Zone1 Instead of treating others how you want to be treated

since this is in the religion forum...why not treat people the way jesus instructed....
Yes, keeping in mind that Jesus expanded on what Hillel taught which is, What is distasteful to you, do not do to another. The reason I find Jesus' version more powerful, is that it often brings results. I was once at a grocery store just having received news of the unexpected death of a family member.

The young check-out clerk started in by being intentionally rude when there was no reason to be. I thought, "She must be having a rough day, too" so I asked her how her day was going--and she was having a rough day. I simply let her tell me about it, we joked a little about what had befallen her, and I said I would wish her a day that passed by more quickly. I noticed she greeted the next customer with a smile and pleasant words.

I hadn't mentioned my own sorrow, but it came as a reminder that we simply don't know what others are going through, and a simple word of caring can help another--and the fact that making a small difference in someone else, made a difference in my day (and future days) as well.

Not doing something that is distasteful to us is a great start--but if we are up to catching something truly amazing, loving and caring is the path to try.
And rose again...

no, they should never have been crucified to start with -

this thread would be the reason for their tragedy to be concluded than a reason for as you claim, they came back to life -

no one helped him in his hour of need ... than mary magdalene and she definitely is not a biblical prodigy rather like jesus the opposite. they were swingers, no where found in the c-bible.

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