International Men in Dresses Day

So, it’s ok if others represent themselves as you, and insist your call them by your name?

Lol, hey dumb fuck. What I say retard no has ever corrected my pronoun nor insist I call them by name. Are you a retard or what. By they way they can insist if they want don't mean I comply retard. You retards focus on non problems is the point there retard.
Lol, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck. Today's gop is the American taliban. Nose all up in people's business at every turn. What's hilarious is the shit does not effect your life one iota. Been here 50+years and gave yet to have a single person tell me I need to change my pronoun but you retards sure worry about enough. Learn to mind your own ducking business.

Ain't that the truth.
Ain't that the truth.
For someone who said we have "more important things to worry about," you sure are active in my unimportant thread. Wear your dress if it makes you feel pretty, but don't complain when we mock you
This thread makes it clear why normal AMERICANS
What YOU will never understand is that what you define as 'normal' isn't normal.
There are more 'weird people' in the USA than there are "Alpha Males" and "Supermodels"

I bet you think you are/were an "Alpha Male"
I'm pretty sure your a measly keyboard warrior.
Type away........LOL
For someone who said we have "more important things to worry about," you sure are active in my unimportant thread. Wear your dress if it makes you feel pretty, but don't complain when we mock you

I won't. I am not concerned about mocking. It is passing laws against people who do no harm that I dislike.
Not when it is below Zero and the wind does to me what it did to Marilyn Dress in that movie...

Anyhoo, being Canadian and from European Blood, it does amaze me how many have forgotten the 1970’s!

Luckily, I live in Georgia. Like I said before, the deciding factor in wearing it is mosquitoes.

And yes, many have forgotten the 1970s.
Lol, hey dumb fuck. What I say retard no has ever corrected my pronoun nor insist I call them by name. Are you a retard or what. By they way they can insist if they want don't mean I comply retard. You retards focus on non problems is the point there retard.

English next time

You kind of sound retarded.
I won't. I am not concerned about mocking. It is passing laws against people who do no harm that I dislike.

Degrading women is akin to degrading blacks by allowing black face shows stereotyping them.

Neither should exist
The bans are to keep minors from attending. And the problem with that is?

I have no problem removing drag queens from schools. But I think that should be up to the parents and school board.

As far as keeping minors away, the few drag shows I have seen were not risque in any way. It was guys, dressed as women, lip-synching to songs.

If there is nudity or whatever, minors should be banned. If not, I think I don't need help parenting my children.

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