Iowa: Man Sentenced to 16-Years in Prison for Stealing, Burning LGBT Flag


The Confederate statues and other memorials demolished across the country weren't property that belonged to progressives (ANTIFA) to destroy.

Should we give those ANTIFA members all fifteen years in prison too?



They were "demolished"? Says who? And if you were honest :)auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:), you would admit those statues were taken down legally, voted to be removed...NOT the very city, county, or state governments that own them. But I suppose HONESTY is not something to really expect from CRCs.

I couldn't help by notice how you've suddenly become fixated on the overused three letter acronym "CRC." It probably makes you feel edgy, hip, aware, woke, or some such bullshit, but it's really kinda lame.

So I came up with one for you secular progressive useless Democrats.


Wear it well, because it fits you people perfectly.


CRC: con-servative republican christian. think CRCs are lame, huh?
Again, give us an example of someone trespassing on church property, stealing their Israeli flag, burning it and THEN being given a medal and THEN we can talk about unfairness.
Stealing an Israeli flag from a church?!

The lipids are seeping into you brain I'm afraid.
So you concede that you can't come up with such a case to compare, eh? I accept your concession.

The Confederate statues and other memorials demolished across the country weren't property that belonged to progressives (ANTIFA) to destroy.

Should we give those ANTIFA members all fifteen years in prison too?



They were "demolished"? Says who? And if you were honest :)auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:), you would admit those statues were taken down legally, voted to be removed...NOT the very city, county, or state governments that own them. But I suppose HONESTY is not something to really expect from CRCs.

I couldn't help by notice how you've suddenly become fixated on the overused three letter acronym "CRC." It probably makes you feel edgy, hip, aware, woke, or some such bullshit, but it's really kinda lame.

So I came up with one for you secular progressive useless Democrats.


Wear it well, because it fits you people perfectly.


CRC: con-servative republican christian. think CRCs are lame, huh?

Mine is far more descriptive.

SPUD: Secular Progressive Useless Democrat.
If it was an Israeli flag the man would have been given a medal. The hypocrisy is insane.
Again, give us an example of someone trespassing on church property, stealing their Israeli flag, burning it and THEN being given a medal and THEN we can talk about unfairness.

Why would an Israeli flag be on church property. Did you have an issue of people burning an Israeli flag outside the DNC and flying a Palestinian flag inside the DCN while the flag of MS was banned as well?

I guess you too can't come up with a fair comparison. I accept YOUR concession also.
What in the hell is going on in America?

People can burn an American Flag and it is Free Speech.

I don’t have to like it but I am OK with a person’s right to express themselves.

But what if it’s an LGBT flag?
NEVADA, Iowa, December 19, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — A man who was arrested this summer for stealing and then lighting a church’s LGBT rainbow “pride” flag on fire has been sentenced to prison for 16 years.

Adolfo Martinez, 30, of Ames, Iowa was found guilty last month of having committed a “hate crime” – arson – plus reckless use of explosives or fire. "

Progressivism = Fascism.
Progs are authoritarian to their core.


"2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlearly instances of army fascism and brutality"

Definition of FASCISM

"taking no account of other people's wishes or opinions; domineering."

It is a little more than the inflammatory headline. according to Man gets 15-plus years for burning gay pride flag
The June 11 incident took place after Martinez got kicked out of the Dangerous Curves strip club in Ames and threatened to come back and burn the bar down, per an Ames Police Department spokesman. Police were called to the scene shortly after midnight, which is when they found, burning in the street outside the bar, a car tire and a gay pride banner Martinez had ripped off the front of the Ames United Church of Christ, reported KCCI at the time.
If I have to kick you out of my house (not a strip club), your get mad and start threatening to come back and burn my house down, then you show up and try to start a tire fire with any rags, flag, flammables or explosive in front of my house (especially at night) I WILL put three into you from my porch, when you flick your Bic, including a head-shot and take my chances with a jury of my peers.
Martinez sounds like a dangerous man of low self control to me. I am not too outraged by choice of charges used to put him out of the way for a few years.
Again, give us an example of someone trespassing on church property, stealing their Israeli flag, burning it and THEN being given a medal and THEN we can talk about unfairness.
Stealing an Israeli flag from a church?!

The lipids are seeping into you brain I'm afraid.
So you concede that you can't come up with such a case to compare, eh? I accept your concession.
I am quite sure I've never seen an Israeli flag in a church. It makes no sense no matter how fat and/or stupid you are.

The Confederate statues and other memorials demolished across the country weren't property that belonged to progressives (ANTIFA) to destroy.

Should we give those ANTIFA members all fifteen years in prison too?



They were "demolished"? Says who? And if you were honest :)auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:), you would admit those statues were taken down legally, voted to be removed...NOT the very city, county, or state governments that own them. But I suppose HONESTY is not something to really expect from CRCs.

I couldn't help by notice how you've suddenly become fixated on the overused three letter acronym "CRC." It probably makes you feel edgy, hip, aware, woke, or some such bullshit, but it's really kinda lame.

So I came up with one for you secular progressive useless Democrats.


Wear it well, because it fits you people perfectly.


CRC: con-servative republican christian. think CRCs are lame, huh?

Mine is far more descriptive.

SPUD: Secular Progressive Useless Democrat.

Interesting. I have no subjective words in my acronym, while you do. You don't do very well at comparisons, do you?
Again, give us an example of someone trespassing on church property, stealing their Israeli flag, burning it and THEN being given a medal and THEN we can talk about unfairness.
Stealing an Israeli flag from a church?!

The lipids are seeping into you brain I'm afraid.
So you concede that you can't come up with such a case to compare, eh? I accept your concession.
I am quite sure I've never seen an Israeli flag in a church. It makes no sense no matter how fat and/or stupid you are.
So you too can't come up with a decent comparison. Surprising. I accept your concession also.
If it was an Israeli flag the man would have been given a medal. The hypocrisy is insane.
Again, give us an example of someone trespassing on church property, stealing their Israeli flag, burning it and THEN being given a medal and THEN we can talk about unfairness.

Why would an Israeli flag be on church property. Did you have an issue of people burning an Israeli flag outside the DNC and flying a Palestinian flag inside the DCN while the flag of MS was banned as well?

I guess you too can't come up with a fair comparison. I accept YOUR concession also.
I just Did. You’re too stupid to comprehend it.
Rallies is one thing. DNC is another. You're mixing apples and oranges.
So the DNC banned Confederate flags at their convention??

And this triggered you why??

Remember when this post was about a guy burning someone else's property and you totally abandoned defending and starting talking about oranges??

Trumpers are pathetic....

Not what I said. I said they banned the flag of MS but allowed the Palestinian flag. Learn to read, you Jew hating asshole. You're pathetic and a coward.

So they banned the flag of Multiple Sclerosis?? what do you mean they banned the flag of MS??

You can also burn the Palestinian flag if that makes you feel better.....

Learn state abbreviations, you uneducated buffoon.

I already know the debunked BS you are talking about.....stop your bitch ass whining....

FALSE: No American Flags Present at the Democratic National Convention

As much as you dic suckers claim how its the Democrats who are the KKK, its the democrats who are today's confederates -- why the fuck are you so triggered by the belief that state flags with confederates symbolism got banned??

Even tho the state flag of MS isn't banned...
Never said no American flags. You’re quite the liar and an idiot.
If it was an Israeli flag the man would have been given a medal. The hypocrisy is insane.
Cool, find us an example of a guy getting a medal for burning an Israeli flag in the US?

Hyperbole but this was at the DNC

View attachment 295731

Did not hear about any arrests, did you?
What synagogue, house or person was that flag stolen from??

And why hasn't that owner filed charges??

Get back to me when you find out...

Or were those flags bought and paid for by the people burning it??

So you think it is OK to burn an Israeli flag outside the DNC? Really?

You're just dodging now.
Did they steal that flag? Yes or No.
I did Not ask them but more than likely yes
So burning the American flag is protected under free speech but burning a faggot flag is not? I understand that if the flag is not yours that is destruction of private property but does not warrant 16 years in prison. I guess the judge is gay and non partial
I guess you are not familiar with the concept of property and theft.

Not sure why you are having trouble following peoples objections. The objection is with someone receiving a harsher sentence based on hate crime status.
You understood even before you posted this that your argument was going to be dishonest. He wouldn't have received any jail time if he had burned HIS flag .
How much is the proper incarceration time for stealing and destroying a $20 flag worth?....Your liberal judges give out 5 year sentences AND LESS for MURDER!
Reimburse the cost of the flag and a small fine perhaps. He has "free speech" rights too
You understood even before you posted this that your argument was going to be dishonest. He wouldn't have received any jail time if he had burned HIS flag .
How much is the proper incarceration time for stealing and destroying a $20 flag worth?....Your liberal judges give out 5 year sentences AND LESS for MURDER!
Reimburse the cost of the flag and a small fine perhaps. He has "free speech" rights too
That is just it...NO, HE DOESN'T!!!!!
You understood even before you posted this that your argument was going to be dishonest. He wouldn't have received any jail time if he had burned HIS flag .
How much is the proper incarceration time for stealing and destroying a $20 flag worth?....Your liberal judges give out 5 year sentences AND LESS for MURDER!
Reimburse the cost of the flag and a small fine perhaps. He has "free speech" rights too
That is just it...NO, HE DOESN'T!!!!!
Well, he DOES have rights, even if godvernment refuses to respect them. His rights are violated if he serves a day in jail.
You understood even before you posted this that your argument was going to be dishonest. He wouldn't have received any jail time if he had burned HIS flag .
How much is the proper incarceration time for stealing and destroying a $20 flag worth?....Your liberal judges give out 5 year sentences AND LESS for MURDER!

Well least to many liberal judges....

LGBTQ flags are more important than a human life....isn't the message crystal clear ?

Does ANYONE reasonable think a gay person who stole a Christian flag from a Christian church and subsequently burned it would be any more than patted on the back and called a "cute person"....period?

What's tearing this nation apart to some extent is the immense inequality.
But we are condoning it wholesale....because all that is required for evil men and their madness to prevail is for you to do nothing about it.
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Might be and I wouldn't have countered a decent honest argument that said that.
If he had burned a US flag for some self claimed political reason he be facing zero blowback and he would be called a hero expressing himself by many.

He's a political prisoner of the LGBT movement and his sentence is unjustifiable.

He can burn his own LGBT flag until his heart is content. He can't steal and burn someone elses.
You understood even before you posted this that your argument was going to be dishonest. He wouldn't have received any jail time if he had burned HIS flag .
How much is the proper incarceration time for stealing and destroying a $20 flag worth?....Your liberal judges give out 5 year sentences AND LESS for MURDER!
Reimburse the cost of the flag and a small fine perhaps. He has "free speech" rights too

What he did has nothing to do with free speech. It's amazing the dishonesty here.
They were "demolished"? Says who? And if you were honest :)auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:), you would admit those statues were taken down legally, voted to be removed...NOT the very city, county, or state governments that own them. But I suppose HONESTY is not something to really expect from CRCs.

Just the same as the Buddhas of Bamiyan.

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