Intel operation against Trump still going strong

i celebrate Trump's pursuit for individual excellence. my parents raised me the same way. dont forget, it was rugged individualism that won the Cold War

No you idiot, it was not "rugged individualism", the Cold War was won by the combined actions of NATO, and all of its member nations holding the Russians in check. That's WHY Putin has such a hard on for NATO and wants it destroyed.

Rugged individualism rarely accomplishes anything of lasting value. People working together for a common purpose can build nations, and raise the standard of living for all people. Nobody accomplishes ANYTHING alone. We stand on the shoulders of everyone who every taught us anything, who every helped us in any way, or provided us with the tools to effect change.
so i remove ignore, again, to see if you're capable of discussing counter views w/o insulting people and WHAM the first thing i see from you is 'no you idiot'.

individualism is what drives people to do more. to be more. it can bring people together, sure. but they're following an individual and their ideas. not a collection of people and indecision.

we all benefit from the victories of those before us, but that doesn't define us, now does it? you can either stand and be noticed, or you can be the 189,391 person in a crowd of 501,238,381 screaming THIS SUCKS.

your call.

What one scholar thought (I don’t recall his name) won the cold war was the Reagan military build-up. It was the one area where a communist nation believed that it could just steamroll any democracy. The thought was predicated on the well-researched fact that democracies and their social spending couldn’t field a large enough military to compete with a system that can spend whatever it deems necessary and doesn’t have to answer to the population at the ballot box. Reagan proved them wrong and sent our deficit into the stratosphere where it stayed.

Warfare (cold or hot) is politics by another means according to Sun Tzu.

“Rugged individualism” didn’t do shit to win the cold war.
so who are your "heros"?

seems to me the very definition of a hero for most is that they stand their ground and do the right things for the right reasons. those people these days moreso than ever, are individuals PART of a collective. i *NEVER* at any time said one did not exist without the other.

pretty inseparable but hey - give it a shot.

Why don’t you go first.

Is Trump (the guy who just caved on the shutdown)…your hero?
i celebrate Trump's pursuit for individual excellence. my parents raised me the same way. dont forget, it was rugged individualism that won the Cold War

No you idiot, it was not "rugged individualism", the Cold War was won by the combined actions of NATO, and all of its member nations holding the Russians in check. That's WHY Putin has such a hard on for NATO and wants it destroyed.

Rugged individualism rarely accomplishes anything of lasting value. People working together for a common purpose can build nations, and raise the standard of living for all people. Nobody accomplishes ANYTHING alone. We stand on the shoulders of everyone who every taught us anything, who every helped us in any way, or provided us with the tools to effect change.
so i remove ignore, again, to see if you're capable of discussing counter views w/o insulting people and WHAM the first thing i see from you is 'no you idiot'.

individualism is what drives people to do more. to be more. it can bring people together, sure. but they're following an individual and their ideas. not a collection of people and indecision.

we all benefit from the victories of those before us, but that doesn't define us, now does it? you can either stand and be noticed, or you can be the 189,391 person in a crowd of 501,238,381 screaming THIS SUCKS.

your call.

What one scholar thought (I don’t recall his name) won the cold war was the Reagan military build-up. It was the one area where a communist nation believed that it could just steamroll any democracy. The thought was predicated on the well-researched fact that democracies and their social spending couldn’t field a large enough military to compete with a system that can spend whatever it deems necessary and doesn’t have to answer to the population at the ballot box. Reagan proved them wrong and sent our deficit into the stratosphere where it stayed.

Warfare (cold or hot) is politics by another means according to Sun Tzu.

“Rugged individualism” didn’t do shit to win the cold war.
so who are your "heros"?

seems to me the very definition of a hero for most is that they stand their ground and do the right things for the right reasons. those people these days moreso than ever, are individuals PART of a collective. i *NEVER* at any time said one did not exist without the other.

pretty inseparable but hey - give it a shot.

Why don’t you go first.

Is Trump (the guy who just caved on the shutdown)…your hero?
nope. but he's quite the individual now isn't he?

trump does stupid shit but most of the time he does it for attention. then what happens? lord he gets it. annoying as hell. i never cared much for him and many of his policies i disagree with. i think a wall is asinine but hey - we've spent far more on far less. the things that is MUCH more asinine is that congress won't work together to fix the problem so trump, obama and others don't have to go around them to TRY and get SOMETHING done they believe in.

i think the constant attacks on trump is stupid and done by massive idiots who think THIS TIME they got him and it's not trumps dishonesty that drives them but their hate for him excused by *whatever*. when you hate someone or something, you simply don't see things clearly and ANYTHING they do is going to be wrong and piss you off. going off that emotion usually makes people talk and act in circles and in the end, become hypocritical.

so i just don't jump on the hate hay-ride and pretend that makes me a better person. only i can do that.

the next big annoying thing from most on the left is if you don't agree them that trump is an asshole and needs to go, you suddenly support his every move and are a TRUMPER or some other name sure to make the jr high crowd giggle with glee. is that the kind of collective thought you're happy with?

i'd prefer to be alone and think for myself than in a crowd going YEA! but hey - to each their own.
Sooper sekret psyop against The Donald still going strong!

Illuminati confirmed!
Intel operation against Trump still going strong

But I think there’s one shocking aspect — perhaps a larger story — that’s gone virtually unreported. It appears that anonymous intelligence officials are executing an operation against the sitting commander-in-chief. It might not qualify as all-out mutiny, but it’s also not all that far from one.
making up shit and then attacking anyone who doesn't believe your lie seems to be the mantra of the left right now.
Absolutely. Traitors to the nation. They should be located...and eradicated with extreme prejudice. I would be more than happy to personally make one of these scumbags disappear. Black ops...find them...eliminate them.
How does that make him act like a guilty person?
cause the TDS crowd makes up shit for him to be guilty about.

you really this slow?
So, he acts guilty even though he's innocent because people made things up about him?

Would you care to explain that bit of tortured reasoning?
he acts guilty cause that's how you choose to constantly see him.

i could explain it, but you'd never understand it. that's not on me.
So the lies, the evasions, the distraction, the changing stories, those are all in my imagination?


He acts guilty. Like a kid caught in the cookie jar. That isn't my perception son, that's reality.

I wonder how many campaign advisors have to be indicted or plead guilty before the right wing folks admit the man who hired the advisors may also be, shady?
I wonder when someone is going to get indicted for something actually related to the campaign and Russian collusion instead of their business dealings a decade ago? Just wait until a Democrat wins the Whitehouse and reap what you sowed.
cause the TDS crowd makes up shit for him to be guilty about.

you really this slow?
So, he acts guilty even though he's innocent because people made things up about him?

Would you care to explain that bit of tortured reasoning?
he acts guilty cause that's how you choose to constantly see him.

i could explain it, but you'd never understand it. that's not on me.
So the lies, the evasions, the distraction, the changing stories, those are all in my imagination?


He acts guilty. Like a kid caught in the cookie jar. That isn't my perception son, that's reality.

I wonder how many campaign advisors have to be indicted or plead guilty before the right wing folks admit the man who hired the advisors may also be, shady?
I wonder when someone is going to get indicted for something actually related to the campaign and Russian collusion instead of their business dealings a decade ago? Just wait until a Democrat wins the Whitehouse and reap what you sowed.
and all the shit they're getting trump associates for could have just as easily been done to obama appointments when he was first elected. shit 60% or more had their own tax evasion issues going on.
No you idiot, it was not "rugged individualism", the Cold War was won by the combined actions of NATO, and all of its member nations holding the Russians in check. That's WHY Putin has such a hard on for NATO and wants it destroyed.

Rugged individualism rarely accomplishes anything of lasting value. People working together for a common purpose can build nations, and raise the standard of living for all people. Nobody accomplishes ANYTHING alone. We stand on the shoulders of everyone who every taught us anything, who every helped us in any way, or provided us with the tools to effect change.
so i remove ignore, again, to see if you're capable of discussing counter views w/o insulting people and WHAM the first thing i see from you is 'no you idiot'.

individualism is what drives people to do more. to be more. it can bring people together, sure. but they're following an individual and their ideas. not a collection of people and indecision.

we all benefit from the victories of those before us, but that doesn't define us, now does it? you can either stand and be noticed, or you can be the 189,391 person in a crowd of 501,238,381 screaming THIS SUCKS.

your call.

What one scholar thought (I don’t recall his name) won the cold war was the Reagan military build-up. It was the one area where a communist nation believed that it could just steamroll any democracy. The thought was predicated on the well-researched fact that democracies and their social spending couldn’t field a large enough military to compete with a system that can spend whatever it deems necessary and doesn’t have to answer to the population at the ballot box. Reagan proved them wrong and sent our deficit into the stratosphere where it stayed.

Warfare (cold or hot) is politics by another means according to Sun Tzu.

“Rugged individualism” didn’t do shit to win the cold war.
so who are your "heros"?

seems to me the very definition of a hero for most is that they stand their ground and do the right things for the right reasons. those people these days moreso than ever, are individuals PART of a collective. i *NEVER* at any time said one did not exist without the other.

pretty inseparable but hey - give it a shot.

Why don’t you go first.

Is Trump (the guy who just caved on the shutdown)…your hero?
nope. but he's quite the individual now isn't he?
Yes, he’s an individual.

trump does stupid shit but most of the time he does it for attention. then what happens? lord he gets it.
He does?

He lost the House. He doesn’t have his wall. His move to put pressure on the Congress to re-open the government over the wall backfired and he caved. His most vocal supporters are now among his biggest critics.

He has an acting AG who hasn’t shut down the Mueller probe too by the way. Since Whitaker has been appointed, federal agents on the request of the OIC have taken one of his top advisors into custody and Roger Stone has been indicted.

He did get his tax plan passed through a Congress that his party controlled. And he did get two justices nominated through the same Senate that his party controlled.

I seem to be missing the “art of the deal” or how his “rugged individualism” has won over anyone who wasn’t already with him either in deed or by party affiliation.

annoying as hell. i never cared much for him and many of his policies i disagree with. i think a wall is asinine but hey - we've spent far more on far less. the things that is MUCH more asinine is that congress won't work together to fix the problem so trump, obama and others don't have to go around them to TRY and get SOMETHING done they believe in.

i think the constant attacks on trump is stupid and done by massive idiots who think THIS TIME they got him and it's not trumps dishonesty that drives them but their hate for him excused by *whatever*. when you hate someone or something, you simply don't see things clearly and ANYTHING they do is going to be wrong and piss you off. going off that emotion usually makes people talk and act in circles and in the end, become hypocritical.

so i just don't jump on the hate hay-ride and pretend that makes me a better person. only i can do that.

the next big annoying thing from most on the left is if you don't agree them that trump is an asshole and needs to go, you suddenly support his every move and are a TRUMPER or some other name sure to make the jr high crowd giggle with glee. is that the kind of collective thought you're happy with?

i'd prefer to be alone and think for myself than in a crowd going YEA! but hey - to each their own.

Not sure what any of that meant. Perhaps the use of capital letters could assist you in crafting coherent sentences—pro tip there skippy.

What I will say is that there are two tickets to Washington; one red, one blue. Or, put another way, you have to wear a red blazer or a blue blazer to get on the bus that winds up at the Capitol or White House. Almost everyone is some shade of purple and has loyalties to each end of the spectrum. However, to get the funding or the “nod” from party bosses and party supporters (aka ’the money’), you have to be either red or blue. That translates into the full support/full opposition point you tried so desperately to make up there.

I have supported Trump on 2 things (at least). His withdrawal from Syria (which hasn’t happened) and his nominee Kavanaugh for the Court; up until he came back with that stuff about Clinton during the whole Ford affair. I remember telling one of my liberal co-horts here, “fuck you” when they tried to bring up something about Ford’s accusations being valid even…

And it’s no secret, I have opposed many things he’s done. Examples… Moving our embassy, pulling out of the Iran deal, building the wall to curb illegal immigration, separating families for the use of it as a “deterrent” which is about as brazenly inhumane as one can get…

I’m not sure where that puts me on the spectrum of politics but it is what it is I suppose. As for your post and this thread…the reason the Trump campaign is being investigated is because there is no doubt outside of the White House that the Russians interfered in our elections. At the same time this interference was going on, the Trump campaign had high level meetings with the Russians and were not open and transparent about them.
cause the TDS crowd makes up shit for him to be guilty about.

you really this slow?
So, he acts guilty even though he's innocent because people made things up about him?

Would you care to explain that bit of tortured reasoning?
he acts guilty cause that's how you choose to constantly see him.

i could explain it, but you'd never understand it. that's not on me.
So the lies, the evasions, the distraction, the changing stories, those are all in my imagination?


He acts guilty. Like a kid caught in the cookie jar. That isn't my perception son, that's reality.

I wonder how many campaign advisors have to be indicted or plead guilty before the right wing folks admit the man who hired the advisors may also be, shady?
I wonder when someone is going to get indicted for something actually related to the campaign and Russian collusion instead of their business dealings a decade ago? Just wait until a Democrat wins the Whitehouse and reap what you sowed.

See Roger Stone.
Seriously? Lies, changing stories, secret meetings?

He and his whole cluster-fuck act guilty.

View attachment 244169
Nice....while snowflakes declare others to be guilty based on irrefutable logic such as 'they act guilty' there is enough actual evidence to send Hillary, Rosenstein, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Clapper, and Brennan to jail by Friday.

No, there isn't. That's a republican fantasy.
Duse, denial is not your cup of tea because you suck at it. There has been so much documented, recorded, reported...

The US IG recommended McCabe for indictment

Comey testified under oath before Congress that Hillary lied / perjured herself

Brennan was forced to admit before Congress he perjured himself and illegally spied on the US Senate...

LOL...undeniable evidence...
Your team had total control for two years, so where are the charges? The indictments? Anyone?
Your kidding, right? The "case" against Trump started during the Obama administration by establishment people at the top who were in Hillary's court. While Congress is supposed to provide oversight, the DOJ and FBI did whatever they wanted to do. They got FISA warrants based on a dossier paid for by Hillary containing information obtained from Russian intelligence so they could spy on their oppositions campaign in an effort to defeat him. When that didn't happen, they pulled out all the stops. Congress couldn't stop what nameless, faceless bureaucrats were doing in secret. Were you in a coma the past few years?
I know that's the party line kid, but we both know it's not true.
How does that make him act like a guilty person?
cause the TDS crowd makes up shit for him to be guilty about.

you really this slow?
So, he acts guilty even though he's innocent because people made things up about him?

Would you care to explain that bit of tortured reasoning?
he acts guilty cause that's how you choose to constantly see him.

i could explain it, but you'd never understand it. that's not on me.
So the lies, the evasions, the distraction, the changing stories, those are all in my imagination?


He acts guilty. Like a kid caught in the cookie jar. That isn't my perception son, that's reality.

I wonder how many campaign advisors have to be indicted or plead guilty before the right wing folks admit the man who hired the advisors may also be, shady?
All of them.
No. You don’t get to do this. Every time trump breaks a law say obama did too.

And for the record, no he didn’t. Obama was never prosecuted for anything. So he did nothing wrong. Bush and carter too. Clinton lied about a bj.

If trump is breaking the law he needs to be impeached.
i get to do whatever i damn well please, son. the flow of this conversation has gone from trump still being "chased" by sections of the FBI to her compromised computer to how it got that way. you can blame a lot of people for where this went but that's how conversations go.

obama's DOJ is currently in court. we'll see what happens, spanky. and while no he didn't get prosecuted, that doesn't mean he didn't do anything wrong. this blind allegiance is pretty telling.

*if* trump is then yes. but so far there's NOTHING to show he has now is there?
We're done. Pot meet kettle
so you can't show trump actually committing crimes. just scream he does.

son, we were done before your ass started.
Shouldnt the same apply to all the criminali claims aganst Clinton?
at this point, probably. like many, i think she's guilty but sooner or later you've got to let go and move on.
Do you think Trump is guilty?
i get to do whatever i damn well please, son. the flow of this conversation has gone from trump still being "chased" by sections of the FBI to her compromised computer to how it got that way. you can blame a lot of people for where this went but that's how conversations go.

obama's DOJ is currently in court. we'll see what happens, spanky. and while no he didn't get prosecuted, that doesn't mean he didn't do anything wrong. this blind allegiance is pretty telling.

*if* trump is then yes. but so far there's NOTHING to show he has now is there?
We're done. Pot meet kettle
so you can't show trump actually committing crimes. just scream he does.

son, we were done before your ass started.
Shouldnt the same apply to all the criminali claims aganst Clinton?
at this point, probably. like many, i think she's guilty but sooner or later you've got to let go and move on.
Do you think Trump is guilty?
of what?

i think he intentionally pisses a lot of people off.

i think if someone said "hey want some dirt on someone you hate" he'd bite.

where it gets confusing is why hillary can buy or hire a foreign agent to get dirt on trump but he can't do the same. where it gets worse is seeing the left try to justify hillary getting dirt from a foreign agent and say trump should be impeached for it. i do not micro-analyze things to the point where i'm looking for a reason to be innocent in as much as establish fair play in rules we'll all use.

so before we proceed, please tell me exactly what crime you're asking in which i think he is guilty of and if you can, please link me to where it's listed as a crime so we have a comparison and yes, i will compare to others who have done similar things for equal punishment and/or rage.

where is hillarys guilt?
FBI Interview Catches Hillary Clinton In Multiple Lies

Clinton told the FBI that she didn’t pay attention to the different levels of classification, and that she didn’t understand that an email containing a “(C)” meant “confidential,” but that she thought they were marked “alphabetical order.”

really? where in the hell does a SoS have no idea what (C) means on government documentation? now if you say "well maybe she didn't know" great. then that same latitude must be given to trump.

From the very beginning of her tenure as secretary of State, Clinton signed a non-disclosure agreement acknowledging that it was her responsibility to ascertain whether documents contained sensitive information. She also acknowledged the criminal penalties she would face if she disclosed government secrets.
if it is her responsibility ascertain sensitive info, then you'd think she'd study up a bit on how we mark them as such. i fail to believe she went through training and how many years of government service and still doesn't understand (C).

Evidence Hillary Clinton Broke Federal Laws And Jeopardized National Security, No Charges Recommended... WTF, FBI?! | HuffPost
an entire HuffPost story saying the FBI says yes she broke laws but didn't mean to. the problem with using this as a "defense" simply means that "defense" goes into public use now and it has. many times.

now if we want to go after stone and others for lying to the FBI, then we must go after EVERYONE who did it. if you are FOR cherry picking one side and not the other, then to me, you are the problem these days and yes, i will argue with everything i have against that and it has NOTHING to do with trump and EVERYTHING to do with NOT becoming a society of "do as i say, not as i do" that the left embodies anymore.

we've become a society where guilt or innocence is more whether or not WE like you, not if they broke any actual laws. liberals have been demanding jobs from conservatives for a decade now because they don't "tow the line" and that mindset needs to come to a crashing halt.

so again - what laws did trump break and did he have intent to break said law? also, are you willing to apply these laws evenly, or just against trump and we need to stop doing "whataboutisms" cause i'll tell you know, when it comes to applying laws evenly, i'm all about the "whataboutisms".
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We're done. Pot meet kettle
so you can't show trump actually committing crimes. just scream he does.

son, we were done before your ass started.
Shouldnt the same apply to all the criminali claims aganst Clinton?
at this point, probably. like many, i think she's guilty but sooner or later you've got to let go and move on.
Do you think Trump is guilty?
of what?

i think he intentionally pisses a lot of people off.

i think if someone said "hey want some dirt on someone you hate" he'd bite.

where it gets confusing is why hillary can buy or hire a foreign agent to get dirt on trump but he can't do the same. where it gets worse is seeing the left try to justify hillary getting dirt from a foreign agent and say trump should be impeached for it. i do not micro-analyze things to the point where i'm looking for a reason to be innocent in as much as establish fair play in rules we'll all use.

so before we proceed, please tell me exactly what crime you're asking in which i think he is guilty of and if you can, please link me to where it's listed as a crime so we have a comparison and yes, i will compare to others who have done similar things for equal punishment and/or rage.

we've become a society where guilt or innocence is more whether or not WE like you, not if they broke any actual laws. liberals have been demanding jobs from conservatives for a decade now because they don't "tow the line" and that mindset needs to come to a crashing halt.
In your society republicans can commit crimes because you believe democrats in the past committed crimes.

Stop bringing up other people. That is no defense. Do you hear yourselves? But dad Hillary did it too!
so you can't show trump actually committing crimes. just scream he does.

son, we were done before your ass started.
Shouldnt the same apply to all the criminali claims aganst Clinton?
at this point, probably. like many, i think she's guilty but sooner or later you've got to let go and move on.
Do you think Trump is guilty?
of what?

i think he intentionally pisses a lot of people off.

i think if someone said "hey want some dirt on someone you hate" he'd bite.

where it gets confusing is why hillary can buy or hire a foreign agent to get dirt on trump but he can't do the same. where it gets worse is seeing the left try to justify hillary getting dirt from a foreign agent and say trump should be impeached for it. i do not micro-analyze things to the point where i'm looking for a reason to be innocent in as much as establish fair play in rules we'll all use.

so before we proceed, please tell me exactly what crime you're asking in which i think he is guilty of and if you can, please link me to where it's listed as a crime so we have a comparison and yes, i will compare to others who have done similar things for equal punishment and/or rage.

we've become a society where guilt or innocence is more whether or not WE like you, not if they broke any actual laws. liberals have been demanding jobs from conservatives for a decade now because they don't "tow the line" and that mindset needs to come to a crashing halt.
In your society republicans can commit crimes because you believe democrats in the past committed crimes.

Stop bringing up other people. That is no defense. Do you hear yourselves? But dad Hillary did it too!
in your society you can commit crimes and go "no we didn't" then go after others who did arguably less and demand they rot in jail.

fuckn'a i'm going to call you on your bullshit. get over it. your jr high mocking is pointless and makes you look the bigger fool. if we can't look to the past to establish legal precedence by citing such past cases, you just destroyed the entire legal system now didn't you?


roe vs. wade.


let's hear you dance out of this one. second thought, fuck it. back to ignore for you.
I just won! iceberg put me on ignore. What a pussy.

No sorry icy you don't get to get away with crimes because you SAY Obama and Hillary committed crimes. Too fucking late with them. Moving forward Trump is not allowed to break laws and say they did it too. What kind of administration is this?

Trump adviser Roger Stone's indictment in the Mueller probe suggests conspiracy charges may still be forthcoming
The special counsel's many investigatory dots are starting to connect.

Opinion | Roger Stone's indictment suggests Mueller still closing in on a bigger conspiracy
I just won! iceberg put me on ignore. What a pussy.

No sorry icy you don't get to get away with crimes because you SAY Obama and Hillary committed crimes. Too fucking late with them. Moving forward Trump is not allowed to break laws and say they did it too. What kind of administration is this?

Trump adviser Roger Stone's indictment in the Mueller probe suggests conspiracy charges may still be forthcoming
The special counsel's many investigatory dots are starting to connect.

Opinion | Roger Stone's indictment suggests Mueller still closing in on a bigger conspiracy
i put you on ignore pretty much a few weeks after i got here. i only see you when i remove it to follow a conversation at times.

arguing like a 3 year old who just learned the word "pussy" resolves nothing; ergo; talking to you is as pointless as putting nice tits on a nun.
Well, if you have kept up, and read all the reporting on it as I have, and have thought there was involvement with Stone and wikileaks for the past 2 to 3 years like I have,

because Stone claimed he had connections and knew about the Podesta emails before they were ever released... it would come as no surprise that Stone lied to Congress about it...

it isn't believing they are guilty on a hope and a prayer, or because they are on the opposing team, nor is it not giving them their justice due or trial in court, which Stone will have...

it's simply KNOWING what happened, knowing the facts by following Stone's actions, tweets and other outlets he's talked on.
Yeah, right.

Stone went and got dirt from Assange (a claim for which there is zero proof) at Trump's behest.

Then Don jr holds a meetup at Trump Tower to meet with RUSSIANS!, who are going to give them the dirt that they already got from Wikileaks.

And you claim to be paying attention?....Do you people even listen to yourselves?
it's all circular with the end result being "my team is right and your team is full of liars" as we all sit and judge base human behaviors and apply penalties differently based on which "side" you're on.

Just like sports. This is America, after all.
Makes you wonder why he doesn’t sit down with the OIC and clear it all up. He said he wanted to about 18 months ago. What happened?

Because stupid, if a federal agent wants to hit you with a perjury charge, he (or she) will get you with one.

I've see it happen.

Two people are interviewed about the same event, give two conflicting stories, the justice department can actually charge BOTH parties with lying to federal agents and then let them prove they didn't lie in court or not.

Why do you dummies all the sudden trust federal law enforcement? Oh that's right orange man bad!!!

More 'perjury trap' buzzword bullshit to try and cover the fact that the Orange Virus can't tell the truth. Simple as that. Liars are non-starters for me. Cult45 supports liars. They can all rot in hell.

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