Insurance Companies looking to dramatically raise premiums for 2018

we also were smart enough to know a PRESIDENT doesn't vote on bills CONGRESS does.

What a DOLT!!! ..............Is that why the ACA is called OBAMAcare and not CONGRESSCare???
Insurance Companies Looking To Dramatically Raise Premiums

Thanks Obama! The bastard just keeps giving. This alone will insure we win the 2018 elections. :)

The reason that insurers are raising rates is because Republicans refuse to say whether they will continue the subsidies. It is Republicans who have done everything they can to undermine Obamacare. The majority of voters want it fixed not repealed. There are 3 popular provisions of Obamacare. One is the subsidies to lower income people, helping people with pre-existing conditions, and allowing young people to stay on their parents' policy until they are 27. Two of the three would be repealed by the AHCA which Trump calls mean. This will be the catalyst for Democrats to take control of the House.
I say let Obamacare burn the Democratic party to the ground to teach them a lesson.

Hey moron...You got the House ...the Senate AND the clown in the WH.......why the fuck are you blaming the ACA?.........LOL

Dem's OWN Obamacare 100% not a single GOP vote, the left impaled themselves on that pike I say let them writhe in agony. You had your chance to vote to fix that mess and you dumb asses all voted no so just suck on it. :laugh:
Insurance Companies Looking To Dramatically Raise Premiums

Thanks Obama! The bastard just keeps giving. This alone will insure we win the 2018 elections. :)

Who's "we"?
Hmmmm....good point. Maybe people that hate obamacare? I should have sad it will insure republicans win..I am not a republican so.

Well, yeah. I guess it depends on why you hate "obamacare". The reasons I hate it are still there in the Republican version.
Dem's OWN Obamacare 100% not a single GOP vote, the left impaled themselves on that pike I say let them writhe in agony. You had your chance to vote to fix that mess and you dumb asses all voted no so just suck on it.

You should know (but are too dumb to realize it) that MANY hard line conservative you and your ilk.....are benefiting from the ACA..........Actually, I can't wait for the repeal part of the ACA before the 2018 mid-terms so that the proverbial shit WILL hit the fan.
You should know (but are too dumb to realize it) that MANY hard line conservative you and your ilk.....are benefiting from the ACA.........

Here's something that might just blow your mind entirely: Some people have political values outside their own narrow, personal benefit. True Story™
Here's something that might just blow your mind entirely: Some people have political values outside their own narrow, personal benefit. True Story™

True.....very true........conservative are well know for their objective altruism....correct?
Here's something that might just blow your mind entirely: Some people have political values outside their own narrow, personal benefit. True Story™

True.....very true........conservative are well know for their objective altruism....correct?

Some of them, I suppose. But I wasn't talking about altruism. I was referring more to values like justice, liberty, individual rights, etc... Some people will vote for policies that protect principles they care about, even if doesn't offer immediate, personal benefit.

LIberals are often astonished to discover that the welfare state is least popular in the states that get the most welfare. Some of them even throw it out there in debates as though it's proving something. What do they think it's proving?
Dem's OWN Obamacare 100% not a single GOP vote, the left impaled themselves on that pike I say let them writhe in agony. You had your chance to vote to fix that mess and you dumb asses all voted no so just suck on it.

You should know (but are too dumb to realize it) that MANY hard line conservative you and your ilk.....are benefiting from the ACA..........Actually, I can't wait for the repeal part of the ACA before the 2018 mid-terms so that the proverbial shit WILL hit the fan.

So far the biggest ACA winner has been the Republican party. ACA gave us the House, then the Senate, the White House and SCOTUS nominations. The American people rose up and bitch slapped the left. The elitist liberal punks were destroyed at the ballot box losing nearly 1,000 seats across the nation. So go ahead own ACA its the gift that keeps on giving. :eusa_dance:
LIberals are often astonished to discover that the welfare state is least popular in the states that get the most welfare. Some of them even throw it out there in debates as though it's proving something. What do they think it's proving?

There's actually ANOTHER term that could be applied to people who go out of their way to vote AGAINST their own best interests in compliance with the lobbying efforts of rich companies........
So far the biggest ACA winner has been the Republican party. ACA gave us the House, then the Senate, the White House and SCOTUS nominations. The American people rose up and bitch slapped the left. The elitist liberal punks were destroyed at the ballot box losing nearly 1,000 seats across the nation. So go ahead own ACA its the gift that keeps on giving

well, not ALL Americans are as stupid as your ilk.....

In the final count, Hillary Clinton's lead in the popular vote of the 2016 presidential election was nearly three million votes. According to the independent, non-partisan Cook Political Report, Clinton's final tally came in at 65,844,610, compared to Donald Trump's 62,979,636, with a difference of 2,864,974.Dec 20, 2016
So far the biggest ACA winner has been the Republican party. ACA gave us the House, then the Senate, the White House and SCOTUS nominations. The American people rose up and bitch slapped the left. The elitist liberal punks were destroyed at the ballot box losing nearly 1,000 seats across the nation. So go ahead own ACA its the gift that keeps on giving

well, not ALL Americans are as stupid as your ilk.....

In the final count, Hillary Clinton's lead in the popular vote of the 2016 presidential election was nearly three million votes. According to the independent, non-partisan Cook Political Report, Clinton's final tally came in at 65,844,610, compared to Donald Trump's 62,979,636, with a difference of 2,864,974.Dec 20, 2016

Breaking: You lost, we won lmao! We took 30 states including your blue states of MI, PA, and WI that's an ass whooping. You morons couldn't even beat Donald Trump, hilarious :laugh::lmao::laugh::lmao::laugh:

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