarnished and conflated with the more authoritarian European governments (and ignored with the less authoritarian ones to which the same labels could apply) as political pandering --- which also led to the intentional slurring of Liberalism by the same hyperconservative demagogues in the McCarthy era.

Ronald Reagan dabbled in this deceit specifically about "socialized medicine" in 1961 --- when the eeeebil plot of Medicare was imminent.


Notice that right at the start Reagan uses a quote from Norman Thomas conflating socialism with "liberalism". This is a fake quote. When you're selling deceit, veracity is the first casualty.

Author Upton Sinclair, who ran for both Congress (as a Socialist) and Governor of California (as a Democrat), noted the effect of deceitfully demonized terms:

"The American People will take Socialism, but they won’t take the label. I certainly proved it in the case of EPIC. Running on the Socialist ticket I got 60,000 votes, and running on the slogan to ‘End Poverty in California’ I got 879,000. I think we simply have to recognize the fact that our enemies have succeeded in spreading the Big Lie."​

Sadly this deceit slugs on even today. Scores of posters on this board fling "socialist" around like so many turds, yet can't explain why it's a turd even while they use socialist innovations like the internet to fling them. Ultimately it's the result of the failure of critical thinking. Nobody asks "why", they just swallow any emotional hook that matches what they want to hear. Context and meaning and veracity be damned.

Another example readily visible on this venue is the proliferation of fake quotes like Reagan's from 58 years ago and photoshopped images. Indeed there is nothing new about "fake news"; only its technology has changed. Reagan did it on a vinyl record; today we do it on Tweeter and Nosebook. But poisoning terminology has a long and infamous history.

Socialism is a living hell… Proven countless times over history so shut the fuck up you silly little fucker

There are many people who don't think that Canada, Australia, Germany and Norway are a "living hell".

Since those are the countries that appear to be the models, maybe we should be discussing them for a change.
Until people accept that the choice from either major party are pieces of shit and vote in mass for a 3rd party, we will never have good choices. We need an election or two where people just say "fuck it, no longer voting the lesser of two evils" and show that someone outside the two party paradigm can get significant votes.

Ross Perot might have been able to do this had he not dropped out the first election.
I was interested to see the rumors of the Kasich/Hickenlooper (or Hickenlooper/Kasich, whatever) ticket, just to see if some non-crazies could get some support. As I understand it, it never materialized, sadly.
No real conservative would ever vote for that ticket, kasich is Supported by the likes of Chris Matthews which makes him a progressive.
Chris Matthews is a fucking shit stain

No real conservative would ever vote for Trump...yet here we are...
Trump has governed more conservative than any career politician....
He may not be one himself but those are the facts

There is nothing conservative about adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt in a booming economy.

There is nothing conservative about tariffs, they are governmental control over the economy...something real conservatives are against.
Hard to tell a "real conservative" from a flamboyant Keynesian at this point.
Stein did not help Trump at all.

Absolutely false. Trump won 3 states by a total of 80,000 votes. Stein took far more than that.

And Nader is hardly debatable. Nader won a couple hundred thousand votes in Florida. Liberal votes.

Bush "won" by about 500

So yea...third party candidates DO influence elections and the reality is that Star Bucks Billionaire can ONLY help Trump
Until people accept that the choice from either major party are pieces of shit and vote in mass for a 3rd party, we will never have good choices. We need an election or two where people just say "fuck it, no longer voting the lesser of two evils" and show that someone outside the two party paradigm can get significant votes.

Ross Perot might have been able to do this had he not dropped out the first election.
I was interested to see the rumors of the Kasich/Hickenlooper (or Hickenlooper/Kasich, whatever) ticket, just to see if some non-crazies could get some support. As I understand it, it never materialized, sadly.
No real conservative would ever vote for that ticket, kasich is Supported by the likes of Chris Matthews which makes him a progressive.
Chris Matthews is a fucking shit stain

No real conservative would ever vote for Trump...yet here we are...
Trump has governed more conservative than any career politician....
He may not be one himself but those are the facts

There is nothing conservative about adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt in a booming economy.

There is nothing conservative about tariffs, they are governmental control over the economy...something real conservatives are against.
Well, First of all the congress controls the purse... It’s in the constitution.
And collected federal taxes never leave Washington DC.

I am conflicted on the tariffs deal, I am more libertarian than conservative.
What we have been on the losing end of trade deals for decades and decades… Because of career politicians and their political correctness.
Slade3200 , Stormy Daniels , John Shaw , Golfing Gator , Dont Taz Me Bro

Unfortunately, the best we may be able to do is watch these two insane parties pull us apart even further, so the people demand some sanity.

As 2020 candidates turn left, some Democrats worry about the center

Party activists have been energized as Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris and other candidates endorsed plans to provide Medicare coverage to every American, some form of tuition-free college, a national $15 minimum wage and the so-called "Green New Deal" advocated by U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

But Trump and his allies in the Republican Party have seized on those stances to attack the Democratic 2020 field as outside the American political mainstream — a claim the president plans to make throughout his re-election campaign, according to sources with knowledge of his strategy.

Some Democrats fear the argument has potency. They worry the primary may produce a nominee who will not appeal to centrist working and middle-class voters who voted for Trump in 2016 but whom Democrats believe they can win back.

"The big progressive programs are popular in a caucus or primary electorate, but probably don't move the needle among voters who want to find someone who will change Washington by tilting the system to favor people in the middle — not the very rich or the very poor," said Jeff Link, an Iowa Democrat who worked for former President Barack Obama's campaign.

And speaking of that, Trump will call anything 'socialism.' Democrats might as well go big.

This is all yet another extension of the "big lie" that traces back to the Red Scare daze, where the terms "communist" and "socialist" were intentionally tarnished and conflated with the more authoritarian European governments (and ignored with the less authoritarian ones to which the same labels could apply) as political pandering --- which also led to the intentional slurring of Liberalism by the same hyperconservative demagogues in the McCarthy era.

Ronald Reagan dabbled in this deceit specifically about "socialized medicine" in 1961 --- when the eeeebil plot of Medicare was imminent.


Notice that right at the start Reagan uses a quote from Norman Thomas conflating socialism with "liberalism". This is a fake quote. When you're selling deceit, veracity is the first casualty.

Author Upton Sinclair, who ran for both Congress (as a Socialist) and Governor of California (as a Democrat), noted the effect of deceitfully demonized terms:

"The American People will take Socialism, but they won’t take the label. I certainly proved it in the case of EPIC. Running on the Socialist ticket I got 60,000 votes, and running on the slogan to ‘End Poverty in California’ I got 879,000. I think we simply have to recognize the fact that our enemies have succeeded in spreading the Big Lie."​

Sadly this deceit slugs on even today. Scores of posters on this board fling "socialist" around like so many turds, yet can't explain why it's a turd even while they use socialist innovations like the internet to fling them. Ultimately it's the result of the failure of critical thinking. Nobody asks "why", they just swallow any emotional hook that matches what they want to hear. Context and meaning and veracity be damned.

Another example readily visible on this venue is the proliferation of fake quotes like Reagan's from 58 years ago and photoshopped images. Indeed there is nothing new about "fake news"; only its technology has changed. Reagan did it on a vinyl record; today we do it on Tweeter and Nosebook. But poisoning terminology has a long and infamous history.

Socialism is a living hell… Proven countless times over history so shut the fuck up you silly little fucker

There are many people who don't think that Canada, Australia, Germany and Norway are a "living hell".

Since those are the countries that appear to be the models, maybe we should be discussing them for a change.

None of those are long term, hell where are far from long-term.
Socialism is the best incubator for dictatorships
Stein did not help Trump at all.

Absolutely false. Trump won 3 states by a total of 80,000 votes. Stein took far more than that.

And Nader is hardly debatable. Nader won a couple hundred thousand votes in Florida. Liberal votes.

Bush "won" by about 500

So yea...third party candidates DO influence elections and the reality is that Star Bucks Billionaire can ONLY help Trump
You do realize more people voted for the conservative/libertarian candidates in the 2016 election?
No Johnson voters would’ve ever voted for the Hildabeast...
Nader voters would not of shown up to the pills without him… It’s always been that way.
Just like spineless McCain and soulless Romney, no conservatives showed up to the polls in any number for those two clowns.

And Bush was just a better candidate, because Al gore is a fucking fraud And moron... lol

The Starbucks guy will just drop out… Extremist progressives have no stamina
Last edited:
There are many people who don't think that Canada, Australia, Germany and Norway are a "living hell". Since those are the countries that appear to be the models, maybe we should be discussing them for a change.
None of those are long term, hell where are far from long-term. Socialism is the best incubator for dictatorships
Regardless, you're arguing against a ghost. To more and more people, "socialism" is represented by those countries. So at some point, the Right will need to start focusing on what is actually happening.
There are many people who don't think that Canada, Australia, Germany and Norway are a "living hell". Since those are the countries that appear to be the models, maybe we should be discussing them for a change.
None of those are long term, hell where are far from long-term. Socialism is the best incubator for dictatorships
Regardless, you're arguing against a ghost. To more and more people, "socialism" is represented by those countries. So at some point, the Right will need to start focusing on what is actually happening.
You do realize all of those countries are on the verge of collapse, because they are running out of other peoples money. Socialism is a diminishing return in its entirety.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
There are many people who don't think that Canada, Australia, Germany and Norway are a "living hell". Since those are the countries that appear to be the models, maybe we should be discussing them for a change.
None of those are long term, hell where are far from long-term. Socialism is the best incubator for dictatorships
Regardless, you're arguing against a ghost. To more and more people, "socialism" is represented by those countries. So at some point, the Right will need to start focusing on what is actually happening.
You do realize all of those countries are on the verge of collapse, because they are running out of other peoples money. Socialism is a diminishing return in its entirety.
They have their problems, for sure, as do we. For example, we're spending ourselves into oblivion, even though we have a Republican President and he had Congress for two years. Our wealth gap is the worst it has been since the Great Depression, and one party blows it off as if it's nothing.

The word "socialism" no longer scares many people. If the GOP wants to stop what's coming, it will have to get its act together.
There are many people who don't think that Canada, Australia, Germany and Norway are a "living hell". Since those are the countries that appear to be the models, maybe we should be discussing them for a change.
None of those are long term, hell where are far from long-term. Socialism is the best incubator for dictatorships
Regardless, you're arguing against a ghost. To more and more people, "socialism" is represented by those countries. So at some point, the Right will need to start focusing on what is actually happening.
You do realize all of those countries are on the verge of collapse, because they are running out of other peoples money. Socialism is a diminishing return in its entirety.
They have their problems, for sure, as do we. For example, we're spending ourselves into oblivion, even though we have a Republican President and he had Congress for two years. Our wealth gap is the worst it has been since the Great Depression, and one party blows it off as if it's nothing.

The word "socialism" no longer scares many people. If the GOP wants to stop what's coming, it will have to get its act together.
Why should everyone have the same? does everyone do the same amount of work? and effort? does everyone have the same determination?

What’s up with this redistribution? The most inefficient way to redistribute which is wrong to begin with is through the federal government they are a bunch of fuck ups and always will be a bunch of fuck ups.

Of course socialism is on its way, the Bible tells all about it. And it is going to be a living hell in the end.
I was interested to see the rumors of the Kasich/Hickenlooper (or Hickenlooper/Kasich, whatever) ticket, just to see if some non-crazies could get some support. As I understand it, it never materialized, sadly.
No real conservative would ever vote for that ticket, kasich is Supported by the likes of Chris Matthews which makes him a progressive.
Chris Matthews is a fucking shit stain

No real conservative would ever vote for Trump...yet here we are...
Trump has governed more conservative than any career politician....
He may not be one himself but those are the facts

There is nothing conservative about adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt in a booming economy.

There is nothing conservative about tariffs, they are governmental control over the economy...something real conservatives are against.
Well, First of all the congress controls the purse... It’s in the constitution.
And collected federal taxes never leave Washington DC.

I am conflicted on the tariffs deal, I am more libertarian than conservative.
What we have been on the losing end of trade deals for decades and decades… Because of career politicians and their political correctness.

Congress cannot spend a dime without the signature from the is in the Constitution
No real conservative would ever vote for that ticket, kasich is Supported by the likes of Chris Matthews which makes him a progressive.
Chris Matthews is a fucking shit stain

No real conservative would ever vote for Trump...yet here we are...
Trump has governed more conservative than any career politician....
He may not be one himself but those are the facts

There is nothing conservative about adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt in a booming economy.

There is nothing conservative about tariffs, they are governmental control over the economy...something real conservatives are against.
Well, First of all the congress controls the purse... It’s in the constitution.
And collected federal taxes never leave Washington DC.

I am conflicted on the tariffs deal, I am more libertarian than conservative.
What we have been on the losing end of trade deals for decades and decades… Because of career politicians and their political correctness.

Congress cannot spend a dime without the signature from the is in the Constitution
Who came first the chicken or the egg
No real conservative would ever vote for Trump...yet here we are...
Trump has governed more conservative than any career politician....
He may not be one himself but those are the facts

There is nothing conservative about adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt in a booming economy.

There is nothing conservative about tariffs, they are governmental control over the economy...something real conservatives are against.
Well, First of all the congress controls the purse... It’s in the constitution.
And collected federal taxes never leave Washington DC.

I am conflicted on the tariffs deal, I am more libertarian than conservative.
What we have been on the losing end of trade deals for decades and decades… Because of career politicians and their political correctness.

Congress cannot spend a dime without the signature from the is in the Constitution
Who came first the chicken or the egg

The chicken of course, God created animals, not eggs.
"Race baiting" is what I call it. Lotta wags on this board don't seem to know the difference but you don't have to be a racist to bait those who are. And Rump is a master baiter.

he is a master baiter, I'd agree.
but hes not racist....its ludicrous and I personally get along with blacks and they with me. we even joke and have fun.
I had a guy at work give me the black power salute and I'd return a hail Hitler and we talked and hung out all the time.

It was for fun, because ewe have humanity and not this ridiculous idea we have to save everyone.

You can't compare yourself joking around with people who know you personally and are okay with it, to the POTUS ... obviously he has a much larger responsibility to avoid uttering borderline racist remarks, since a lot of the people in his country are not white. The POTUS is the President of the United States, not President of White America.

George Wallace built a whole career on race-baiting, speaking of Independent candidates. Like the others his plan was to siphon off enough electoral votes that the election would have to be thrown into the House of Representatives. Came close to doing it too.

I think he was pretty direct.....but yeah he was a piece of shit.....
He did come close but failed and were all thankful for that

We are, even if the end result was we got Nixon :eek:
The point though was, back to the topic, an example of the only way a third party can possibly hope to win the Presidency, by sucking off enough Electoral Votes from the D and R candidates that nobody comes out with 270.

We actually have a system where we can split our preferences to the point where the electorate's third and possibly fringe choice can get Constitutionally "elected". Quincy Adams got in this way even though Andrew Jack

son finished more than ten points higher in the popular vote and won 15 more in the EC.
"Race baiting" is what I call it. Lotta wags on this board don't seem to know the difference but you don't have to be a racist to bait those who are. And Rump is a master baiter.

he is a master baiter, I'd agree.
but hes not racist....its ludicrous and I personally get along with blacks and they with me. we even joke and have fun.
I had a guy at work give me the black power salute and I'd return a hail Hitler and we talked and hung out all the time.

It was for fun, because ewe have humanity and not this ridiculous idea we have to save everyone.

You can't compare yourself joking around with people who know you personally and are okay with it, to the POTUS ... obviously he has a much larger responsibility to avoid uttering borderline racist remarks, since a lot of the people in his country are not white. The POTUS is the President of the United States, not President of White America.

George Wallace built a whole career on race-baiting, speaking of Independent candidates. Like the others his plan was to siphon off enough electoral votes that the election would have to be thrown into the House of Representatives. Came close to doing it too.

I think he was pretty direct.....but yeah he was a piece of shit.....
He did come close but failed and were all thankful for that

We are, even if the end result was we got Nixon :eek:
The point though was, back to the topic, an example of the only way a third party can possibly hope to win the Presidency, by sucking off enough Electoral Votes from the D and R candidates that nobody comes out with 270.

We actually have a system where we can split our preferences to the point where the electorate's third and possibly fringe choice can get Constitutionally "elected". Quincy Adams got in this way even though Andrew Jackson finished more than ten points higher in the popular vote and won 15 more in the EC.

Yeah I agree, I just dont care about third parties much, they tend to be too extreme for me
Trump has governed more conservative than any career politician....
He may not be one himself but those are the facts

There is nothing conservative about adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt in a booming economy.

There is nothing conservative about tariffs, they are governmental control over the economy...something real conservatives are against.
Well, First of all the congress controls the purse... It’s in the constitution.
And collected federal taxes never leave Washington DC.

I am conflicted on the tariffs deal, I am more libertarian than conservative.
What we have been on the losing end of trade deals for decades and decades… Because of career politicians and their political correctness.

Congress cannot spend a dime without the signature from the is in the Constitution
Who came first the chicken or the egg

The chicken of course, God created animals, not eggs.
Bingo! Congress is the chicken… And the constitution says the President shall not make legislation and that includes spending the purse.

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