Inflation Plummeting Rapidly

Not very good news from Republican opponents of Joe Biden in 2024. This sucks because I’m a Republican and I want Biden to lose.
its time to support the party of success instead of the party of recessions.
remember, every republican president for the past 100 years has had a recession, whereas only 1 dem has had a recession in that same time period.

Democrats have a long term history of success, whereas republicans have had a long term history of failure.

I think the GOP need a total blow up and reset like they tried to do after the failures of 2000-2008. Trump has exposed and damaged the republicans badly, most republicans are scared of Trump and scared to stand up to him because they all only care about their jobs and power and not America at all.
Any republican that put America first and stood up to Trump for his crimes and riots was "primaried" and lost.
The fraud Lindsey Graham made 1 attempt to criticize Trump after the Jan 6th Insurrection, and he got confronted in the airport and cried like a weakling and fell in line.

Trump lost the election and then lied about fraud that never happened, then incited a riot based on those lies, then he stole highly classified documents and lied about having them, and showed the documents to people. The majority of America realizes this and Trump and the GOP are in big trouble because trump is a liability now.
its time to support the party of success instead of the party of recessions.
remember, every republican president for the past 100 years has had a recession, whereas only 1 dem has had a recession in that same time period.

Democrats have a long term history of success, whereas republicans have had a long term history of failure.

I think the GOP need a total blow up and reset like they tried to do after the failures of 2000-2008. Trump has exposed and damaged the republicans badly, most republicans are scared of Trump and scared to stand up to him because they all only care about their jobs and power and not America at all.
Any republican that put America first and stood up to Trump for his crimes and riots was "primaried" and lost.
The fraud Lindsey Graham made 1 attempt to criticize Trump after the Jan 6th Insurrection, and he got confronted in the airport and cried like a weakling and fell in line.

Trump lost the election and then lied about fraud that never happened, then incited a riot based on those lies, then he stole highly classified documents and lied about having them, and showed the documents to people. The majority of America realizes this and Trump and the GOP are in big trouble because trump is a liability now.
Republicans are always having to clean up the mess left by the democrats.
3.97 is what I paid yesterday.
A lot more than when Trump was running the country.
The average price of gasoline was $2.349 when Trump took office. It was $2.334 when left. He took office to a blistering economy and left in a devastating Covid recession. Ironically, gasoline prices were nearly the same. Trump did nothing, do you get that, nothing to reduce gasoline prices. If anything, he propped them up. During his tenure domestic drilling shrank due to Covid, the one saving grace was a price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia.

Until Covid hit the Trump presidency saw oil imports of over 200 million barrels a month, many months over 250 million barrels. Under Biden there has not been a single month where imports were not less than 200 million barrels a day. Regarding domestic production, Trump's best month was November of 2019, 13 million barrels a day. Right after he left office it had dropped to less than 10 million barrels a day. Biden has had one month where domestic production was under 11 million barrels a day, September of 2021. Last month on record was March 2023, 12.7 million barrels a day and we are on track to break Trump's record before the end of the year.

The "Inflation Reduction Act" is a climate bill.

Good grief.
A "climate bill" that implemented a minimum 15% corporate income tax on corporations with more a billion dollars in income. A "climate bill" that finally allowed Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices and implements a $2,000 out of pocket limit on prescription drug costs for Medicare beneficiaries starting next year.
The average price of gasoline was $2.349 when Trump took office. It was $2.334 when left. He took office to a blistering economy and left in a devastating Covid recession. Ironically, gasoline prices were nearly the same. Trump did nothing, do you get that, nothing to reduce gasoline prices. If anything, he propped them up. During his tenure domestic drilling shrank due to Covid, the one saving grace was a price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia.

Until Covid hit the Trump presidency saw oil imports of over 200 million barrels a month, many months over 250 million barrels. Under Biden there has not been a single month where imports were not less than 200 million barrels a day. Regarding domestic production, Trump's best month was November of 2019, 13 million barrels a day. Right after he left office it had dropped to less than 10 million barrels a day. Biden has had one month where domestic production was under 11 million barrels a day, September of 2021. Last month on record was March 2023, 12.7 million barrels a day and we are on track to break Trump's record before the end of the year.

Then why in hell am I paying 3.97 a gallon for gas? Even before the Saudi's cut production we were paying a premium.
Thanks Biden.

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