Iowa Passes Six Weeks Abortion Ban

ALL elective abortions are murders for personal convenience.

True medical emergencies requiring pre-viability induction of labor are exceedingly rare.
Post-viability, abortion has not just rare, but zero utility.
Did you ever notice the medical community is always against these abortion laws, there's a very good reason. Abortion laws interfere with the total picture of women's health. In states where they' ve enacted these egregious abortion laws they're already seeing maternal deaths increasing and other problems increasing. Abortion laws help NO ONE !
Then why do you spew so much hatred?

Stop promoting slaughtering innocent human beings. Stop denying their humanity and their rights.
Hatred ? I'm m not inserting myself between any woman and her right to good health care. You people are obstructing their rights to that. You're the ones spreading hatred. Calling them murderers, trying to manipulate the laws to make them criminals. How sick is that ! Where the hell is your compassion and empathy. With a blob of flesh you call a " baby " , it isn't.
Hatred ? I'm m not inserting myself between any woman and her right to good health care. You people are obstructing their rights to that. You're the ones spreading hatred. Calling them murderers, trying to manipulate the laws to make them criminals. How sick is that ! Where the hell is your compassion and empathy. With a blob of flesh you call a " baby " , it isn't.

Ok, Ok elderly gay dude. Where the hell is your compassion and empathy toward something irrelevant to your lifestyle…..

The innocent child.
Ok, Ok elderly gay dude. Where the hell is your compassion and empathy toward something irrelevant to your lifestyle…..

The innocent child.
There is no " child " ! Wake up already, you've been duped into this crazy emotional belief.
99% of abortions are for complications that end the pregnancy.

Your response shies that you are a fuckfest of irresponsibility.

But there’s more.

If a woman gets an abortion because of a fuckfest of irresponsibility, it’s still none of your business.
Is that from the UN site that recognizes all the reasons except eugenics. Which is why certain groups ( republicans ) want to control reproductive rights now so when population control / reduction comes into play, they will already have the power to do so.
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Did you ever notice the medical community is always against these abortion laws, there's a very good reason. Abortion laws interfere with the total picture of women's health. In states where they' ve enacted these egregious abortion laws they're already seeing maternal deaths increasing and other problems increasing. Abortion laws help NO ONE !
They help the kids that don’t get killed, and so you can eat a dick - your favorite.
Hatred ? I'm m not inserting myself between any woman and her right to good health care.
No one has a right to healthcare, idiot, but I am not interfering with healthcare, just abortion.
You people are obstructing their rights to that.
There is sure as shit no right to abortion.

You're the ones spreading hatred. Calling them murderers, trying to manipulate the laws to make them criminals.
Yeah, I think murderers should go to prison because they are murderers - you piece of shit bigot. You brainless blob of useless flesh.

Iowa Republicans pass a new 6-week abortion ban. Exemptions for rape, life of the mother, and fetal abnormalities. However the rape must have been reported to police within 45 days. I wonder how this will impact the womens' vote in Iowa and elsewhere.​

It will increase the amount of women who vote, in 18 years. As those babies that are now not aborted live and become voting age.
Says a dude who’s life is all about gay sex.

You simply can’t make this stuff up!
Wake up oh sick one. Is your heterosexual life only about sex ? I've lead a good and satisfying life and sex was a good part of it, but only a minor part of it. If you really believe your sex life plays that big a part of your life it only proves just how sick you are and how pitiful a life you've lead.
Wake up oh sick one. Is your heterosexual life only about sex ? I've lead a good and satisfying life and sex was a good part of it, but only a minor part of it. If you really believe your sex life plays that big a part of your life it only proves just how sick you are and how pitiful a life you've lead.
My sex life produced the human beings required by you mootchers to sustain the pitiful excuse of a life you have.

You’re welcome.

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