Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

Oh? THe nation wasn't divided when Bill Clinton was in the white house?

Trump was the one pitting races, religions and nationalities. And this nation has never been united. Stop pretending that it has.

Past policies denied blacks jobs, educations, housing and incomes. Things for blacks just did not end with slavery.

Trump had a platform that appealed to Middle America's interests.

It was his enemies that decided that supporting a policy that might benefit Middle America vs the interests of say, Mexicans, was racist, instead of simply good governance.
The billionaire - protector of the middle class. Love that one.

And I think it was ray who said Trump was, LOL, down to earth.

He crafted a platform to speak out for those who had been long ignored by the political class.

That he was not part of that class, is well known.

My point stands.

Trump had a platform that appealed to Middle America's interests.

It was his enemies that decided that supporting a policy that might benefit Middle America vs the interests of say, Mexicans, was racist, instead of simply good governance.
dude, "your guy" had nothing but pander. simply, telling you what you want to hear, is good salesmanship, not necessarily good politics.

All day, everyday, liberals on this site LAUGH at the idea that Middle America has the need or the right to have it's interests served by national policy.

Yes, we wanted to hear that someone would represent us.

The alternative was to vote for someone who clearly was going to be governing based on the assumption that we were the problem and thus be actively working against our interests.
Trump was the one pitting races, religions and nationalities. And this nation has never been united. Stop pretending that it has.

Past policies denied blacks jobs, educations, housing and incomes. Things for blacks just did not end with slavery.

Trump had a platform that appealed to Middle America's interests.

It was his enemies that decided that supporting a policy that might benefit Middle America vs the interests of say, Mexicans, was racist, instead of simply good governance.
Cutting taxes for the rich and foodstamps for the poor, is good governance?

Trade policy crafted to protect American interests instead of an ideological concept of Free Trade and enforcing immigration laws, and NOT fucking with Russia, is good governance.
Free trade is capitalism (as is lax immigration policy). I'm sure sorry that doesn't work for you my little fascist.

Free Trade is not capitalism. They are separate concepts that only dishonest ideologues like to conflate.

Neither is lax immigration policy.

Your godwin in noted. YOu lose.

You seem to be devoting a lot of energy to being dishonest and/or personal. Almost like you know at some level that discussion the issue seriously and honestly will not work in your favor....
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or the law or politics.

free trade=laissez-fair.
Trump had a platform that appealed to Middle America's interests.

It was his enemies that decided that supporting a policy that might benefit Middle America vs the interests of say, Mexicans, was racist, instead of simply good governance.
The billionaire - protector of the middle class. Love that one.

And I think it was ray who said Trump was, LOL, down to earth.

He crafted a platform to speak out for those who had been long ignored by the political class.

That he was not part of that class, is well known.

My point stands.

Trump had a platform that appealed to Middle America's interests.

It was his enemies that decided that supporting a policy that might benefit Middle America vs the interests of say, Mexicans, was racist, instead of simply good governance.
His appeal was to people to stupid to know that someone like Trump doesn't drain the swamp - he is the fucking swamp. And just look at that, nothing but cronies in his administration.

Soooo, you've dropped the argument that he was "pitting races, religions and nationalities" against each other? Cause that was what we were talking about.

You admit that that is not true, and instead now want to move on to if he is/was sincere?
Mr. Trump could not win in blue States, only low population red States.

Low population like Texas, or Florida, or Pennsylvania ?

Trump was the one pitting races, religions and nationalities. And this nation has never been united. Stop pretending that it has.

Past policies denied blacks jobs, educations, housing and incomes. Things for blacks just did not end with slavery.

Trump had a platform that appealed to Middle America's interests.

It was his enemies that decided that supporting a policy that might benefit Middle America vs the interests of say, Mexicans, was racist, instead of simply good governance.
Cutting taxes for the rich and foodstamps for the poor, is good governance?

Trade policy crafted to protect American interests instead of an ideological concept of Free Trade and enforcing immigration laws, and NOT fucking with Russia, is good governance.
We have the largest economy in the world and a Commerce Clause in our supreme law of the land. How is cutting taxes for the rich and foodstamps for the poor, good governance; or, is it an, "acceptable casualty and loss" for the right wing?

Macroeconomic growth, doesn't mean that the growth is not imbalanced.
better products at lower cost, always improves market share; only the (capital) right wing doesn't get it.
Trump was the one pitting races, religions and nationalities. And this nation has never been united. Stop pretending that it has.

Past policies denied blacks jobs, educations, housing and incomes. Things for blacks just did not end with slavery.

Trump had a platform that appealed to Middle America's interests.

It was his enemies that decided that supporting a policy that might benefit Middle America vs the interests of say, Mexicans, was racist, instead of simply good governance.
Cutting taxes for the rich and foodstamps for the poor, is good governance?

Trade policy crafted to protect American interests instead of an ideological concept of Free Trade and enforcing immigration laws, and NOT fucking with Russia, is good governance.
Free trade is capitalism (as is lax immigration policy). I'm sure sorry that doesn't work for you my little fascist.
Laissez-faire sometimes interferes with their socialism on a national basis.
Sometimes? Meaning, always.

Capitalism is terrific, at what it does well. It sucks at everything else. The right tool for the right job.
My stance? Think I'm alone with that opinion? Then can you explain white flight to me?
Never said you were alone. Whitey likes it when it's just - whitey. Shocking.

I grew up in the suburbs next to some well assimilated blacks. NO one said boo about it.

Hell, my one cousin married a black woman, and no one said anything about it.

That's been my point all along. It's not race, it's culture.

I'm going to have to disagree with you here.

Blacks in London, and Paris have also had feral riots, like Blacks in the U.S.A, despite being culturally different there.

Puerto Ricans despite having roots from a different culture, still often act much like Blacks, which isn't surprising, a lot of Puerto Ricans are nearly Mulattoes.

Well then, I'm going to have to disagree with your disagreement. We have a lot of Puerto Ricans here in Cleveland. Most are hard working and trouble free. I can't remember the last time I watched the news and seen a Puerto Rican rob a bank, murder somebody, or otherwise be a major concern for our safety forces.

When I delivered medical equipment, I was in many Puerto Rican homes. Spotless. They are very clean people as well as hard working. I can't say the same about blacks.

Puerto Rico is very crime ridden. There are more Puerto Ricans in the states than there are in Puerto Rico. The good ones come here to earn money, escape the crime on their island, and assimilate into our society. Considering where they came from and how little problems they are is very telling of their culture. With blacks? It's always about how their ancestors were slaves, how they were raised in lower income areas with crime, how their schools are not as good as white middle-class areas, there's always an excuse for those people.

The largest concentration of Puerto Ricans is in the Bronx, nothing dirty, or criminal about that, right?

Yes, Puerto Ricans aren't as bad as Blacks, despite being poorer, but then again they're also part White.
Trump was the one pitting races, religions and nationalities. And this nation has never been united. Stop pretending that it has.

Past policies denied blacks jobs, educations, housing and incomes. Things for blacks just did not end with slavery.

Trump had a platform that appealed to Middle America's interests.

It was his enemies that decided that supporting a policy that might benefit Middle America vs the interests of say, Mexicans, was racist, instead of simply good governance.
The billionaire - protector of the middle class. Love that one.

And I think it was ray who said Trump was, LOL, down to earth.

He crafted a platform to speak out for those who had been long ignored by the political class.

That he was not part of that class, is well known.

My point stands.

Trump had a platform that appealed to Middle America's interests.

It was his enemies that decided that supporting a policy that might benefit Middle America vs the interests of say, Mexicans, was racist, instead of simply good governance.
dude, "your guy" had nothing but pander. simply, telling you what you want to hear, is good salesmanship, not necessarily good politics.

All day, everyday, liberals on this site LAUGH at the idea that Middle America has the need or the right to have it's interests served by national policy.

Yes, we wanted to hear that someone would represent us.

The alternative was to vote for someone who clearly was going to be governing based on the assumption that we were the problem and thus be actively working against our interests.
All political talk, and no political action?

The left is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.
Trump was the one pitting races, religions and nationalities. And this nation has never been united. Stop pretending that it has.

Past policies denied blacks jobs, educations, housing and incomes. Things for blacks just did not end with slavery.

Trump had a platform that appealed to Middle America's interests.

It was his enemies that decided that supporting a policy that might benefit Middle America vs the interests of say, Mexicans, was racist, instead of simply good governance.
Cutting taxes for the rich and foodstamps for the poor, is good governance?

Trade policy crafted to protect American interests instead of an ideological concept of Free Trade and enforcing immigration laws, and NOT fucking with Russia, is good governance.
So, you think the US can use trade policy to bock imports & no other country will reciprocate? You & Trump are dumber than shit as you try to lock in a 320 million customer base while pissing away a 7 billion person global market.

Why don't your rephrase that as a question, instead of asshole diatribe?
Why are you sofa king ignorant to think we can slap tariffs & taxers on imports without a response from other countries? See - look a question.

Do we want a country where Americans work for foreign owned companies? Trump does.
Never said you were alone. Whitey likes it when it's just - whitey. Shocking.

I grew up in the suburbs next to some well assimilated blacks. NO one said boo about it.

Hell, my one cousin married a black woman, and no one said anything about it.

That's been my point all along. It's not race, it's culture.

I'm going to have to disagree with you here.

Blacks in London, and Paris have also had feral riots, like Blacks in the U.S.A, despite being culturally different there.

Puerto Ricans despite having roots from a different culture, still often act much like Blacks, which isn't surprising, a lot of Puerto Ricans are nearly Mulattoes.

Well then, I'm going to have to disagree with your disagreement. We have a lot of Puerto Ricans here in Cleveland. Most are hard working and trouble free. I can't remember the last time I watched the news and seen a Puerto Rican rob a bank, murder somebody, or otherwise be a major concern for our safety forces.

When I delivered medical equipment, I was in many Puerto Rican homes. Spotless. They are very clean people as well as hard working. I can't say the same about blacks.

Puerto Rico is very crime ridden. There are more Puerto Ricans in the states than there are in Puerto Rico. The good ones come here to earn money, escape the crime on their island, and assimilate into our society. Considering where they came from and how little problems they are is very telling of their culture. With blacks? It's always about how their ancestors were slaves, how they were raised in lower income areas with crime, how their schools are not as good as white middle-class areas, there's always an excuse for those people.

The largest concentration of Puerto Ricans is in the Bronx, nothing dirty, or criminal about that, right?

Yes, Puerto Ricans aren't as bad as Blacks, despite being poorer, but then again they're also part White.

I don't know about them where you live, all I can do is tell you my experiences with them. Sure, there are assholes just like in any race of people, but I work with them nearly every day and found no problems with them for the most part. There is one Puerto Rican guy that I work with that I can't stand, but again, no different than any other group of people.
Trump had a platform that appealed to Middle America's interests.

It was his enemies that decided that supporting a policy that might benefit Middle America vs the interests of say, Mexicans, was racist, instead of simply good governance.
The billionaire - protector of the middle class. Love that one.

And I think it was ray who said Trump was, LOL, down to earth.

He crafted a platform to speak out for those who had been long ignored by the political class.

That he was not part of that class, is well known.

My point stands.

Trump had a platform that appealed to Middle America's interests.

It was his enemies that decided that supporting a policy that might benefit Middle America vs the interests of say, Mexicans, was racist, instead of simply good governance.
His appeal was to people to stupid to know that someone like Trump doesn't drain the swamp - he is the fucking swamp. And just look at that, nothing but cronies in his administration.

Soooo, you've dropped the argument that he was "pitting races, religions and nationalities" against each other? Cause that was what we were talking about.

You admit that that is not true, and instead now want to move on to if he is/was sincere?

Trump ran on racism. People voted for him based on racism.

New election analysis: Yes, it really was blatant racism that gave us President Donald Trump

Fear of Diversity Made People More Likely to Vote Trump

Now that's rich.

You know, when blacks vote for Democrats because they believe Democrats have their interest at heart, it is said blacks smartly voted for their own future. When whites do the exact same thing, it's racist. :wtf:
Oh? THe nation wasn't divided when Bill Clinton was in the white house?

Trump was the one pitting races, religions and nationalities. And this nation has never been united. Stop pretending that it has.

Past policies denied blacks jobs, educations, housing and incomes. Things for blacks just did not end with slavery.

Trump had a platform that appealed to Middle America's interests.

It was his enemies that decided that supporting a policy that might benefit Middle America vs the interests of say, Mexicans, was racist, instead of simply good governance.
The billionaire - protector of the middle class. Love that one.

And I think it was ray who said Trump was, LOL, down to earth.

He crafted a platform to speak out for those who had been long ignored by the political class.

That he was not part of that class, is well known.

My point stands.

Trump had a platform that appealed to Middle America's interests.

It was his enemies that decided that supporting a policy that might benefit Middle America vs the interests of say, Mexicans, was racist, instead of simply good governance.
His appeal was to people to stupid to know that someone like Trump doesn't drain the swamp - he is the fucking swamp. And just look at that, nothing but cronies in his administration.

That's "too stupid," not "to stupid," you fucking moron.
Oh? THe nation wasn't divided when Bill Clinton was in the white house?

Trump was the one pitting races, religions and nationalities. And this nation has never been united. Stop pretending that it has.

Past policies denied blacks jobs, educations, housing and incomes. Things for blacks just did not end with slavery.

Trump had a platform that appealed to Middle America's interests.

It was his enemies that decided that supporting a policy that might benefit Middle America vs the interests of say, Mexicans, was racist, instead of simply good governance.
Cutting taxes for the rich and foodstamps for the poor, is good governance?

Trade policy crafted to protect American interests instead of an ideological concept of Free Trade and enforcing immigration laws, and NOT fucking with Russia, is good governance.
Free trade is capitalism (as is lax immigration policy). I'm sure sorry that doesn't work for you my little fascist.
Immigration has nothing to do with trade or capitalism, moron.
Maybe not the entire country, but the areas where the melting took place turned into a disaster. It's a failure and doesn't work. You can't force a lion and a hyena to live together in peace.
If dogs and cats and birds can live together - so can you. And we have never been a melting pot. That is a myth.

Yes, we can live together, but never in peace. Whites and blacks are two totally opposite people. They can never accept my ways and I can never accept theirs. I'm not a violent person, I'm not a dirty person, I'm not a loud person. I believe in law and order--not hatred of our police. I support our police.

Oh, but just learn to live together. How? How can I learn to accept our stores closing all the time because of crime? How can we live together when I just want to sit on my back porch in peace and quiet, but can't? How can we live tougher when I had to lock up my new propane grill because they stole my last one right out of my yard? How can we live together when our teachers get attacked every month during the school year?

You have to understand that we can't live together in peace because white people don't live like that. We live just the opposite in most cases.

The current situation, imo, is primarily driven by generations of race baiting and hatemongering by the left to radicalize and inflame the minority populations.

There is no reason to assume that, without that massive external factor that the black community would not be a FAR more productive and pleasant part of society.

Maybe some day, but nowhere in the near future.

When you have government forcing groups of people on each other, that's no way to improve their opinions of each other. The real solution is to get rid of government regulations like Fair Housing and HUD. If somebody doesn't want to sell you a house or rent an apartment to you for whatever reason, that should be totally legal. As it is now, you are forced to sell or rent to an undesirable or face penalties by the law. You may know it's wrong, and you may know it's ruining your neighborhood, but you have no choice legally.

People should be segregated by class. That can happen if government gets out of the way. It would keep the bad people out that gives all blacks a bad name, and would not hurt property values like what's going on now. HUD should have their funds cut in half so they could only afford to house people in lower income areas. HUD should not be buying or renting dwellings for their people in the suburbs.

Ray, do us all a favor and shut the fuck up.

You are a prime example of how racism in whites exist today. You claim to own businesses. So then if .you have no blacks employed or very few, I guess it's only on merit they did not get hired.


Truth hurts, don't it.

I said I have a side business--not that I own businesses. And no, nobody works for me but contractors I may need for repairs.
Trump had a platform that appealed to Middle America's interests.

It was his enemies that decided that supporting a policy that might benefit Middle America vs the interests of say, Mexicans, was racist, instead of simply good governance.
Cutting taxes for the rich and foodstamps for the poor, is good governance?

Trade policy crafted to protect American interests instead of an ideological concept of Free Trade and enforcing immigration laws, and NOT fucking with Russia, is good governance.
Free trade is capitalism (as is lax immigration policy). I'm sure sorry that doesn't work for you my little fascist.
Laissez-faire sometimes interferes with their socialism on a national basis.
Sometimes? Meaning, always.

Capitalism is terrific, at what it does well. It sucks at everything else. The right tool for the right job.
Tell us what capitalism sucks at and what government does good. I think you're find that in the later case the answer is "nothing."
Maybe not the entire country, but the areas where the melting took place turned into a disaster. It's a failure and doesn't work. You can't force a lion and a hyena to live together in peace.
If dogs and cats and birds can live together - so can you. And we have never been a melting pot. That is a myth.

Yes, we can live together, but never in peace. Whites and blacks are two totally opposite people. They can never accept my ways and I can never accept theirs. I'm not a violent person, I'm not a dirty person, I'm not a loud person. I believe in law and order--not hatred of our police. I support our police.

Oh, but just learn to live together. How? How can I learn to accept our stores closing all the time because of crime? How can we live together when I just want to sit on my back porch in peace and quiet, but can't? How can we live tougher when I had to lock up my new propane grill because they stole my last one right out of my yard? How can we live together when our teachers get attacked every month during the school year?

You have to understand that we can't live together in peace because white people don't live like that. We live just the opposite in most cases.

The current situation, imo, is primarily driven by generations of race baiting and hatemongering by the left to radicalize and inflame the minority populations.

There is no reason to assume that, without that massive external factor that the black community would not be a FAR more productive and pleasant part of society.

Maybe some day, but nowhere in the near future.

When you have government forcing groups of people on each other, that's no way to improve their opinions of each other. The real solution is to get rid of government regulations like Fair Housing and HUD. If somebody doesn't want to sell you a house or rent an apartment to you for whatever reason, that should be totally legal. As it is now, you are forced to sell or rent to an undesirable or face penalties by the law. You may know it's wrong, and you may know it's ruining your neighborhood, but you have no choice legally.

People should be segregated by class. That can happen if government gets out of the way. It would keep the bad people out that gives all blacks a bad name, and would not hurt property values like what's going on now. HUD should have their funds cut in half so they could only afford to house people in lower income areas. HUD should not be buying or renting dwellings for their people in the suburbs.
Ray wants to go back to the days when the deed could say you couldn't sell the house to a Jew.

The laws that state you can't refuse to sell your house to whom you want is how neighborhoods become ghettos. If people could sell or rent to who they desire, it would preserve good neighborhoods for a much longer period of a time.

So what makes a good neighborhood? Good neighbors, that's it. It's less the homes, the churches, the stores, the schools, it's good people. And if sellers and landlords could legally do business with only good people, that would be the solution to many of our problems today when it comes to property value.
If dogs and cats and birds can live together - so can you. And we have never been a melting pot. That is a myth.

Yes, we can live together, but never in peace. Whites and blacks are two totally opposite people. They can never accept my ways and I can never accept theirs. I'm not a violent person, I'm not a dirty person, I'm not a loud person. I believe in law and order--not hatred of our police. I support our police.

Oh, but just learn to live together. How? How can I learn to accept our stores closing all the time because of crime? How can we live together when I just want to sit on my back porch in peace and quiet, but can't? How can we live tougher when I had to lock up my new propane grill because they stole my last one right out of my yard? How can we live together when our teachers get attacked every month during the school year?

You have to understand that we can't live together in peace because white people don't live like that. We live just the opposite in most cases.

The current situation, imo, is primarily driven by generations of race baiting and hatemongering by the left to radicalize and inflame the minority populations.

There is no reason to assume that, without that massive external factor that the black community would not be a FAR more productive and pleasant part of society.

Maybe some day, but nowhere in the near future.

When you have government forcing groups of people on each other, that's no way to improve their opinions of each other. The real solution is to get rid of government regulations like Fair Housing and HUD. If somebody doesn't want to sell you a house or rent an apartment to you for whatever reason, that should be totally legal. As it is now, you are forced to sell or rent to an undesirable or face penalties by the law. You may know it's wrong, and you may know it's ruining your neighborhood, but you have no choice legally.

People should be segregated by class. That can happen if government gets out of the way. It would keep the bad people out that gives all blacks a bad name, and would not hurt property values like what's going on now. HUD should have their funds cut in half so they could only afford to house people in lower income areas. HUD should not be buying or renting dwellings for their people in the suburbs.

Ray, do us all a favor and shut the fuck up.

You are a prime example of how racism in whites exist today. You claim to own businesses. So then if .you have no blacks employed or very few, I guess it's only on merit they did not get hired.


Truth hurts, don't it.

I said I have a side business--not that I own businesses. And no, nobody works for me but contractors I may need for repairs.

No the truth doesn't hurt me. But it appears to bother you quite a lot.
Cutting taxes for the rich and foodstamps for the poor, is good governance?

Trade policy crafted to protect American interests instead of an ideological concept of Free Trade and enforcing immigration laws, and NOT fucking with Russia, is good governance.
Free trade is capitalism (as is lax immigration policy). I'm sure sorry that doesn't work for you my little fascist.
Laissez-faire sometimes interferes with their socialism on a national basis.
Sometimes? Meaning, always.

Capitalism is terrific, at what it does well. It sucks at everything else. The right tool for the right job.
Tell us what capitalism sucks at and what government does good. I think you're find that in the later case the answer is "nothing."

.No, I don't think the answer would be no. You drive on the government every day and you get to work or wherever pretty safely.
Cutting taxes for the rich and foodstamps for the poor, is good governance?

Trade policy crafted to protect American interests instead of an ideological concept of Free Trade and enforcing immigration laws, and NOT fucking with Russia, is good governance.
Free trade is capitalism (as is lax immigration policy). I'm sure sorry that doesn't work for you my little fascist.
Laissez-faire sometimes interferes with their socialism on a national basis.
Sometimes? Meaning, always.

Capitalism is terrific, at what it does well. It sucks at everything else. The right tool for the right job.
Tell us what capitalism sucks at and what government does good. I think you're find that in the later case the answer is "nothing."

Good at iPhones, sucks at healthcare. Good at porn, sucks at war.
A dubious enterprise with no actual fact backing that mixing all the races, ethnics and religions together will provide better benefit to mankind
Trade policy crafted to protect American interests instead of an ideological concept of Free Trade and enforcing immigration laws, and NOT fucking with Russia, is good governance.
Free trade is capitalism (as is lax immigration policy). I'm sure sorry that doesn't work for you my little fascist.
Laissez-faire sometimes interferes with their socialism on a national basis.
Sometimes? Meaning, always.

Capitalism is terrific, at what it does well. It sucks at everything else. The right tool for the right job.
Tell us what capitalism sucks at and what government does good. I think you're find that in the later case the answer is "nothing."

.No, I don't think the answer would be no. You drive on the government every day and you get to work or wherever pretty safely.

You have to be blind of you think the government does a good job of building and maintaining roads. The government spends on money on roads to provide jobs for union members. It does it in the slowest, most inefficient manner possible. I just watched them repair the roads near my house and it took them about 18 months to do a job that should have taken no more than 3 months. For months at a time the machinery was sitting idle by the side of the road and no workmen were to be seen. There is simply no excuse for this. While this construction is going on the danger to motorists is much higher than when the road is in good working order.

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