Investigators now have ‘concrete evidence’ of collusion between Trump camp and Russian govt: source


No dummy, DNC is mad about the CRIMINAL BREAK INTO THEIR SERVER AND STEALING OF THEIR EMAILS by foreign power to aid Trump.
How did it aid Trump?

Please be specific...


:rolleyes: why don't you ask I-LOVE-WIKILEAKS Trump.

LMFAO you don't want to say do you?

LMFAO at your stupid.

sure they do, and will continue to get more evidence as time goes on.
Wonderful news. I gave Trump till years end to keep his job, looks like he will be gone well before that.

1 term Trump.

I cant see impeaching him unless treason can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

No, 1 year trump. The impeachment process will take that long.

Is Treason a hanging offense?
No dummy, DNC is mad about the CRIMINAL BREAK INTO THEIR SERVER AND STEALING OF THEIR EMAILS by foreign power to aid Trump.
How did it aid Trump?

Please be specific...


:rolleyes: why don't you ask I-LOVE-WIKILEAKS Trump.

LMFAO you don't want to say do you?

LMFAO at your stupid.

What's the matter to embarrassed to post it?

No dummy, DNC is mad about the CRIMINAL BREAK INTO THEIR SERVER AND STEALING OF THEIR EMAILS by foreign power to aid Trump.
How did it aid Trump?

Please be specific...


:rolleyes: why don't you ask I-LOVE-WIKILEAKS Trump.

LMFAO you don't want to say do you?

LMFAO at your stupid.

What's the matter to embarrassed to post it?

Well dipstick, if you look at the time frame cited in the article which was late 2015 to midsummer 2016. If there were any smoking guns, do you really think your dear leaders DOJ wouldn't have acted on them? Come on hack, put those two tiny brain cells in gear and think.

Who knows, Nark. Are you now a member of the DOJ? You have inside intel? Wow..
Well dipstick, if you look at the time frame cited in the article which was late 2015 to midsummer 2016. If there were any smoking guns, do you really think your dear leaders DOJ wouldn't have acted on them? Come on hack, put those two tiny brain cells in gear and think.

Who knows, Nark. Are you now a member of the DOJ? You have inside intel? Wow..

Finally a regressive that admits they don't have a fucking clue. Run along child, you know if your dear leader could have come up with even an thin case against Trump or his team he would have, according the this FAKE NEWS he had more than a year to do it.
So the only thing relevant in that whole mess is that Trump was right about the Brits spying on him after all.
The issue of GCHQ’s role in the FBI’s ongoing investigation into possible cooperation between the Trump campaign and Moscow is highly sensitive. In March Trump tweeted that Barack Obama had illegally “wiretapped” him in Trump Tower.
The White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, claimed the “British spying agency” GCHQ had carried out the bugging. Spicer cited an unsubstantiated report on Fox News. Fox later distanced itself from the report.
The claims prompted an extremely unusual rebuke from GCHQ, which generally refrains from commenting on all intelligence matters. The agency described the allegations first made by a former judge turned media commentator, Andrew Napolitano, as “nonsense”.
“They are utterly ridiculous and should be ignored,” a spokesperson for GCHQ said.
Instead both US and UK intelligence sources acknowledge that GCHQ played an early, prominent role in kickstarting the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation, which began in late July 2016.
One source called the British eavesdropping agency the “principal whistleblower”.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
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Tell you what, Ben...when you can actually find a "source" that is willing to name itself...then I might take some of your nonsense seriously. Until's just more bullshit from the same people who have been trying to smear Trump for the better part of a year. You've got a better chance at seeing Joe Biden becoming the President of MENSA than you do of seeing Donald Trump impeached this year!
sure they do, and will continue to get more evidence as time goes on.
Wonderful news. I gave Trump till years end to keep his job, looks like he will be gone well before that.

1 term Trump.

I cant see impeaching him unless treason can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Impeachment is a political process not a legal one. If the process takes place before elections It will take some Republicans to vote guilty. If not there may be a wholesale Democratic vote for Congressmen in the next election.

Did Trump Drop The Mother Of All Bombs To Distract From Russia Scandal Bombshell?

It is not a coincidence that US forces used the biggest non-nuclear bomb in US history on the same day that a bombshell revelation took the president's Russia scandal to the level of an impeachable offense.…

Investigators now have ‘concrete evidence’ of collusion between Trump camp and Russian govt: source
A source close to the investigation into President Donald Trump’s campaign and its ties to Russia says that there is now “specific concrete and corroborative evidence” that individuals within Trump’s immediate orbit coordinated with Russian intelligence operatives.
"its not a coincidence?"

There is a 'major break' in the Russia allegations by one news agency or another every damn day. You are, not surprisingly, grasping at straws here.
Another 'source' claims that there is solid evidence that the Trump team colluded with the Russians. This has got to be the hundredth time such a claim has been made and still we have nothing at all.

How many times are you going to swallow this swill before realizing it is asinine. Even more so that you seem to think that someone in the FBI that is that close to a PRESIDENTIAL investigation is going to leak something that sensitive to a foreign news outlet.

The investigation will come out eventually and if Trump really is guilty they will nail him to the wall. All this gnashing of teeth at this point, without any real evidence of collusion at all, is nothing more than partisan wishful thinking.
A source close to the investigation into President Donald Trump’s campaign and its ties to Russia says that there is now “specific concrete and corroborative evidence” that individuals within Trump’s immediate orbit coordinated with Russian intelligence operatives during the election.

The Guardian said on Thursday that the U.K.’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) has been watching the Trump camp since late 2015, having noticed suspicious “interactions” between Trump associates and well-known Russian agents.

GCHQ passed the information it had uncovered along to U.S. intelligence agencies as part of the routine exchange of information and for the next six months until summer of 2016, U.S intelligence agencies were receiving information about the contacts from European agencies in Germany, Estonia and Poland.

More information came in to U.S. hands from members of the “Five Eyes” alliance that includes the U.S., the U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Sure they do. These mysterious "sources close to the investigation" have been saying so for months. Except the people actually doing the investigation have said nothing of the sort.
The OP is just another DNC sock. Look at his join date, a month before the election when DNC funded all their socks to troll.
But.......the GCHQ told us they weren't conducting surveillance on Trump people....remember when they said that? Remember when Judge Napalitano said they were and he had U.S. sources stating that obama used them to spy on Trump.........and he was suspended from Fox for that?

Anyone remember that?

This may not be where obama wants this information to go.....

They were monitoring the Russians, why does Trump team come up so much?

At this stage if Obama had them under investigation, I hope someone was listening...

But you are just a Russian commie lover...
A source close to the investigation into President Donald Trump’s campaign and its ties to Russia says that there is now “specific concrete and corroborative evidence” that individuals within Trump’s immediate orbit coordinated with Russian intelligence operatives during the election.

The Guardian said on Thursday that the U.K.’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) has been watching the Trump camp since late 2015, having noticed suspicious “interactions” between Trump associates and well-known Russian agents.

GCHQ passed the information it had uncovered along to U.S. intelligence agencies as part of the routine exchange of information and for the next six months until summer of 2016, U.S intelligence agencies were receiving information about the contacts from European agencies in Germany, Estonia and Poland.

More information came in to U.S. hands from members of the “Five Eyes” alliance that includes the U.S., the U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

FAKE NEWS: Both the Director of the FBI and Director of National Intelligence said in 2017 that there was no evidence of collusion. So what ever the Brits shared in 2015-16 is pretty much meaningless at this point. LMAO

Actually, isn't shows that the GCHQ lied...when they insisted that we apologize to them for saying they spied on Trump...remember that? And Judge Napolitano said that his sources told him obama used the GCHQ in order to keep his fingerprints off of the spying on Trump activity...

We have a confirmation of what the Judge said...and a new problem for obama...

I don't buy any of the Guardians story, if you give credence to part you must give credence to the whole and part has been proven already to be BS.

The Guardian is one of the most respected Newspapers in the world....

Since you are getting your information from the Alt Right, your chances of knowing the truth is a joke...
A source close to the investigation into President Donald Trump’s campaign and its ties to Russia says that there is now “specific concrete and corroborative evidence” that individuals within Trump’s immediate orbit coordinated with Russian intelligence operatives during the election.

The Guardian said on Thursday that the U.K.’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) has been watching the Trump camp since late 2015, having noticed suspicious “interactions” between Trump associates and well-known Russian agents.

GCHQ passed the information it had uncovered along to U.S. intelligence agencies as part of the routine exchange of information and for the next six months until summer of 2016, U.S intelligence agencies were receiving information about the contacts from European agencies in Germany, Estonia and Poland.

More information came in to U.S. hands from members of the “Five Eyes” alliance that includes the U.S., the U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

FAKE NEWS: Both the Director of the FBI and Director of National Intelligence said in 2017 that there was no evidence of collusion. So what ever the Brits shared in 2015-16 is pretty much meaningless at this point. LMAO

Actually, isn't shows that the GCHQ lied...when they insisted that we apologize to them for saying they spied on Trump...remember that? And Judge Napolitano said that his sources told him obama used the GCHQ in order to keep his fingerprints off of the spying on Trump activity...

We have a confirmation of what the Judge said...and a new problem for obama...

I don't buy any of the Guardians story, if you give credence to part you must give credence to the whole and part has been proven already to be BS.

The Guardian is one of the most respected Newspapers in the world....

Since you are getting your information from the Alt Right, your chances of knowing the truth is a joke...

See posts #49 and #67.
A source close to the investigation into President Donald Trump’s campaign and its ties to Russia says that there is now “specific concrete and corroborative evidence” that individuals within Trump’s immediate orbit coordinated with Russian intelligence operatives during the election.

The Guardian said on Thursday that the U.K.’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) has been watching the Trump camp since late 2015, having noticed suspicious “interactions” between Trump associates and well-known Russian agents.

GCHQ passed the information it had uncovered along to U.S. intelligence agencies as part of the routine exchange of information and for the next six months until summer of 2016, U.S intelligence agencies were receiving information about the contacts from European agencies in Germany, Estonia and Poland.

More information came in to U.S. hands from members of the “Five Eyes” alliance that includes the U.S., the U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Trump surrogates were not only in contact with the Russian ambassador--but Russian intelligence agents. Unbelievable!

Republicans have two choices.
1. Remove Trump as soon as possible to save their own honor.
2. Or go down with in 2018-2020 & beyond.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

But.......the GCHQ told us they weren't conducting surveillance on Trump people....remember when they said that? Remember when Judge Napalitano said they were and he had U.S. sources stating that obama used them to spy on Trump.........and he was suspended from Fox for that?

Anyone remember that?

This may not be where obama wants this information to go.....
They did not conduct the spying on the Trump people, they conducted their surveillance on Russian operative agents....Trump's people just happened to have a very close relationship with them....and caught on the Russian surveillance.

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