International Men in Dresses Day

We pretty much all understand you love to wear women's clothes
What's wrong with men in dresses telling fairy stories to children?

men in frocks.jpg
They/them are wearing it.

By the way, you don't have to sign your post, we already know who you are from your user name.
Yes, the girls are in dresses. DESIGNED for women.

I also noticed who you chose to mock. I also noticed, politically correct coward that you are, didn't post THIS, instead. Do you think it's women's clothes too?

We all know a leftist can't identify a woman. Why would we expect you to be able to identify women's clothing
Jeez, haven't we got bigger things to worry about than who wears dresses and who doesn't>

This country could use a heaping helping of Mind Your Business.
These fundies are up everyones asses and will have cameras in your bed room as North Korea or Cuba currently has. They will throw people in prison for decades on end for just wanting to live differently.

I hate to say it but maybe spending 20 years at war with the taliban wasn't such a good idea as some of these people came back home agreeing with our enemies. The fundies and the taliban are the same animal.
As it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah so shall it be when the Son of Man comes

We see who among us thinks these people are normal. Nobody even in the Democrat Party would think this behavior is acceptable even 20 years ago. You've sold your soul for votes
As it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah so shall it be when the Son of Man comes

We see who among us thinks these people are normal. Nobody even in the Democrat Party would think this behavior is acceptable even 20 years ago. You've sold your soul for votes

Hell, I don't know anyone who is normal. And striving to be "normal" seems like you are setting the bar pretty low.

Why do you care if a guy wants to wear a dress? It is like the people getting bent out of shape because women wore pants.

It doesn't fucking matter.

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