Inversion and double taxation..

Facebook reported $1.1 billion in pre-tax profits from U.S. operations in 2012, but it actually paid zero federal and state taxes—and even receive a federal tax refund of about $429 million.

The tax footnotes in Facebook’s Jan. 30 financial statement is an amazing admission & there’s nothing illegal about it. Companies like Facebook are allowed to treat the cost of non-cash compensation, such as stock options, as an expense that reduces profits, essentially the way they treat cash compensation such as salaries.

You won’t find any $429 million tax refund in Facebook’s financial statements. Indeed, the company says it had a $559 million federal tax liability in 2012. But that liability isn’t an actual payment. In a footnote, the company also said that it had a $1.03 billion “excess tax benefit” last year related to “stock option exercises and other equity awards.” That benefit is what flips the federal tax liability into a refund.

Facebook executives’ conference call with analysts. On the call, Chief Financial Officer David Ebersman cited the accumulated tax benefits and noted that the company ended the fiscal year with nearly $10 billion in cash and investments, “giving us great flexibility and risk protection.”

Give me where ALL greedy corporate companies are like Zuckerberg who by the WAY just so happens to be one of the biggest supporters of Obama! Coincidence??? Naw... our IRS doesn't show favoritism now do they...

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