Interfering with US Elections

While looming gigantically over this carnage is WHAT YOUR GOVT DID to interfere with an election... And these conspirators USED the Russia Russia Russia narrative as a backdrop for spying and tinkering with the Trump campaign and associates.. INCLUDING the Russian propaganda that HILLARY/DNC bought as part of the excuse...

First off, they did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to interfere in our election....

None of us in the public knew a thing about them investigating Trump and campaign during the election... so I am uncertain on what you think our govt did to affect the election on that....?

And they had no FISA warrants on anyone in Trump's campaign during the campaign period that worked for the campaign....

Manafort's FISA's were before the campaign, before he went to work for Candidate Trump as his campaign manager, and then after he left the campaign.... and again, all of that was on the hush, hush, and none of us voters, knew a thing about it... so it did not influence or interfere, with us citizen's choices??

Page's FISAs also came after he had left the campaign and only 3 weeks prior to the election, (and also, before the campaign, a couple of years back)

Page said he has never spoken to or met in person, President Trump.... so President Trump is not in any of the surveillance on him.

BUT, if the FBI cheated somehow, with the judge to get the FISA warrant, we should find out, and Page should be compensated, as the Law provides for mistakes or illegal surveillance, for every day he was illegally spied on.

I don't see the conspiracy you all are being told believe as anything real....

Even Nunes is now backing down on Steele being the bad guy, I had read yesterday or the day before in the right wing media...(think it was FOX or the Washington Examiner) and is now trying to spin that it is GPS, THAT SIMPSON GUY, that is the bad guy.... (And your article that you linked/posted above, made me think, that I could see GPS's Simpson as perhaps being a covert cia operative... why not? Howard Hughes and the French Chef/ ulia Childs both were?)

i don't see it as real, mainly because the timing of your conspiracy, is what does not make any sense....

the investigation in to the Russian interference began the last day of July, just a week after the release of the DNC emails...

Did they even have the Dossier at that time?

Also, I was screaming from the rooftops, before that time, on why in the hell our intel agencies were not investigating Trump's connection with the Russians, based on what Trump had said in Public on several occasions! :eek: was thinking our Intel Agencies were doing nothing and praying at the same time, that they were!

so it is going to be hard for you to convince me that this investigation should not have been started on them...with or without the dossier....

I knew nothing of the Dossier until 6 to 7 months later, and I thought something smelled in Denmark, with Trumps actions and comments on Putin/Russia.

None of us in the public knew a thing about them investigating Trump and campaign during the election

Liar it was general knowledge in October 2016

Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia

WASHINGTON — For much of the summer, the F.B.I. pursued a widening investigation into a Russian role in the American presidential campaign. Agents scrutinized advisers close to Donald J. Trump, looked for financial connections with Russian financial figures, searched for those involved in hacking the computers of Democrats, and even chased a lead — which they ultimately came to doubt — about a possible secret channel of email communication from the Trump Organization to a Russian bank.
second, it was the most comprehensive and multi pronged interference our Nation has ever seen in our history, mainly due to the internet/social media.

the effect of those juvenile ads on FBook and other social media PALLS in comparison to the effect of the PROFESSIONAL Russian disinformation that was passed off in the Steele Dossier.. We're STILL arguing about all that today and THAT'S what Putin wanted in the 1st place..

. Nobody can remember those $1.50 Russian troll ads -- but the POS phony dossier is in the NEWS almost every day and on multiple threads per week on USMB..

And it's NOT the most sinister attempts to influence American politics by foreign powers. Go read the Reason Magazine article I just posted above...
FlaCal, the Russian Trolls, bots and ads, etc, on facebook alone, reached over 120 million people.... that ain't a small number... several hundred million on instagram and twitter as well...

so, I really do not know where you are coming from with this....?

Do you need links, on all that was done with those ads and disinformation forwarded, retweeted, liked, etc?

How many people were reached by LaRazz
The "claimed" dirt on Clinton did not materialize and was mainly
used as a scheme to make the Trump team look bad for taking the bait.

While the REAL damaging dirt exposed on Clinton

That FINALLY and HISTORICALLY exposed the abusive oppression
that has BEEN GOING ON within the Party.
How in the world could the emails make the Trump campaign take the bait unless the Trump campaign were unethical in the first place?

I'm sorry Emily, but I think you need to rethink that statement of yours on that.... the moral character or lack there of, is what pushed the Trump campaign to do the unethical things they did....

As example, if some woman walking ahead of me, dropped her wallet filled with $100 bills and I found it, I would not pick up the wallet and use all the money inside, and nor would you... I would give it to the police or try to reach the woman who lost it.

And are you saying the Russians stole the emails to lure the Trump Campaign workers to them, the Russians? That is possible, they love having KOMPROMAT on Americans that can become useful tools for them at a later date....

There were no clinton emails released, or just a couple, her emails were NOT stolen Emily.... the DNC emails were stolen, and the Podesta emails were stolen, but NOT Clintons...

Nice rant, but can you please show me the emails that you claim this on:

While the REAL damaging dirt exposed on Clinton

What was this oppression and abuse that you claim took place and what emails lead you to believe that? I haven't seen any, only people talking like there were, yet no one seems to have any of the emails that do what you all claim.

Funny how you don't feel this way when CNN or WaPo publish information that some deep stater has illegally leaked to them.
second, it was the most comprehensive and multi pronged interference our Nation has ever seen in our history, mainly due to the internet/social media.

the effect of those juvenile ads on FBook and other social media PALLS in comparison to the effect of the PROFESSIONAL Russian disinformation that was passed off in the Steele Dossier.. We're STILL arguing about all that today and THAT'S what Putin wanted in the 1st place..

. Nobody can remember those $1.50 Russian troll ads -- but the POS phony dossier is in the NEWS almost every day and on multiple threads per week on USMB..

And it's NOT the most sinister attempts to influence American politics by foreign powers. Go read the Reason Magazine article I just posted above...
FlaCal, the Russian Trolls, bots and ads, etc, on facebook alone, reached over 120 million people.... that ain't a small number... several hundred million on instagram and twitter as well...

so, I really do not know where you are coming from with this....?

Do you need links, on all that was done with those ads and disinformation forwarded, retweeted, liked, etc?
It matters not, because it doesn't sway any American to change their vote unless the ads or bots figured out a way to tap into the culture of the targets that were being targeted. Ok so if they do this, do you think that Russia could win over an American voter by promoting Russian culture, communism or Russian ideology etc ??? No it cannot, so what exactly was this influence in which the so called Russians created and/or then convinced the Americans to just lap up, and in which would be any benefit to Russia as pertaining to Russian interest ???? I'll tell you the benefit to Russia, it was none, zero, zilch, notta, none. End of story.

American's aren't that stupid, but why does the left play them like they are ??? It's because the modern leftist is the one's trying to influence the electorate, and to influence them into making huge mistakes upon voting for some of the biggest failures in American history.
“Interfering with US Elections”

Something else conservatives don’t care about.

Indeed, most on the right consider it to be a non-issue, particularly when they perceive such interference as beneficial to Republicans.
“Interfering with US Elections”

Something else conservatives don’t care about.

Indeed, most on the right consider it to be a non-issue, particularly when they perceive such interference as beneficial to Republicans.

I don't consider people voicing their opinion or campaigning, interfering.
“Interfering with US Elections”

Something else conservatives don’t care about.

Indeed, most on the right consider it to be a non-issue, particularly when they perceive such interference as beneficial to Republicans.

They're not conservatives. They're Reactionaries seeking to return to the time when Jim Crow Laws kept restaurants all white, and only men were able to vote; to them, these were the good old days.
“Interfering with US Elections”

Something else conservatives don’t care about.

Indeed, most on the right consider it to be a non-issue, particularly when they perceive such interference as beneficial to Republicans.

They're not conservatives. They're Reactionaries seeking to return to the time when Jim Crow Laws kept restaurants all white, and only men were able to vote; to them, these were the good old days.
You sure do like stoking the flames of racism or using the race card willy nilly don't ya ??? It's getting old really, so go find yourself a new game that no one recognizes so easily liberal.

Keeping the blacks fired up on racism is a game white liberals love to use in order to gain power with, but when it comes to the blacks moving into your gated COMMUNITIES just like the illegals or asylum seekers we're going to be bused to your sanctuary cities by the thousands, then all of a sudden you all cry fowel ???????

Ohh if Obama would have just gotten his way, and began moving the poor blacks etc into the wealthy white neighborhoods, then we would have seen the wealthy white liberals crying like little babies, and yelling fowel, and yelling not in my back yard.

Ohh the dangers of using people for ill gotten gains and power.... Tsk tsk.

Listen, there is no such a thing as bad poor people, but there dam sure is such a thing as bad characters whom live in and amongst the poor as well as living in and amongst the rich. Weeding the bad out of any crowd or group by recognition of is a smart thing to do, and not a racist or bad thing to do regardless of what race or who is doing such a thing.

Now this weeding or identifying is not to say that people are separated due to race, gender or culture if of good character, but they (if are bad people regardless of these things), are targeted for reform in order to help them, (and not to allow them to hurt others whom their antics might target while in and amongst the groups they have been allowed to intermingle with), then it is a good thing.

The bad folks shouldn't be allowed to hurt others or to influence them in a bad way. Good character must be protected always, and bad must be called out. Only a foolish people would not think in these ways or believe in these ways.

Of course we are all sinners, and therefore we are to apply degree's to what is determined as bad as opposed to what we find to be good. Depending on the degree of bad, of course determines the ways in which that bad can be turned around, and then turned back into good.

Keep the hope that the nation is successful in keeping balance. It's all we can do.
Voters check the wrong box all the time-its hard to get upset about face book influence. I'm more worried about non-citizens voting because we can't prove or judge the number.
Voters check the wrong box all the time-its hard to get upset about face book influence. I'm more worried about non-citizens voting because we can't prove or judge the number.
Non-citizens, prisoners, under aged teenagers etc should absolutely not be allowed to vote. Anyone wanting this is wanting it because they are completely corrupt, and therefore desperate to control the process with their corruption. The Demon-crats appear to be corrupt and desperate these days.
First off, they did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to interfere in our election....

None of us in the public knew a thing about them investigating Trump and campaign during the election... so I am uncertain on what you think our govt did to affect the election on that....?

Not true at all.. Leaks were coming out about investigating the Trump team as far back as June/July 2016... Press was actually BRIEFED en masse multiple times about C. Steele's work as far back as August 2016. None really bit (except Mother Jones and The Nation) but from there on -- there were stories every WEEK that tied Trump and his campaign to Russia because that seed had been planted. Then ONE WEEK before the election Comey and crew leaked the news that the Trump campaign had been investigated SINCE SUMMER of 2016 by the FBI and we were off to the races... ONE WEEK before the election -- all hell broke loose... That's the best timing aint it??

Think Hillary was gonna waste that $10Mill oppo research project?

Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia

Hints of existence
Jane Mayer has described how, in "late summer, Fusion set up a series of meetings, at the Tabard Inn, in Washington, between Steele and a handful of national-security reporters.... Despite Steele's generally cool manner, he seemed distraught about the Russians' role in the election." Mayer attended one of the meetings. No news organizations ran any stories about the allegations at that time.[10]

Mother Jones story
By the third quarter of 2016 many news organizations knew about the existence of the dossier, which had been described as an "open secret" among journalists, but chose not to publish information that could not be confirmed.[2][62]

By October 2016, Steele had compiled 33 pages (16 memos), and he then passed on what he had discovered to David Corn, a reporter from Mother Jones magazine. On October 31, 2016, a week before the election, Mother Jones reported that a former intelligence officer, whom they did not name, had produced a report based on Russian sources and turned it over to the FBI.[45] The article disclosed some of the dossier's allegations:

The first memo, based on the former intelligence officer's conversations with Russian sources, noted, "Russian regime has been cultivating, supporting and assisting TRUMP for at least 5 years. Aim, endorsed by PUTIN, has been to encourage splits and divisions in western alliance". It maintained that Trump "and his inner circle have accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin, including on his Democratic and other political rivals". It claimed that Russian intelligence had "compromised" Trump during his visits to Moscow and could "blackmail him". It also reported that Russian intelligence had compiled a dossier on Hillary Clinton based on "bugged conversations she had on various visits to Russia and intercepted phone calls."

— David Corn, "A Veteran Spy Has Given the FBI Information Alleging a Russian Operation to Cultivate Donald Trump", Mother Jones (October 31, 2016)[45]

And of course USMB is the best place to time out those first hints of Russian collusion and the existence of the Steele dossier... HA !!!!!!!!!!

Earliest USMB threads on Trump/Russia -- I dont know if thats ALL of them. I only used the Mod Room report log because going back 3 years in the Politics forum is just too long a job...

Trump and Russia

Trumps Ties to Russia

Report: FBI says no direct ties between Russia, Donald Trump's campaign
And they had no FISA warrants on anyone in Trump's campaign during the campaign period that worked for the campaign....

Not true.. The first APPROVED FISA warrant was OCT 2016, but one was REFUSED prior to that..

WhoTFuck cares if it INFLUENCED the election? If was LEAKING before the election.

THIS did more damage to opposition candidate and ELECTED president before he was EVEN sworn in.. Putin wouldn't care WHEN the damage occurred. Why should YOU????

Your govt was conducting illegal operations on Trump associates BEFORE the FISA warrants ---overseas where they could use CIA and "Five Eyes" connected contractors to dirty them up.. NOT investigating.. NOT just spying. These were full intel compromising operations to plant stories about Russia and knowledge of Hillary on PapaDop Caputo, Page and others.

That was the "bait" introducing them to phony "russian contacts" thru even using sexual seduction and fraudulent excuses to GET THEM overseas.. And the "trap" was the FISA warrants to record their conversations and get access to the FULL Trump campaign..

I dont CARE about timing. Any patriot shouldn't care.. This whole "insurance policy" of operation "Crossfire Hurricane" was to slaughter Trump POST election should he manage to pull off a win.. And between the election and inauguration day, the press was FULL of leaking FBI, DNI, CIA members pushing the Russian collusion narrative...
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Why or How l do Liberals believe 2016 was the first year another Country decided to interfere with US Elections?
Perhaps not. But that does not excuse the interference of 2016.

What is inexcusable is that Liberals will not let their fantasy outcome of 2016 interference die. Liberals have laid out no plan to defend against interference. It is reminiscent of 2000 Elections and all the laws (eg chads) they found in Democratic controlled counties in Florida. Liberals kept expressing outrage about the problem but they had no plans to fix the problem as much as to use the problem and vulnerability to attack that specific election’s outcome. Same with 2016.

I got news for everyone.... the Russians, Chinese, even allies in Europe are all going to try and influence the 2020 Elections. There were no lessons learned in ‘16 on the act itself.

Don't forget the incompetence of the Fed's SOLUTION to the "chad" problem which was rushing FULL HOG into "touch screen" computer driven tablets for voting with NO paper trail.. A "solution" that is NOW recognized as highly flawed because of it's vulnerabilities to fraud and electronic interference.. I WARNED about this, while at the same TIME, my largest research/development client was one of the largest touch screen manufacturers in the world.

And the "chad" problem, as with most govt diagnoses, was entirely incorrect, since on recounts in Fl, MORE votes were overturned on OPTICAL ballot readers than on "chad" cards...
Why or How l do Liberals believe 2016 was the first year another Country decided to interfere with US Elections?
first, no one said it was the first time

second, it was the most comprehensive and multi pronged interference our Nation has ever seen in our history, mainly due to the internet/social media.

THIRD and most importantly, it was the first time in our history that a presidential candidate and his whole traitorous campaign, sought out, WELCOMED, and utilized the Foreign enemy's interference, and stolen goods. your "opinion" of course. We'll wait breathlessly for you to give us empirical proof of your "assertions".
THIRD and most importantly, it was the first time in our history that a presidential candidate and his whole traitorous campaign, sought out, WELCOMED, and utilized the Foreign enemy's interference, and stolen goods.

The denial runs deep here. NONE of that happened. Mueller will tell you so...

BUT SOMEBODY DID USE "the Foreign Enemy's interference" to sell the SCAM that the Trump team had indeed been necking with the Russians.

"Always accuse the opponent of doing the same wrong that you are committing".. Been attributed to Machiavelli, Goebbels, the KGB, the CIA, Karl Marx and others.. It's been a favored political tactic for ages -- at least...
THIRD and most importantly, it was the first time in our history that a presidential candidate and his whole traitorous campaign, sought out, WELCOMED, and utilized the Foreign enemy's interference, and stolen goods.

The denial runs deep here. NONE of that happened. Mueller will tell you so...

BUT SOMEBODY DID USE "the Foreign Enemy's interference" to sell the SCAM that the Trump team had indeed been necking with the Russians.

"Always accuse the opponent of doing the same wrong that you are committing".. Been attributed to Machiavelli, Goebbels, the KGB, the CIA, Karl Marx and others.. It's been a favored political tactic for ages -- at least...
That is absolutely NOT what the Mueller Report says.

Trump welcomed that the very least
THIRD and most importantly, it was the first time in our history that a presidential candidate and his whole traitorous campaign, sought out, WELCOMED, and utilized the Foreign enemy's interference, and stolen goods.

The denial runs deep here. NONE of that happened. Mueller will tell you so...

BUT SOMEBODY DID USE "the Foreign Enemy's interference" to sell the SCAM that the Trump team had indeed been necking with the Russians.

"Always accuse the opponent of doing the same wrong that you are committing".. Been attributed to Machiavelli, Goebbels, the KGB, the CIA, Karl Marx and others.. It's been a favored political tactic for ages -- at least...
That is absolutely NOT what the Mueller Report says.

Trump welcomed that the very least

Don't be a child about that debate comment.. Intelligent people have no problem with sarcasm.. Where does that leave you?
“Interfering with US Elections”

Something else conservatives don’t care about.

Indeed, most on the right consider it to be a non-issue, particularly when they perceive such interference as beneficial to Republicans.

Conservatives don’t care??? This conservative cares which is the point of my post. I expect any and all nation states to attempt interference. I consider even a single fraudulent vote registration to be interference. In both cases, what are we the US going to do about it?

Ask yourself, in the case of Natuon state interference, what have you liberals proposed to curb it besides “get Trump?” In the case of fraudulent voting, is the Conservatives that propose measures such as Voter ID and you people immediately shoot it down because you site Black people to be incapable of obtaining a free state issued ID.

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