Inflation Plummeting Rapidly

Inflation came in at a weak and low 0.1% MoM !!! and dropped to 4% YoY !!!
Pretty soon we will have negative inflation and deflation.

Biden has reduced inflation.
Biden has greatly reduced the annual deficit form the massive deficit he inherited from Trump
At the same time, Biden has given us the best jobs market in US history with strong and solid wage increases.

Jobs jobs and more jobs, that is the Biden presidency !!!

It's "The Green New Deal" with a different title, moron. What part of that bill is making anything better for any Americans today?
Then why in hell am I paying 3.97 a gallon for gas? Even before the Saudi's cut production we were paying a premium.
Thanks Biden.
A flurry of issues have contributed to higher gas prices this year, including rebounding demand in gasoline after Covid lockdowns, lower supplies and sanctions on Russian gas imports across the globe.

oil prices are back on the rise as global demand for crude rebounds, driven by China’s emergence from Covid lockdowns. There’s concern that oil supplies could be squeezed further by a worsening of the Russia-Ukraine war. Meanwhile, the U.S. is taking some oil off the market—by refilling its strategic petroleum reserve.

Just reporting gas prices here in Oregon. Intelligent adults realize fuel prices drive overall inflation. Sorry if that fact torpedoes your propaganda, fake-conservative useful idiot.
If fuel prices Drive overall inflation, then why did overall inflation rate go down while the opposite was true of fuel?
You have some explaining to do as to why you ignore the overall reading.
A "climate bill" that implemented a minimum 15% corporate income tax on corporations with more a billion dollars in income. A "climate bill" that finally allowed Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices and implements a $2,000 out of pocket limit on prescription drug costs for Medicare beneficiaries starting next year.
An anti-inflation bill that has nearly 400 billion for climate projects.
Inflation came in at a weak and low 0.1% MoM !!! and dropped to 4% YoY !!!
Pretty soon we will have negative inflation and deflation.

Biden has reduced inflation.
Biden has greatly reduced the annual deficit form the massive deficit he inherited from Trump
At the same time, Biden has given us the best jobs market in US history with strong and solid wage increases.

Jobs jobs and more jobs, that is the Biden presidency !!!

Hunter, Hunter, Hunter, these are the facts:

Are you a fact denier?
If fuel prices Drive overall inflation, then why did overall inflation rate go down while the opposite was true of fuel?
You have some explaining to do as to why you ignore the overall reading.
First off, I don’t have to explain anything to a fool who doesn’t realize that high fuel prices raise the price of anything that requires fuel for manufacturing or distribution. Sit down, clown, the adults are talking.
I see that The Banker still hasn't validated how the "Inflation Reduction Act" has reduced inflation .. Do tell.
fixed supply lines to lower costs.
increased the amount of women in the workforce to lower costs
fixing infrastructure to lower costs
increasing taxes on the ultra wealthy which reduces inflation and increases revenue for the government, which reduces debt.
fixed supply lines to lower costs.
increased the amount of women in the workforce to lower costs
fixing infrastructure to lower costs
increasing taxes on the ultra wealthy which reduces inflation and increases revenue for the government, which reduces debt.
I'll nibble .. How did the Inflation Reduction Act "Fix supply lines to lower costs?" Which supply chains?

If you increase revenue, and increase spending .. how have you lowered debt?

The inflation reduction act was focused on climate change, tax enforcement, negotiation of Medicare prescriptions, etc .. ... How was inflation fixed with these provisions that don't tackle inflation?
I'll nibble .. How did the Inflation Reduction Act "Fix supply lines to lower costs?" Which supply chains?

If you increase revenue, and increase spending .. how have you lowered debt?

The inflation reduction act was focused on climate change, tax enforcement, negotiation of Medicare prescriptions, etc .. ... How was inflation fixed with these provisions that don't tackle inflation?
all of them lowered cost or raised revenues.

Biden has lowered the annual deficit significantly and substantially since taking office using some of these policies.
Lowering drug costs lowers inflation etc

clearly it is working as inflation is dropping rapidly
fixed supply lines to lower costs.
increased the amount of women in the workforce to lower costs
fixing infrastructure to lower costs
increasing taxes on the ultra wealthy which reduces inflation and increases revenue for the government, which reduces debt.
Congratulations. It only took you 3 hours to pull these out of your ass.
How exactly does "increas(ing) the amount of women in the workforce lower costs" ?
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Congratulations. It only took you 3 hours to pull these out of your ass.
How and exactly does "increas(ing) the amount of women in the workforce lower costs" ?
more workers for the 10M job openings that Biden has because Biden has a world record job market.
More workers eases the problems from inc costs due to labor shortages, because Biden has such a booming labor market.

Biden's labor market is literally so good it is hurting the economy, so this eases that Burden.
all of them lowered cost or raised revenues.

Biden has lowered the annual deficit significantly and substantially since taking office using some of these policies.
Lowering drug costs lowers inflation etc

clearly it is working as inflation is dropping rapidly
Oh really? .. because some of those provisions haven't even started yet, and then will span a 10 year period. Better check the bottom of your shoes .. I'm smelling bullshit.
Oh really? .. because some of those provisions haven't even started yet, and then will span a 10 year period. Better check the bottom of your shoes .. I'm smelling bullshit.
Well the fact remains
Biden passed the inflation reduction act
and inflation is dropping
and Biden has the best labor market in US history
and once all this noise works its way through the economy, it will booom again like in 2021 because the fundamentals of our economy are extremely strong and inflation is in decline.
its time to support the party of success instead of the party of recessions.
remember, every republican president for the past 100 years has had a recession, whereas only 1 dem has had a recession in that same time period.

Democrats have a long term history of success, whereas republicans have had a long term history of failure.

I think the GOP need a total blow up and reset like they tried to do after the failures of 2000-2008. Trump has exposed and damaged the republicans badly, most republicans are scared of Trump and scared to stand up to him because they all only care about their jobs and power and not America at all.
Any republican that put America first and stood up to Trump for his crimes and riots was "primaried" and lost.
The fraud Lindsey Graham made 1 attempt to criticize Trump after the Jan 6th Insurrection, and he got confronted in the airport and cried like a weakling and fell in line.

Trump lost the election and then lied about fraud that never happened, then incited a riot based on those lies, then he stole highly classified documents and lied about having them, and showed the documents to people. The majority of America realizes this and Trump and the GOP are in big trouble because trump is a liability now.
That is a stretch on recessions. Woody Wilson caused the great depression with his agendas. He lied us into WW 1 and set the course for WW 2.

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