Investigators now have ‘concrete evidence’ of collusion between Trump camp and Russian govt: source

I don't buy any of the Guardians story, if you give credence to part you must give credence to the whole and part has been proven already to be BS.

Of course you wouldn't, narco. You are a partisan hack. They could have tapes that sign, seal and deliver collusion and you wouldn't believe it.


No dummy, DNC is mad about the CRIMINAL BREAK INTO THEIR SERVER AND STEALING OF THEIR EMAILS by foreign power to aid Trump.

How did it aid Trump?

Please be specific...

Trump spoke of wikileaks 160 times to his crowds in the month of October/the Podesta files....

do you think Trump thought wikileaks was a waste of time and told everyone how much he loved wikileaks and told his crowds to make certain they go there, for nothing? That Trump would really waste his time touting it? 160 times?
I don't buy any of the Guardians story, if you give credence to part you must give credence to the whole and part has been proven already to be BS.

Of course you wouldn't, narco. You are a partisan hack. They could have tapes that sign, seal and deliver collusion and you wouldn't believe it.


No dummy, DNC is mad about the CRIMINAL BREAK INTO THEIR SERVER AND STEALING OF THEIR EMAILS by foreign power to aid Trump.

How did it aid Trump?

Please be specific...

Trump spoke of wikileaks 160 times to his crowds in the month of October/the Podesta files....

do you think Trump thought wikileaks was a waste of time and told everyone how much he loved wikileaks and told his crowds to make certain they go there, for nothing? That Trump would really waste his time touting it? 160 times?

Now finally somebody here might have something worth while for me to check out........
Finally a regressive that admits they don't have a fucking clue. Run along child, you know if your dear leader could have come up with even an thin case against Trump or his team he would have, according the this FAKE NEWS he had more than a year to do it.

Nark, I couldn't give a shit about Trump or if he was spied on. He is a paranoid mofo who doesn't know his arse from his elbow. And he's all yours. You can have him....Personally? I think he got caught up in shit. That's on him and his acolytes. You lie down with dogs, you get fleas.
Of course you wouldn't, narco. You are a partisan hack. They could have tapes that sign, seal and deliver collusion and you wouldn't believe it.


No dummy, DNC is mad about the CRIMINAL BREAK INTO THEIR SERVER AND STEALING OF THEIR EMAILS by foreign power to aid Trump.

How did it aid Trump?

Please be specific...

Trump spoke of wikileaks 160 times to his crowds in the month of October/the Podesta files....

do you think Trump thought wikileaks was a waste of time and told everyone how much he loved wikileaks and told his crowds to make certain they go there, for nothing? That Trump would really waste his time touting it? 160 times?

Now finally somebody here might have something worth while for me to check out........

You got it from think progress... I didn't even hear about this one

Trump: Wikileaks revealed Clinton was “completely jeopardizing the national security of the United States”
Just today we learned Hillary Clinton was sending highly-classified information through her maid. ..

I do admit reading that story care4all it is suspicious to me why he kept mentioning wiki ....


No dummy, DNC is mad about the CRIMINAL BREAK INTO THEIR SERVER AND STEALING OF THEIR EMAILS by foreign power to aid Trump.

How did it aid Trump?

Please be specific...

Trump spoke of wikileaks 160 times to his crowds in the month of October/the Podesta files....

do you think Trump thought wikileaks was a waste of time and told everyone how much he loved wikileaks and told his crowds to make certain they go there, for nothing? That Trump would really waste his time touting it? 160 times?

Now finally somebody here might have something worth while for me to check out........

You got it from think progress... I didn't even hear about this one

Trump: Wikileaks revealed Clinton was “completely jeopardizing the national security of the United States”
Just today we learned Hillary Clinton was sending highly-classified information through her maid. ..

I do admit reading that story care4all it is suspicious to me why he kept mentioning wiki ....

I heard the 160 number on CNN and MSNBC....they had a compilation video of several of the times Candidate Trump used's news and a couple of days ago too...

but it was the Senate Intelligence committee's public hearing where experts testified....that I learned how deep the process was by the was not just podesta and DNC emails dumped....they picked out the emails they wanted to use, and twisted content in their articles that came out the same day about the specific emails in the Russian news outlets and used roBOTS to push the articles on social media and on to the right wing media, within minutes of the wikileaks...millions of recipients of their exagerated or completely fake stories....

like there was simply an email where Hillary asked someone, What is Parkinson disease?

they took that and wrote stories that Hillary had Parkinson disease, was sick, was dying....their BOTS spread it on social media, then right wing news and even the main stream media picked it up..........all fake news off of an email....

The Russians had it down pat! Every I was dotted and every T was crossed...

look up on google

CLINTON WATTS testimony, Senate hearing.... watch the youtube video....he explained it better than moi!
The fact that Trump mentioned Wikileaks 160 times only underscores how damaging the information that was revealed by the leaks proved to be for Hillary Clinton! Trump mentioned the leaks so many times because the leaks revealed the truth about Hillary Clinton...a truth that was being hidden from the American people by the Main Stream Media!

I know that you on the left don't LIKE that Hillary was exposed for the corrupt, lying, cheat that she is...but to claim that ANYONE "hacked" our election simply because they revealed the truth about Clinton is laughable!

The bottom line will always remain the same...if Hillary wasn't hiding so much corrupt activity then the Russians...or any other entity!...wouldn't have had the slightest affect on her election chances! She lost not because of "collusion"...she lost because she didn't deserve to be elected President BECAUSE OF HER OWN ACTIONS!!!
The fact that Trump mentioned Wikileaks 160 times only underscores how damaging the information that was revealed by the leaks proved to be for Hillary Clinton! Trump mentioned the leaks so many times because the leaks revealed the truth about Hillary Clinton...a truth that was being hidden from the American people by the Main Stream Media!

I know that you on the left don't LIKE that Hillary was exposed for the corrupt, lying, cheat that she is...but to claim that ANYONE "hacked" our election simply because they revealed the truth about Clinton is laughable!

The bottom line will always remain the same...if Hillary wasn't hiding so much corrupt activity then the Russians...or any other entity!...wouldn't have had the slightest affect on her election chances! She lost not because of "collusion"...she lost because she didn't deserve to be elected President BECAUSE OF HER OWN ACTIONS!!!
Utter bull crap and lies

He mentioned wikileaks 160 times telling them to go there and PRETENDING the leaks were just awful, but He Never went in to what any of the leaks were.....he just got his crowd to yell lock her up.LOCK HER UP, LOCK HER UP, LOCK HER UP!

He was a Scumbag
Finally a regressive that admits they don't have a fucking clue. Run along child, you know if your dear leader could have come up with even an thin case against Trump or his team he would have, according the this FAKE NEWS he had more than a year to do it.

Nark, I couldn't give a shit about Trump or if he was spied on. He is a paranoid mofo who doesn't know his arse from his elbow. And he's all yours. You can have him....Personally? I think he got caught up in shit. That's on him and his acolytes. You lie down with dogs, you get fleas.

Check, and mate.

No dummy, DNC is mad about the CRIMINAL BREAK INTO THEIR SERVER AND STEALING OF THEIR EMAILS by foreign power to aid Trump.

How did it aid Trump?

Please be specific...

Trump spoke of wikileaks 160 times to his crowds in the month of October/the Podesta files....

do you think Trump thought wikileaks was a waste of time and told everyone how much he loved wikileaks and told his crowds to make certain they go there, for nothing? That Trump would really waste his time touting it? 160 times?

Now finally somebody here might have something worth while for me to check out........

You got it from think progress... I didn't even hear about this one

Trump: Wikileaks revealed Clinton was “completely jeopardizing the national security of the United States”
Just today we learned Hillary Clinton was sending highly-classified information through her maid. ..

I do admit reading that story care4all it is suspicious to me why he kept mentioning wiki ....

I heard the 160 number on CNN and MSNBC....they had a compilation video of several of the times Candidate Trump used's news and a couple of days ago too...

but it was the Senate Intelligence committee's public hearing where experts testified....that I learned how deep the process was by the was not just podesta and DNC emails dumped....they picked out the emails they wanted to use, and twisted content in their articles that came out the same day about the specific emails in the Russian news outlets and used roBOTS to push the articles on social media and on to the right wing media, within minutes of the wikileaks...millions of recipients of their exagerated or completely fake stories....

like there was simply an email where Hillary asked someone, What is Parkinson disease?

they took that and wrote stories that Hillary had Parkinson disease, was sick, was dying....their BOTS spread it on social media, then right wing news and even the main stream media picked it up..........all fake news off of an email....

The Russians had it down pat! Every I was dotted and every T was crossed...

look up on google

CLINTON WATTS testimony, Senate hearing.... watch the youtube video....he explained it better than moi!

WOW, and this differs form the billion plus dollars of political ads ran by the bitch and her packs? The majority just as fake as anything wiki came up with.
The fact that Trump mentioned Wikileaks 160 times only underscores how damaging the information that was revealed by the leaks proved to be for Hillary Clinton! Trump mentioned the leaks so many times because the leaks revealed the truth about Hillary Clinton...a truth that was being hidden from the American people by the Main Stream Media!

I know that you on the left don't LIKE that Hillary was exposed for the corrupt, lying, cheat that she is...but to claim that ANYONE "hacked" our election simply because they revealed the truth about Clinton is laughable!

The bottom line will always remain the same...if Hillary wasn't hiding so much corrupt activity then the Russians...or any other entity!...wouldn't have had the slightest affect on her election chances! She lost not because of "collusion"...she lost because she didn't deserve to be elected President BECAUSE OF HER OWN ACTIONS!!!
Utter bull crap and lies

He mentioned wikileaks 160 times telling them to go there and PRETENDING the leaks were just awful, but He Never went in to what any of the leaks were.....he just got his crowd to yell lock her up.LOCK HER UP, LOCK HER UP, LOCK HER UP!

He was a Scumbag

The leaks WEREN'T awful, Care? They exposed what Hillary Clinton and her minions over at the DNC had done to knee cap Bernie Sanders...and that provoked such an angry response from Sander's supporters that the Chairwoman of the DNC got booed off the stage at the Democratic Convention and was forced to quit her position! Many of those Sanders voters didn't turn out to vote for Hillary and who can really blame them!

SHE is a scumbag...the Wiki leaks simply showed her for who she truly is!

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