Interesting Tidbit On Student Loan Forgiveness

Of course, it won't happen overnight, but it will happen, in the not-too-distant future. It will likely happen sooner than we expect due to recent developments in AI. Automation is now at a level that it could literally take 90% of all menial jobs and a significant % of white-collar professions as well. Nothing is free, the robots will be working 24/7, and human labor will supervise the system and engage in other activities that contribute to our survival.

Capitalism didn't replace chattel slavery and feudalism overnight, and neither will high socialism and high communism replace capitalism overnight either. It takes time, but it won't take that long. We're almost there.
“High comminism?”

Thats putting lipstick on a pig

The advanage of capitalism is individual freedom and initiative, something that communism can never equal


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You prune-juice-drinking dumbass moherfucker, we need scientists, engineers, and other specialists to compete with China, Russia, and Western Europe. Even South America is going to kick our ass, because of fucking retards like you.
Yep, that must be why potato-head allowed, in excess of, 5 million illegals into this compete with those countries. Christ, you get more stupid by the minute.
“High comminism?”

Thats putting lipstick on a pig

The advanage of capitalism is individual freedom and initiative, something that communism can never equal

You're so fucking retarded. You don't listen. Capitalism needs wage-labor and technology is going to replace that, you dumbass. How are you going to maintain capitalism without wage labor/paying consumers? Capitalism is ZERO freedom. It's a system of production, based on the exploitation of human labor. There's no democracy in the workplace. Our youth want real freedom, which is socialism (collective worker ownership of the factories and productive enterprises). Advanced technology is going to force society to adopt socialism by necessity and old farts like you aren't stopping that. So you might as well become a socialist now because it's coming.
Yep, that must be why potato-head allowed, in excess of, 5 million illegals into this compete with those countries. Christ, you get more stupid by the minute.

What the hell does bad immigration policy have to do with me or with what I'm saying? More reason to lift the burden off of our American youth, allowing them to rebuild America and compete. You just mentioned one of the many good reasons to cancel the student debt of America's workforce. Good for you. Dummy!
Capitalism needs wage-labor and technology is going to replace that, you dumbass.
We will have wage-labor far longer than you will be alive

Your dream of laying aroud all day writing your poety while government gives you a “living wage” is just that - a dream
We will have wage-labor far longer than you will be alive

Your dream of laying aroud all day writing your poety while government gives you a “living wage” is just that - a dream
Indeed. And will almost certainly die broke, bitter, and unfulfilled.
What the hell does bad immigration policy have to do with me or with what I'm saying? More reason to lift the burden off of our American youth, allowing them to rebuild America and compete. You just mentioned one of the many good reasons to cancel the student debt of America's workforce. Good for you. Dummy!
No kidding, you've mentioned many times how you need more free things, now you want to compete. The only thing your lazy ass is competing for is who can be more of an idiot.
We will have wage-labor far longer than you will be alive

Your dream of laying aroud all day writing your poety while government gives you a “living wage” is just that - a dream
You're so dumb. Why? There are no wages, in communism. It's the capitalists that don't want to work, hence relying on the labor of others for their income. Communists work, without a wage. We don't need a wage to work if we have food, housing, clothing, healthcare, education, and employment. Advanced automation replaces wage labor and makes work much easier. It cuts the capitalist workforce beyond sustainable limits, creating gross unemployment. It's capitalism that needs a monthly check from the government, to maintain it, not socialism. Socialism is what is used by capitalists to save capitalism, every few years, with bailout money. The so-called "UBI" i.e. Universal Basic Income, isn't a socialist idea. It's the idea of capitalists.

Wake the fuck up man. I just saw you're 43 years old, you're seven years younger than me. I'm 50. There's no excuse for you to be so fucking ignorant.
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No kidding, you've mentioned many times how you need more free things, now you want to compete. The only thing your lazy ass is competing for is who can be more of an idiot.
You keep accusing socialists of wanting "free things" when it's capitalism that is built upon capitalist parasites generating an income off of other people's labor. Your whole system is based on hand-outs to the rich.

We would forgive the debt, in order to empower our workforce to be more productive and compete with China, Russia, and Western Europe. You're just too stupid to figure that out. Now have the last word and delude yourself into thinking you've "won" something. I have better things to do with my time than to continue here going back and forth with a mindless moron like you.
You're so dumb. Why? There are no wages, in communism. It's the capitalists that don't want to work, hence relying on the labor of others for their income. Communists work, without a wage. We don't need a wage to work if we have food, housing, clothing, healthcare, education, and employment. Advanced automation replaced wage labor and makes work much easier. It cuts the capitalist workforce beyond sustainable limits, creating gross unemployment. It's capitalism that needs a monthly check from the government, to maintain it, not socialism. Socialism is what is used by capitalists to save capitalism, every few years, with bailout money. The so-called "UBI" i.e. Universal Basic Income, isn't a socialist idea. It's the idea of capitalists.

Wake the fuck up man. I just saw you're 43 years old, you're seven years young than me. I'm 50. There's no excuse for you to be so fucking ignorant.
50 years old and still waiting on that free ride..? Ouch! Yeah... I guess I'd be bitter, and angry too; if after 50 ears I still hadn't made anything of myself...
Reagan used to tell a joke about the old Soviet Union

It went the russians used to say “The government pretends to pay us, and we pretend to work”
Wow, that's so funny. I guess the USSR had a lot of robots, because they turned an agrarian society into an industrial juggernaut and world superpower, rivaling the United States, despite of being in a state of war from its beginning to the very end. You're fucking ignorant moron.
Wow, that's so funny. I guess the USSR had a lot of robots, because they turned an agrarian society into an industrial juggernaut and world superpower, rivaling the United States, despite of being in a state of war from its beginning to the very end. You're fucking ignorant moron.
The communists in russia produced oil and tanks

And very little else
It won't happen anyway.

30 bucks an hour for menial jobs.

Student loan forgiveness.

Reparations for nwords.

It's all just fluff. They stand around cheering for it in order to excite blacks, dumb kids, and poorer people so they will root for them and vote for them. But at the end of the day, it's all just a bait scam. They will drag it out as long as they can and either pretend like it never happened or blame the fact it didn't happen on republicans.

It's the same way Bernie Sanders managed to stick, he says shit people want to hear but never actually does anything because to them it only matters if you look like you're doing something. don't have to do anything, just sound like you are.

Because that what lazy idiots want, everything free and told nothing is their fault
The communists in russia produced oil and tanks

And very little else

Electric plants, the first nuclear plant used on an electric grid. Even the first research nuclear plant, was Soviet. Hydroelectric plants. It's farms were more mechanized than American farms by the late 30s. It produced more iron than the US by the late 30s as well. It was the first in space, despite the devastation it suffered during WW2, being invaded by four million Nazis and the cold war. It rebuilt everything and became a world power, again, for a second time, after WW2. You're just an ignorant, pathetic motherfucker.
Electric plants, the first nuclear plant used on an electric grid. Even the first research nuclear plant, was also Soviet. Hydroelectric plants. It was more mechanized than the US by the late 30s. It produced more iron than the US by the late 30s as well. It was the first in space, despite the devastation it suffered during WW2, being invaded by four million Nazis and the cold war. It rebuilt everything and became a world power, again, for a second time, after WW2. You're just an ignorant, pathetic motherfucker.
The Soviet Union was a failure

And it eventually imploded due to its own ineptitude
They can't afford to pay their loans because of the crushing debt those loans forced them under. You want a society that can't afford kids or marriage, keep their necks under the boot.

Oooooor......maybe try this: Get the Federal Govt. out of the student loan business so that the free gravy train that Colleges and the Big Banks receive comes to an end.

Once the govt. stops guaranteeing these entities are paid no matter what happens, tuition costs will decrease mighty overnight.

But, strangely, Democrats don't seem inclined to want to discuss that minor aspect of this.

And, by "minor aspect", I mean the pivotal key to fixing the entire mess.

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