Insurrection still raging in Portland: Antifa torches school HQ and cars

no evidence shows people who received bail or bond assistance from MFF for arrests during the demonstrations committed more crimes after their initial detainment.

It never ceases to amaze me how easily snowflakes just pull BS out of their ass and post it as if it were true, simply because they WANT it to be true....

VICE PRESIDENT HARRIS openly, publicly declared the Leftist foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorism continue after the Presidential election...

In 2020, foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorist Antifa and BLM burned, looted, destroyed, assaulted, and murdered in communities throughout the US, causing damages totaling several BILLIONS of dollars

Democrats took advantage of another Leftist domestic-terrorist event to attempt to Impeach President Trump again...and failed...again.

President Trump is GONE now that the election is over...BUT JUST AS VP HARRIS CALLED FOR, the Leftist foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorists are still committing REAL 'INSURRECTION'.

After Antifa Group Tweets 'Burn the Schools,' Arsonists Target Portland School Building

In the wee hours of Saturday morning, vandals and arsonists targeted an administrative building for Portland Public Schools (PPS), setting vehicles on fire, smashing windows, and spray-painting the walls. The Portland Police Bureau (PPB) is investigating the attack. The Oregonian published photos of the vandalism and The Post Millennial Editor-at-Large Andy Ngo identified an antifa symbol.

This is and continues to be VP HARRIS' 'INSURRECTION'.

Two sets of rules. They somehow got appointed to define what is, IS
VICE PRESIDENT HARRIS openly, publicly declared the Leftist foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorism continue after the Presidential election...

In 2020, foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorist Antifa and BLM burned, looted, destroyed, assaulted, and murdered in communities throughout the US, causing damages totaling several BILLIONS of dollars

Democrats took advantage of another Leftist domestic-terrorist event to attempt to Impeach President Trump again...and failed...again.

President Trump is GONE now that the election is over...BUT JUST AS VP HARRIS CALLED FOR, the Leftist foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorists are still committing REAL 'INSURRECTION'.

After Antifa Group Tweets 'Burn the Schools,' Arsonists Target Portland School Building

In the wee hours of Saturday morning, vandals and arsonists targeted an administrative building for Portland Public Schools (PPS), setting vehicles on fire, smashing windows, and spray-painting the walls. The Portland Police Bureau (PPB) is investigating the attack. The Oregonian published photos of the vandalism and The Post Millennial Editor-at-Large Andy Ngo identified an antifa symbol.

This is and continues to be VP HARRIS' 'INSURRECTION'.
Post the quote please.
I was in Oregon for my entire 30s
It was so tranquil and nice
VICE PRESIDENT HARRIS openly, publicly declared the Leftist foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorism continue after the Presidential election...

In 2020, foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorist Antifa and BLM burned, looted, destroyed, assaulted, and murdered in communities throughout the US, causing damages totaling several BILLIONS of dollars

Democrats took advantage of another Leftist domestic-terrorist event to attempt to Impeach President Trump again...and failed...again.

President Trump is GONE now that the election is over...BUT JUST AS VP HARRIS CALLED FOR, the Leftist foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorists are still committing REAL 'INSURRECTION'.

After Antifa Group Tweets 'Burn the Schools,' Arsonists Target Portland School Building

In the wee hours of Saturday morning, vandals and arsonists targeted an administrative building for Portland Public Schools (PPS), setting vehicles on fire, smashing windows, and spray-painting the walls. The Portland Police Bureau (PPB) is investigating the attack. The Oregonian published photos of the vandalism and The Post Millennial Editor-at-Large Andy Ngo identified an antifa symbol.

This is and continues to be VP HARRIS' 'INSURRECTION'.
no evidence shows people who received bail or bond assistance from MFF for arrests during the demonstrations committed more crimes after their initial detainment.
I am shocked, shocked to see people continue to defend insurrectionist....Harris is directly connected to funding them....and encouraging their insurrection.....impeach, and prosecute
But that's different, because reasons.

Well, because Democrats didn't do it, and the right did much of it, and you're wildly exaggerating it, and and because vandalism isn't an attempt to overthrow the government.

You know that. You're just lying about it

Why? Because you enthusiastically supported your side's very violent and totally unprecedented fascist coup attempt. And you want to see more such violence and fascist coup attempts from your side.

What, you fascists think your motivation isn't obvious? If your fascist coup attempt had succeeded, you'd all be here saying how it was the most awesome thing ever, and that it was time for dictator-for-life Trump to send all the liberals to the camps.
If what you say is true, what is there to lose if some people have the courage to rise up to your totalitarian ways. You are so giddy with power you do not realize what you promote or are subversive traitors to the United States Constitution. And you push it back on the Non Progs.
VICE PRESIDENT HARRIS openly, publicly declared the Leftist foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorism continue after the Presidential election...

In 2020, foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorist Antifa and BLM burned, looted, destroyed, assaulted, and murdered in communities throughout the US, causing damages totaling several BILLIONS of dollars

Democrats took advantage of another Leftist domestic-terrorist event to attempt to Impeach President Trump again...and failed...again.

President Trump is GONE now that the election is over...BUT JUST AS VP HARRIS CALLED FOR, the Leftist foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorists are still committing REAL 'INSURRECTION'.

After Antifa Group Tweets 'Burn the Schools,' Arsonists Target Portland School Building

In the wee hours of Saturday morning, vandals and arsonists targeted an administrative building for Portland Public Schools (PPS), setting vehicles on fire, smashing windows, and spray-painting the walls. The Portland Police Bureau (PPB) is investigating the attack. The Oregonian published photos of the vandalism and The Post Millennial Editor-at-Large Andy Ngo identified an antifa symbol.

This is and continues to be VP HARRIS' 'INSURRECTION'.
no evidence shows people who received bail or bond assistance from MFF for arrests during the demonstrations committed more crimes after their initial detainment.
No evidence?

Hahaha ha

If you watched or read anything beyond FAKE NEWS you'd not say something so stupid
Well, because Democrats didn't do it, and the right did much of it, and you're wildly exaggerating it, and and because vandalism isn't an attempt to overthrow the government.

Wait, are you claiming that "the right" were the ones engaged in violence during your year long Kristalnacht?

How much crack do you smoke a day?

You know that. You're just lying about it

Why? Because you enthusiastically supported your side's very violent and totally unprecedented fascist coup attempt. And you want to see more such violence and fascist coup attempts from your side.

What, you fascists think your motivation isn't obvious? If your fascist coup attempt had succeeded, you'd all be here saying how it was the most awesome thing ever, and that it was time for dictator-for-life Trump to send all the liberals to the camps.

We're lying that you Nazis did this?


I don't think so Frau Mammoth Mammaries.

You and your filthy Reich have spent a year engaging in terrorism in order to destroy the Constitutional Republic of the United States.
VICE PRESIDENT HARRIS openly, publicly declared the Leftist foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorism continue after the Presidential election...

In 2020, foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorist Antifa and BLM burned, looted, destroyed, assaulted, and murdered in communities throughout the US, causing damages totaling several BILLIONS of dollars

Democrats took advantage of another Leftist domestic-terrorist event to attempt to Impeach President Trump again...and failed...again.

President Trump is GONE now that the election is over...BUT JUST AS VP HARRIS CALLED FOR, the Leftist foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorists are still committing REAL 'INSURRECTION'.

After Antifa Group Tweets 'Burn the Schools,' Arsonists Target Portland School Building

In the wee hours of Saturday morning, vandals and arsonists targeted an administrative building for Portland Public Schools (PPS), setting vehicles on fire, smashing windows, and spray-painting the walls. The Portland Police Bureau (PPB) is investigating the attack. The Oregonian published photos of the vandalism and The Post Millennial Editor-at-Large Andy Ngo identified an antifa symbol.

This is and continues to be VP HARRIS' 'INSURRECTION'.
Post the quote please.

Kamaltoe is a domestic terrorist - fact.
Our wonderful FBI director has determined Antifa is not a domestic terror group. He must believe burning down cities and threatening white people are just justified protests.

Of course to be fair the FBI and Antifa do work for the same people, the DNC.

I imagine the FBI is devoting all its time to tracking down conservative militia groups, planting informants in those groups and convincing members to attack the government so the FBI can foil the attack and look heroic.

That is your ridiculous anything for a buck GOP propaganda machine. Our judicial system says you are totally full of it.....

At this point in time many of us have absolutely no confidence or trust in our judicial system. If we had a honest and unbiased judicial system the rule of law would apply equally to everybody. High level Democrats flout the law all the time.

I was in Oregon for my entire 30s
It was so tranquil and nice
It's still is except for a couple of square blocks where the kids act up. Change the channel and get a grip. Fair and balanced my ass.
it still is except for a couple of square blocks where the kids act up. Change the channel and get a grip. Fair and balanced my ass
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Our wonderful FBI director has determined Antifa is not a domestic terror group. He must believe burning down cities and threatening white people are just justified protests.

Of course to be fair the FBI and Antifa do work for the same people, the DNC.

I imagine the FBI is devoting all its time to tracking down conservative militia groups, planting informants in those groups and convincing members to attack the government so the FBI can foil the attack and look heroic.

That is your ridiculous anything for a buck GOP propaganda machine. Our judicial system says you are totally full of it.....

At this point in time many of us have absolutely no confidence or trust in our judicial system. If we had a honest and unbiased judicial system the rule of law would apply equally to everybody. High level Democrats flout the law all the time.

Cut the sedition talk, brainwashed functional moron. There is no problem with our government except for conspiracy nut job GOP base morons....... Not a single one of your phony scandals and conspiracies have ever gone anywhere in the real world of journalism and law enforcement.
Wait, are you claiming that "the right" were the ones engaged in violence during your year long Kristalnacht?

Quite often, yes. No non-fascist denies that, thus you'll deny it.

So, how vigorously did you stroke yourself when you heard about your fascist pals killing those two cops? There aren't any Democratic political operatives murdering police officers. That kind of behavior comes entirely from your side.

The BLM protests were noticable in that everything would be peaceful, then everyone went home ... and then at midnight, the "B team" came out. Those were the common criminals, black bloc jackasses, and Trumpist agents.

We're lying that you Nazis did this?

Fascinating, that you think one burning car -- an act of vandalism, not sedition -- justifies the murder of police officers, a violent fascist coup against US democracy, and your wholesale embrace of Nazism.

It doesn't. That's why your Nazi ratfuk pals are going to prison, and why the whole nation is cheering that.

Now have a good cry about the failure of your violent fascist coup attempt, and then it's off to bed where you can dream of murdering more police officers for the glory of fascism.
If what you say is true, what is there to lose if some people have the courage to rise up to your totalitarian ways.

And exactly what are our totalitarian ways? Be specific.

This should be funny, watching you make up fake reasons to justify your open lust for violent treason.
But that's different, because reasons.

Well, because Democrats didn't do it, and the right did much of it, and you're wildly exaggerating it, and and because vandalism isn't an attempt to overthrow the government.

You know that. You're just lying about it

Why? Because you enthusiastically supported your side's very violent and totally unprecedented fascist coup attempt. And you want to see more such violence and fascist coup attempts from your side.

What, you fascists think your motivation isn't obvious? If your fascist coup attempt had succeeded, you'd all be here saying how it was the most awesome thing ever, and that it was time for dictator-for-life Trump to send all the liberals to the camps.

Take a Midol Martha. It was a hundred or so wackos that basically took selfies and souvenirs. 99% of conservatives disavowed their actions. Nothing happened on the 4th like your hysterical masters predicted. Your kooks are still at it, have done it 100s of times and will continue. This is the reality not what your fed from the demleftists and their media allies.
Well, because Democrats didn't do it, and the right did much of it, and you're wildly exaggerating it, and and because vandalism isn't an attempt to overthrow the government.

Wait, are you claiming that "the right" were the ones engaged in violence during your year long Kristalnacht?

How much crack do you smoke a day?

You know that. You're just lying about it

Why? Because you enthusiastically supported your side's very violent and totally unprecedented fascist coup attempt. And you want to see more such violence and fascist coup attempts from your side.

What, you fascists think your motivation isn't obvious? If your fascist coup attempt had succeeded, you'd all be here saying how it was the most awesome thing ever, and that it was time for dictator-for-life Trump to send all the liberals to the camps.

We're lying that you Nazis did this?

View attachment 465496

I don't think so Frau Mammoth Mammaries.

You and your filthy Reich have spent a year engaging in terrorism in order to destroy the Constitutional Republic of the United States.


I love the smell of Napalm in the evening
Wait, are you claiming that "the right" were the ones engaged in violence during your year long Kristalnacht?

Quite often, yes. No non-fascist denies that, thus you'll deny it.

So, how vigorously did you stroke yourself when you heard about your fascist pals killing those two cops? There aren't any Democratic political operatives murdering police officers. That kind of behavior comes entirely from your side.

The BLM protests were noticable in that everything would be peaceful, then everyone went home ... and then at midnight, the "B team" came out. Those were the common criminals, black bloc jackasses, and Trumpist agents.

We're lying that you Nazis did this?

Fascinating, that you think one burning car -- an act of vandalism, not sedition -- justifies the murder of police officers, a violent fascist coup against US democracy, and your wholesale embrace of Nazism.

It doesn't. That's why your Nazi ratfuk pals are going to prison, and why the whole nation is cheering that.

Now have a good cry about the failure of your violent fascist coup attempt, and then it's off to bed where you can dream of murdering more police officers for the glory of fascism.

I openly condemn any violence against law enforcement - unlike you.

How vigorously did you finger yourself when you saw your Brown Shirts do this?

You Nazi scum have spent a YEAR engaging in domestic terrorism, egged on and financially supported by Kamaltoe Harris.

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