Interfering with US Elections

Why or How l do Liberals believe 2016 was the first year another Country decided to interfere with US Elections?
first, no one said it was the first time

second, it was the most comprehensive and multi pronged interference our Nation has ever seen in our history, mainly due to the internet/social media.

THIRD and most importantly, it was the first time in our history that a presidential candidate and his whole traitorous campaign, sought out, WELCOMED, and utilized the Foreign enemy's interference, and stolen goods.

Hillary Clinton.
what about her?
The left consider learning the truth about Democrats “interfering” in an election.

Meanwhile Democrats taking millions in campaign contributions from China and Saudi Arabia,’s just a simple “campaign violation” oopsie and can be forgiven.
- normally it is to sow distrust in our elections, but this time it was also to support the election of DJT too... putin said so, in Helsinki press conference.

LOL... And DJT asked Putin on a nationwide debate in front of Gawd and everything --- for Hillary's emails... :auiqs.jpg: Those guys get to have a level of sarcasm and trolling that you and me ain't NEVER gonna witness..

-the IRA, the internet research agency, sometimes called the Russian troll farm had a budget of nearly $1.3 million a month, and over 300 workers

By September 2016, two months before the U.S. presidential election, the Internet Research Agency was working with an overall monthly budget that reached over $1.25 million. It employed hundreds of employees, a graphics department, a data analysis department, a search-engine optimization department, an IT department and a finance department, according to an indictment filed last year by Mueller's team.

You think the American election was the ONLY "hot project" for the IRA??? I doubt it.. And since it was a DISTRIBUTED operation with a lot of independent people working overseas, I doubt ANYONE has an accurate measure of their budget or staff.. It's not like Russia would waste a lot of money on JUST an American election with all the hegemony they are planning around the entire globe...

FACT CHECK: Russian Interference Went Far Beyond 'Facebook Ads' Kushner Described

Oh, and just found the Russian instagram reach, was 176 million, on top of facebook reach mentioned.

VIEWS on ads are fairly worthless. CLICKS are what matter. These were not detailed FULL artwork ads. I've looked thru (browsed) the whole catalog of 200,000 of them which I have right here on my computer... Most are junk.. Because they focused on civil UNREST including trying to incite us by religion, race, homophobia, and fear AS WELL AS candidate smashing..

They got very few clicks.. And they are NOT ALL what you would call -- pro-trump -- unless you're a left wing source that considers race division (e.g) a "trump voter issue"...

And here's the deal.. MOST ALL of the media wants you to focus on what the Russians did.. While looming gigantically over this carnage is WHAT YOUR GOVT DID to interfere with an election... And these conspirators USED the Russia Russia Russia narrative as a backdrop for spying and tinkering with the Trump campaign and associates.. INCLUDING the Russian propaganda that HILLARY/DNC bought as part of the excuse...

No way any sane cognizant America should fall for this.. And I don't blame you, because you THINK you've been informed, but you've been dis-serviced by the blitzkrieg of media distractions..

It'll all clear up for you in the coming months.. And as the Reason article says -- You should not only worry about what the Brits or Russians have done to our political process, but you should ALSO worry about how fake news and misuse of domestic spying coming from our OWN govt can affect confidence in the political process.

Those femme fatales that tried to tempt Papadopolous and get him liquored up for a "chance meeting" with the Australian ambassador didn't get hired thru a temp agency.. That was a hallmark foreign Intel compromise action intended to "dirty up" Trump associates with fake Russian contacts, so that the FBI could pick them apart later on --- should Trump WIN the election... And our CIA is the BEST in the world at those kind of operations. In cooperation with the Brits who loaned Stephan Halper to coordinate all the overseas sting operations.. That's why there's delays in releasing the "unredacted" FISA applications.. Because the knowledge in there embarrasses the fuck out of the cooperation of the Brits and maybe Italians.. That's got Brennan written all over it..

You're gonna have to start reading again... But I'm sure you'll eventually get what the LARGER threat to election meddling in the USA 2016 was....
Why or How l do Liberals believe 2016 was the first year another Country decided to interfere with US Elections?

More importantly, why do they think the USA should be allowed to interfere I. The politics and election of other countries but foreign governments shouldn’t be sllowed to mess with ours?
Again, the impact of PHONY Russian disinformation from the peddling and marketing and arguing over the STEELE DOSSIER is a million times more effective than that $10,000 total expenditure by trolls..
Hundreds of millions of people FlaCal, not just 3 clicks..... they purchased over 3000 ads very cheaply, but were able to reach hundreds of millions of people on facebook and Instagram with their trolls and bots, spreading them, and the Trump campaign spread a lot of the Russian created fake news stories, memes and ads too

This was not the normal reach for $200k worth of ads spent on facebook, it outperformed anyone else's ad reach, by millions.

but the ads in social media, and fake news articles on social media, and memes on social media, were only a fraction of what the Russians multi pronged interference accomplished.

they stole the DNC emails and Podestat emails and the Democratic Congressional emails, and disbursed them on a timely basis, to affect and deflect from what was going on in the campaigns at the time.

ie. they sought to sow discourse among Bernie and Hillary voters and Rushed to release the stolen emails right before the Democratic Convention,

they released the Podesta emails the day the access Hollywood tapes came out, which was also the same day the Obama admin/fbi came out and told the public that the Russians were interfering in our election.... which totally got lost in the chaos.

the Russians also made strawman donations to the NRA, so they could run $30 million in ads against Hillary, the biggest sum they have ever spent on a presidential election, ever! something like a 300% increase....
Why or How l do Liberals believe 2016 was the first year another Country decided to interfere with US Elections?
Perhaps not. But that does not excuse the interference of 2016.

I tend to believe that IF this was as serious a threat as you've been told, there would be seminars and CLASSIFIED industry briefings, and guidelines issued publicly and govt PSAs on TV... INSTEAD, we got FBook/Twit, etc -- totally focused on cracking down on evil white american right wingers that host a vid blog or a news syndicate... ]

I can tell by the lack of urgency -- there's no panic over Russian trolls.. Even Obama told you "not to worry"...

And indeed -- the TRUE worry is your OWN FUCKING GOVT interfering in domestic elections.... Gotta fix that first -- dontcha think??
Why or How l do Liberals believe 2016 was the first year another Country decided to interfere with US Elections?
Perhaps not. But that does not excuse the interference of 2016.

I tend to believe that IF this was as serious a threat as you've been told, there would be seminars and CLASSIFIED industry briefings, and guidelines issued publicly and govt PSAs on TV... INSTEAD, we got FBook/Twit, etc -- totally focused on cracking down on evil white american right wingers that host a vid blog or a news syndicate... ]

I can tell by the lack of urgency -- there's no panic over Russian trolls.. Even Obama told you "not to worry"...

And indeed -- the TRUE worry is your OWN FUCKING GOVT interfering in domestic elections.... Gotta fix that first -- dontcha think??
The interference is laid out clearly in the Mueller Report. Who do you suppose looks at those crimes in that report as a hoax and witch hunt? If there is no urgency, can that blame be laid elsewhere?
Hundreds of millions of people FlaCal, not just 3 clicks..... they purchased over 3000 ads very cheaply, but were able to reach hundreds of millions of people on facebook and Instagram with their trolls and bots, spreading them, and the Trump campaign spread a lot of the Russian created fake news stories, memes and ads too

Go get yourself a copy of the 200,000 or so "ads" and peruse them for yourself.. PM me and give you a lead.. Nobody's eyeballs even REGISTERED a picture of Hillary dressed as a witch or a flyer for a protest march..

But now a seductress in a Foreign country coming onto a Trump associate and flashing all the right messages -- just to set him up to ask him what he knew about Russian information on Hillary... THAT'S the opening scene for some REAL "election meddling"... You should worry a bit more about THAT THREAT to your country...
Why or How l do Liberals believe 2016 was the first year another Country decided to interfere with US Elections?
Perhaps not. But that does not excuse the interference of 2016.

I tend to believe that IF this was as serious a threat as you've been told, there would be seminars and CLASSIFIED industry briefings, and guidelines issued publicly and govt PSAs on TV... INSTEAD, we got FBook/Twit, etc -- totally focused on cracking down on evil white american right wingers that host a vid blog or a news syndicate... ]

I can tell by the lack of urgency -- there's no panic over Russian trolls.. Even Obama told you "not to worry"...

And indeed -- the TRUE worry is your OWN FUCKING GOVT interfering in domestic elections.... Gotta fix that first -- dontcha think??
The interference is laid out clearly in the Mueller Report. Who do you suppose looks at those crimes in that report as a hoax and witch hunt? If there is no urgency, can that blame be laid elsewhere?

Sure Mueller indicted a bunch of Russian trolls and a ham sandwich.. But you know the FUNNY PART? (I asked because likely you don't if you don't read broadly) Those Russian Trolls are DEMANDING A TRIAL.. They want discovery.. They want to see the prosecution evidence... Mueller never saw that coming...

He did a good job of outlining of what many people who have served in Intel capacities ALREADY KNEW back in the 60s/70s/80s during the Cold War... So?? What we DOING about it? For about 50 or 60 years?????
Why or How l do Liberals believe 2016 was the first year another Country decided to interfere with US Elections?
first, no one said it was the first time

second, it was the most comprehensive and multi pronged interference our Nation has ever seen in our history, mainly due to the internet/social media.

THIRD and most importantly, it was the first time in our history that a presidential candidate and his whole traitorous campaign, sought out, WELCOMED, and utilized the Foreign enemy's interference, and stolen goods.

1). How do you believe it was the "most comprehensive and multi pronged interference" unless we could both detect and measure it to know that, and if we could do that, then why didn't Obama stop it as it all happened on his watch? Indeed, he LAUGHED at Romney when Romney said Russia was our greatest threat!

2). How do you still possibly shovel that cow shit about "traitorous campaign, WELCOMED, utilized Foreign interference and stolen goods" when your own boy Mueller who we are told to LISTEN TO on "obstruction" which Trump was also not charged, ABSOLVED Trump of any Russian collusion and conspiracy? If Mueller is wrong about that, then why should we believe him on obstruction?

Indeed, how the hell does a lying, backward, cognitive jackass like you even get out of bed and make it through every single day so full or HORSESHIT???
While looming gigantically over this carnage is WHAT YOUR GOVT DID to interfere with an election... And these conspirators USED the Russia Russia Russia narrative as a backdrop for spying and tinkering with the Trump campaign and associates.. INCLUDING the Russian propaganda that HILLARY/DNC bought as part of the excuse...

First off, they did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to interfere in our election....

None of us in the public knew a thing about them investigating Trump and campaign during the election... so I am uncertain on what you think our govt did to affect the election on that....?

And they had no FISA warrants on anyone in Trump's campaign during the campaign period that worked for the campaign....

Manafort's FISA's were before the campaign, before he went to work for Candidate Trump as his campaign manager, and then after he left the campaign.... and again, all of that was on the hush, hush, and none of us voters, knew a thing about it... so it did not influence or interfere, with us citizen's choices??

Page's FISAs also came after he had left the campaign and only 3 weeks prior to the election, (and also, before the campaign, a couple of years back)

Page said he has never spoken to or met in person, President Trump.... so President Trump is not in any of the surveillance on him.

BUT, if the FBI cheated somehow, with the judge to get the FISA warrant, we should find out, and Page should be compensated, as the Law provides for mistakes or illegal surveillance, for every day he was illegally spied on.

I don't see the conspiracy you all are being told believe as anything real....

Even Nunes is now backing down on Steele being the bad guy, I had read yesterday or the day before in the right wing media...(think it was FOX or the Washington Examiner) and is now trying to spin that it is GPS, THAT SIMPSON GUY, that is the bad guy.... (And your article that you linked/posted above, made me think, that I could see GPS's Simpson as perhaps being a covert cia operative... why not? Howard Hughes and the French Chef/ ulia Childs both were?)

i don't see it as real, mainly because the timing of your conspiracy, is what does not make any sense....

the investigation in to the Russian interference began the last day of July, just a week after the release of the DNC emails...

Did they even have the Dossier at that time?

Also, I was screaming from the rooftops, before that time, on why in the hell our intel agencies were not investigating Trump's connection with the Russians, based on what Trump had said in Public on several occasions! :eek: was thinking our Intel Agencies were doing nothing and praying at the same time, that they were!

so it is going to be hard for you to convince me that this investigation should not have been started on them...with or without the dossier....

I knew nothing of the Dossier until 6 to 7 months later, and I thought something smelled in Denmark, with Trumps actions and comments on Putin/Russia.
second, it was the most comprehensive and multi pronged interference our Nation has ever seen in our history, mainly due to the internet/social media.

the effect of those juvenile ads on FBook and other social media PALLS in comparison to the effect of the PROFESSIONAL Russian disinformation that was passed off in the Steele Dossier.. We're STILL arguing about all that today and THAT'S what Putin wanted in the 1st place..

. Nobody can remember those $1.50 Russian troll ads -- but the POS phony dossier is in the NEWS almost every day and on multiple threads per week on USMB..

And it's NOT the most sinister attempts to influence American politics by foreign powers. Go read the Reason Magazine article I just posted above...
FlaCal, the Russian Trolls, bots and ads, etc, on facebook alone, reached over 120 million people....

And SUNLIGHT reaches over 7.7 billion people every day! Still waiting for anyone to produce ONE PERSON who states that a Russian Facebook ad swung their vote to Trump or anyone to show me ONE county in the USA swung to Trump because of ads in Facebook?

The Democrats affect far more opinion and views EVERY day in the 24/7 assault on Trump with perpetual media disinformation, blocking voter ID, voter fraud, indoctrinating our youth in schools and colleges (now both Obama and Hillary are starting film companies to produce movies to indoctrinate people's minds with hidden political ideology) and supporting illegal aliens and getting them registered to vote democrat.

We don't need the Russians. We hardly need look any farther for election tampering than the Democratic Party.
Why or How l do Liberals believe 2016 was the first year another Country decided to interfere with US Elections?
first, no one said it was the first time

second, it was the most comprehensive and multi pronged interference our Nation has ever seen in our history, mainly due to the internet/social media.

THIRD and most importantly, it was the first time in our history that a presidential candidate and his whole traitorous campaign, sought out, WELCOMED, and utilized the Foreign enemy's interference, and stolen goods.

Ironically Care4all
The "claimed" dirt on Clinton did not materialize and was mainly
used as a scheme to make the Trump team look bad for taking the bait.

While the REAL damaging dirt exposed on Clinton

That FINALLY and HISTORICALLY exposed the abusive oppression
that has BEEN GOING ON within the Party.

This exposure and the subsequent Sanders lawsuit and protests

If you are going to talk about historical first breakthroughs,
this was the FIRST TIME the progressive voices and movement
within the Democratic Party and AGAINST THE ESTABLISHED
narrative and elite propaganda was EVER COVERED in the MEDIA.


You can blame that on all the illegal hacking and activity you want.

Clinton and the Democrats did it to themselves.
If they hadn't committed this fraudulent misrepresentation,
there would have been nothing to expose, legal or illegal.

That was the FIRST TIME I ever saw any of this internal
political fight against exclusion brought out in the MEDIA.
Go get yourself a copy of the 200,000 or so "ads" and peruse them for yourself..
only 3000 ads not 200,000.... the $200k was the $200,000 they spent on the ads....

and yes, they are crappy and seemingly useless other than spreading discourse and hatred etc, but they still reached hundreds of millions of people.... that is people passing them on and on and on and on..... so they had more interest than one would think...

But it was NOT just ads that were passed around on social media, it was all the fake news as well.... the bots and trolls spread those fake news articles too....
causing discourse among Bernie voters and Hillary voters in the primary, so that Bernie voters would stay home and not vote, was a huge disrupting factor as well

And we have emails between Assange and the GRU guy, Guccifer, where Assange is telling him to get those darn emails to him QUICK, so that he can get them out there before the Democratic convention so that Hillary would not solidify the Bernie supporter's vote....
While looming gigantically over this carnage is WHAT YOUR GOVT DID to interfere with an election... And these conspirators USED the Russia Russia Russia narrative as a backdrop for spying and tinkering with the Trump campaign and associates.. INCLUDING the Russian propaganda that HILLARY/DNC bought as part of the excuse...

First off, they did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to interfere in our election....

None of us in the public knew a thing about them investigating Trump and campaign during the election... so I am uncertain on what you think our govt did to affect the election on that....?

And they had no FISA warrants on anyone in Trump's campaign during the campaign period that worked for the campaign....

Manafort's FISA's were before the campaign, before he went to work for Candidate Trump as his campaign manager, and then after he left the campaign.... and again, all of that was on the hush, hush, and none of us voters, knew a thing about it... so it did not influence or interfere, with us citizen's choices??

Page's FISAs also came after he had left the campaign and only 3 weeks prior to the election, (and also, before the campaign, a couple of years back)

Page said he has never spoken to or met in person, President Trump.... so President Trump is not in any of the surveillance on him.

BUT, if the FBI cheated somehow, with the judge to get the FISA warrant, we should find out, and Page should be compensated, as the Law provides for mistakes or illegal surveillance, for every day he was illegally spied on.

I don't see the conspiracy you all are being told believe as anything real....

Even Nunes is now backing down on Steele being the bad guy, I had read yesterday or the day before in the right wing media...(think it was FOX or the Washington Examiner) and is now trying to spin that it is GPS, THAT SIMPSON GUY, that is the bad guy.... (And your article that you linked/posted above, made me think, that I could see GPS's Simpson as perhaps being a covert cia operative... why not? Howard Hughes and the French Chef/ ulia Childs both were?)

i don't see it as real, mainly because the timing of your conspiracy, is what does not make any sense....

the investigation in to the Russian interference began the last day of July, just a week after the release of the DNC emails...

Did they even have the Dossier at that time?

Also, I was screaming from the rooftops, before that time, on why in the hell our intel agencies were not investigating Trump's connection with the Russians, based on what Trump had said in Public on several occasions! :eek: was thinking our Intel Agencies were doing nothing and praying at the same time, that they were!

so it is going to be hard for you to convince me that this investigation should not have been started on them...with or without the dossier....

I knew nothing of the Dossier until 6 to 7 months later, and I thought something smelled in Denmark, with Trumps actions and comments on Putin/Russia.

Dear Care4all
I thought it was clear that
1. the FISA warrants and other investigation process were
ABUSED to conduct "fishing expeditions" to try to seize OTHER sources
of material to try to justify charges of anyone NEAR Trump.
2. Then they pressure people like Cohen into "plea bargaining"
to try to get something on TRUMP, if nothing else, to TOUT in the MEDIA
3. so political interests pushing these charges are also ABUSING MEDIA
to propagandize the issues, such as trying to "falsely advertise or misrepresent"
* charges against people AROUND Trump as implicating Trump
* violations concerning MINOR discrepancies that still count as felony/perjury
and INFLATING these to sound like they were caught lying about
SUBSTANTIAL claims (and not just "minor details")
these are called PROCESS CRIMES
and they sound bad in the media, but they are not the
same as finding someone guilty of lying about the CORE CHARGES
* complaints about "obstruction or collusion" as
Again, to hype up political support for votes, donations and other partisan benefits

Care4all it may be "legal" to pull tricks in the media,
such as diluting the term SEXUAL ASSAULT to mean even
external contact and not forced intercourse/penetration
in order to post headlines in the media that "sound like rape"

In these cases, sure you could argue the media has the freedom
to "juice up" the stories to make them sell, and make it sound like
people around Trump have enough dirt on him to charge or impeach him.

But if this manipulation is used to effect GOVT POLICY and Legal/Judicial
proceedings, that is also obstructing justice and due process and imposing
burdens on taxpayers to pay for contested investigations or prosecution.

It isn't just SAD that people can't see the manipulations have to stop on
BOTH SIDES if we are going to police our own govt. The more one side
denies and projects blame, the more the other does, and we get nowhere.

I say we refuse to pay for the cost of these soap opera dramas.
If taxpayers on both sides unite and ask for corrections, or refuse funding,
maybe this nonsense would stop if the wrongdoers had to foot the bill!
The "claimed" dirt on Clinton did not materialize and was mainly
used as a scheme to make the Trump team look bad for taking the bait.

While the REAL damaging dirt exposed on Clinton

That FINALLY and HISTORICALLY exposed the abusive oppression
that has BEEN GOING ON within the Party.
How in the world could the emails make the Trump campaign take the bait unless the Trump campaign were unethical in the first place?

I'm sorry Emily, but I think you need to rethink that statement of yours on that.... the moral character or lack there of, is what pushed the Trump campaign to do the unethical things they did....

As example, if some woman walking ahead of me, dropped her wallet filled with $100 bills and I found it, I would not pick up the wallet and use all the money inside, and nor would you... I would give it to the police or try to reach the woman who lost it.

And are you saying the Russians stole the emails to lure the Trump Campaign workers to them, the Russians? That is possible, they love having KOMPROMAT on Americans that can become useful tools for them at a later date....

There were no clinton emails released, or just a couple, her emails were NOT stolen Emily.... the DNC emails were stolen, and the Podesta emails were stolen, but NOT Clintons...

Nice rant, but can you please show me the emails that you claim this on:

While the REAL damaging dirt exposed on Clinton

What was this oppression and abuse that you claim took place and what emails lead you to believe that? I haven't seen any, only people talking like there were, yet no one seems to have any of the emails that do what you all claim.
Why or How l do Liberals believe 2016 was the first year another Country decided to interfere with US Elections?
Perhaps not. But that does not excuse the interference of 2016.

What is inexcusable is that Liberals will not let their fantasy outcome of 2016 interference die. Liberals have laid out no plan to defend against interference. It is reminiscent of 2000 Elections and all the laws (eg chads) they found in Democratic controlled counties in Florida. Liberals kept expressing outrage about the problem but they had no plans to fix the problem as much as to use the problem and vulnerability to attack that specific election’s outcome. Same with 2016.

I got news for everyone.... the Russians, Chinese, even allies in Europe are all going to try and influence the 2020 Elections. There were no lessons learned in ‘16 on the act itself.
Why or How l do Liberals believe 2016 was the first year another Country decided to interfere with US Elections?

More importantly, why do they think the USA should be allowed to interfere I. The politics and election of other countries but foreign governments shouldn’t be sllowed to mess with ours?

It’s not a question of “allow” or “permitting”. I expect other nations, friends and foes, to continue to interfere with US Elections and I expect US to interfere in other Elections like Obama did with Israel Elections in 2014.

What I don’t expect are the Liberals to continue their faux outrage on election interference on the act simply as a tool specifically to get Trump. Then again, Liberals had no problem wit the Election interference in the Democrat primary of 2016.

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