Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

Trade policy crafted to protect American interests instead of an ideological concept of Free Trade and enforcing immigration laws, and NOT fucking with Russia, is good governance.
Free trade is capitalism (as is lax immigration policy). I'm sure sorry that doesn't work for you my little fascist.
Laissez-faire sometimes interferes with their socialism on a national basis.
Sometimes? Meaning, always.

Capitalism is terrific, at what it does well. It sucks at everything else. The right tool for the right job.
Tell us what capitalism sucks at and what government does good. I think you're find that in the later case the answer is "nothing."

Good at iPhones, sucks at healthcare. Good at porn, sucks at war.

Sorry, but it's government that sucks at healthcare. The more government interferes in our healthcare, the more expensive and bureaucratic it gets.

You don't know how good the private sector is at war because it's not allowed to perform that function. The government certainly good at it. Look at how much money the government spends on it.
The billionaire - protector of the middle class. Love that one.

And I think it was ray who said Trump was, LOL, down to earth.

He crafted a platform to speak out for those who had been long ignored by the political class.

That he was not part of that class, is well known.

My point stands.

Trump had a platform that appealed to Middle America's interests.

It was his enemies that decided that supporting a policy that might benefit Middle America vs the interests of say, Mexicans, was racist, instead of simply good governance.
His appeal was to people to stupid to know that someone like Trump doesn't drain the swamp - he is the fucking swamp. And just look at that, nothing but cronies in his administration.

Soooo, you've dropped the argument that he was "pitting races, religions and nationalities" against each other? Cause that was what we were talking about.

You admit that that is not true, and instead now want to move on to if he is/was sincere?

Trump ran on racism. People voted for him based on racism.

New election analysis: Yes, it really was blatant racism that gave us President Donald Trump

Fear of Diversity Made People More Likely to Vote Trump

"It’s worth remembering, particularly when the Hillary Clinton recrimination news cycle is in full swing, that Donald Trump is president today because of a margin of fewer than 80,000 votes spread across three states.

“The most important states, though, were Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin,” Philip Bump in The Washington Post wrote in December. “Trump won those states by 0.2, 0.7 and 0.8 percentage points, respectively — and by 10,704, 46,765 and 22,177 votes.”

Those three states, however, had been comfortably won by Democrat Barack Obama in both 2008 and 2012. Much of the recent shift, however tiny, was due to slightly more white working-class voters voting Republican than before. This, in turn, has prompted an ugly and ongoing fight between two progressive factions: those who believe those voters were primarily motivated by a sense of economic insecurity and people who think the shift occurred because racist appeals are prompting more white people to vote for Republicans."

So, voters who voted for Obama, voted for Trump, because racism.

A lot of people who typically vote liberal were won over with white nationalism. Black lives matter, illegals are rapists.

I know they did it because it appealed to me. I'm a white male liberal and like you I'm sick of high crime rates in the black community and illegals "Mexicans" stealing our jobs.

Trumps position is very liberal. Unions never liked illegals either. And no one likes the high crime coming from blacks. Trump used these issues to be different than the gop
...What difference does it make what race they are, murder is murder.
It makes a difference, when one race is eight times more likely to commit murder than the other... it plays to mindset, and morals, or lack thereof.
It plays to - your racism.

Blacks are eight (8) times more likely to commit murder than Whites.

Incontrovertible insight into both Mindset and Morals.

An "Inconvenient Truth" that you cannot explain-away or insult your way out of.

Epic Fail.


Next contestant, please.
...What difference does it make what race they are, murder is murder.
It makes a difference, when one race is eight times more likely to commit murder than the other... it plays to mindset, and morals, or lack thereof.
It plays to - your racism.

How do cold hard facts play to racism?
Because racists use them to promote, as you do, racism.
You mean any facts you find inconvenient to your moronic social theories you call "racist."
The 12% think they can continue to push the 77% around.

They are discovering that that is no longer the case, now that their False Messiah is out of office.

It pisses them off.

But it's funny-as-hell to watch unfold.
How many people raised by single mothers have never been in prison? Go.
How would the answer to that question alter the fact that most people in prison were raised by single mothers?
What difference does that make? Most people raised by single mothers are not in prison. So?

If you want to do something that matters you figure out why anyone is in prison and was there something society could have done to make that less likely? But, as we all know, you don't believe in such things.

Single parent homes are directly related to poverty. Poverty is directly related to crime. The rest you can figure out on your own.

The link between poverty and crime is weak.

The link between illegitimacy and crime is strong.

Poor children of two parent families do much better than poor children of single moms.

No the link to poverty and crime is not weak.

Blame your Democratic inner-city ghetto-plantation masters, who keep you doped-up and drunk and barefoot and pregnant on SNAP and TANF and LIHEAP.

Example: Chicago, Illinois.

Run by Rahm Emanuel, who was Barack Obama's White House Chief of Staff.

The adopted home-town of Barack Obama himself.

In 2016, feral inner-city Chicago Blacks slaughtered each other in record numbers.

As inner-city plantation-neighborhoods continue to degenerate into cesspools.

All courtesy of the Democratic Party, at the municipal, state and federal levels.
He crafted a platform to speak out for those who had been long ignored by the political class.

That he was not part of that class, is well known.

My point stands.

Trump had a platform that appealed to Middle America's interests.

It was his enemies that decided that supporting a policy that might benefit Middle America vs the interests of say, Mexicans, was racist, instead of simply good governance.
His appeal was to people to stupid to know that someone like Trump doesn't drain the swamp - he is the fucking swamp. And just look at that, nothing but cronies in his administration.

Soooo, you've dropped the argument that he was "pitting races, religions and nationalities" against each other? Cause that was what we were talking about.

You admit that that is not true, and instead now want to move on to if he is/was sincere?

Trump ran on racism. People voted for him based on racism.

New election analysis: Yes, it really was blatant racism that gave us President Donald Trump

Fear of Diversity Made People More Likely to Vote Trump

"It’s worth remembering, particularly when the Hillary Clinton recrimination news cycle is in full swing, that Donald Trump is president today because of a margin of fewer than 80,000 votes spread across three states.

“The most important states, though, were Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin,” Philip Bump in The Washington Post wrote in December. “Trump won those states by 0.2, 0.7 and 0.8 percentage points, respectively — and by 10,704, 46,765 and 22,177 votes.”

Those three states, however, had been comfortably won by Democrat Barack Obama in both 2008 and 2012. Much of the recent shift, however tiny, was due to slightly more white working-class voters voting Republican than before. This, in turn, has prompted an ugly and ongoing fight between two progressive factions: those who believe those voters were primarily motivated by a sense of economic insecurity and people who think the shift occurred because racist appeals are prompting more white people to vote for Republicans."

So, voters who voted for Obama, voted for Trump, because racism.

A lot of people who typically vote liberal were won over with white nationalism. Black lives matter, illegals are rapists.

I know they did it because it appealed to me. I'm a white male liberal and like you I'm sick of high crime rates in the black community and illegals "Mexicans" stealing our jobs.

Trumps position is very liberal. Unions never liked illegals either. And no one likes the high crime coming from blacks. Trump used these issues to be different than the gop

That could be. But you can't ignore the Democrats solidarity with illegals and BLM types that made them appear to be anti-white.

You look at the positions they took with white police officers/ black suspect shootings. The liberal cites that had their cops stand down during riots. Racist Holder who refused to charge black thugs that threatened voters at the polls. Racist Holder who sent his minions to Florida for a local shooting because the person killed was black and the shooter a "white Hispanic." After the trial when the shooter was found not-guilty, Holder again made threats of revenge. I think "he acted stupidly!" Then there was Obama's attempted amnesty.

What Trump said was a help getting the white vote, but we can't discount the antics the Democrats have been involved in during the past eight years. Some whites are coming to realize that the Democrat party is out to make us a minority in our own country as quickly as possible.
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Educated, free thinking, heterosexuals, marrieds, non minorities, Christians, fully employed and self sustaining are of no interest to Democrats and something they have sought to paint in the corner for 8 years
Remember the laughable good ole days where any comment like I made above was immediately labeled racist?
That worked for a while as we are people of good conscience but we eventually rallied to dismiss it for what it was-laughable.
Free trade is capitalism (as is lax immigration policy). I'm sure sorry that doesn't work for you my little fascist.
Laissez-faire sometimes interferes with their socialism on a national basis.
Sometimes? Meaning, always.

Capitalism is terrific, at what it does well. It sucks at everything else. The right tool for the right job.
Tell us what capitalism sucks at and what government does good. I think you're find that in the later case the answer is "nothing."

.No, I don't think the answer would be no. You drive on the government every day and you get to work or wherever pretty safely.

You have to be blind of you think the government does a good job of building and maintaining roads. The government spends on money on roads to provide jobs for union members. It does it in the slowest, most inefficient manner possible. I just watched them repair the roads near my house and it took them about 18 months to do a job that should have taken no more than 3 months. For months at a time the machinery was sitting idle by the side of the road and no workmen were to be seen. There is simply no excuse for this. While this construction is going on the danger to motorists is much higher than when the road is in good working order.

That's very true over here. They start a job and want to make it last as long as they can for the convenience of the workers and inconvenience of the taxpayer. So they only put X amount of workers on it instead of attacking the job with an army of construction workers to get it done ASAP. Instead of doing the southbound lanes of a highway, getting it done and opening up all lanes again, they do the northbound and southbound lanes at the same time. So it takes forever before the entire area of that highway is complete.

The Japanese created a new invention that might eliminate half of the road construction workers in the US. It's a shovel that stands all by itself.
His appeal was to people to stupid to know that someone like Trump doesn't drain the swamp - he is the fucking swamp. And just look at that, nothing but cronies in his administration.

Soooo, you've dropped the argument that he was "pitting races, religions and nationalities" against each other? Cause that was what we were talking about.

You admit that that is not true, and instead now want to move on to if he is/was sincere?

Trump ran on racism. People voted for him based on racism.

New election analysis: Yes, it really was blatant racism that gave us President Donald Trump

Fear of Diversity Made People More Likely to Vote Trump

"It’s worth remembering, particularly when the Hillary Clinton recrimination news cycle is in full swing, that Donald Trump is president today because of a margin of fewer than 80,000 votes spread across three states.

“The most important states, though, were Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin,” Philip Bump in The Washington Post wrote in December. “Trump won those states by 0.2, 0.7 and 0.8 percentage points, respectively — and by 10,704, 46,765 and 22,177 votes.”

Those three states, however, had been comfortably won by Democrat Barack Obama in both 2008 and 2012. Much of the recent shift, however tiny, was due to slightly more white working-class voters voting Republican than before. This, in turn, has prompted an ugly and ongoing fight between two progressive factions: those who believe those voters were primarily motivated by a sense of economic insecurity and people who think the shift occurred because racist appeals are prompting more white people to vote for Republicans."

So, voters who voted for Obama, voted for Trump, because racism.

A lot of people who typically vote liberal were won over with white nationalism. Black lives matter, illegals are rapists.

I know they did it because it appealed to me. I'm a white male liberal and like you I'm sick of high crime rates in the black community and illegals "Mexicans" stealing our jobs.

Trumps position is very liberal. Unions never liked illegals either. And no one likes the high crime coming from blacks. Trump used these issues to be different than the gop

That could be. But you can't ignore the Democrats solidarity with illegals and BLM types that made them appear to be anti-white.

You look at the positions they took with white police officers/ black suspect shootings. The liberal cites that had their cops stand down during riots. Racist Holder who refused to charge black thugs that threatened voters at the polls. Racist Holder who sent his minions to Florida for a local shooting because the person killed was black and the shooter a "white Hispanic." After the trial when the shooter was found not-guilty, Holder again made threats of revenge. I think "he acted stupidly!" Then there was Obama's attempted amnesty.

What Trump said was a help getting the white vote, but we can't discount the antics the Democrats have been involved in during the past eight years. Some whites are coming to realize that the Democrat party is out to make us a minority in our own country as quickly as possible.
Who do you think put that black riots and shootings on the news every night? As a con you probably think it was the liberal media but if you ask me I think blm benefitted Trump.
Soooo, you've dropped the argument that he was "pitting races, religions and nationalities" against each other? Cause that was what we were talking about.

You admit that that is not true, and instead now want to move on to if he is/was sincere?

Trump ran on racism. People voted for him based on racism.

New election analysis: Yes, it really was blatant racism that gave us President Donald Trump

Fear of Diversity Made People More Likely to Vote Trump

"It’s worth remembering, particularly when the Hillary Clinton recrimination news cycle is in full swing, that Donald Trump is president today because of a margin of fewer than 80,000 votes spread across three states.

“The most important states, though, were Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin,” Philip Bump in The Washington Post wrote in December. “Trump won those states by 0.2, 0.7 and 0.8 percentage points, respectively — and by 10,704, 46,765 and 22,177 votes.”

Those three states, however, had been comfortably won by Democrat Barack Obama in both 2008 and 2012. Much of the recent shift, however tiny, was due to slightly more white working-class voters voting Republican than before. This, in turn, has prompted an ugly and ongoing fight between two progressive factions: those who believe those voters were primarily motivated by a sense of economic insecurity and people who think the shift occurred because racist appeals are prompting more white people to vote for Republicans."

So, voters who voted for Obama, voted for Trump, because racism.

A lot of people who typically vote liberal were won over with white nationalism. Black lives matter, illegals are rapists.

I know they did it because it appealed to me. I'm a white male liberal and like you I'm sick of high crime rates in the black community and illegals "Mexicans" stealing our jobs.

Trumps position is very liberal. Unions never liked illegals either. And no one likes the high crime coming from blacks. Trump used these issues to be different than the gop

That could be. But you can't ignore the Democrats solidarity with illegals and BLM types that made them appear to be anti-white.

You look at the positions they took with white police officers/ black suspect shootings. The liberal cites that had their cops stand down during riots. Racist Holder who refused to charge black thugs that threatened voters at the polls. Racist Holder who sent his minions to Florida for a local shooting because the person killed was black and the shooter a "white Hispanic." After the trial when the shooter was found not-guilty, Holder again made threats of revenge. I think "he acted stupidly!" Then there was Obama's attempted amnesty.

What Trump said was a help getting the white vote, but we can't discount the antics the Democrats have been involved in during the past eight years. Some whites are coming to realize that the Democrat party is out to make us a minority in our own country as quickly as possible.
Who do you think put that black riots and shootings on the news every night? As a con you probably think it was the liberal media but if you ask me I think blm benefitted Trump.

So who else could put it in the media besides MSM? Fox is only one channel.

"It’s worth remembering, particularly when the Hillary Clinton recrimination news cycle is in full swing, that Donald Trump is president today because of a margin of fewer than 80,000 votes spread across three states.

“The most important states, though, were Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin,” Philip Bump in The Washington Post wrote in December. “Trump won those states by 0.2, 0.7 and 0.8 percentage points, respectively — and by 10,704, 46,765 and 22,177 votes.”

Those three states, however, had been comfortably won by Democrat Barack Obama in both 2008 and 2012. Much of the recent shift, however tiny, was due to slightly more white working-class voters voting Republican than before. This, in turn, has prompted an ugly and ongoing fight between two progressive factions: those who believe those voters were primarily motivated by a sense of economic insecurity and people who think the shift occurred because racist appeals are prompting more white people to vote for Republicans."

So, voters who voted for Obama, voted for Trump, because racism.

A lot of people who typically vote liberal were won over with white nationalism. Black lives matter, illegals are rapists.

I know they did it because it appealed to me. I'm a white male liberal and like you I'm sick of high crime rates in the black community and illegals "Mexicans" stealing our jobs.

Trumps position is very liberal. Unions never liked illegals either. And no one likes the high crime coming from blacks. Trump used these issues to be different than the gop

That could be. But you can't ignore the Democrats solidarity with illegals and BLM types that made them appear to be anti-white.

You look at the positions they took with white police officers/ black suspect shootings. The liberal cites that had their cops stand down during riots. Racist Holder who refused to charge black thugs that threatened voters at the polls. Racist Holder who sent his minions to Florida for a local shooting because the person killed was black and the shooter a "white Hispanic." After the trial when the shooter was found not-guilty, Holder again made threats of revenge. I think "he acted stupidly!" Then there was Obama's attempted amnesty.

What Trump said was a help getting the white vote, but we can't discount the antics the Democrats have been involved in during the past eight years. Some whites are coming to realize that the Democrat party is out to make us a minority in our own country as quickly as possible.
Who do you think put that black riots and shootings on the news every night? As a con you probably think it was the liberal media but if you ask me I think blm benefitted Trump.

So who else could put it in the media besides MSM? Fox is only one channel.
I think the msm is owned by corporations and they appear to be liberal on social issues but never on economic issues.
Ingraham: Innocent People Are Paying the Price for Multiculturalism

Yep. She is 100% correct. This entire DIEversity and Multicultism and White self hatred will go down as the darkest decades in history.
Affirmative-action/political correctness has fucked this country up, beyond all recognition...
But before affirmative action white companies were not hiring blacks, and for racist reasons. A lot of black people benefitted. Did it solve everything? No but it did for the hundreds of thousands of blacks who were finally hired.

Who I think are funny are the white losers who complain about aa
Ingraham: Innocent People Are Paying the Price for Multiculturalism

Yep. She is 100% correct. This entire DIEversity and Multicultism and White self hatred will go down as the darkest decades in history.
Affirmative-action/political correctness has fucked this country up, beyond all recognition...
But before affirmative action white companies were not hiring blacks, and for racist reasons. A lot of black people benefitted. Did it solve everything? No but it did for the hundreds of thousands of blacks who were finally hired.

Who I think are funny are the white losers who complain about aa

There's clearly vivid assumptions made here by many that "Blacks are equal" and that somehow the "Failures of Blacks must be a result of society"

I don't really think that's the case, fact is Blacks are more likely to be criminal, and poor on a global scale.

The conditions Jews, and White Catholics endured, to become middle class around the 1950's, and earlier, were clearly much worse than the modern Black American.

Furthermore, in places like the UK, or France where Blacks weren't historically oppressed, Blacks are behind.

In places like Ethiopia, or Liberia, which weren't really colonized, they are poor, and backwards by African standards.
Ingraham: Innocent People Are Paying the Price for Multiculturalism

Yep. She is 100% correct. This entire DIEversity and Multicultism and White self hatred will go down as the darkest decades in history.
Affirmative-action/political correctness has fucked this country up, beyond all recognition...
But before affirmative action white companies were not hiring blacks, and for racist reasons. A lot of black people benefitted. Did it solve everything? No but it did for the hundreds of thousands of blacks who were finally hired.

Who I think are funny are the white losers who complain about aa
I have only seen affirmative-action/political correctness weaken the indian nations... Indians do not do well with handouts...
My ancestors proved that
Ingraham: Innocent People Are Paying the Price for Multiculturalism

Yep. She is 100% correct. This entire DIEversity and Multicultism and White self hatred will go down as the darkest decades in history.
Affirmative-action/political correctness has fucked this country up, beyond all recognition...
But before affirmative action white companies were not hiring blacks, and for racist reasons. A lot of black people benefitted. Did it solve everything? No but it did for the hundreds of thousands of blacks who were finally hired.

Who I think are funny are the white losers who complain about aa

Were they not hired because of the color of their skin, or that people with their skin color couldn't do the job?

Most of the post office is black today--at least where I live. No matter how many times I complain, I can't get a mail carrier to figure out how to put the mail in the right mailboxes. I make sure all our names are on the mailboxes with one inch lettering I purchased from the hardware store. Not only do I have addresses on my houses, I also put the address on the mailboxes themselves. They still can't figure it out.

Half the time I go to my black McDonald's, they get the order wrong. There is nothing complicated about my order. I even order it by the number on the menu. You can't leave my McDonald's without checking your bag first because something is likely to be wrong.

I'm a truck driver and as such, I need to use the restrooms at the companies I deliver to or pickup from. When I know I'm going to a place that has mostly blacks working there, I make sure I use the restroom at the stop before them. Why? Because you'll never get into a stall where black people work. They know they can't get fired for going to the bathroom, so they use the restroom to get out of work and stay there forever.

The favorite color of any employer is green. The employees that make them the most green are the owners favorite employees.
Ingraham: Innocent People Are Paying the Price for Multiculturalism

Yep. She is 100% correct. This entire DIEversity and Multicultism and White self hatred will go down as the darkest decades in history.
Affirmative-action/political correctness has fucked this country up, beyond all recognition...
But before affirmative action white companies were not hiring blacks, and for racist reasons. A lot of black people benefitted. Did it solve everything? No but it did for the hundreds of thousands of blacks who were finally hired.

Who I think are funny are the white losers who complain about aa

There's clearly vivid assumptions made here by many that "Blacks are equal" and that somehow the "Failures of Blacks must be a result of society"

I don't really think that's the case, fact is Blacks are more likely to be criminal, and poor on a global scale.

The conditions Jews, and White Catholics endured, to become middle class around the 1950's, and earlier, were clearly much worse than the modern Black American.

Furthermore, in places like the UK, or France where Blacks weren't historically oppressed, Blacks are behind.

In places like Ethiopia, or Liberia, which weren't really colonized, they are poor, and backwards by African standards.
Ihear like blacks talk eubonics in America in England they CHOOSE to talk with a jaimaca accident. So they've been treated like 2nd class citizens for so long they've embraced it. Well a lot has changed in the 70s-2017. Things are a lot better for blacks. Any blacks who don't know how lucky they are we kidnapped and enslaved their ancestors because it led to them being born in America. It may not be nice in Chicago or Detroit but they are not trapped there.

I don't believe blacks are inherently violent. Nature nurture. They might have a violent gene like Asians have a smart gene or Jews have a cheap gene but blacks are people just like whites but I think if blacks are fucked up it's more nurture than nature.
Ingraham: Innocent People Are Paying the Price for Multiculturalism

Yep. She is 100% correct. This entire DIEversity and Multicultism and White self hatred will go down as the darkest decades in history.
Affirmative-action/political correctness has fucked this country up, beyond all recognition...
But before affirmative action white companies were not hiring blacks, and for racist reasons. A lot of black people benefitted. Did it solve everything? No but it did for the hundreds of thousands of blacks who were finally hired.

Who I think are funny are the white losers who complain about aa

Were they not hired because of the color of their skin, or that people with their skin color couldn't do the job?

Most of the post office is black today--at least where I live. No matter how many times I complain, I can't get a mail carrier to figure out how to put the mail in the right mailboxes. I make sure all our names are on the mailboxes with one inch lettering I purchased from the hardware store. Not only do I have addresses on my houses, I also put the address on the mailboxes themselves. They still can't figure it out.

Half the time I go to my black McDonald's, they get the order wrong. There is nothing complicated about my order. I even order it by the number on the menu. You can't leave my McDonald's without checking your bag first because something is likely to be wrong.

I'm a truck driver and as such, I need to use the restrooms at the companies I deliver to or pickup from. When I know I'm going to a place that has mostly blacks working there, I make sure I use the restroom at the stop before them. Why? Because you'll never get into a stall where black people work. They know they can't get fired for going to the bathroom, so they use the restroom to get out of work and stay there forever.

The favorite color of any employer is green. The employees that make them the most green are the owners favorite employees.
Half the time employers hire who they feel they'll get along with the best. They can train anyone to do the job. Someone might have more experience but the employer says, do I want to work with this person.

No doubt blacks helped ruin Ford's Lincoln plant that was in my home town. The plant is now in Mexico. I'm not going to defend them. Would I want 50% of my staff to be black? Fuck no. I'm talking about ten %. Black people make up 12% of the population no company should be required to hire more than that. Blacks can't have their own communities or companies. Need an example? Why don't blacks start their own NBA? If LeBron and Durant are playing each other I'd watch the wb NBA. I certainly wouldn't watch the white league with Granny shots and pick and rolls. But blacks can't start their own communities teams or business'
Ingraham: Innocent People Are Paying the Price for Multiculturalism

Yep. She is 100% correct. This entire DIEversity and Multicultism and White self hatred will go down as the darkest decades in history.
Affirmative-action/political correctness has fucked this country up, beyond all recognition...
But before affirmative action white companies were not hiring blacks, and for racist reasons. A lot of black people benefitted. Did it solve everything? No but it did for the hundreds of thousands of blacks who were finally hired.

Who I think are funny are the white losers who complain about aa

Were they not hired because of the color of their skin, or that people with their skin color couldn't do the job?

Most of the post office is black today--at least where I live. No matter how many times I complain, I can't get a mail carrier to figure out how to put the mail in the right mailboxes. I make sure all our names are on the mailboxes with one inch lettering I purchased from the hardware store. Not only do I have addresses on my houses, I also put the address on the mailboxes themselves. They still can't figure it out.

Half the time I go to my black McDonald's, they get the order wrong. There is nothing complicated about my order. I even order it by the number on the menu. You can't leave my McDonald's without checking your bag first because something is likely to be wrong.

I'm a truck driver and as such, I need to use the restrooms at the companies I deliver to or pickup from. When I know I'm going to a place that has mostly blacks working there, I make sure I use the restroom at the stop before them. Why? Because you'll never get into a stall where black people work. They know they can't get fired for going to the bathroom, so they use the restroom to get out of work and stay there forever.

The favorite color of any employer is green. The employees that make them the most green are the owners favorite employees.
Half the time employers hire who they feel they'll get along with the best. They can train anyone to do the job. Someone might have more experience but the employer says, do I want to work with this person.

No doubt blacks helped ruin Ford's Lincoln plant that was in my home town. The plant is now in Mexico. I'm not going to defend them. Would I want 50% of my staff to be black? Fuck no. I'm talking about ten %. Black people make up 12% of the population no company should be required to hire more than that. Blacks can't have their own communities or companies. Need an example? Why don't blacks start their own NBA? If LeBron and Durant are playing each other I'd watch the wb NBA. I certainly wouldn't watch the white league with Granny shots and pick and rolls. But blacks can't start their own communities teams or business'

I thank you for your honesty. What I will tell you is that blacks now have the advantage in the labor market. I work with companies that went from a nearly all white work crew to a nearly all black. Why? Because blacks can work for less money. Where they live, the cost of living is much lower than whites who live in the suburbs.

So even though blacks can't perform as well as whites in most cases, the company still makes out better because they can get black workers for lower wages. A little less production, but a much lower payroll. So even without AA, they are still put at the top of the list in hiring in some companies.

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