Iowa voters vote for Trump on Feb 1st!

If he doesn't win; its all over for him. You can't be the schoolyard bully he has been with a black eye.
Bullshit. Trump was ranked second up until a week ago.

Plus, Iowa voters are notoriously fickle and they usually do not vote for the eventual GOP winner anyway, so it is a low priority caucus anyway.

He's not making fun of anyone. He's saying the guy is all over the place trying to rectify what he said in the article 14 years ago with what he said recently in regards to the Muslims celebrating in NJ on 9/11. It's unfortunate that the guy was handicapped. But from the clip, it is clear what Trump is talking about.
Oh, so if he were black instead of a victim of a birth defect, Trump would be okay calling him a racial slur. See dope, he isn't contesting what he wrote with his hands flopping all around. You see that above? Here it is again...


Nothing is being said about his writing or his point/'s simply a man making fun of a man with birth defects. And you seem to be quite proud of your Messiah.

And liberals jumped on it and spun it...just like you are doing.
It spins itself. All one has to do is look at it....


But once again, they and you are stymied.

But there is a silver lining...if Trump wins Iowa, you'll get another shot at him in the general election. Just come up with some better lies.

Oh, trust me, if he makes it to the General Election, Hillary's PAC will put that on the air 50,000 times in the swing states. And people in those states do not worship your new Messiah like you. There simply is no defense for it....deep down, you know this. You're fooling nobody.

Just because you can convince folks it's true doesn't make it any more true. Unless you'll concede that Obama is a Muslim from Kenya.

Trump just talks a lot with his hands. It was an unfortunate confluence, but I don't think Trump even knew who the the guy was or that he was handicapped.

Put go on and keep pedaling that attack...but be advised, it's gotten zero traction in the primary, because folks understand after watching the video exactly what Trump is saying.

Pure're honestly going to contest that Donald Trump was just gyrating around and didn't know the guy had birth defects after having said, "Have you seen this guy..."?

Nothing comical about it. I read thousands of news stories, articles and opinions every month and have no earthly idea what any of the print journalists look like.

And you would just happen to correctly mimic their disability on a chance coincidence--that they had a very rare birth defect?
And who really gives a shit other than posteuring hypocrits like you?
Bullshit. He says what he is going to do, but not how he is going to do it. In other words, he is pandering to the unintelligent voter who will believe his bullshit.
Trump has explained his goals and means in books and speeches.

But you mindlessly repeat that Trump has no details because you are a blithering fool.
Bullshit. He says what he is going to do, but not how he is going to do it. In other words, he is pandering to the unintelligent voter who will believe his bullshit.
Trump has explained his goals and means in books and speeches.

But you mindlessly repeat that Trump has no details because you are a blithering fool.
What books would that be in showing how he will do these things? You are one of the idiots he panders to.
Bullshit. He says what he is going to do, but not how he is going to do it. In other words, he is pandering to the unintelligent voter who will believe his bullshit.
Trump has explained his goals and means in books and speeches.

But you mindlessly repeat that Trump has no details because you are a blithering fool.
What books would that be in showing how he will do these things? You are one of the idiots he panders to.
No candidate gives the exact details of their plans. You are wanting from Trump more than you expect from any other candidate.
by the way, a vote for hillary is a slap in the face of all americans. Just remember that. traitor, and involved in not protecting americans she claims she will on the campaign trail. Just remember Benghazi.
by the way, a vote for hillary is a slap in the face of all americans. Just remember that. traitor, and involved in not protecting americans she claims she will on the campaign trail. Just remember Benghazi.

Any person that votes for Hillary Rodham Clinton is a person who in effect is declaring to the world that bad character, criminality and a strong predisposition to lying to the American people are all quite irrelevant as qualities for a President.

Her vagina over-rides every other consideration.

It is disgraceful.
You're fooling yourself, you're in denial. You hate Trump, therefore you think he's going to lose. You're going to be disappointed. You'll keep maintaining your position until election night in November when he's declared the winner.

She'd sees the writing on the wall, and she'll do anything to torpedo Trump in Iowa.

Looks like it worked....
by the way, a vote for hillary is a slap in the face of all americans. Just remember that. traitor, and involved in not protecting americans she claims she will on the campaign trail. Just remember Benghazi.

Any person that votes for Hillary Rodham Clinton is a person who in effect is declaring to the world that bad character, criminality and a strong predisposition to lying to the American people are all quite irrelevant as qualities for a President.

Her vagina over-rides every other consideration.

It is disgraceful.
What's disgraceful is this sort of blind partisan idiocy.
by the way, a vote for hillary is a slap in the face of all americans. Just remember that. traitor, and involved in not protecting americans she claims she will on the campaign trail. Just remember Benghazi.

Any person that votes for Hillary Rodham Clinton is a person who in effect is declaring to the world that bad character, criminality and a strong predisposition to lying to the American people are all quite irrelevant as qualities for a President.

Her vagina over-rides every other consideration.

It is disgraceful.
What's disgraceful is this sort of blind partisan idiocy.
No the partisan idiocy is on the part of Democrats who refuse to acknkowledge the significance of Hillary having 22 Top Secret emails on a completely wide open server that anyone could have hacked into and downloaded reams of files from.

That is a criminal act, having that unprotected server holding classified government docs, dumbass. She also lied about it repeatedly, and her language and attempts to rig the system to keep Sanders out demonstrates her bad character.

But since she is a Democrat, you partisan morons are going to simply ignore it; but the rest of the country wont, Twinkle Toes.
Lol, you ass hats are ridiculous.

Trump will still win New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Up until a week ago the polls showed Trump in firm second place behind Cruz and that is what happened.

No shock at the 2nd place finish and it will not derail Trumps campaign, clown boy.


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