Insurrection still raging in Portland: Antifa torches school HQ and cars

The news is not covering those "peaceful protests" any more. I wonder why?

And where is the outrage at actual acts of terrorism against government buildings where children are taught?

"Last night on ANTIFA’s Day of National Autonomy, the headquarters of Portland Public School was heavily vandalized and multiple school district vehicles were set on fire.

Portland Fire and Rescue vehicles arrived after 3 a.m. on Saturday-Sunday morning, where they found two cargo vans and a large box truck on fire in a parking garage.

This is being described as “an attack on our school systems”.

In the past ANTIFA has toppled statues, attacked federal buildings, gunned down innocent bystanders, ‘molotoved’ police, burnt bibles, and now as predicted they are targeting the schooling system.

Meanwhile, FBI Director Chris Wray refuses to designate ANTIFA as a domestic terrorist organization, or merely acknowledge its existence. Trump Supporters are being hunted, de-platformed, put on lists, and violently attacked and murdered for their views. ANTIFA burns, loots, and destroys with no repercussions."

Insurrection! ANTIFA Sets Fire to Portland Public School Headquarters and Torches Vehicles in A Series Of Malicious Terrorist Attacks
You need to cultivate some better sources than the Dumbass Pundit. It might as well be a satire site. No rioting in the news out there this weekend. Checked 3 different sources, Police, OregonLive, and the local FOX channel out there. No mention of Antifa. Probably pissed off high school students.
Omission is one of the MSM's favorite. They are not about to tell you everything.
That is why you can go to local stations in the area of interest to see what is really going on. You really warped enough to think you get the straight story from right wing sources a thousand or thousands of miles away? You are the one using MSM sources. Yours are just right wing MSM. The one you used, isn't exactly known for truth and veracity, right?
The news is not covering those "peaceful protests" any more. I wonder why?

And where is the outrage at actual acts of terrorism against government buildings where children are taught?

"Last night on ANTIFA’s Day of National Autonomy, the headquarters of Portland Public School was heavily vandalized and multiple school district vehicles were set on fire.

Portland Fire and Rescue vehicles arrived after 3 a.m. on Saturday-Sunday morning, where they found two cargo vans and a large box truck on fire in a parking garage.

This is being described as “an attack on our school systems”.

In the past ANTIFA has toppled statues, attacked federal buildings, gunned down innocent bystanders, ‘molotoved’ police, burnt bibles, and now as predicted they are targeting the schooling system.

Meanwhile, FBI Director Chris Wray refuses to designate ANTIFA as a domestic terrorist organization, or merely acknowledge its existence. Trump Supporters are being hunted, de-platformed, put on lists, and violently attacked and murdered for their views. ANTIFA burns, loots, and destroys with no repercussions."

Insurrection! ANTIFA Sets Fire to Portland Public School Headquarters and Torches Vehicles in A Series Of Malicious Terrorist Attacks
You need to cultivate some better sources than the Dumbass Pundit. It might as well be a satire site. No rioting in the news out there this weekend. Checked 3 different sources, Police, OregonLive, and the local FOX channel out there. No mention of Antifa. Probably pissed off high school students.
They said the media is their friend. So the media isn't covering stuff up maybe ??
In the whole town or region? Yeah, right. Don't you wish there were right wing, MSM weather stations? That way you would not be bothered with local weather that was not to you advantage.
If the FBI Director can’t see that Antifa is a terrorist group than either the FBI works for the DNC or he is as blind as a bat.

If the FBI is working for the DNC we no longer live in a constitutional republic or representative democracy. We live in a banana republic.

It is a shame that our founders great experiment with a new form of government is over but it shows that in the long run corruption and greed always wins.
Let it play out, because our faith in the Lord, and his justice will prevail... Fact. Be patient brother.

Thanks. You’re right.
Our wonderful FBI director has determined Antifa is not a domestic terror group. He must believe burning down cities and threatening white people are just justified protests.

Of course to be fair the FBI and Antifa do work for the same people, the DNC.

I imagine the FBI is devoting all its time to tracking down conservative militia groups, planting informants in those groups and convincing members to attack the government so the FBI can foil the attack and look heroic.

Our wonderful FBI director has determined Antifa is not a domestic terror group. He must believe burning down cities and threatening white people are just justified protests.

Of course to be fair the FBI and Antifa do work for the same people, the DNC.

I imagine the FBI is devoting all its time to tracking down conservative militia groups, planting informants in those groups and convincing members to attack the government so the FBI can foil the attack and look heroic.

That is your ridiculous anything for a buck GOP propaganda machine. Our judicial system says you are totally full of it.....
what are they protesting now

They aren't protesting, they are feral beasts roaming the streets of a long running democrat city.
The feral beasts stormed the capital on 1-6. And they were not ANTIFA.
but antifa people were there dear
Link to that ridiculous baloney, brainwashed functional moron?

It has been posted several times already, a black Antifa leader was arrested at the Capital.
Our wonderful FBI director has determined Antifa is not a domestic terror group. He must believe burning down cities and threatening white people are just justified protests.

Of course to be fair the FBI and Antifa do work for the same people, the DNC.

I imagine the FBI is devoting all its time to tracking down conservative militia groups, planting informants in those groups and convincing members to attack the government so the FBI can foil the attack and look heroic.

That is your ridiculous anything for a buck GOP propaganda machine. Our judicial system says you are totally full of it.....
Our judicial system is corrupt just like our other two branches of government. The stolen election has more than proven how corrupt our government is.
Our wonderful FBI director has determined Antifa is not a domestic terror group. He must believe burning down cities and threatening white people are just justified protests.

Of course to be fair the FBI and Antifa do work for the same people, the DNC.

I imagine the FBI is devoting all its time to tracking down conservative militia groups, planting informants in those groups and convincing members to attack the government so the FBI can foil the attack and look heroic.

That is your ridiculous anything for a buck GOP propaganda machine. Our judicial system says you are totally full of it.....

At this point in time many of us have absolutely no confidence or trust in our judicial system. If we had a honest and unbiased judicial system the rule of law would apply equally to everybody. High level Democrats flout the law all the time.

VICE PRESIDENT HARRIS openly, publicly declared the Leftist foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorism continue after the Presidential election...

In 2020, foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorist Antifa and BLM burned, looted, destroyed, assaulted, and murdered in communities throughout the US, causing damages totaling several BILLIONS of dollars

Democrats took advantage of another Leftist domestic-terrorist event to attempt to Impeach President Trump again...and failed...again.

President Trump is GONE now that the election is over...BUT JUST AS VP HARRIS CALLED FOR, the Leftist foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorists are still committing REAL 'INSURRECTION'.

After Antifa Group Tweets 'Burn the Schools,' Arsonists Target Portland School Building

In the wee hours of Saturday morning, vandals and arsonists targeted an administrative building for Portland Public Schools (PPS), setting vehicles on fire, smashing windows, and spray-painting the walls. The Portland Police Bureau (PPB) is investigating the attack. The Oregonian published photos of the vandalism and The Post Millennial Editor-at-Large Andy Ngo identified an antifa symbol.

This is and continues to be VP HARRIS' 'INSURRECTION'.
Like Merrick Garland said, it's not domestic terrorism if it was done after the close of business hours.

Reich Fuhrer Garland is very clear that only DER JUDEN are terrorists.

The Reichstag fire is terrorism.

Attacking a federal court house isn't - because UBER ALLES DEMOCRAT!
But that's different, because reasons.

Well, because Democrats didn't do it, and the right did much of it, and you're wildly exaggerating it, and and because vandalism isn't an attempt to overthrow the government.

You know that. You're just lying about it

Why? Because you enthusiastically supported your side's very violent and totally unprecedented fascist coup attempt. And you want to see more such violence and fascist coup attempts from your side.

What, you fascists think your motivation isn't obvious? If your fascist coup attempt had succeeded, you'd all be here saying how it was the most awesome thing ever, and that it was time for dictator-for-life Trump to send all the liberals to the camps.
VICE PRESIDENT HARRIS openly, publicly declared the Leftist foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorism continue after the Presidential election...

In 2020, foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorist Antifa and BLM burned, looted, destroyed, assaulted, and murdered in communities throughout the US, causing damages totaling several BILLIONS of dollars

Democrats took advantage of another Leftist domestic-terrorist event to attempt to Impeach President Trump again...and failed...again.

President Trump is GONE now that the election is over...BUT JUST AS VP HARRIS CALLED FOR, the Leftist foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorists are still committing REAL 'INSURRECTION'.

After Antifa Group Tweets 'Burn the Schools,' Arsonists Target Portland School Building

In the wee hours of Saturday morning, vandals and arsonists targeted an administrative building for Portland Public Schools (PPS), setting vehicles on fire, smashing windows, and spray-painting the walls. The Portland Police Bureau (PPB) is investigating the attack. The Oregonian published photos of the vandalism and The Post Millennial Editor-at-Large Andy Ngo identified an antifa symbol.

This is and continues to be VP HARRIS' 'INSURRECTION'.
no evidence shows people who received bail or bond assistance from MFF for arrests during the demonstrations committed more crimes after their initial detainment.

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