Internet Was Fun While It Lasted

I think we should consider what Zuckerberg is saying.

There is a conversation to be had about it.

If you're an authoritarian, so I expect many leftists to jump on this bandwagon
Of course, it's black and white for many.

For others, not so much.

I watched a documentary on the homeless problem in Seattle. Basically the homeless are being ignored on all levels. The city has even stopped policing them to an extent. It's become a huge problem and the residents are getting extremely pissed that the city commission is doing nothing about it.

That story seems relevant here.

The Internet is not a homeless camp

more of a HOPELESS camp
It needs some regulation
quickest way to throw free speech under the bus 'Ol lady ~S~
I've pretty much heard all the arguments before. I can't envision you as a racist, so I can hear you. But in the end, the hatred floating out there is eroding our country, bit by bit. Hatred of others and hatred amongst ourselves. It's so distressing and sunlight doesn't just disinfect--it also encourages growth.
I think we should consider what Zuckerberg is saying.

There is a conversation to be had about it.

If you're an authoritarian, so I expect many leftists to jump on this bandwagon
Of course, it's black and white for many.

For others, not so much.

I watched a documentary on the homeless problem in Seattle. Basically the homeless are being ignored on all levels. The city has even stopped policing them to an extent. It's become a huge problem and the residents are getting extremely pissed that the city commission is doing nothing about it.

That story seems relevant here.

The Internet is not a homeless camp
The homeless are not relegated to camps. They are free to piss and shit on the commons.
It needs some regulation
quickest way to throw free speech under the bus 'Ol lady ~S~
I've pretty much heard all the arguments before. I can't envision you as a racist, so I can hear you. But in the end, the hatred floating out there is eroding our country, bit by bit. Hatred of others and hatred amongst ourselves. It's so distressing and sunlight doesn't just disinfect--it also encourages growth.

One is free to hate in a free society w/out restraint.

They are victims of their own volition, UNLESS one empowers them via subjugation

i've actually never had a facebook or Twitter account

idiots asked me for years why don't you have a face book account ?
10 years later

aren't people abandoning ciabook in droves ?

the EU just outlawed memes , goes into effect next year an algorithm is going to ban all "copyrighted" material. YEah that wont be used to silence people .they jail people over facebook posts cause someone else deemed what that person said as hateful .

its one of many new "normals" in the west

who cares what the lil boy zuckerberg does

I think we should consider what Zuckerberg is saying.

There is a conversation to be had about it.

If you're an authoritarian, so I expect many leftists to jump on this bandwagon
Of course, it's black and white for many.

For others, not so much.

I watched a documentary on the homeless problem in Seattle. Basically the homeless are being ignored on all levels. The city has even stopped policing them to an extent. It's become a huge problem and the residents are getting extremely pissed that the city commission is doing nothing about it.

That story seems relevant here.

The Internet is not a homeless camp

You 100% sure of that, bro?

so you twits that claim you never used this or that on this sould suckin' device are all about the jackboots owing and policing it....

right then

Jackboots? People jumped on the internet and twisted it to their own purposes way before anyone could imagine what was going to happen. It needs some regulation. All these scare tactics are just that--scare tactics. People need to stop this calling anyone an authoritarian or a Nazi for wanting to remove REAL neo Nazi bilge from the front page.

Silence this group and that bunch and then look about for who is next.
This is the same douche nozzle that is fighting for the right to track everyone, regardless of whether or not they have a Facefuck account...
This is the same douche nozzle that is fighting for the right to track everyone, regardless of whether or not they have a Facefuck account...
It is interesting that he is asking for someone to stop him.

so you twits that claim you never used this or that on this sould suckin' device are all about the jackboots owing and policing it....

right then

Jackboots? People jumped on the internet and twisted it to their own purposes way before anyone could imagine what was going to happen. It needs some regulation. All these scare tactics are just that--scare tactics. People need to stop this calling anyone an authoritarian or a Nazi for wanting to remove REAL neo Nazi bilge from the front page.

Silence this group and that bunch and then look about for who is next.
The government can't silence speech in America.
Idk man, the internet was the Wild West in my day.
I know a couple things: Google should never have been allowed to buy up so many nodes the internet has to go through, and..dammit! What was the other thing?..Oh yeah, GoDaddy should not not have been allowed to buy up so many domains.

That's as far as the internet is concerned. Don't get me started on them phones.
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New York (CNN Business)- Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg, who has been under scrutiny for the social media company’s role in spreading misinformation and inadequately policing content, is calling for regulators to play a “more active role” in establishing rules for the internet.

Zuckerberg called for stricter regulation of “harmful content, election integrity, privacy and data portability” in an op-ed published Saturday on his official Facebook account and in the Washington Post.

Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg calls for regulation of the internet - CNN

The Days of Orwell are here.

Harmful content = Being AGAINST the International Globalist Leftist Agenda. Personally I think that Facebook and Twitter should be shut down, they both are dangerously subversive situations.

Harmful content: Terrorist propaganda, hate speech, election integrity, and privacy and data protection. I don't see an issue with any of that....
The fact remains, there is zero morality and truth to political correctness...
Abuse the resource, make billions, complain that the resource is abused.

Yeah, fuck off Zuck...

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