InfoWars Ban: CNN, Democrats Successfully Lobby Big Tech To Censor Their Critics...

There's a good analogy. There's some wackball here who buys (and sells) that whole Sandy Hook Hoax song and dance. I put him on Ignore for that reason, because an asshat who would spit in the face of grieving parents disgusts me.

That doesn't mean I'm "censoring" the asshat selling the hoax. He still posts whatever diarrhea he posts; I just don't have to wade through it.

Jones is like Trump - First and foremost a snake oil salesman.
He worked overtime to get the boot - with increasingly hateful and violent rhetoric.
Now he will cash in - just like he does with everything else.
Apparently his fans love to be picked up by the feet and have the change shaken out of their pockets.

We need full access to even the information we don't like. It gives us a much better chance of achieving informed opinions and beliefs. These types of bannings are Un-American, and bad for all of us in the end.

So your computer is incapable of surfing to

As I noted before, and there's no way to wiggle out of this --- your quest has nothing to do with the content; you're just butthurt over the idea that not as many other people will see it.

That's THEIR business. Not yours.
and you're so hellbent on being right you don't see where you're wrong do you pull the liberal scream at people and call them names to fill the gaps left out from the lack of honesty.

Hey, I took the poster's fake point to the cleaners. Don't like it? Make a counterargument. Diaper rash isn't an argument. Alex Jones already has that gig.


I'm sure you'd be babbling incoherently about "lawsuits" to force content carriers to do your bidding if it were Pee Wee Herman getting the boot ---------- right?
i've been in "discussions" with you. from your point of view anything you say is a victory. quite common among those who can't think for themselves.

flap around, have some fun and giggle. won't change what is happening in the end.

back to ignore.
This censorship craze isn't good for any of us. I know Democrats are cheering it, but it's very Un-American. There is an Information War on, for your mind. We should be allowed to access all information. Even the information we don't like. We can then decide for ourselves. Censorship is a very dangerous slippery-slope.

It's not un-american to own a business and make rules and if one doesn't play by the rules or one doesn't like what a customer said or did you can kick their ass out. You guys cheered the baker that wouldn't make a cake for a gay, it was his right.

And if four companies that own 90% of the industry decide to start banning users for political views, there will be uprising.

That's what is going on right now, rightfully.

You better take it while you can then because I suspect it will or would have been a rising you haven's see in a few years.
Interesting, this is exactly why InfoWars was created in the first place. There is an Information War on, for your mind. I try to tell folks, no Communist/Democrat will ever stand for the Constitution. In fact, they despise it. This is just one more example of that. Don't like what they're saying? Have them banned. Hopefully this won't be allowed to stand. Gotta keep on fighting the bastards.

Big tech’s coordinated purge of InfoWars — which was hit by bans from Apple, Facebook, Spotify and YouTube in rapid succession — did not occur in a vacuum. On this issue, Silicon Valley bowed to CNN journalists and Democrat politicians who ceaselessly lobbied for the site to be censored.

It’s a sign of how the concentration of power in America has shifted from big government to big tech that politicians are now lobbying tech companies rather than the other way round, but that’s exactly what happened over the course of the past few months, as Democrats applied relentless pressure on Facebook and other Silicon Valley giants to censor InfoWars.

Chief among them was Democratic Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL), who demanded that a Facebook representative “explain” their decision not to ban InfoWars at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on social media censorship last month. Calling Jones as “well-known conspiracy theorist” whose “brand is bullying,” Deutch also demanded Google’s representative explain how many strikes it would take for a channel on Google-owned YouTube to be deleted...

Read More:
InfoWars Ban - LewRockwell
Let us test out how firmly you believe in your blathering retarded stupidity. I will make a post, stating you are a child molester. If I get banned, I will assume it is because you cried about it, and I was wrongfully censored.
Honestly, every time i tune in to CNN and NBC, there's always some lunatic on screeching about Trump being a 'Nazi' and 'Racist.' How can Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and so on, consider that legitimate 'News?' If any media entities should be deemed 'Fake News' or 'inappropriate', it would have to be CNN and NBC. So why haven't they begun censoring or banning them?
It's all about controlling and limiting access to information. It's exactly why InfoWars was created in the first place. There is an Information War on, for your mind. And sadly, it now looks like the evil bastards are winning it. These types of bannings are Un-American, and bad for everyone in the end.
Independent corporations made specific business decisions to remove content that was going to impact their bottom line. They have an legal obligation to their stockholders to maintain their profitability.

Only an imbecile would believe the government via Congress should be empowered to step into their corporate boardrooms to have the final say on certain matters. Getting the government DIRECTLY involved in corporate business decisions as an actual arbiter would by far be a greater danger and TRULY Un-American. Be very careful what you wish for!!!!
This censorship craze isn't good for any of us. I know Democrats are cheering it, but it's very Un-American. There is an Information War on, for your mind. We should be allowed to access all information. Even the information we don't like. We can then decide for ourselves. Censorship is a very dangerous slippery-slope.

It's not un-american to own a business and make rules and if one doesn't play by the rules or one doesn't like what a customer said or did you can kick their ass out. You guys cheered the baker that wouldn't make a cake for a gay, it was his right.

And if four companies that own 90% of the industry decide to start banning users for political views, there will be uprising.

That's what is going on right now, rightfully.
Really? So, I can post on facebook porn, or instructions on building bombs, or suggesions that gays and lesbians be raped?
This censorship craze isn't good for any of us. I know Democrats are cheering it, but it's very Un-American. There is an Information War on, for your mind. We should be allowed to access all information. Even the information we don't like. We can then decide for ourselves. Censorship is a very dangerous slippery-slope.

It's not un-american to own a business and make rules and if one doesn't play by the rules or one doesn't like what a customer said or did you can kick their ass out. You guys cheered the baker that wouldn't make a cake for a gay, it was his right.

And if four companies that own 90% of the industry decide to start banning users for political views, there will be uprising.

That's what is going on right now, rightfully.
Really? So, I can post on facebook porn, or instructions on building bombs, or suggesions that gays and lesbians be raped?

Is sharing bomb instructions a political view? I did not realize.

Calling for violence is illegal you moron. Show what illegal acts Alex Jones did and I agree with you.
Interesting, this is exactly why InfoWars was created in the first place. There is an Information War on, for your mind. I try to tell folks, no Communist/Democrat will ever stand for the Constitution. In fact, they despise it. This is just one more example of that. Don't like what they're saying? Have them banned. Hopefully this won't be allowed to stand. Gotta keep on fighting the bastards.

Big tech’s coordinated purge of InfoWars — which was hit by bans from Apple, Facebook, Spotify and YouTube in rapid succession — did not occur in a vacuum. On this issue, Silicon Valley bowed to CNN journalists and Democrat politicians who ceaselessly lobbied for the site to be censored.

It’s a sign of how the concentration of power in America has shifted from big government to big tech that politicians are now lobbying tech companies rather than the other way round, but that’s exactly what happened over the course of the past few months, as Democrats applied relentless pressure on Facebook and other Silicon Valley giants to censor InfoWars.

Chief among them was Democratic Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL), who demanded that a Facebook representative “explain” their decision not to ban InfoWars at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on social media censorship last month. Calling Jones as “well-known conspiracy theorist” whose “brand is bullying,” Deutch also demanded Google’s representative explain how many strikes it would take for a channel on Google-owned YouTube to be deleted...

Read More:
InfoWars Ban - LewRockwell
DSCHRUTE3 is a child raping pedophile, who, in his spare time, also likes to f__k pumpkins and small dogs.
ask musk how well this worked for him.

when you fuck up, you don't mess around.

Alex Jones content be banned. Endorsing pedophilia is fine though.
Just turn on CNN or NBC right now. I'm sure there's a nutjob on ranting & raving about Trump being a 'Nazi' and 'Racist.' Or they'll be viciously attacking his family. Yet those media outlets are still deemed 'Credible News' by Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and so on. You wanna ban all 'Fake News' and 'Hate Media', you'll have to start with CNN and NBC.
This censorship craze isn't good for any of us. I know Democrats are cheering it, but it's very Un-American. There is an Information War on, for your mind. We should be allowed to access all information. Even the information we don't like. We can then decide for ourselves. Censorship is a very dangerous slippery-slope.

It's not un-american to own a business and make rules and if one doesn't play by the rules or one doesn't like what a customer said or did you can kick their ass out. You guys cheered the baker that wouldn't make a cake for a gay, it was his right.

And if four companies that own 90% of the industry decide to start banning users for political views, there will be uprising.

That's what is going on right now, rightfully.
Really? So, I can post on facebook porn, or instructions on building bombs, or suggesions that gays and lesbians be raped?

Is sharing bomb instructions a political view? I did not realize.

Calling for violence is illegal you moron. Show what illegal acts Alex Jones did and I agree with you.
Why not? Why is showing someone how to build a bomb illegal violence? Why can porn be "banned?" moron
So i guess Democrat media outlets like CNN and NBC, can spew all the Fake News and hate they want. They're still deemed 'Credible News.' Tells you who's behind these bannings. What a sad scam.
Honestly, every time i tune in to CNN and NBC, there's always some lunatic on screeching about Trump being a 'Nazi' and 'Racist.' How can Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and so on, consider that legitimate 'News?' If any media entities should be deemed 'Fake News' or 'inappropriate', it would have to be CNN and NBC. So why haven't they begun censoring or banning them?

I watch CNN on occasion and have never seen anything you describe. Perhaps you should keep it on for more than 20 seconds?

Let me get one thing straight with regards to your stupid OP:
Do you also believe that the four separate social media companies who've banned Alex's bullshit have a responsibility to air Russian Fake News intended to subvert our democracy and sow chaos?

A simple yes or no will do
Jones is like Trump - First and foremost a snake oil salesman.
He worked overtime to get the boot - with increasingly hateful and violent rhetoric.
Now he will cash in - just like he does with everything else.
Apparently his fans love to be picked up by the feet and have the change shaken out of their pockets.

We need full access to even the information we don't like. It gives us a much better chance of achieving informed opinions and beliefs. These types of bannings are Un-American, and bad for all of us in the end.

So your computer is incapable of surfing to

As I noted before, and there's no way to wiggle out of this --- your quest has nothing to do with the content; you're just butthurt over the idea that not as many other people will see it.

That's THEIR business. Not yours.
and you're so hellbent on being right you don't see where you're wrong do you pull the liberal scream at people and call them names to fill the gaps left out from the lack of honesty.

Hey, I took the poster's fake point to the cleaners. Don't like it? Make a counterargument. Diaper rash isn't an argument. Alex Jones already has that gig.


I'm sure you'd be babbling incoherently about "lawsuits" to force content carriers to do your bidding if it were Pee Wee Herman getting the boot ---------- right?
i've been in "discussions" with you. from your point of view anything you say is a victory. quite common among those who can't think for themselves.

flap around, have some fun and giggle. won't change what is happening in the end.

back to ignore.

Why not put everyone on ignore that you disagree with instead of debating intelligently?
Simply find your safe-space like most Trumplings and then STFU!
Honestly, every time i tune in to CNN and NBC, there's always some lunatic on screeching about Trump being a 'Nazi' and 'Racist.' How can Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and so on, consider that legitimate 'News?' If any media entities should be deemed 'Fake News' or 'inappropriate', it would have to be CNN and NBC. So why haven't they begun censoring or banning them?

I watch CNN on occasion and have never seen anything you describe. Perhaps you should keep it on for more than 20 seconds?

Let me get one thing straight with regards to your stupid OP:
Do you also believe that the four separate social media companies who've banned Alex's bullshit have a responsibility to air Russian Fake News intended to subvert our democracy and sow chaos?

A simple yes or no will do

It's Fake News and hate for the most part. Tune it right now, and i'm sure there's some loon on ranting & raving about Trump being 'Satan.' Or viciously attacking his family. How can that be deemed 'Credible News?' If we're gonna censor and ban all 'Fake News' and 'Hate Media', we'll definitely have to start with CNN and NBC.
Far-left media also played a role in demanding tech giants appoint themselves as the arbiters of free speech. Here’s the Guardian attacking Facebook for continuing to host InfoWars, and here’s BuzzFeed’s Joe Bernstein wondering why Twitter hasn’t followed Facebook, YouTube, Spotify and Apple in today’s purge. Bernstein was retweeted by CNN’s Oliver Darcy by the way...

InfoWars Ban: CNN, Democrats Successfully Lobby Big Tech to Censor Their Critics | Breitbart
You're the ones who didn't want net neutrality. You wanted Big Tech to be able to control content. Enjoy.
So i guess Democrat media outlets like CNN and NBC, can spew all the Fake News and hate they want. They're still deemed 'Credible News.' Tells you who's behind these bannings. What a sad scam.

People watching Fox news claiming other news is "fake" seem too dumb for words -- beyond help.
Far-left media also played a role in demanding tech giants appoint themselves as the arbiters of free speech. Here’s the Guardian attacking Facebook for continuing to host InfoWars, and here’s BuzzFeed’s Joe Bernstein wondering why Twitter hasn’t followed Facebook, YouTube, Spotify and Apple in today’s purge. Bernstein was retweeted by CNN’s Oliver Darcy by the way...

InfoWars Ban: CNN, Democrats Successfully Lobby Big Tech to Censor Their Critics | Breitbart
You're the ones who didn't want net neutrality. You wanted Big Tech to be able to control content. Enjoy.
what the unholy fuck?

net neutrality would have zero to do with these companies censoring people.

good god the ignorance reeks at times.
Interesting, this is exactly why InfoWars was created in the first place. There is an Information War on, for your mind. I try to tell folks, no Communist/Democrat will ever stand for the Constitution. In fact, they despise it. This is just one more example of that. Don't like what they're saying? Have them banned. Hopefully this won't be allowed to stand. Gotta keep on fighting the bastards.

Big tech’s coordinated purge of InfoWars — which was hit by bans from Apple, Facebook, Spotify and YouTube in rapid succession — did not occur in a vacuum. On this issue, Silicon Valley bowed to CNN journalists and Democrat politicians who ceaselessly lobbied for the site to be censored.

It’s a sign of how the concentration of power in America has shifted from big government to big tech that politicians are now lobbying tech companies rather than the other way round, but that’s exactly what happened over the course of the past few months, as Democrats applied relentless pressure on Facebook and other Silicon Valley giants to censor InfoWars.

Chief among them was Democratic Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL), who demanded that a Facebook representative “explain” their decision not to ban InfoWars at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on social media censorship last month. Calling Jones as “well-known conspiracy theorist” whose “brand is bullying,” Deutch also demanded Google’s representative explain how many strikes it would take for a channel on Google-owned YouTube to be deleted...

Read More:
InfoWars Ban - LewRockwell

Free market.

/end thread
Interesting, this is exactly why InfoWars was created in the first place. There is an Information War on, for your mind. I try to tell folks, no Communist/Democrat will ever stand for the Constitution. In fact, they despise it. This is just one more example of that. Don't like what they're saying? Have them banned. Hopefully this won't be allowed to stand. Gotta keep on fighting the bastards.

Big tech’s coordinated purge of InfoWars — which was hit by bans from Apple, Facebook, Spotify and YouTube in rapid succession — did not occur in a vacuum. On this issue, Silicon Valley bowed to CNN journalists and Democrat politicians who ceaselessly lobbied for the site to be censored.

It’s a sign of how the concentration of power in America has shifted from big government to big tech that politicians are now lobbying tech companies rather than the other way round, but that’s exactly what happened over the course of the past few months, as Democrats applied relentless pressure on Facebook and other Silicon Valley giants to censor InfoWars.

Chief among them was Democratic Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL), who demanded that a Facebook representative “explain” their decision not to ban InfoWars at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on social media censorship last month. Calling Jones as “well-known conspiracy theorist” whose “brand is bullying,” Deutch also demanded Google’s representative explain how many strikes it would take for a channel on Google-owned YouTube to be deleted...

Read More:
InfoWars Ban - LewRockwell

Free market.

/end thread
is it free if you can ban people who say things you don't like?


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