Insanity - Republicans Don't Get It


Cat Lady =^..^=
Apr 27, 2013
You've heard it said that the definition of "insanity" is doing the same thing over and over while getting the same results. Well, it seems Republicans in Congress (supported by their constituents) don't seem to understand. They keep doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results. They keep submitting a "repeal" Obamacare bill, knowing full well that the Democratic majority Senate won't pass it, and even if it did, Obama, who authored it (along with Republicans who now claim they don't like what they created), will veto it!

Are they insane? Perhaps they don't realize they are just wasting taxpayer money on their senseless endeavor, and they are not the party who wants to cut spending?


For the 40th time, Republicans pushed legislation through the House on Friday targeting President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, this one a bill preventing the Internal Revenue Service from implementing any part of the health care law.

The measure, symbolic because of the certainty that it will be ignored by the Democratic-led Senate, was approved by a near party-line 232-185 vote.

The legislation married two of the GOP's favorite targets: the 2010 health care law and the IRS, which in May conceded it had improperly targeted conservative groups seeking tax exempt status for detailed investigations.

House OKs effort to repeal Obamacare for 40th time - San Jose Mercury News
They know obamacare won't be repealed, the object is to delay it and slow it down until it can be repealed. After all, businesses wouldn't have gotten their delay without the time afforded by the votes repealing this atrocity.
You've heard it said that the definition of "insanity" is doing the same thing over and over while getting the same results. Well, it seems Republicans in Congress (supported by their constituents) don't seem to understand. They keep doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results. They keep submitting a "repeal" Obamacare bill, knowing full well that the Democratic majority Senate won't pass it, and even if it did, Obama, who authored it (along with Republicans who now claim they don't like what they created), will veto it!

Are they insane? Perhaps they don't realize they are just wasting taxpayer money on their senseless endeavor, and they are not the party who wants to cut spending?


For the 40th time, Republicans pushed legislation through the House on Friday targeting President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, this one a bill preventing the Internal Revenue Service from implementing any part of the health care law.

The measure, symbolic because of the certainty that it will be ignored by the Democratic-led Senate, was approved by a near party-line 232-185 vote.

The legislation married two of the GOP's favorite targets: the 2010 health care law and the IRS, which in May conceded it had improperly targeted conservative groups seeking tax exempt status for detailed investigations.

House OKs effort to repeal Obamacare for 40th time - San Jose Mercury News

This is not a mystery. Regardless of whether they can actually repeal it, regardless of whether they really want to, Republicans are opposing PPACA because it is unpopular with many voters. Democrats don't seem to want to acknowledge that, or deal with the consequences.
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They know obamacare won't be repealed, the object is to delay it and slow it down until it can be repealed. After all, businesses wouldn't have gotten their delay without the time afforded by the votes repealing this atrocity.

It isn't Republicans who are delaying it. The businesses don't want the delay. Don't know where you are getting your erroneous information. If that was the case, they wouldn't be wanting an investigation for the delay.

WASHINGTON -- A group of Republican lawmakers who have voted repeatedly to repeal Obamacare, claiming it will hurt businesses, are now calling for an investigation into why the administration is delaying a part of the law that affects businesses.

"But the same leaders, as well as a dozen other members of the committee, announced Wednesday that they want an investigation into why the White House made the "abrupt decision" to delay the employer mandate for a year.

Republicans Opposed To Obamacare Investigate Delay Of Employer Mandate
You've heard it said that the definition of "insanity" is doing the same thing over and over while getting the same results. Well, it seems Republicans in Congress (supported by their constituents) don't seem to understand. They keep doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results. They keep submitting a "repeal" Obamacare bill, knowing full well that the Democratic majority Senate won't pass it, and even if it did, Obama, who authored it (along with Republicans who now claim they don't like what they created), will veto it!

Are they insane? Perhaps they don't realize they are just wasting taxpayer money on their senseless endeavor, and they are not the party who wants to cut spending?


For the 40th time, Republicans pushed legislation through the House on Friday targeting President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, this one a bill preventing the Internal Revenue Service from implementing any part of the health care law.

The measure, symbolic because of the certainty that it will be ignored by the Democratic-led Senate, was approved by a near party-line 232-185 vote.

The legislation married two of the GOP's favorite targets: the 2010 health care law and the IRS, which in May conceded it had improperly targeted conservative groups seeking tax exempt status for detailed investigations.

House OKs effort to repeal Obamacare for 40th time - San Jose Mercury News

House republicans are crazy but most are not stupid.

Remember that many fear the specter of being primaried next year.

They know their vote won’t repeal the ACA but that vote will help keep them in office. As difficult as it may be to believe, there are republican politicians in red Congressional districts crazier than those in the House now, one misstep by an incumbent and he’s got a challenger back home accusing him of being a ‘RINO.’

We’ll likely see a few more of these ‘votes’ before November 2014.
They are doing the job they were hired for, what dont you get? When obozo care crases and burns in October we will have the last laugh, no one not buying insurance now will sign up to pay $100~$400 month for it. Your fucking crazy lol...
You've heard it said that the definition of "insanity" is doing the same thing over and over while getting the same results. Well, it seems Republicans in Congress (supported by their constituents) don't seem to understand. They keep doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results. They keep submitting a "repeal" Obamacare bill, knowing full well that the Democratic majority Senate won't pass it, and even if it did, Obama, who authored it (along with Republicans who now claim they don't like what they created), will veto it!

Are they insane? Perhaps they don't realize they are just wasting taxpayer money on their senseless endeavor, and they are not the party who wants to cut spending?


For the 40th time, Republicans pushed legislation through the House on Friday targeting President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, this one a bill preventing the Internal Revenue Service from implementing any part of the health care law.

The measure, symbolic because of the certainty that it will be ignored by the Democratic-led Senate, was approved by a near party-line 232-185 vote.

The legislation married two of the GOP's favorite targets: the 2010 health care law and the IRS, which in May conceded it had improperly targeted conservative groups seeking tax exempt status for detailed investigations.

House OKs effort to repeal Obamacare for 40th time - San Jose Mercury News

This is not a mystery. Regardless of whether they can actually repeal it, regardless of whether they really want to, Republicans are opposing PPACA because it is unpopular with many voters. Democrats don't seem to want to acknowledge that, or deal with the consequences.

That's not true.
The only ones that want it repealed are the ones that don't even understand how it works and just follow their leaders along like sheeple.

A record low number of American voters want to see the Affordable Care Act – Obamacare – repealed, according to a new post-election poll conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Obamacare was not the top issue driving American to vote, although nearly seven in 10 Americans cited it as a “major factor” in their decision choosing between the candidates, according to Kaiser. Voters who listed Obamacare as a major factor were evenly split between Republican Mitt Romney, 47 percent, and President Obama, 46 percent.

Poll: Fewer Support Obamacare Repeal - ABC News
You've heard it said that the definition of "insanity" is doing the same thing over and over while getting the same results. Well, it seems Republicans in Congress (supported by their constituents) don't seem to understand. They keep doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results. They keep submitting a "repeal" Obamacare bill, knowing full well that the Democratic majority Senate won't pass it, and even if it did, Obama, who authored it (along with Republicans who now claim they don't like what they created), will veto it!

Are they insane? Perhaps they don't realize they are just wasting taxpayer money on their senseless endeavor, and they are not the party who wants to cut spending?


For the 40th time, Republicans pushed legislation through the House on Friday targeting President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, this one a bill preventing the Internal Revenue Service from implementing any part of the health care law.

The measure, symbolic because of the certainty that it will be ignored by the Democratic-led Senate, was approved by a near party-line 232-185 vote.

The legislation married two of the GOP's favorite targets: the 2010 health care law and the IRS, which in May conceded it had improperly targeted conservative groups seeking tax exempt status for detailed investigations.

House OKs effort to repeal Obamacare for 40th time - San Jose Mercury News

This is not a mystery. Regardless of whether they can actually repeal it, regardless of whether they really want to, Republicans are opposing PPACA because it is unpopular with many voters. Democrats don't seem to want to acknowledge that, or deal with the consequences.

That's not true.
The only ones that want it repealed are the ones that don't even understand how it works and just follow their leaders along like sheeple.

A record low number of American voters want to see the Affordable Care Act – Obamacare – repealed, according to a new post-election poll conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Obamacare was not the top issue driving American to vote, although nearly seven in 10 Americans cited it as a “major factor” in their decision choosing between the candidates, according to Kaiser. Voters who listed Obamacare as a major factor were evenly split between Republican Mitt Romney, 47 percent, and President Obama, 46 percent.

Poll: Fewer Support Obamacare Repeal - ABC News

I suspect a vast majority of people don't understand all of the unintended consequences that will result from Obama Care.
They are doing the job they were hired for, what dont you get?

That they don't use common sense. Don't they know it won't go forward, it will be defeated? Are they stupid? What don't you get?

When obozo care crases and burns in October we will have the last laugh, no one not buying insurance now will sign up to pay $100~$400 month for it. Your fucking crazy lol...

LOL! is right - that's what Republican/conservatives said about Medicare and now they don't want anybody messing with it. Looks like you're the one that's fucking crazy - just like your idiotic leaders! :lol:
They are doing the job they were hired for, what dont you get?

That they don't use common sense. Don't they know it won't go forward, it will be defeated? Are they stupid? What don't you get?

When obozo care crases and burns in October we will have the last laugh, no one not buying insurance now will sign up to pay $100~$400 month for it. Your fucking crazy lol...

LOL! is right - that's what Republican/conservatives said about Medicare and now they don't want anybody messing with it. Looks like you're the one that's fucking crazy - just like your idiotic leaders! :lol:

What part dont you get? Again people that dont have health insurance wont buy it. they live pay check to pay check and thats who you need. but they wont buy it they have to put food on the table, pay rent hell they are now renting tires for their cars because they dont have the cash to buy them out right.
I live in the real world guess you dont.. they cant afford Obozo care.
They are doing the job they were hired for, what dont you get?

That they don't use common sense. Don't they know it won't go forward, it will be defeated? Are they stupid? What don't you get?

When obozo care crases and burns in October we will have the last laugh, no one not buying insurance now will sign up to pay $100~$400 month for it. Your fucking crazy lol...

LOL! is right - that's what Republican/conservatives said about Medicare and now they don't want anybody messing with it. Looks like you're the one that's fucking crazy - just like your idiotic leaders! :lol:

What part dont you get? Again people that dont have health insurance wont buy it. they live pay check to pay check and thats who you need.
Link, please, or if this just more Rep/con bullshit?

but they wont buy it they have to put food on the table, pay rent hell they are now renting tires for their cars because they dont have the cash to buy them out right.
If they can't afford it, they should be on Medicaid. If they don't qualify for Medicaid they will receive assistance to buy it. What planet do you reside in?

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