Indictment of Donald Trump reminds is that the US is a republic, not a democracy

Yeah, remember when WJ told us Trump would be found guilty of Russian collusion, Jussie Smollet was a "hate crime" victim, and there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?

Oh, wait. That was the super serious MSM slop you apparently devour on a daily basis.

"Politico"? What a fucking joke - only ignorant losers read such propagandistic tripe.

And no matter how many times generic "News" Left wing garbage sites let you down, you continue to fall for it.

They just need an air of superficial legitimacy and to satisfy your confirmation bias.

The good news is you can break out of the cycle.

I should know, I used to be you.

Sorry you're still trapped in the matrix, bub.
WMD's in Iraq, you are so stupid. It was the right wing media that was trumpeting that bullshit. Something like 90% of Fox News viewers believed there were WMD's in Iraq. Meanwhile 90% of NPR listeners knew otherwise.

And I am sick and tired of you stupid shits bitching about the "source" while posting up shit from PJ Media, the Western Journal, and my personal favorite, the Gateway Pundit. I mean take the National Review, what the hell does it take to be a contributor as far as qualifications? NOTHING. Hell, they would post up something written by a second grader if it forwarded their agenda.

Look, you guys from the right often bitch about public education, but one thing is for damn sure. What little education you did retain didn't include critical thinking. I mean you don't even have the basic skills. Back-checking the source, evaluating bias, seeking confirmation. Hell, why bother, you find something that confirms your own bias and then fall for it, hook, line, and sinker. Then you bury your head in the sand when any rebuttal takes place. From where I come from, that makes you a FOOL. A court jester, an idiot, someone to either laugh at or pity, take your pick.

And here is the thing. While Trump might be a piece of shit, he is smart enough to know that there are a lot of people way dumber than his sorry ass. He banks on it, and he laughs at you behind your back. He has no respect whatsoever for fools like you, he only uses you. That is sad.
I don't care if the guy is a dick. He still has rights.
And if the agencies inside the government have been weaponized against him, or any other Republican, that is against the law.
The only people at fault here is the Biden Adm and any co-conspirators that planned this operation with him.
NO, he is a dick and he is getting what he has coming to him. You can't leave the White House, take confidential documents, and then be recorded bragging about taking them and showing them off. Trump is a damn IDIOT. How hard is it to figure that out?
WMD's in Iraq, you are so stupid. It was the right wing media that was trumpeting that bullshit.

Another unnuanced, braindead Lefty.

It's amazing how many of you are into binary thinking, considering the Left's current penchant for "non-binary".

I was a Democrat then, I hated Bush Jr. - and still do.

But now the Democrat Party has moved to accommodate the stagnant remnants of the neocon movement.

You think Orange Man should be in jail for having documents that he had already declassified related to Crossfire Hurricane, but that the guy who illegally invaded Iraq is one of the good ones. (Because he has come out as anti-MAGA, surprise surprise.)

Your toddler-like understanding of politics seems to be "R is red team always bad, D is blue team forever good."

Its insipid, drooling stupidity without a whiff of critical thought.

Oh, and your current "President" - the Chinese stooge who has convinced you to take your eye off the ball and funnel billions of tax payer dollars into yet another war (this time in Ukraine - gotta keep that "defense" industry happy!); he voted to invade Iraq.

And so did your last Presidential nominee.

You, in the parlance of more astute political observers everywhere - are what we call an idiotic asshole.

And a waste of time.

At least you're good for somethin'.
Espionage is spying.


That's what Obama did.


There is no way you can make an espionage charge stick, especially since Trump didn't even know that those docs were classified anymore.

ummmm ... auCONtraire, lenny. they have donny dead to rights on tape admitting to the fact that he knew docs were classified & he had no authority to declassify since he was NO LONGER prez.

dylan fail.gif

You think Orange Man should be in jail for having documents that he had already declassified related to Crossfire Hurricane, but that the guy who illegally invaded Iraq is one of the good ones. (Because he has come out as anti-MAGA, surprise surprise.)
That right there tells me that you haven't read the indictment. He was showing off plans for attacking Iran you stupid little prick. And he admitted, on tape, that they were not declassified. I mean seriously, how can you post on threads about this shit and be so ill-informed? Isn't you mommy calling you to come up out of the basement for supper. Were a democrat, what, were you like six when Bush Jr. was president?

I mean I am sorry that I have to unload on your ignorant ass but you are what is making this country SUCK. You are far from a "patriot", more like a useful idiot. A real patriot takes their responsibility seriously and doesn't fall for every crack addict right wing leaning website, and especially not for "documents already declassified related to Crossfire Hurricane". I mean it is sad that collusion was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt because Trump all but got down and sucked Putin's cock. He openly admitted he trusted Putin above his this governments security agencies, and you are all right with that. Patriot my damn ass. You are a piece of shit MORON. Own it.
I mean I am sorry that I have to unload on your ignorant ass

Don't be so presumptuous as to assume I give a shit haha

I've heard the recording, I've read the indictment.

It proves absolutely nothing, and the 1970 Presidential Records Act (not even mentioned in the indictment) supersedes the Espionage Act.

Sorry, you will lose.



What a sucker you are. ;)
There is no way you can make an espionage charge stick, especially since Trump didn't even know that those docs were classified anymore.

Uh....You realize that time only flows in one direction, right? Because your sentence is kind of like a time line pretzel.

Didn't know they were classified anymore.....What is that supposed to mean? Are you suggesting that Donald declassified them, then someone re-classified them, broke into Mar a Lago to re-stamp them, but re-stamped them in invisible ink, but Donald couldn't have known because lemon juice is a little too much like a vegetable for him to think twice about it?

Because if that's what you're saying then I have to admit you have a point. Donald wouldn't be caught dead with a vegetable.
"Espionage"? That's completely ridiculous.

Please explain how an independently-wealthy businessman who ran on a platform of "making America great again", would sell classified government secrets to our enemies, for money, no less.

If that doesn't sound as stupid to you as it does to me, you're just using your head for a hat rack. :auiqs.jpg:
If you had a heart attack and the local plumber ran on a platform of making your heart great again, not by a Heart Surgeon, you would need to have a Brain Surgeon first.

*Be nice, Stephanie. Be nice, Stephanie. Only say nice things. Gentle does it.*

Here's the thing. That sentence may not be the best sentence to use to criticize other people's intelligence.
I'm not saying anything about your intelligence, I am saying You are ignorant of politics and history etcetera and have to be to believe all the total crap propaganda and conspiracy theories you do believe in. There was no election steal vaccine hoax global warming hoax corrupt Bidens you name it it's crap... I'm sure you're just fine beside your ridiculous politics. Check all the news, not just the propaganda station and the Internet nuts...


ummmm ... auCONtraire, lenny. they have donny dead to rights on tape admitting to the fact that he knew docs were classified & he had no authority to declassify since he was NO LONGER prez.

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Never mind the fact that the president decides what is classified in his communications, not the DOJ or NARA.

According to the Presidential Records Act the NARA was supposed to take charge of Trump's records once he left office and manage them. But of course they refused to do so for political reasons.

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