Insecure men are the the bedrock of Trump's base

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From boasting about the size of his (you know what) on national television to releasing records of his high testosterone levels, President Trump’s rhetoric and behavior exude machismo. This behavior has appealed to insecure men on the most basic level. The political process provides a way that fragile men can reaffirm their masculinity. By supporting tough politicians and policies, men can reassure others (and themselves) of their own manliness.

I've witnessed this myself folks, in watching and listening to these insecure creatures in barbershops, grocery stores, and elsewhere. The stereotypical Trump supporter is average height or less, boots with little elevator heels, 4 wheel drive pickup trucks with NRA stickers, complete with snarky little messages such as "you can have my gun, BULLETS FIRST!" They're frequently overweight, suffer from erectile dysfunction, and have trouble attracting women. Most Trump supporters here will deny this of course, but they deep down inside they know it's true.

I feel sorry for them. :bye1:

Insecure men were a big Trump demographic in 2016

Analysis | How Donald Trump appeals to men secretly insecure about their manhood

Yes. Classic under achievers who have become embittered over their inability to escape their mediocrity in every aspect of their lives. They often lash out at those as they perceive as a inferior and blame them for their own failings. We see them here daily.

View attachment 239297

Classic under achievers who have become embittered over their inability to escape their mediocrity in every aspect of their lives. They often lash out at those as they perceive as a inferior and blame them for their own failings. We see them here daily.

You leave poor IM2 out of this.
From boasting about the size of his (you know what) on national television to releasing records of his high testosterone levels, President Trump’s rhetoric and behavior exude machismo. This behavior has appealed to insecure men on the most basic level. The political process provides a way that fragile men can reaffirm their masculinity. By supporting tough politicians and policies, men can reassure others (and themselves) of their own manliness.

I've witnessed this myself folks, in watching and listening to these insecure creatures in barbershops, grocery stores, and elsewhere. The stereotypical Trump supporter is average height or less, boots with little elevator heels, 4 wheel drive pickup trucks with NRA stickers, complete with snarky little messages such as "you can have my gun, BULLETS FIRST!" They're frequently overweight, suffer from erectile dysfunction, and have trouble attracting women. Most Trump supporters here will deny this of course, but they deep down inside they know it's true.

I feel sorry for them. :bye1:

Insecure men were a big Trump demographic in 2016

Analysis | How Donald Trump appeals to men secretly insecure about their manhood
/----/ Well every other attack you tried on Trump's base failed, might as well question our manhood.
From boasting about the size of his (you know what) on national television to releasing records of his high testosterone levels, President Trump’s rhetoric and behavior exude machismo. This behavior has appealed to insecure men on the most basic level. The political process provides a way that fragile men can reaffirm their masculinity. By supporting tough politicians and policies, men can reassure others (and themselves) of their own manliness.

I've witnessed this myself folks, in watching and listening to these insecure creatures in barbershops, grocery stores, and elsewhere. The stereotypical Trump supporter is average height or less, boots with little elevator heels, 4 wheel drive pickup trucks with NRA stickers, complete with snarky little messages such as "you can have my gun, BULLETS FIRST!" They're frequently overweight, suffer from erectile dysfunction, and have trouble attracting women. Most Trump supporters here will deny this of course, but they deep down inside they know it's true.

I feel sorry for them. :bye1:

Insecure men were a big Trump demographic in 2016

Analysis | How Donald Trump appeals to men secretly insecure about their manhood
I often wonder how people who are not me think they know so much about me. I am a Trump supporter but-I don't like guns, think a women should be able to choose, think the rich should have a higher tax rate(not 70%), and we should have a stronger push to protect the environment. But, I want the wall, want other world leaders to respect us even if they don't like us(they have seemed more respectful since we stopped paying for everything), want ALL illegals deported, want government waste reduced if not eliminated, and I want the Space Force! How's that for testosterone?
From boasting about the size of his (you know what) on national television to releasing records of his high testosterone levels, President Trump’s rhetoric and behavior exude machismo. This behavior has appealed to insecure men on the most basic level. The political process provides a way that fragile men can reaffirm their masculinity. By supporting tough politicians and policies, men can reassure others (and themselves) of their own manliness.

I've witnessed this myself folks, in watching and listening to these insecure creatures in barbershops, grocery stores, and elsewhere. The stereotypical Trump supporter is average height or less, boots with little elevator heels, 4 wheel drive pickup trucks with NRA stickers, complete with snarky little messages such as "you can have my gun, BULLETS FIRST!" They're frequently overweight, suffer from erectile dysfunction, and have trouble attracting women. Most Trump supporters here will deny this of course, but they deep down inside they know it's true.

I feel sorry for them. :bye1:

Insecure men were a big Trump demographic in 2016

Analysis | How Donald Trump appeals to men secretly insecure about their manhood

“Trump does not appeal to fudge packers, men in dresses, White guilt wackos, Wetbacks, lowlife degenerates and criminals.”
From boasting about the size of his (you know what) on national television to releasing records of his high testosterone levels, President Trump’s rhetoric and behavior exude machismo. This behavior has appealed to insecure men on the most basic level. The political process provides a way that fragile men can reaffirm their masculinity. By supporting tough politicians and policies, men can reassure others (and themselves) of their own manliness.

I've witnessed this myself folks, in watching and listening to these insecure creatures in barbershops, grocery stores, and elsewhere. The stereotypical Trump supporter is average height or less, boots with little elevator heels, 4 wheel drive pickup trucks with NRA stickers, complete with snarky little messages such as "you can have my gun, BULLETS FIRST!" They're frequently overweight, suffer from erectile dysfunction, and have trouble attracting women. Most Trump supporters here will deny this of course, but they deep down inside they know it's true.

I feel sorry for them. :bye1:

Insecure men were a big Trump demographic in 2016

Analysis | How Donald Trump appeals to men secretly insecure about their manhood

Yes. Classic under achievers who have become embittered over their inability to escape their mediocrity in every aspect of their lives. They often lash out at those as they perceive as a inferior and blame them for their own failings. We see them here daily.

View attachment 239297
Uh-huh.....But aren't the OP, C.Foghorn Leghorn, Midcant, and Wry Catcher lolberal democrats?
From boasting about the size of his (you know what) on national television to releasing records of his high testosterone levels, President Trump’s rhetoric and behavior exude machismo. This behavior has appealed to insecure men on the most basic level. The political process provides a way that fragile men can reaffirm their masculinity. By supporting tough politicians and policies, men can reassure others (and themselves) of their own manliness.

I've witnessed this myself folks, in watching and listening to these insecure creatures in barbershops, grocery stores, and elsewhere. The stereotypical Trump supporter is average height or less, boots with little elevator heels, 4 wheel drive pickup trucks with NRA stickers, complete with snarky little messages such as "you can have my gun, BULLETS FIRST!" They're frequently overweight, suffer from erectile dysfunction, and have trouble attracting women. Most Trump supporters here will deny this of course, but they deep down inside they know it's true.

I feel sorry for them. :bye1:

Insecure men were a big Trump demographic in 2016

Analysis | How Donald Trump appeals to men secretly insecure about their manhood

This coming from the side that is supposedly “secure” in their manhood? How is it secure simply to submit and capitulate without question or contest to the standards and regulations being defined for men out of fear that you never be called a racist, sexist, homophobe? How secure is that?
From boasting about the size of his (you know what) on national television to releasing records of his high testosterone levels, President Trump’s rhetoric and behavior exude machismo. This behavior has appealed to insecure men on the most basic level. The political process provides a way that fragile men can reaffirm their masculinity. By supporting tough politicians and policies, men can reassure others (and themselves) of their own manliness.

I've witnessed this myself folks, in watching and listening to these insecure creatures in barbershops, grocery stores, and elsewhere. The stereotypical Trump supporter is average height or less, boots with little elevator heels, 4 wheel drive pickup trucks with NRA stickers, complete with snarky little messages such as "you can have my gun, BULLETS FIRST!" They're frequently overweight, suffer from erectile dysfunction, and have trouble attracting women. Most Trump supporters here will deny this of course, but they deep down inside they know it's true.

I feel sorry for them. :bye1:

Insecure men were a big Trump demographic in 2016

Analysis | How Donald Trump appeals to men secretly insecure about their manhood
Just cut the taxes in half. that is all you have to do.......cut the taxes in half....cut the taxes in it.... do it...But you can't. You won't. You do the talk. You accuse others of their flaws. Now to the walk....Cut all of the taxes in half...Lets see where that takes us.
From boasting about the size of his (you know what) on national television to releasing records of his high testosterone levels, President Trump’s rhetoric and behavior exude machismo. This behavior has appealed to insecure men on the most basic level. The political process provides a way that fragile men can reaffirm their masculinity. By supporting tough politicians and policies, men can reassure others (and themselves) of their own manliness.

I've witnessed this myself folks, in watching and listening to these insecure creatures in barbershops, grocery stores, and elsewhere. The stereotypical Trump supporter is average height or less, boots with little elevator heels, 4 wheel drive pickup trucks with NRA stickers, complete with snarky little messages such as "you can have my gun, BULLETS FIRST!" They're frequently overweight, suffer from erectile dysfunction, and have trouble attracting women. Most Trump supporters here will deny this of course, but they deep down inside they know it's true.

I feel sorry for them. :bye1:

Insecure men were a big Trump demographic in 2016

Analysis | How Donald Trump appeals to men secretly insecure about their manhood

So how do you think that Creepy Joe, Pocahontas, Beto, etc., should use this "information" to persuade enough Trump voters to make the switch to the Far Left in 2020?

Unless this is used for strategery purposes, its a pointless "study", no?

Although my own guess is that Insecure Men are the Far Left "new castrati" class. Not Trumpsters at all.
From boasting about the size of his (you know what) on national television to releasing records of his high testosterone levels, President Trump’s rhetoric and behavior exude machismo. This behavior has appealed to insecure men on the most basic level. The political process provides a way that fragile men can reaffirm their masculinity. By supporting tough politicians and policies, men can reassure others (and themselves) of their own manliness.

I've witnessed this myself folks, in watching and listening to these insecure creatures in barbershops, grocery stores, and elsewhere. The stereotypical Trump supporter is average height or less, boots with little elevator heels, 4 wheel drive pickup trucks with NRA stickers, complete with snarky little messages such as "you can have my gun, BULLETS FIRST!" They're frequently overweight, suffer from erectile dysfunction, and have trouble attracting women. Most Trump supporters here will deny this of course, but they deep down inside they know it's true.

I feel sorry for them. :bye1:

Insecure men were a big Trump demographic in 2016

Analysis | How Donald Trump appeals to men secretly insecure about their manhood

I guess in a way you have a point. Along those same lines- Bulldyke women and the men they dominate were Hellary’s base. You voted for Hellary, didn’t ya?
There it is.....that insecurity and need to find ways to denigrate assertive and knowledgeable women.
From boasting about the size of his (you know what) on national television to releasing records of his high testosterone levels, President Trump’s rhetoric and behavior exude machismo. This behavior has appealed to insecure men on the most basic level. The political process provides a way that fragile men can reaffirm their masculinity. By supporting tough politicians and policies, men can reassure others (and themselves) of their own manliness.

I've witnessed this myself folks, in watching and listening to these insecure creatures in barbershops, grocery stores, and elsewhere. The stereotypical Trump supporter is average height or less, boots with little elevator heels, 4 wheel drive pickup trucks with NRA stickers, complete with snarky little messages such as "you can have my gun, BULLETS FIRST!" They're frequently overweight, suffer from erectile dysfunction, and have trouble attracting women. Most Trump supporters here will deny this of course, but they deep down inside they know it's true.

I feel sorry for them. :bye1:

Insecure men were a big Trump demographic in 2016

Analysis | How Donald Trump appeals to men secretly insecure about their manhood
Let's not forget the rise on INCEL, Proud Boys, etc. under trump.
From boasting about the size of his (you know what) on national television to releasing records of his high testosterone levels, President Trump’s rhetoric and behavior exude machismo. This behavior has appealed to insecure men on the most basic level. The political process provides a way that fragile men can reaffirm their masculinity. By supporting tough politicians and policies, men can reassure others (and themselves) of their own manliness.

I've witnessed this myself folks, in watching and listening to these insecure creatures in barbershops, grocery stores, and elsewhere. The stereotypical Trump supporter is average height or less, boots with little elevator heels, 4 wheel drive pickup trucks with NRA stickers, complete with snarky little messages such as "you can have my gun, BULLETS FIRST!" They're frequently overweight, suffer from erectile dysfunction, and have trouble attracting women. Most Trump supporters here will deny this of course, but they deep down inside they know it's true.

I feel sorry for them. :bye1:

Insecure men were a big Trump demographic in 2016

Analysis | How Donald Trump appeals to men secretly insecure about their manhood
You mean the ones that don't wear pussyhats?
Scares you that much?
From boasting about the size of his (you know what) on national television to releasing records of his high testosterone levels, President Trump’s rhetoric and behavior exude machismo. This behavior has appealed to insecure men on the most basic level. The political process provides a way that fragile men can reaffirm their masculinity. By supporting tough politicians and policies, men can reassure others (and themselves) of their own manliness.

I've witnessed this myself folks, in watching and listening to these insecure creatures in barbershops, grocery stores, and elsewhere. The stereotypical Trump supporter is average height or less, boots with little elevator heels, 4 wheel drive pickup trucks with NRA stickers, complete with snarky little messages such as "you can have my gun, BULLETS FIRST!" They're frequently overweight, suffer from erectile dysfunction, and have trouble attracting women. Most Trump supporters here will deny this of course, but they deep down inside they know it's true.

I feel sorry for them. :bye1:

Insecure men were a big Trump demographic in 2016

Analysis | How Donald Trump appeals to men secretly insecure about their manhood
You mean the ones that don't wear pussyhats?
Scares you that much?
Fat women wearing pussyhats are pretty scary.
From boasting about the size of his (you know what) on national television to releasing records of his high testosterone levels, President Trump’s rhetoric and behavior exude machismo. This behavior has appealed to insecure men on the most basic level. The political process provides a way that fragile men can reaffirm their masculinity. By supporting tough politicians and policies, men can reassure others (and themselves) of their own manliness.

I've witnessed this myself folks, in watching and listening to these insecure creatures in barbershops, grocery stores, and elsewhere. The stereotypical Trump supporter is average height or less, boots with little elevator heels, 4 wheel drive pickup trucks with NRA stickers, complete with snarky little messages such as "you can have my gun, BULLETS FIRST!" They're frequently overweight, suffer from erectile dysfunction, and have trouble attracting women. Most Trump supporters here will deny this of course, but they deep down inside they know it's true.

I feel sorry for them. :bye1:

Insecure men were a big Trump demographic in 2016

Analysis | How Donald Trump appeals to men secretly insecure about their manhood

The irony of a liberal needing to start a thread on how insecure his enemies are, to make fun of them as people, instead of accepting that other people can disagree them politically for valid political reasons,

is hilarious, and of course, utterly lost on them.
Yet....feeling the need to defend your insecurities? INCEL didn't exactly become a thing until the trump regime popped up, did it?
From boasting about the size of his (you know what) on national television to releasing records of his high testosterone levels, President Trump’s rhetoric and behavior exude machismo. This behavior has appealed to insecure men on the most basic level. The political process provides a way that fragile men can reaffirm their masculinity. By supporting tough politicians and policies, men can reassure others (and themselves) of their own manliness.

I've witnessed this myself folks, in watching and listening to these insecure creatures in barbershops, grocery stores, and elsewhere. The stereotypical Trump supporter is average height or less, boots with little elevator heels, 4 wheel drive pickup trucks with NRA stickers, complete with snarky little messages such as "you can have my gun, BULLETS FIRST!" They're frequently overweight, suffer from erectile dysfunction, and have trouble attracting women. Most Trump supporters here will deny this of course, but they deep down inside they know it's true.

I feel sorry for them. :bye1:

Insecure men were a big Trump demographic in 2016

Analysis | How Donald Trump appeals to men secretly insecure about their manhood
You mean the ones that don't wear pussyhats?
Scares you that much?
Fat women wearing pussyhats are pretty scary.
To someone insecure about themselves, I would imagine so.
From boasting about the size of his (you know what) on national television to releasing records of his high testosterone levels, President Trump’s rhetoric and behavior exude machismo. This behavior has appealed to insecure men on the most basic level. The political process provides a way that fragile men can reaffirm their masculinity. By supporting tough politicians and policies, men can reassure others (and themselves) of their own manliness.

I've witnessed this myself folks, in watching and listening to these insecure creatures in barbershops, grocery stores, and elsewhere. The stereotypical Trump supporter is average height or less, boots with little elevator heels, 4 wheel drive pickup trucks with NRA stickers, complete with snarky little messages such as "you can have my gun, BULLETS FIRST!" They're frequently overweight, suffer from erectile dysfunction, and have trouble attracting women. Most Trump supporters here will deny this of course, but they deep down inside they know it's true.

I feel sorry for them. :bye1:

Insecure men were a big Trump demographic in 2016

Analysis | How Donald Trump appeals to men secretly insecure about their manhood

As if "a basket of deplorables" wasn't enough

Keep up the good work!
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