InfoWars Ban: CNN, Democrats Successfully Lobby Big Tech To Censor Their Critics...

Infowars spreads actionable and dangerous lies about people .

These formats don’t want to get caught up in lawsuits . It’s really that simple .

What exactly is an actionable lie Timmy?

Claiming parents of kids killed at Sandy Hook are actually government plants. Claiming a pizza shop houses Hillary’s sex slaves . Resulting in a guy shooting up the place .

Infowars has put people in real danger with their made up stories.

Yeah...those Conservatives really need to stop shooting up Congressional baseball practices.
Shits getting crazy ain't it?

Just another law abiding gun owner. Right ?

Nope...just another crazy leftist such as yourself.
You dont own any firearms do you?
Pretty sure the feds should pay you a visit before the midterms if you do.

If he’s a crazy lefty he wouldn’t own a gun.

It’s you righties who say we all need guns to fight off an oppressive government. They guys just doing what you preach .
What exactly is an actionable lie Timmy?

Claiming parents of kids killed at Sandy Hook are actually government plants. Claiming a pizza shop houses Hillary’s sex slaves . Resulting in a guy shooting up the place .

Infowars has put people in real danger with their made up stories.

Yeah...those Conservatives really need to stop shooting up Congressional baseball practices.
Shits getting crazy ain't it?

Just another law abiding gun owner. Right ?

Nope...just another crazy leftist such as yourself.
You dont own any firearms do you?
Pretty sure the feds should pay you a visit before the midterms if you do.

If he’s a crazy lefty he wouldn’t own a gun.

It’s you righties who say we all need guns to fight off an oppressive government. They guys just doing what you preach .
Lefties are all hypocrites
What exactly is an actionable lie Timmy?

Claiming parents of kids killed at Sandy Hook are actually government plants. Claiming a pizza shop houses Hillary’s sex slaves . Resulting in a guy shooting up the place .

Infowars has put people in real danger with their made up stories.

Yeah...those Conservatives really need to stop shooting up Congressional baseball practices.
Shits getting crazy ain't it?

Just another law abiding gun owner. Right ?

Nope...just another crazy leftist such as yourself.
You dont own any firearms do you?
Pretty sure the feds should pay you a visit before the midterms if you do.

If he’s a crazy lefty he wouldn’t own a gun.

It’s you righties who say we all need guns to fight off an oppressive government. They guys just doing what you preach .

Looks like his army of one crapped out.
I can assure you...there are far more American Patriots that will step up if you shitheads push to far.
Claiming parents of kids killed at Sandy Hook are actually government plants. Claiming a pizza shop houses Hillary’s sex slaves . Resulting in a guy shooting up the place .

Infowars has put people in real danger with their made up stories.

Yeah...those Conservatives really need to stop shooting up Congressional baseball practices.
Shits getting crazy ain't it?

Just another law abiding gun owner. Right ?

Nope...just another crazy leftist such as yourself.
You dont own any firearms do you?
Pretty sure the feds should pay you a visit before the midterms if you do.

If he’s a crazy lefty he wouldn’t own a gun.

It’s you righties who say we all need guns to fight off an oppressive government. They guys just doing what you preach .
Lefties are all hypocrites

True or false . Righties day we need guns to fight off the government.
Yeah...those Conservatives really need to stop shooting up Congressional baseball practices.
Shits getting crazy ain't it?

Just another law abiding gun owner. Right ?

Nope...just another crazy leftist such as yourself.
You dont own any firearms do you?
Pretty sure the feds should pay you a visit before the midterms if you do.

If he’s a crazy lefty he wouldn’t own a gun.

It’s you righties who say we all need guns to fight off an oppressive government. They guys just doing what you preach .
Lefties are all hypocrites

True or false . Righties day we need guns to fight off the government.
Actually the military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment
Just another law abiding gun owner. Right ?

Nope...just another crazy leftist such as yourself.
You dont own any firearms do you?
Pretty sure the feds should pay you a visit before the midterms if you do.

If he’s a crazy lefty he wouldn’t own a gun.

It’s you righties who say we all need guns to fight off an oppressive government. They guys just doing what you preach .
Lefties are all hypocrites

True or false . Righties day we need guns to fight off the government.
Actually the military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment

They also have a job to do.

When you guys say you need an AR bla bla bla to fend off the government you really mean shooting cops, military, and or pols .
Nope...just another crazy leftist such as yourself.
You dont own any firearms do you?
Pretty sure the feds should pay you a visit before the midterms if you do.

If he’s a crazy lefty he wouldn’t own a gun.

It’s you righties who say we all need guns to fight off an oppressive government. They guys just doing what you preach .
Lefties are all hypocrites

True or false . Righties day we need guns to fight off the government.
Actually the military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment

They also have a job to do.

When you guys say you need an AR bla bla bla to fend off the government you really mean shooting cops, military, and or pols .
Actually the federal government would not use the military or police took to disarm America. They would have to use the deep state, CIA, FBI, US marshals etc.
The civilian federal government is the enemy of the country
Infowars spreads actionable and dangerous lies about people .

These formats don’t want to get caught up in lawsuits . It’s really that simple .
No different than CNN… The original fake news

Lol. CNN is vetted and respected world wide . Infowars has been exposed as liars many times over.

Oh, it’s also a scam where that tool sells all those fake products .
The Clinton news network Is really an opinion network...
Quit falling down the well
100% incorrect. But thanks for showing us who you are by not having the balls to call out Infowars for what it is.
Info wars/Alex Jones is absolutely harmless, just another opinion site. But then again progressives can’t tolerate anyone that disagrees with them, so what happened was not unexpected...

Infowars is a conduit for alt-right hate speech. He is not entitled to a platform to spew his hate.
No different than CNN… The original fake news

Lol. CNN is vetted and respected world wide . Infowars has been exposed as liars many times over.

Oh, it’s also a scam where that tool sells all those fake products .
The Clinton news network Is really an opinion network...
Quit falling down the well
100% incorrect. But thanks for showing us who you are by not having the balls to call out Infowars for what it is.
Info wars/Alex Jones is absolutely harmless, just another opinion site. But then again progressives can’t tolerate anyone that disagrees with them, so what happened was not unexpected...

Infowars is a conduit for alt-right hate speech. He is not entitled to a platform to spew his hate.
The most hate filled are the progressives, second only to Muslims... He is harmless. Now run along back to your safe space
Fascist behavior will not be rewarded at the ballot box.....why do libs forget that we have ways of getting informed outside of the fake news...?
They will not win by silencing...they will lose because of knock yourselves out...
No different than CNN… The original fake news

Lol. CNN is vetted and respected world wide . Infowars has been exposed as liars many times over.

Oh, it’s also a scam where that tool sells all those fake products .
The Clinton news network Is really an opinion network...
Quit falling down the well
100% incorrect. But thanks for showing us who you are by not having the balls to call out Infowars for what it is.
Info wars/Alex Jones is absolutely harmless, just another opinion site. But then again progressives can’t tolerate anyone that disagrees with them, so what happened was not unexpected...

Infowars is a conduit for alt-right hate speech. He is not entitled to a platform to spew his hate.
Can you provide some actual quotes of this hate speech?
Fascist behavior will not be rewarded at the ballot box.....why do libs forget that we have ways of getting informed outside of the fake news...?

Good, then you agree that YouTube managing its own accounts isn't "censoring" jack shit.

See if you can get that through to the OP and his ilk.
This is much much more than the censoring and silencing of their critics / opposition...

THUS IS THE SOCIALIAT TAKEOVER OF THE INTERNET, the 1st steps if an orchestrated govt takeover of the internet a la Iran, China, North Korea, etc...

....and they - the new Democratic Socialist Party - are actually trying to sell it by declaring it has to be done TO 'SAVE US'!



INSTAGRAM bans Tommy Robinson...

FACEBOOK Blocked Republican Candidate's Ad...

Asked to Change Rules for Journalists...

TWITTER Suspends Libertarian Accounts...

Senate Dems Circulating Plans for Govt Takeover of Internet...

‘Survival of our democracy’ depends on banning sites like InfoWars, Dem senator says

"Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., is calling on other tech companies to ban more sites like InfoWars, and says the survival of American democracy depends on it."

Members of the new Democratic Socialist Party - who hate everything about the Constitution - are declaring the only way to SAVE our Democracy is by DESTROYING it by putting an end to Constitutionally protected Rights, by SILENCING anyone they do not agree with / who do not agree with them...

We are seeing the evolution of the DNC to the new DSP, the shedding of the longtime masquerade of who liberals tried to project themselves as into a full embrace of who they really are...

Anti-Constitution, Anti-Rule of Law, Pro-Open Borders, Pro-Illegal Immigration, Anti-ICE, AntiPokice, racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, intolerant, violent, hate-driven Socialists...

They long to be....

Venezuela...North Korea, China, Iran, Russia...
It’s amazing this forum hasn’t banned a Russian troll like you.
Says a socialist… LOL
Idiot thinks calling someone a socialist is a epithet. Want to insult me call me an Agent Orange follower.
Socialists are the most cowardly motherfuckers on the planet… They can’t tolerate anybody that disagrees with them....

Capitalist Youtube shuts down Alex Jones
Republican conclusion Socialists did this..

Capitalist Hollywood promotes Liberal values.
Republican conclusion Socialists did this..

Capitalists hire millions of illegal immigrants.
Republican conclusion Socialists did this..

Capitalists outsource millions of American jobs.
Republican conclusion Socialists did this.
This is much much more than the censoring and silencing of their critics / opposition...

THUS IS THE SOCIALIAT TAKEOVER OF THE INTERNET, the 1st steps if an orchestrated govt takeover of the internet a la Iran, China, North Korea, etc...

....and they - the new Democratic Socialist Party - are actually trying to sell it by declaring it has to be done TO 'SAVE US'!



INSTAGRAM bans Tommy Robinson...

FACEBOOK Blocked Republican Candidate's Ad...

Asked to Change Rules for Journalists...

TWITTER Suspends Libertarian Accounts...

Senate Dems Circulating Plans for Govt Takeover of Internet...

‘Survival of our democracy’ depends on banning sites like InfoWars, Dem senator says

"Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., is calling on other tech companies to ban more sites like InfoWars, and says the survival of American democracy depends on it."

Members of the new Democratic Socialist Party - who hate everything about the Constitution - are declaring the only way to SAVE our Democracy is by DESTROYING it by putting an end to Constitutionally protected Rights, by SILENCING anyone they do not agree with / who do not agree with them...

We are seeing the evolution of the DNC to the new DSP, the shedding of the longtime masquerade of who liberals tried to project themselves as into a full embrace of who they really are...

Anti-Constitution, Anti-Rule of Law, Pro-Open Borders, Pro-Illegal Immigration, Anti-ICE, AntiPokice, racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, intolerant, violent, hate-driven Socialists...

They long to be....

Venezuela...North Korea, China, Iran, Russia...
It’s amazing this forum hasn’t banned a Russian troll like you.
Says a socialist… LOL
Idiot thinks calling someone a socialist is a epithet. Want to insult me call me an Agent Orange follower.
Socialists are the most cowardly motherfuckers on the planet… They can’t tolerate anybody that disagrees with them....

Capitalist Youtube shuts down Alex Jones
Republican conclusion Socialists did this..

Capitalist Hollywood promotes Liberal values.
Republican conclusion Socialists did this..

Capitalists hire millions of illegal immigrants.
Republican conclusion Socialists did this..

Capitalists outsource millions of American jobs.
Republican conclusion Socialists did this.
Na, not really
Much more like national socialists, all for the good of the collective
Fascist behavior will not be rewarded at the ballot box.....why do libs forget that we have ways of getting informed outside of the fake news...?

Good, then you agree that YouTube managing its own accounts isn't "censoring" jack shit.

See if you can get that through to the OP and his ilk.

They'll get the message. They'll also get the anti-trust sledgehammer.
Good, then you agree that YouTube managing its own accounts isn't "censoring" jack shit.

See if you can get that through to the OP and his ilk
Fakebook can do whatever they want....CRTV is the answer to MSM and we will have an answer to Fakebook too....
I dropped Fakebook years looks like that is catching on....The guy in the dirty T-shirt lost 17 billion in one they can go for it...peddle to the metal....
Interesting, this is exactly why InfoWars was created in the first place. There is an Information War on, for your mind. I try to tell folks, no Communist/Democrat will ever stand for the Constitution. In fact, they despise it. This is just one more example of that. Don't like what they're saying? Have them banned. Hopefully this won't be allowed to stand. Gotta keep on fighting the bastards.

Big tech’s coordinated purge of InfoWars — which was hit by bans from Apple, Facebook, Spotify and YouTube in rapid succession — did not occur in a vacuum. On this issue, Silicon Valley bowed to CNN journalists and Democrat politicians who ceaselessly lobbied for the site to be censored.

It’s a sign of how the concentration of power in America has shifted from big government to big tech that politicians are now lobbying tech companies rather than the other way round, but that’s exactly what happened over the course of the past few months, as Democrats applied relentless pressure on Facebook and other Silicon Valley giants to censor InfoWars.

Chief among them was Democratic Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL), who demanded that a Facebook representative “explain” their decision not to ban InfoWars at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on social media censorship last month. Calling Jones as “well-known conspiracy theorist” whose “brand is bullying,” Deutch also demanded Google’s representative explain how many strikes it would take for a channel on Google-owned YouTube to be deleted...

Read More:
InfoWars Ban - LewRockwell

You don't know much about 'Big tech' you?

Spotify is NOT based in Silicone Valley. It's not even based in America. It's a Swedish corporation.

Spotify - Wikipedia

And so what if these corporations listened to their customers and gave whacko dude the boot? That is free enterprise.

They did not do this because of what politician's said. They did this to placate their customers. Guaranteed.
And you cannot prove otherwise.

And again, that is free enterprise and I see nothing wrong with it.

Companies/corporations should be able include or exclude any video content they wish inside their corporations.

Or are you now saying that corporations should not be allowed to control the video content they project/post? Yes or no, please?

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