International marriage in Japan shows Japanese not find westerners to be attractive


VIP Member
Sep 8, 2014


Now take a look at this statistic data [ this is not a poll, survey or other kind of data like that but a real number data ] of marriages in Japan taken from the Japanese national statistic bureau [ marriages by marriage order and nationality of bride and groom : Japan ]. Based on the data, over 96% Japanese are married with other Japanese, as for the around 4% of the Japanese who are not married with other Japanese :
- Over 96% of the Japanese guys prefer other Asian girls.
- Over 60% of the Japanese girls prefer other Asian guys.

The only data that can be used to see what Japanese find to be appealing about someone's appearance is the statistic of the Japanese guys marriages who are not married with Japanese girls. That is because the main criteria for guys who want to marry is the girl's attractiveness [ beauty ], morals [ virginity, manners, etc ], financial status [ wealth ]. While the main criteria of marriage for girls is the guy's kindness [ how much the guy will protect her, take care of her, etc ], financial status [ how much wealth the guy have ], attractiveness [ how much appealing the guy is to her ]. There is also another factor why the statistic from the girl side can't be used which is "marriage age limitation", in most part of the world especially in Asia the maximum age for girls to feel the pressure of marriage is 25 years old, when a girl's age are over 25 years old they usually become more desperate to marry which caused them to loosen their marriage criteria. So the first criteria for guys to marry girls is how attractive the girls appearance are while for girls is how kind the guy is.
The data which shows over 96% [ of below the 4% Japanese guys who are not married with Japanese girls ] who prefer other Asian girls are very similar to the data of the over 96% Japanese guys who prefer to marry with Japanese girls. This shows that even when not marrying with Japanese girls, Japanese guys marry other girls still based on their appearance who are similar to Japanese girls that Japanese guys find to be attractive.

Based on this fact it is very clearly visible to see that what Japanese find to be attractive about someone's appearance is Asians appearance, so this is clearly shows that Anime characters appearance is based on Asians. It just not make any sense to think that Anime characters appearance are not based on Asians such as if based on westerners because that will obviously ruin Anime, does it make any sense to you to think that Anime characters are based on westerners which Japanese find to be unattractive? The only thing that make sense if Anime characters based on westerners is when the west is the majority of market for Anime, currently the west is just a small portion of market for Anime or more like a "left over" market for Anime.


There is another interesting fact about the data, the data shows that 20,92% of the over 60% Japanese girls who prefer to marry other Asian guys are "used" [ not virgin, remarried, etc ] while there are 15,85% of "used" Japanese girls from the below 40% of the Japanese girls who marry with western males. Know that this does not mean western males got the best because the real data [ when combined wirth Japanese guys ] shows that Asian guys only got 15,72% of "used" Japanese girls. Why this is interesting? Because many western males keep saying that Asian girls especially Japanese girls prefer them by claiming the reason to how they have bigger pen*s size, in reality those western males are just jealous and hallucinating because :
1. Over 98% from overall Japanese girls prefer Asian guys.
2. If that fact is still not sufficient, the data of the "used" Japanese girls shows that when they are divorced from Japanese guys they still prefer other Asian guys to marry them which mean [ in an extremely kind of way of thinking ] they still prefer Asian pen*s than other penis or they can't get enought of Asian pen*s.
The Asian girls like them small and sweet............And then?????

An excerpt from a documentary on the subject...

I wonder how many westerners in here who wish they marry with Asian guys or with Asian girls.
New facts added :

2. The small number of westerners who live in Japan is not the reason why there are much less Japanese who marry with westerners. Take a look at this statistic data, where in 2012 from the Asian side there are 1.425.705 Asians who live in Japan with 0,012% of them married with Japanese, while from the western side there are 302.838 westerners who live in Japan with 0,007% of them married with Japanese.
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New facts added :

2. The small number of westerners who live in Japan is not the reason why there are much less Japanese who marry with westerners. Take a look at this statistic data, where in 2012 from the Asian side there are 1.425.705 Asians who live in Japan with 0,012% of them married with Japanese, while from the western side there are 302.838 westerners who live in Japan with 0,007% of them married with Japanese.
The craziest thing about Japanes girls is their sideways vaginas. How did that happen? :dunno:
Added data :

2. The small number of westerners who live in Japan is not the reason why there are much less Japanese who marry with westerners. Take a look at this statistic data, where in 2012 from the Asian side there are 1.425.705 Asians who live in Japan with 1,2% of them married with Japanese, while from the western side there are 302.838 westerners who live in Japan with 0,7% of them married with Japanese.
New facts added :

2. The small number of westerners who live in Japan is not the reason why there are much less Japanese who marry with westerners. Take a look at this statistic data, where in 2012 from the Asian side there are 1.425.705 Asians who live in Japan with 0,012% of them married with Japanese, while from the western side there are 302.838 westerners who live in Japan with 0,007% of them married with Japanese.
The craziest thing about Japanes girls is their sideways vaginas. How did that happen?

Who are you kidding? You haven't been near a vagina since the day you were born.

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