Infrastructure Questions

It will pay for itself.

You actually believer your own bullshit.

Corporate America cannot survive without modern infrastructure
Empty platitudes are empty.
Its a fact
Corporations cannot function without modern infrastructure.
They make a profit off of our infrastructure in roads, rails and ports

That is why this bill raises Corporate taxes to their previous levels
But you cheered when they went to Asia.
China invests more in modern infrastructure than we do.

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Good for China. Oh how great communism must be. Maybe it’s time you immigrated to the promise land?

How is Capitalism doing at fixing our roads and bridges?

Capitalism generates more than enough money to fix our roads and bridges. The politicians piss it away. What part of this don't you understand?
I want to know which Democratic club RWer belongs to.
There is one serious problem with building new infrastructure.

Paper money doesn't survive well when exposed to weather.

So far what we've seen by way of "building infrastructure" is just throwing money at something with nothing solid in return.

Unless that can be overcome there's not much point in the activity.
It will pay for itself.

You actually believer your own bullshit.

Corporate America cannot survive without modern infrastructure
Empty platitudes are empty.
Its a fact
Corporations cannot function without modern infrastructure.
They make a profit off of our infrastructure in roads, rails and ports

That is why this bill raises Corporate taxes to their previous levels
But you cheered when they went to Asia.
China invests more in modern infrastructure than we do.

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So you want us to be like China, that it?

You want the government to control what everyone does, where they go, what they think, who they associate with, and every aspect of their lives?

. . . of course you do.

What ever happened to American Exceptionalism?

The idea that we were a society that the world envied? America used to stand for the biggest and best in the world.

Today we have sold out to the Capitalists and Military Industrial Complex. Can’t be wasting money on things that actually help We the People

60 years of leftism destroyed American exceptionalism. Anything else?

Seems like the left is willing to invest in America.
Conservatives only want to invest in tax cuts for their wealthy friends
I think it’s time you visited a Blue metropolis.

No one pats themselves on the back for their own generosity like a leftist spending other people's money, huh?
China isolated COVID victims killing a few million of their citizens and they pay slave wages.
As the most pressing infrastructure probelm I would put water and gas lines in our older cities. I suggest a plan that puts aside up to 5% of federal tax revenues received from these metropolitan areas' occupants and businesses. For each metro area that applies to the plan, set aside that 5% in a trust fund from which match dollar-for-dollar any dough the area uses to upgade these gas and/or water lines. That's my quick moment's thought on the matter.
As the most pressing infrastructure probelm I would put water and gas lines in our older cities. I suggest a plan that puts aside up to 5% of federal tax revenues received from these metropolitan areas' occupants and businesses. For each metro area that applies to the plan, set aside that 5% in a trust fund from which match dollar-for-dollar any dough the area uses to upgade these gas and/or water lines. That's my quick moment's thought on the matter.
I agree...
That is a State, County or Municipality responsibility.
How about raising taxes to what they were before the schmuck trump lowered them by reconciliation? and how many of our biggest companies paid no fed tax at all?? 30 ? More? Just think of all the jobs, good paying jobs it will bring
Funny how for some reason state and federal taxes paid at the pump never seem to go toward maintaining infrastructure. Mass transit taxes property owners and yet most if not all mass transit systems don’t break even. Local taxes passed in the name of education and school infrastructure maintenance never seem to cure budget deficiencies. So what else is new? Cronyism is the lubricant of government.

Taxes collected are funneled to the politicians campaign donors in exchange for kickbacks to help them get re-elected. Our local school district requested a whopping tax increase due to 3 key issues. I pointed out the state had since funded 2 of the issues. The 3rd class size, I pointed out that the # of students in the district actually shrank by 500 students. Hence they don't need the tax increase. Since the money was really going into the teachers salaries and benefits naturally the teachers blew a gasket when I exposed their scheme. They got mad and told me to move out of the district in a not so nice way. I told them I love it when they tell taxpayers what they really think. Some other teachers took the hot heads aside and told them to be quiet. :auiqs.jpg:

When you hear government and teachers unions say, "do it for the kids" that's code for we will steal the money for salaries and benefits.

look at the test scores to see what their proficiency level is, then you will understand why Charter Schools are such a threat to their very existence, and they need more money for doing what?

NJ spends over $18,000 a year per student. Shocking right, but the teachers union steals most of that money.
China isolated COVID victims killing a few million of their citizens and they pay slave wages.

Where was China 50 years ago compared to the US?

They were paupers while the US was the envy of the world
We put a man on the moon, had the best of everything....Best cities, best roads, best communications.

Compare China today
Brand new cities, high speed trains, brand new bridges and highways. China invested in themselves.

Something we refuse to do
China isolated COVID victims killing a few million of their citizens and they pay slave wages.

Where was China 50 years ago compared to the US?

They were paupers while the US was the envy of the world
We put a man on the moon, had the best of everything....Best cities, best roads, best communications.

Compare China today
Brand new cities, high speed trains, brand new bridges and highways. China invested in themselves.

Something we refuse to do
Go to China and die building something, you racist piece of shit.
China isolated COVID victims killing a few million of their citizens and they pay slave wages.

Where was China 50 years ago compared to the US?

They were paupers while the US was the envy of the world
We put a man on the moon, had the best of everything....Best cities, best roads, best communications.

Compare China today
Brand new cities, high speed trains, brand new bridges and highways. China invested in themselves.

Something we refuse to do
Go to China and die building something, you racist piece of shit.
No thanks ....I’d rather make OUR country better
Something Republicans refuse to do
China isolated COVID victims killing a few million of their citizens and they pay slave wages.

Where was China 50 years ago compared to the US?

They were paupers while the US was the envy of the world
We put a man on the moon, had the best of everything....Best cities, best roads, best communications.

Compare China today
Brand new cities, high speed trains, brand new bridges and highways. China invested in themselves.

Something we refuse to do
Go to China and die building something, you racist piece of shit.
No thanks ....I’d rather make OUR country better
Something Republicans refuse to do

If you left the US WOULD be better though
China isolated COVID victims killing a few million of their citizens and they pay slave wages.

Where was China 50 years ago compared to the US?

They were paupers while the US was the envy of the world
We put a man on the moon, had the best of everything....Best cities, best roads, best communications.

Compare China today
Brand new cities, high speed trains, brand new bridges and highways. China invested in themselves.

Something we refuse to do
Go to China and die building something, you racist piece of shit.
No thanks ....I’d rather make OUR country better
Something Republicans refuse to do

If you left the US WOULD be better though

If you left, the US would SMELL better
China isolated COVID victims killing a few million of their citizens and they pay slave wages.

Where was China 50 years ago compared to the US?

They were paupers while the US was the envy of the world
We put a man on the moon, had the best of everything....Best cities, best roads, best communications.

Compare China today
Brand new cities, high speed trains, brand new bridges and highways. China invested in themselves.

Something we refuse to do
Go to China and die building something, you racist piece of shit.
No thanks ....I’d rather make OUR country better
Something Republicans refuse to do
How would you do that?
Do you agree we need to upgrade our infrastructure?

Should we pay for it or simply put the bill on the debt?

If we pay for it, how should we do that?
its not a federal issue,,
each state is responsible for their own infrastructure,,
According to conservitards the federal government exists to give them guns a stop abortions. Nothing else.
You forgot "Protect our Borders" which they are enjoying and epic failure a as we speak
Our borders are safe and secure. Refugee children are not a threat.
No they are not safe and secure, very few are children most are teenagers. They are not a threat but they are an expense we can do with out. The is no reason the US should be responsible the "Children" their parents did not want.

Creep-itus is a sick fuck who thinks the mafia transporting them along with the slave traffic, sex slave traffic, child molesters, drug dealers and terrorists all also coming over the border are totally worth increasing Democrat voter rolls.

The sick fuck actually is indifferent to child sex slave trafficking. He's seriously disturbed
It's nice to have fans.

Or should I say "stalkers"?
Do you agree we need to upgrade our infrastructure?

Should we pay for it or simply put the bill on the debt?

If we pay for it, how should we do that?
its not a federal issue,,
each state is responsible for their own infrastructure,,
According to conservitards the federal government exists to give them guns a stop abortions. Nothing else.
You forgot "Protect our Borders" which they are enjoying and epic failure a as we speak
Our borders are safe and secure. Refugee children are not a threat.
No they are not safe and secure, very few are children most are teenagers. They are not a threat but they are an expense we can do with out. The is no reason the US should be responsible the "Children" their parents did not want.

Creep-itus is a sick fuck who thinks the mafia transporting them along with the slave traffic, sex slave traffic, child molesters, drug dealers and terrorists all also coming over the border are totally worth increasing Democrat voter rolls.

The sick fuck actually is indifferent to child sex slave trafficking. He's seriously disturbed
It's nice to have fans.

Or should I say "stalkers"?

Yes, people responding on message boards that you go post on are "stalkers." Good one. That's what I'd have said if it was a good one, but you're another leftist eight year old and that isn't even your own joke/insult, you copied that too
Let keep it simple for our ill informed leftists, Biden is spending more on electric vehicles than he is on roads and bridges. A lot more.
With electric vehicles, you can track and trace where everyone and everything is doing. . . hell, you can even control where they go if you like.
You got a cell phone Vlad? Shaddup
No. I do not have a cell phone. Why would I? :dunno: That would be akin to a slave bitching about a slave master, voluntarily putting himself in chains. I'm smarter than that, I know you are not.

Get real.

Only idiots that do not understand how the technocratic Neo-fascist grid work, would be suckered into owning one.

Sort of like how progressives and Neo-liberals are constantly harping on how bad global corporations are. . . and they use them as a source of proof about how bad they are, they get their information from. . . wait for it. . . the same global corporations.


. . no, seriously, you folks really are that obtuse.
You don’t have a cell phone? You’re THAT guy?

What... they don’t sell them in Smolensk?

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