Intel operation against Trump still going strong

Hillary setting in hearings in front of Congress has nothing to do with a criminal investigation.

I would say you already knew that, but you're stupid and thus probably did not.


Oh…so if the House happens to subpoena Trump…you’re of course saying he should go and testify before the House committee like Hillary did then, right?

What are you talking about moron? I believe all these hearings are stupid, political and pointless. You have never seen me post that Hillary Clinton should have testified before Congress about Benghazi or her emails or any other such, and so I don't then have to justify why I feel differently about Trump, because I don't feel differently about Trump. This is just another case of an idiotic leftist (you) accusing someone of something that they themselves are guilty of.

The point is, they called, she came.
Can we rely on your blob to be as committed to the process? I doubt it.

No the point is we were discussing criminal investigations and you stupidly claimed that we were discussing a stupid political investigation. Because you have very poor comprehension skills, as you proved to me quite some time back when you stupidly claimed that Trump wanted steam powered aircraft carrier because he suggested that perhaps we should ditch the new magnoelectric launch system on the Ford class carriers and go back to the steam powered launch systems that all previous US carriers used.

IOW you're an idiot, you have no business in a serious conversation, which probably explains why you take yourself so seriously on here, in your real life everyone is just "shut the fuck up candy" when you start in on your stupid bullshit.
That reminds me of when a guy interviewing me asked me what one of my flaws was. I said caring too much.

That's how silly your comment sounds to me. The only thing Trump is guilty of is collusion with Russia and we can prove everyone but him was involved. Do you honestly believe he wasn't involved?

Napolitano: Trump Jr. thinks he will be indicted by Mueller

Colluding with Russia is not against the law, therefor no one will be indicted for it, even if indeed anyone did it.

Stop trying to make being a political opponent into a crime, it is not.

Hacking a computer is…and Stone was in concert with the hackers. The trial will uncover that (as his tweets have pretty much). Now the question becomes, “why was stone doing it”. I’m sure he won’t flip on Cohen…err I mean Trump. LOL

There are no claims that Stone was in cahoots with hackers, and he hasn't been charged with any crimes related to hacking.

You are beyond dumb.


then show the charges and link us up.

all you gotta do.

From the NYT:

"In a detailed indictment unsealed last week, the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, accused Mr. Stone of lying to investigators for the House Intelligence Committee, which is conducting its own inquiry into the Russian election interference campaign, and of pressuring another witness in that investigation to lie to the committee.”

Let me guess…you’re now going to make the argument that “russian election interference” was not about hacking, right?
Colluding with Russia is not against the law, therefor no one will be indicted for it, even if indeed anyone did it.

Stop trying to make being a political opponent into a crime, it is not.

Hacking a computer is…and Stone was in concert with the hackers. The trial will uncover that (as his tweets have pretty much). Now the question becomes, “why was stone doing it”. I’m sure he won’t flip on Cohen…err I mean Trump. LOL

There are no claims that Stone was in cahoots with hackers, and he hasn't been charged with any crimes related to hacking.

You are beyond dumb.


then show the charges and link us up.

all you gotta do.

From the NYT:

"In a detailed indictment unsealed last week, the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, accused Mr. Stone of lying to investigators for the House Intelligence Committee, which is conducting its own inquiry into the Russian election interference campaign, and of pressuring another witness in that investigation to lie to the committee.”

Let me guess…you’re now going to make the argument that “russian election interference” was not about hacking, right?

It's not MY argument stupid, it's factual we don't KNOW that Russia hacked shit. In fact it is more likely that CHINA hacked the DNC server, as it is China who is hacking every computer they can find, well China and the NSA.
i celebrate Trump's pursuit for individual excellence. my parents raised me the same way. dont forget, it was rugged individualism that won the Cold War

No you idiot, it was not "rugged individualism", the Cold War was won by the combined actions of NATO, and all of its member nations holding the Russians in check. That's WHY Putin has such a hard on for NATO and wants it destroyed.

Rugged individualism rarely accomplishes anything of lasting value. People working together for a common purpose can build nations, and raise the standard of living for all people. Nobody accomplishes ANYTHING alone. We stand on the shoulders of everyone who every taught us anything, who every helped us in any way, or provided us with the tools to effect change.
so i remove ignore, again, to see if you're capable of discussing counter views w/o insulting people and WHAM the first thing i see from you is 'no you idiot'.

individualism is what drives people to do more. to be more. it can bring people together, sure. but they're following an individual and their ideas. not a collection of people and indecision.

we all benefit from the victories of those before us, but that doesn't define us, now does it? you can either stand and be noticed, or you can be the 189,391 person in a crowd of 501,238,381 screaming THIS SUCKS.

your call.

What one scholar thought (I don’t recall his name) won the cold war was the Reagan military build-up. It was the one area where a communist nation believed that it could just steamroll any democracy. The thought was predicated on the well-researched fact that democracies and their social spending couldn’t field a large enough military to compete with a system that can spend whatever it deems necessary and doesn’t have to answer to the population at the ballot box. Reagan proved them wrong and sent our deficit into the stratosphere where it stayed.

Warfare (cold or hot) is politics by another means according to Sun Tzu.

“Rugged individualism” didn’t do shit to win the cold war.
The collapse of the Soviet Union had been coming for years. The Reagan military build-up was the straw that broke the camels back

it's factual we don't KNOW that Russia hacked shit.
Yet somehow the CIA and FBI, after reviewing the forensic evidence are certain. So maybe you should find another Trump cultist talking point,because you are on an island with this one. Even trump admitted it.
Hacking a computer is…and Stone was in concert with the hackers. The trial will uncover that (as his tweets have pretty much). Now the question becomes, “why was stone doing it”. I’m sure he won’t flip on Cohen…err I mean Trump. LOL

There are no claims that Stone was in cahoots with hackers, and he hasn't been charged with any crimes related to hacking.

You are beyond dumb.


then show the charges and link us up.

all you gotta do.

From the NYT:

"In a detailed indictment unsealed last week, the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, accused Mr. Stone of lying to investigators for the House Intelligence Committee, which is conducting its own inquiry into the Russian election interference campaign, and of pressuring another witness in that investigation to lie to the committee.”

Let me guess…you’re now going to make the argument that “russian election interference” was not about hacking, right?

It's not MY argument stupid, it's factual we don't KNOW that Russia hacked shit. In fact it is more likely that CHINA hacked the DNC server, as it is China who is hacking every computer they can find, well China and the NSA.

Yeah, I was responding to Iceberg; not you.

As for “we don’t know”, correct that. You pretend not to know. Our intel community (Obama’s and Trumps) know it was Russia. No amount of kool-aid you chug will change that.
it's factual we don't KNOW that Russia hacked shit.
Yet somehow the CIA and FBI, after reviewing the forensic evidence are certain. So maybe you should find another Trump cultist talking point,because you are on an island with this one. Even trump admitted it.

What forensic evidence? They did not examine the DNC server themselves..

Also, is this the same CIA and FBI who missed 9/11 entirely, declared that Iraq absolutely had WMDs and and then have missed how many people who were in their hands and then later committed an act of terror?

Yeah, you trust those people? LOL
Hillary setting in hearings in front of Congress has nothing to do with a criminal investigation.

I would say you already knew that, but you're stupid and thus probably did not.


Oh…so if the House happens to subpoena Trump…you’re of course saying he should go and testify before the House committee like Hillary did then, right?

What are you talking about moron? I believe all these hearings are stupid, political and pointless. You have never seen me post that Hillary Clinton should have testified before Congress about Benghazi or her emails or any other such, and so I don't then have to justify why I feel differently about Trump, because I don't feel differently about Trump. This is just another case of an idiotic leftist (you) accusing someone of something that they themselves are guilty of.

The point is, they called, she came.
Can we rely on your blob to be as committed to the process? I doubt it.

No the point is we were discussing criminal investigations and you stupidly claimed that we were discussing a stupid political investigation. Because you have very poor comprehension skills, as you proved to me quite some time back when you stupidly claimed that Trump wanted steam powered aircraft carrier because he suggested that perhaps we should ditch the new magnoelectric launch system on the Ford class carriers and go back to the steam powered launch systems that all previous US carriers used.

IOW you're an idiot, you have no business in a serious conversation, which probably explains why you take yourself so seriously on here, in your real life everyone is just "shut the fuck up candy" when you start in on your stupid bullshit.

Ahh more anger. It’s a beautiful thing watching you spin out of control.

The Congress wanted her testimony, she gave it.
If Congress wants the Blob’s testimony, you think he’ll muster some manhood and show up. Yeah, me neither
And let's not forget that Russian hackers tried to hack Hillary's email server the day Trump told them to do so.
And let's not forget that Russian hackers tried to hack Hillary's email server the day Trump told them to do so.

No they didn't you moron, because by the time of that speech Hillary's email server had been offline and in an FBI evidence locker for MONTHS. Hacking it would simply not have been possible, even if the Russians had wanted to try.
Colluding with Russia is not against the law, therefor no one will be indicted for it, even if indeed anyone did it.

Stop trying to make being a political opponent into a crime, it is not.

Hacking a computer is…and Stone was in concert with the hackers. The trial will uncover that (as his tweets have pretty much). Now the question becomes, “why was stone doing it”. I’m sure he won’t flip on Cohen…err I mean Trump. LOL

There are no claims that Stone was in cahoots with hackers, and he hasn't been charged with any crimes related to hacking.

You are beyond dumb.


then show the charges and link us up.

all you gotta do.

From the NYT:

"In a detailed indictment unsealed last week, the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, accused Mr. Stone of lying to investigators for the House Intelligence Committee, which is conducting its own inquiry into the Russian election interference campaign, and of pressuring another witness in that investigation to lie to the committee.”

Let me guess…you’re now going to make the argument that “russian election interference” was not about hacking, right?
so... you can speculate it is and all is right in the world.

someone speculates otherwise they are fools worthy of your scorn.

i like you. you make me laf.
And let's not forget that Russian hackers tried to hack Hillary's email server the day Trump told them to do so.

No they didn't you moron, because by the time of that speech Hillary's email server had been offline and in an FBI evidence locker for MONTHS. Hacking it would simply not have been possible, even if the Russians had wanted to try.
Russians tried to hack Clinton server on day Trump urged email search
Russian spies began trying to hack Hillary Clinton’s personal email server on the very day Donald Trump urged the Russian government to find emails Clinton had erased, prosecutors said on Friday.

An indictment filed by Robert Mueller, the special counsel, said Russian hackers attempted “for the first time” to break into email accounts used by Clinton’s personal office “after hours” on 27 July 2016.

That day, at an event in Florida, Trump invited the Russian state to search for the approximately 30,000 emails that Clinton was found to have deleted from her private server on the grounds that they were not related to government work.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”
And let's not forget that Russian hackers tried to hack Hillary's email server the day Trump told them to do so.

No they didn't you moron, because by the time of that speech Hillary's email server had been offline and in an FBI evidence locker for MONTHS. Hacking it would simply not have been possible, even if the Russians had wanted to try.
Russians tried to hack Clinton server on day Trump urged email search
Russian spies began trying to hack Hillary Clinton’s personal email server on the very day Donald Trump urged the Russian government to find emails Clinton had erased, prosecutors said on Friday.

An indictment filed by Robert Mueller, the special counsel, said Russian hackers attempted “for the first time” to break into email accounts used by Clinton’s personal office “after hours” on 27 July 2016.

That day, at an event in Florida, Trump invited the Russian state to search for the approximately 30,000 emails that Clinton was found to have deleted from her private server on the grounds that they were not related to government work.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Are you people deliberately stupid. The claim made in the link YOU posted is that the Russians attempted to hack into 2 email accounts associated with Hillary's office on that day, but those two email addresses were NOT on Hillarys private email server which had been off line for months and so the 33K emails Trump was talking about would have had to have been hacked from that server months before Trump's speech, if they were hacked from that server at all.

In short my statements were 100% true, we do not know if the Russians hacked Hillary's private email server and they certainly did not try to do so the day Trump made his speech.
it's factual we don't KNOW that Russia hacked shit.
Yet somehow the CIA and FBI, after reviewing the forensic evidence are certain. So maybe you should find another Trump cultist talking point,because you are on an island with this one. Even trump admitted it.

What forensic evidence? They did not examine the DNC server themselves..

Also, is this the same CIA and FBI who missed 9/11 entirely, declared that Iraq absolutely had WMDs and and then have missed how many people who were in their hands and then later committed an act of terror?

Yeah, you trust those people? LOL

Again with the idiot right talking points. The CIA and the FBI didn't miss 9/11 at all, but the info they had was too sketchy, and they had no access to AQ's tightly controlled plans. These people were sleeper cells, getting training on flying planes and not hanging out and chatting up their plans. They may not even have known what the exact plan was so that they couldn't give it away.

The CIA and the FBI had been issuing warnings to the Bush government from the time they took office that something was up with AQ, but Bush, Cheney and company were focused on Iraq, and finding some way of taking out Saddam Hussein.

The also told the Bush Administration that Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction and Bush told them they were wrong. Just like Trump is telling them they're wrong about Iran. Cheney told them to look harder. W and company rejected utterly the intel given to them by the CIA and the FBI regarding Iraq, and now Trump is doing the same thing with Iran.

In answer to the question of how many people have they interrogated that went on to commit heinous crimes, you can't pull people in until they do something illegal, and most of them hadn't.
it's factual we don't KNOW that Russia hacked shit.
Yet somehow the CIA and FBI, after reviewing the forensic evidence are certain. So maybe you should find another Trump cultist talking point,because you are on an island with this one. Even trump admitted it.

What forensic evidence? They did not examine the DNC server themselves..

Also, is this the same CIA and FBI who missed 9/11 entirely, declared that Iraq absolutely had WMDs and and then have missed how many people who were in their hands and then later committed an act of terror?

Yeah, you trust those people? LOL

Again with the idiot right talking points. The CIA and the FBI didn't miss 9/11 at all, but the info they had was too sketchy, and they had no access to AQ's tightly controlled plans. These people were sleeper cells, getting training on flying planes and not hanging out and chatting up their plans. They may not even have known what the exact plan was so that they couldn't give it away.

The CIA and the FBI had been issuing warnings to the Bush government from the time they took office that something was up with AQ, but Bush, Cheney and company were focused on Iraq, and finding some way of taking out Saddam Hussein.

The also told the Bush Administration that Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction and Bush told them they were wrong. Just like Trump is telling them they're wrong about Iran. Cheney told them to look harder. W and company rejected utterly the intel given to them by the CIA and the FBI regarding Iraq, and now Trump is doing the same thing with Iran.

In answer to the question of how many people have they interrogated that went on to commit heinous crimes, you can't pull people in until they do something illegal, and most of them hadn't.

Oh, so they missed 9/11, but they didn't? LOL you people are ridiculous.
And let's not forget that Russian hackers tried to hack Hillary's email server the day Trump told them to do so.

No they didn't. They hacked the DNC SERVER on the very day Trump told them to find Hillary's emails.

I don't even that is accurate, but assuming it's true. The DNC server didn't contain the emails Trump said he wanted to see.

In any instance the claims just don't make sense.

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