Investigators now have ‘concrete evidence’ of collusion between Trump camp and Russian govt: source

A source close to the investigation into President Donald Trump’s campaign and its ties to Russia says that there is now “specific concrete and corroborative evidence” that individuals within Trump’s immediate orbit coordinated with Russian intelligence operatives during the election.

The Guardian said on Thursday that the U.K.’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) has been watching the Trump camp since late 2015, having noticed suspicious “interactions” between Trump associates and well-known Russian agents.

GCHQ passed the information it had uncovered along to U.S. intelligence agencies as part of the routine exchange of information and for the next six months until summer of 2016, U.S intelligence agencies were receiving information about the contacts from European agencies in Germany, Estonia and Poland.

More information came in to U.S. hands from members of the “Five Eyes” alliance that includes the U.S., the U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Nothing burger
Anonymous source says........


Wake me when someone with GUTS brings real evidence.

Until then, you progs still look like bed wetting snowflakes.
WikiLeaks hit back at CIA Director Mike Pompeo on Thursday after he criticized the website.

Pompeo called WikiLeaks a "non-state hostile intelligence service" that had done "great harm to our nation’s national security."

The site hit back by posting one of Pompeo's now-deleted tweets from 2016
iting the group's work publishing leaked documents from the Democratic National Committee.

"Need further proof that the fix was in from Pres. Obama on down? BUSTED: 19,252 Emails from DNC Leaked by Wikileaks," Pompeo had tweeted.

WikiLeaks shared an image of that tweet, adding:"Tweet sent by CIA Director Mike Pompeo on 24 July 2016."
View image on Twitter

WikiLeaks @wikileaks

Tweet sent by CIA Director Mike Pompeo on 24 July 2016

5:15 PM - 13 Apr 2017
A source close to the investigation into President Donald Trump’s campaign and its ties to Russia says that there is now “specific concrete and corroborative evidence” that individuals within Trump’s immediate orbit coordinated with Russian intelligence operatives during the election.

The Guardian said on Thursday that the U.K.’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) has been watching the Trump camp since late 2015, having noticed suspicious “interactions” between Trump associates and well-known Russian agents.

GCHQ passed the information it had uncovered along to U.S. intelligence agencies as part of the routine exchange of information and for the next six months until summer of 2016, U.S intelligence agencies were receiving information about the contacts from European agencies in Germany, Estonia and Poland.

More information came in to U.S. hands from members of the “Five Eyes” alliance that includes the U.S., the U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

FAKE NEWS: Both the Director of the FBI and Director of National Intelligence said in 2017 that there was no evidence of collusion. So what ever the Brits shared in 2015-16 is pretty much meaningless at this point. LMAO
Sorry but you are completely wrong, again

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.

You are arguing with a delusions of grandeur troll who is incapable of telling the truth or admitting what is really being said.

Not any more. LOL
I don't buy any of the Guardians story, if you give credence to part you must give credence to the whole and part has been proven already to be BS.

Of course you wouldn't, narco. You are a partisan hack. They could have tapes that sign, seal and deliver collusion and you wouldn't believe it.
I don't buy any of the Guardians story, if you give credence to part you must give credence to the whole and part has been proven already to be BS.

Of course you wouldn't, narco. You are a partisan hack. They could have tapes that sign, seal and deliver collusion and you wouldn't believe it.

Well dipstick, if you look at the time frame cited in the article which was late 2015 to midsummer 2016. If there were any smoking guns, do you really think your dear leaders DOJ wouldn't have acted on them? Come on hack, put those two tiny brain cells in gear and think.
But.......the GCHQ told us they weren't conducting surveillance on Trump people....remember when they said that? Remember when Judge Napalitano said they were and he had U.S. sources stating that obama used them to spy on Trump.........and he was suspended from Fox for that?

Anyone remember that?

This may not be where obama wants this information to go.....
WTF are you blabbering about?

Here you go, moron...

Donald Trump fuels diplomatic row with Britain after apology from US officials over GCHQ wiretapping claims

Donald Trump remained unrepentant amid a diplomatic row with Britain on Friday, hours after US officials made a formal apology for accusing GCHQ of helping Barack Obama spy on the then presidential candidate.

Sean Spicer, the president's press secretary, repeated a claim on Thursday evening – initially made by an analyst on Fox News – that GCHQ was used by Mr Obama to spy on Trump Tower in the lead-up to last November's election.

The comments prompted a furious response from GCHQ, which in a break from normal practice issued a public statement: "Recent allegations made by media commentator Judge Andrew Napolitanoabout GCHQ being asked to conduct 'wiretapping' against the then president-elect are nonsense. They are utterly ridiculous and should be ignored."

Lol dumbass, you seriously don't know the difference between GCHQ BEING ASKED TO COMDUCT WIRETAPPING ON TRUMP and GCHQ conducting surveillance of Russians on their own???
I don't buy any of the Guardians story, if you give credence to part you must give credence to the whole and part has been proven already to be BS.

Of course you wouldn't, narco. You are a partisan hack. They could have tapes that sign, seal and deliver collusion and you wouldn't believe it.


No dummy, DNC is mad about the CRIMINAL BREAK INTO THEIR SERVER AND STEALING OF THEIR EMAILS by foreign power to aid Trump.
Investigators now have ‘concrete evidence’ of collusion between Trump camp and Russian govt: source

I don't buy any of the Guardians story, if you give credence to part you must give credence to the whole and part has been proven already to be BS.

Of course you wouldn't, narco. You are a partisan hack. They could have tapes that sign, seal and deliver collusion and you wouldn't believe it.


No dummy, DNC is mad about the CRIMINAL BREAK INTO THEIR SERVER AND STEALING OF THEIR EMAILS by foreign power to aid Trump.

How did it aid Trump?

Please be specific...

A source close to the investigation into President Donald Trump’s campaign and its ties to Russia says that there is now “specific concrete and corroborative evidence” that individuals within Trump’s immediate orbit coordinated with Russian intelligence operatives during the election.

The Guardian said on Thursday that the U.K.’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) has been watching the Trump camp since late 2015, having noticed suspicious “interactions” between Trump associates and well-known Russian agents.

GCHQ passed the information it had uncovered along to U.S. intelligence agencies as part of the routine exchange of information and for the next six months until summer of 2016, U.S intelligence agencies were receiving information about the contacts from European agencies in Germany, Estonia and Poland.

More information came in to U.S. hands from members of the “Five Eyes” alliance that includes the U.S., the U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
After carefully compiling the assembled intelligence, one source close to the investigation said, “They now have specific concrete and corroborative evidence of collusion. This is between people in the Trump campaign and agents of [Russian] influence relating to the use of hacked material.

Tickety tick tock, lock him op!
I don't buy any of the Guardians story, if you give credence to part you must give credence to the whole and part has been proven already to be BS.

Of course you wouldn't, narco. You are a partisan hack. They could have tapes that sign, seal and deliver collusion and you wouldn't believe it.


No dummy, DNC is mad about the CRIMINAL BREAK INTO THEIR SERVER AND STEALING OF THEIR EMAILS by foreign power to aid Trump.
How did it aid Trump?

Please be specific...


:rolleyes: why don't you ask I-LOVE-WIKILEAKS Trump.

there actually was A REASON Russia was doing this and a REASON Trump loved it. And that REASON was they thought it helped Trump and undermined Clinton candidacy.
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I don't buy any of the Guardians story, if you give credence to part you must give credence to the whole and part has been proven already to be BS.

Of course you wouldn't, narco. You are a partisan hack. They could have tapes that sign, seal and deliver collusion and you wouldn't believe it.


No dummy, DNC is mad about the CRIMINAL BREAK INTO THEIR SERVER AND STEALING OF THEIR EMAILS by foreign power to aid Trump.
How did it aid Trump?

Please be specific...


:rolleyes: why don't you ask I-LOVE-WIKILEAKS Trump.

LMFAO you don't want to say do you?

Of course you wouldn't, narco. You are a partisan hack. They could have tapes that sign, seal and deliver collusion and you wouldn't believe it.


No dummy, DNC is mad about the CRIMINAL BREAK INTO THEIR SERVER AND STEALING OF THEIR EMAILS by foreign power to aid Trump.
How did it aid Trump?

Please be specific...


:rolleyes: why don't you ask I-LOVE-WIKILEAKS Trump.

LMFAO you don't want to say do you?

LMFAO at your stupid.

No dummy, DNC is mad about the CRIMINAL BREAK INTO THEIR SERVER AND STEALING OF THEIR EMAILS by foreign power to aid Trump.
How did it aid Trump?

Please be specific...


:rolleyes: why don't you ask I-LOVE-WIKILEAKS Trump.

LMFAO you don't want to say do you?

LMFAO at your stupid.

What's the matter to embarrassed to post it?
Here's the thing: If they happened to dig up any dirt, they would have used it sometime between last summer and November.

Collusion with Russians to rig the election would have been a dealbreaker for Trump, no?

Didn't happen. That's why anyone with a reasonable mind knows it's fabricated news.

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