Interesting Tidbit On Student Loan Forgiveness

LOL. How do student loan debts being forgiven build the country when these idiots went in debt 20K and then wound up working at McDonalds? We should have never lent them the damn money in the first place.
We should have a law that federal student loans are only granted for marketable majors - engineering, accounting, etc. - to save these idiots who major in Women’s Studies and Ethnic Studies and the like from borrowing money for a useless degree.
The real issue, the real reason the GQP opposes it is because it will cost banks $4B a year in interest and fees.
Biden said he would forgive student loans. Now he has made a deal not only to not forgive them, but now the payments resume soon.
Biden said he would forgive student loans. Now he has made a deal not only to not forgive them, but now the payments resume soon.
The payments should have restarted long ago. Why shouldn’t a college graduate have to repay his loans? Don’t car buyers have to pay their loan? Don’t homeowners have to pay their mortgage?

Why Biden carved out the most affluent class - college graduates - for special privilege while sticking it to the car mechanic and the assistant manager at Red Lobster is beyond me.
Hubby and I started out well below the poverty line and our kids came early in our marriage. There was no government assistance for us and it wasn't easy, but we worked hard and didn't stay at the bottom for long.

We were middle class but in no way rich when our kids were in school and we helped them as much as we could but they had to do a lot. The kids were in no way 'rich' or even middle class after they completed their college education and they had substantial student loans to pay off.

But pay them off they did while they were building careers and increasing their incomes. They drove older cars and delayed home purchases for awhile, couldn't take expensive vacations, did without some wants but they made it just fine. They are quite affluent and can afford pretty much whatever they want to do now.

That is the way to have a productive society in which people take responsibility for their choices, pay their debts, and contribute to society instead of being a drain on it. And to expect those who do that to pay for instant gratification for those who don't want to do that is unconscionable.
Congratulations to you. The left seem to be all about receiving things without having to work hard to get ahead. Everything should just be handed to you and if you don't want to work, don't worry about it, the government will take care of you.

My parents were poor. When I started out I was poor. I also worked hard to get ahead. It didn't come overnight but I feel a lot better about myself knowing that I earned where I am today.
Are we all aware that since March of 2020, monthly payments and interest on student loans have been suspended, and nobody is paying those loans right now? This suspension - now more than three (3) years and counting - was based on the dubious proposition that the Pandemic was making it harder for borrowers to make their payments than it would have been without the Pandemic (or, more accurately, Governors' irrational dictates related to the Pandemic).

So a person with fifty or a hundred thousand in student loan debt, who was hoping for a forgiveness of ten or twenty thousand of that debt, has been paying nothing.

Can anyone let Biden know that the Pandemic is over, and its negative impact on employment is long gone?

What a piece of shit. Maybe someone will also tell him that his pipedream will never happen - but he knew that. He was just buying votes from stupid college-educated pukes. Which seems to have worked.
Yup. Since they haven't been paying on the loans anyway, they are not going to see any windfall of money if their debt is forgiven. It will be business as usual.
Education should be tuition-free in public colleges anyways and it would be good for the economy if we canceled the debt of all of these young people. They've already been screwed by the older generation, gutting America of its manufacturing base, breaking up all of the labor unions, and creating the conditions for gross inequality, stagnant wages, and a high cost of living. America has already bailed out the wealthiest people in our society to the tune of trillions of dollars, so the least that we can do is forgive our children's student debts. It would indeed contribute positively to their standard of living, allowing them to save, build their credit and buy a home.
If you look at the states with the highest level of income inequality they are the blue states run by Democratic policies.
We should have a law that federal student loans are only granted for marketable majors - engineering, accounting, etc. - to save these idiots who major in Women’s Studies and Ethnic Studies and the like from borrowing money for a useless degree.
I mostly agree. No loans should be given out to anyone without a reasonable expectation that they will be paid off. One of the biggest parts of the problem is we are giving out loans to anyone and everyone. We have a rubber stamp that says "approved" and no rubber stamps saying "denied".

Think Mac, think. Those goods and services that you purchase with your Social Security money. Where do they come from? Today, most of those products and services are manufactured and delivered by human workers who earn a wage. Human wage labor. Without wages, there are no paying consumers. Capitalists need wage-labor and paying-consumers (customers, clients). That's how they make a profit, accumulating capital. Do you sense where this is going? Are you getting it?

If this replaces, or even significantly reduces that human labor force that earns a wage:

Then there aren't enough paying customers. That's why billionaires like Musk, say this:

and this:

The big-money capitalists are smart enough to know, that the only way that capitalism can survive for at least a little bit longer, is if people get a government hand-out called a "UBI" (Universal Basic Income). Essentially, it's another bailout for the capitalists, that will be paid to their customer base, on a monthly basis. Some analysts assert that the government needs to pay everyone $3000 monthly. So it's not really a "basic income", it's a full-fledged income, in order to keep capitalism on life-support for a few more decades. What's the alternative? Do I need to tell you? Here, I'll be gentle. We will be forced to adopt by necessity, a publicly owned, non-profit system of production. A mode of production that depends upon advanced automation and artificial intelligence. It will employ robots, autonomous machines, AI, and powerful computers.

In the beginning, people will still work, a few hours a week, supervising the system and in return, they will have all of their needs and even their wants met. Intelligent robots and artificial intelligence, don't sleep, they work 24/7, hence we will live in a post-scarcity society, that no longer needs markets or even money as a medium of exchange. Capitalism gives birth to high-socialism, which leads to high-communism (a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money).

Capitalism replaced chattel slavery and feudalism, and high-socialism and later high-communism will replace capitalism.

We started out with primitive communism:




Humanity was communist for tens of thousands of years. And in the not-too-distant future, we will be high-tech communists. Jesus and his apostles tried to establish a communist Christian community 2000 years ago:

Act 2:42-47 And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. (43) And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. (44) And all that believed were together, and had all things common; (45) And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.

Act 4:32-37 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common. (33) And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all. (34) Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold, (35) And laid them down at the apostles' feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need. (

We will end with high-communism:





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Advanced technology will force society by necessity to adopt a non-profit mode of production a.k.a. high-socialism/high-communism. It will be a democratic, high-communist society, automating most tasks with autonomous machines and artificial intelligence. No more need for wage labor, paying consumers, or markets.


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Think Mac, think. Those goods and services that you purchase with your Social Security money. Where do they come from? Today, most of those products and services are manufactured and delivered by human workers who earn a wage. Human wage labor. Without wages, there are no paying consumers. Capitalists need wage-labor and paying-consumers (customers, clients). That's how they make a profit, accumulating capital. Do you sense where this is going? Are you getting it?

If this replaces, or even significantly reduces that human labor force that earns a wage:

Then there aren't not enough paying customers. That's why billionaires like Musk, say this:

and this:

The big-money capitalists are smart enough to know, that the only way that capitalism can survive for at least a little bit longer, is if people get a government hand-out called a "UBI" (Universal Basic Income). Essentially, it's another bailout for the capitalists, that will be paid to their customer base, on a monthly basis. Some analysts assert that the government needs to pay everyone $3000 monthly. So it's not really a "basic income", it's a full-fledged income, in order to keep capitalism on life-support for a few more decades. What's the alternative? Do I need to tell you? Here, I'll be gentle. We will be forced to adopt by necessity, a publicly owned, non-profit system of production. A mode of production that depends upon advanced automation and artificial intelligence. It will employ robots, autonomous machines, AI, and powerful computers.

In the beginning, people will still work, a few hours a week, supervising the system and in return, they will have all of their needs and even their wants met. Intelligent robots and artificial intelligence, don't sleep, they work 24/7, hence we will live in a post-scarcity society, that no longer needs markets or even money as a medium of exchange. Capitalism gives birth to high-socialism, which leads to high-communism (a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money).

Capitalism replaced chattel slavery and feudalism, and high-socialism and later high-communism will replace capitalism.

We started out with primitive communism:

Humanity was communist for tens of thousands of years. And in the not-too-distant future, we will be high-tech communists. Jesus and his apostles tried to establish a communist Christian community 2000 years ago:

Act 2:42-47 And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. (43) And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. (44) And all that believed were together, and had all things common; (45) And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.

Act 4:32-37 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common. (33) And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all. (34) Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold, (35) And laid them down at the apostles' feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need. (

We will end with high-communism:

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Advanced technology will force society by necessity to adopt a non-profit mode of production a.k.a. high-socialism/high-communism. It will be a democratic, high-communist society, automating most tasks with autonomous machines and artificial intelligence. No more need for wage labor, paying consumers, or markets.


So you are using fuzzy-wuzzys as a model for a future society when government gives everyone free food and housing?

Thanks for the warning

Obviously I dont know how much change we will see thanks to new technology

But it wont happen overnight

Which gives humans time to adapt and make themselves useful
Society has the choice, of to whether forgive the debt or not. That's the choice of society, as a whole.
Yep, society has the choice of forgiving your choice to not pay your bills. Ya know I want a new car, which according to your logic, is not a choice. And I expect you to pay for it, which makes it your choice. Let's face it, you're a fricken idiot.
Yep, society has the choice of forgiving your choice to not pay your bills. Ya know I want a new car, which according to your logic, is not a choice. And I expect you to pay for it, which makes it your choice. Let's face it, you're a fricken idiot.
Comparing the choice of a new car, with the need for an education definitely makes you a fucking retard. You're a stupid punk.
XView attachment 790756
So you are using fuzzy-wuzzys as a model for a future society when government gives everyone free food and housing?

Thanks for the warning

Obviously I dont know how much change we will see thanks to new technology

But it wont happen overnight

Which gives humans time to adapt and make themselves useful

Of course, it won't happen overnight, but it will happen, in the not-too-distant future. It will likely happen sooner than we expect due to recent developments in AI. Automation is now at a level that it could literally take 90% of all menial jobs and a significant % of white-collar professions as well. Nothing is free, the robots will be working 24/7, and human labor will supervise the system and engage in other activities that contribute to our survival.

Capitalism didn't replace chattel slavery and feudalism overnight, and neither will high socialism and high communism replace capitalism overnight either. It takes time, but it won't take that long. We're almost there.
A new car is certainly more beneficial than your gender studies education, ya stupid fuck.

You prune-juice-drinking dumbass moherfucker, we need scientists, engineers, and other specialists to compete with China, Russia, and Western Europe. Even South America is going to kick our ass, because of fucking retards like you.

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