Iowa voters vote for Trump on Feb 1st!

Pretty sad when your hometown mocks and rejects you. New Yorkers know how to spot a scam artist hustler best.
Lol, that is the biggest load of horse shit.

I knew people down here in the DC area that found Madoffs scam to sound suspicious way back in the 1990s, and New Yorkers were just handing him more money hand over fist.

New Yorkers have one of the worst mayors in the country twice in a row and think they are so clever and sophisticated. They take the biggest terror hit with thousands dying and they think they are the nations experts on anti-terrorism. New Yorkers are some of the rudest and most crude people on the planet, rivaling Philadelphia and Paris allowing people to literally piss and shit in their streets and yet they think themselves among the cultural elite and the authority on manners and style.

One thing for certain; New York is the capital of all the self deluded twats on Earth.
I guess losing in Iowa is a Cruz Trump has to bear...........
If Trump ain't tweeting he may be quitting
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Pretty sad when your hometown mocks and rejects you. New Yorkers know how to spot a scam artist hustler best.
Lol, that is the biggest load of horse shit.

I knew people down here in the DC area that found Madoffs scam to sound suspicious way back in the 1990s, and New Yorkers were just handing him more money hand over fist.

New Yorkers have one of the worst mayors in the country twice in a row and think they are so clever and sophisticated. They take the biggest terror hit with thousands dying and they think they are the nations experts on anti-terrorism. New Yorkers are some of the rudest and most crude people on the planet, rivaling Philadelphia and Paris allowing people to literally piss and shit in their streets and yet they think themselves among the cultural elite and the authority on manners and style.

One thing for certain; New York is the capital of all the self deluded twats on Earth.
Blaming New Yorker's for the 9/11 attack is pretty desperate. It was a Texas guy who fell asleep on guard duty.
Trump will still win New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Dana Milbank’s take at The Washington Post

The headlines will show that Ted Cruz won the Iowa caucuses, but the more significant message out of Iowa was that Marco Rubio was neck-and-neck with Donald Trump for second place and within a few points of the lead: It showed that mainstream Republicans are, at long last, pushing themselves back into the 2016 presidential race.
Trump will still win New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Dana Milbank’s take at The Washington Post

The headlines will show that Ted Cruz won the Iowa caucuses, but the more significant message out of Iowa was that Marco Rubio was neck-and-neck with Donald Trump for second place and within a few points of the lead: It showed that mainstream Republicans are, at long last, pushing themselves back into the 2016 presidential race.
That is the big story. Rank and file Republicans are resisting the Trump bullshit quagmire designed for suckers.
Pretty sad when your hometown mocks and rejects you. New Yorkers know how to spot a scam artist hustler best.
Lol, that is the biggest load of horse shit.

I knew people down here in the DC area that found Madoffs scam to sound suspicious way back in the 1990s, and New Yorkers were just handing him more money hand over fist.

New Yorkers have one of the worst mayors in the country twice in a row and think they are so clever and sophisticated. They take the biggest terror hit with thousands dying and they think they are the nations experts on anti-terrorism. New Yorkers are some of the rudest and most crude people on the planet, rivaling Philadelphia and Paris allowing people to literally piss and shit in their streets and yet they think themselves among the cultural elite and the authority on manners and style.

One thing for certain; New York is the capital of all the self deluded twats on Earth.
that's why we look down on you slackjawed inbred southerners, you people are parodies of yourself
Trump will still win New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Dana Milbank’s take at The Washington Post

The headlines will show that Ted Cruz won the Iowa caucuses, but the more significant message out of Iowa was that Marco Rubio was neck-and-neck with Donald Trump for second place and within a few points of the lead: It showed that mainstream Republicans are, at long last, pushing themselves back into the 2016 presidential race.

It will be interesting to see how much they will push back to get Rubio into the nomination when the time comes. My prediction is still that an establishment GOP member is nominated. Right now that would be Rubio.
Pretty sad when your hometown mocks and rejects you. New Yorkers know how to spot a scam artist hustler best.
Lol, that is the biggest load of horse shit.

I knew people down here in the DC area that found Madoffs scam to sound suspicious way back in the 1990s, and New Yorkers were just handing him more money hand over fist.

New Yorkers have one of the worst mayors in the country twice in a row and think they are so clever and sophisticated. They take the biggest terror hit with thousands dying and they think they are the nations experts on anti-terrorism. New Yorkers are some of the rudest and most crude people on the planet, rivaling Philadelphia and Paris allowing people to literally piss and shit in their streets and yet they think themselves among the cultural elite and the authority on manners and style.

One thing for certain; New York is the capital of all the self deluded twats on Earth.
Blaming New Yorker's for the 9/11 attack is pretty desperate. It was a Texas guy who fell asleep on guard duty.

Blaming Bush is even worse.
Pretty sad when your hometown mocks and rejects you. New Yorkers know how to spot a scam artist hustler best.
Lol, that is the biggest load of horse shit.

I knew people down here in the DC area that found Madoffs scam to sound suspicious way back in the 1990s, and New Yorkers were just handing him more money hand over fist.

New Yorkers have one of the worst mayors in the country twice in a row and think they are so clever and sophisticated. They take the biggest terror hit with thousands dying and they think they are the nations experts on anti-terrorism. New Yorkers are some of the rudest and most crude people on the planet, rivaling Philadelphia and Paris allowing people to literally piss and shit in their streets and yet they think themselves among the cultural elite and the authority on manners and style.

One thing for certain; New York is the capital of all the self deluded twats on Earth.
Blaming New Yorker's for the 9/11 attack is pretty desperate. It was a Texas guy who fell asleep on guard duty.

Blaming Bush is even worse.

And when Bush was president the right was blaming Clinton. That is the standard MO for either side. It's only a problem when the "other" side is president. When their side does it, they excuse it and blame the previous president.
Pretty sad when your hometown mocks and rejects you. New Yorkers know how to spot a scam artist hustler best.
Lol, that is the biggest load of horse shit.

I knew people down here in the DC area that found Madoffs scam to sound suspicious way back in the 1990s, and New Yorkers were just handing him more money hand over fist.

New Yorkers have one of the worst mayors in the country twice in a row and think they are so clever and sophisticated. They take the biggest terror hit with thousands dying and they think they are the nations experts on anti-terrorism. New Yorkers are some of the rudest and most crude people on the planet, rivaling Philadelphia and Paris allowing people to literally piss and shit in their streets and yet they think themselves among the cultural elite and the authority on manners and style.

One thing for certain; New York is the capital of all the self deluded twats on Earth.
Blaming New Yorker's for the 9/11 attack is pretty desperate. It was a Texas guy who fell asleep on guard duty.

Blaming Bush is even worse.

And when Bush was president the right was blaming Clinton. That is the standard MO for either side. It's only a problem when the "other" side is president. When their side does it, they excuse it and blame the previous president.

It was Clinton that passed the chance to kill UBL.
Pretty sad when your hometown mocks and rejects you. New Yorkers know how to spot a scam artist hustler best.
Lol, that is the biggest load of horse shit.

I knew people down here in the DC area that found Madoffs scam to sound suspicious way back in the 1990s, and New Yorkers were just handing him more money hand over fist.

New Yorkers have one of the worst mayors in the country twice in a row and think they are so clever and sophisticated. They take the biggest terror hit with thousands dying and they think they are the nations experts on anti-terrorism. New Yorkers are some of the rudest and most crude people on the planet, rivaling Philadelphia and Paris allowing people to literally piss and shit in their streets and yet they think themselves among the cultural elite and the authority on manners and style.

One thing for certain; New York is the capital of all the self deluded twats on Earth.
Blaming New Yorker's for the 9/11 attack is pretty desperate. It was a Texas guy who fell asleep on guard duty.

Blaming Bush is even worse.

And when Bush was president the right was blaming Clinton. That is the standard MO for either side. It's only a problem when the "other" side is president. When their side does it, they excuse it and blame the previous president.

It was Clinton that passed the chance to kill UBL.

You have only proved my point. And Bush had a chance as well in Afghanistan. Let me guess, you think Bush was the greatest president since Reagan right?
Pretty sad when your hometown mocks and rejects you. New Yorkers know how to spot a scam artist hustler best.
Lol, that is the biggest load of horse shit.

I knew people down here in the DC area that found Madoffs scam to sound suspicious way back in the 1990s, and New Yorkers were just handing him more money hand over fist.

New Yorkers have one of the worst mayors in the country twice in a row and think they are so clever and sophisticated. They take the biggest terror hit with thousands dying and they think they are the nations experts on anti-terrorism. New Yorkers are some of the rudest and most crude people on the planet, rivaling Philadelphia and Paris allowing people to literally piss and shit in their streets and yet they think themselves among the cultural elite and the authority on manners and style.

One thing for certain; New York is the capital of all the self deluded twats on Earth.
Blaming New Yorker's for the 9/11 attack is pretty desperate. It was a Texas guy who fell asleep on guard duty.

Blaming Bush is even worse.
No, it isn't. No one in New York or anywhere else had the ability to protect New York on that day. Bush made decisions and failed to take actions that could have prevented 9/11. As President, he was the only one in the position to do so. He had it in his power to put a hi-jack alert in effect when he received the now famous warning he and his national security advisor Condoleeza Rice chose to give low priority to and ignore. He could have put his predecessors efforts and program to terminate his friends son, Bin Ladin and disrupt al Qaeda operations and plans. Clinton was lobbing Cruise missiles at them. Bush halted those efforts.
Pretty sad when your hometown mocks and rejects you. New Yorkers know how to spot a scam artist hustler best.
Lol, that is the biggest load of horse shit.

I knew people down here in the DC area that found Madoffs scam to sound suspicious way back in the 1990s, and New Yorkers were just handing him more money hand over fist.

New Yorkers have one of the worst mayors in the country twice in a row and think they are so clever and sophisticated. They take the biggest terror hit with thousands dying and they think they are the nations experts on anti-terrorism. New Yorkers are some of the rudest and most crude people on the planet, rivaling Philadelphia and Paris allowing people to literally piss and shit in their streets and yet they think themselves among the cultural elite and the authority on manners and style.

One thing for certain; New York is the capital of all the self deluded twats on Earth.
Blaming New Yorker's for the 9/11 attack is pretty desperate. It was a Texas guy who fell asleep on guard duty.

Blaming Bush is even worse.
No, it isn't. No one in New York or anywhere else had the ability to protect New York on that day. Bush made decisions and failed to take actions that could have prevented 9/11. As President, he was the only one in the position to do so. He had it in his power to put a hi-jack alert in effect when he received the now famous warning he and his national security advisor Condoleeza Rice chose to give low priority to and ignore. He could have put his predecessors efforts and program to terminate his friends son, Bin Ladin and disrupt al Qaeda operations and plans. Clinton was lobbing Cruise missiles at them. Bush halted those efforts.

And if Bush would have done that, caused delays, cost money, the Dems would have been screaming how irresponsible he was in being so scared if 9/11 didn't happen.

Hindsight being 20/20 is a wonderful thing, but at that time no one thought that terrorists would ram airplanes into buildings. Hijackings, while bad, at that time usually involved terrorists trying to get money or pressuring some political agenda, not running planes into buildings.

Bush was irresponsible about a great many things, but 9/11 wasn't one of them.
Pretty sad when your hometown mocks and rejects you. New Yorkers know how to spot a scam artist hustler best.
Lol, that is the biggest load of horse shit.

I knew people down here in the DC area that found Madoffs scam to sound suspicious way back in the 1990s, and New Yorkers were just handing him more money hand over fist.

New Yorkers have one of the worst mayors in the country twice in a row and think they are so clever and sophisticated. They take the biggest terror hit with thousands dying and they think they are the nations experts on anti-terrorism. New Yorkers are some of the rudest and most crude people on the planet, rivaling Philadelphia and Paris allowing people to literally piss and shit in their streets and yet they think themselves among the cultural elite and the authority on manners and style.

One thing for certain; New York is the capital of all the self deluded twats on Earth.
Blaming New Yorker's for the 9/11 attack is pretty desperate. It was a Texas guy who fell asleep on guard duty.

Blaming Bush is even worse.

And when Bush was president the right was blaming Clinton. That is the standard MO for either side. It's only a problem when the "other" side is president. When their side does it, they excuse it and blame the previous president.

It was Clinton that passed the chance to kill UBL.
He made the decision based on the risk of collateral damage, a decision any President would have made. He did in fact try to kill him and Bush never made the attempt. Clinton sent Cruise missiles after him and Bush did not.
Pretty sad when your hometown mocks and rejects you. New Yorkers know how to spot a scam artist hustler best.
Lol, that is the biggest load of horse shit.

I knew people down here in the DC area that found Madoffs scam to sound suspicious way back in the 1990s, and New Yorkers were just handing him more money hand over fist.

New Yorkers have one of the worst mayors in the country twice in a row and think they are so clever and sophisticated. They take the biggest terror hit with thousands dying and they think they are the nations experts on anti-terrorism. New Yorkers are some of the rudest and most crude people on the planet, rivaling Philadelphia and Paris allowing people to literally piss and shit in their streets and yet they think themselves among the cultural elite and the authority on manners and style.

One thing for certain; New York is the capital of all the self deluded twats on Earth.
Blaming New Yorker's for the 9/11 attack is pretty desperate. It was a Texas guy who fell asleep on guard duty.

Blaming Bush is even worse.
No, it isn't. No one in New York or anywhere else had the ability to protect New York on that day. Bush made decisions and failed to take actions that could have prevented 9/11. As President, he was the only one in the position to do so. He had it in his power to put a hi-jack alert in effect when he received the now famous warning he and his national security advisor Condoleeza Rice chose to give low priority to and ignore. He could have put his predecessors efforts and program to terminate his friends son, Bin Ladin and disrupt al Qaeda operations and plans. Clinton was lobbing Cruise missiles at them. Bush halted those efforts.

And if Bush would have done that, caused delays, cost money, the Dems would have been screaming how irresponsible he was in being so scared if 9/11 didn't happen.

Hindsight being 20/20 is a wonderful thing, but at that time no one thought that terrorists would ram airplanes into buildings. Hijackings, while bad, at that time usually involved terrorists trying to get money or pressuring some political agenda, not running planes into buildings.

Bush was irresponsible about a great many things, but 9/11 wasn't one of them.
So 9/11 was facilitated by Bush's concern about the Democrats being angry with his efforts to protect the country against a terrorist attack, and it was only expected to be a standard hijacking anyway?
Lol, that is the biggest load of horse shit.

I knew people down here in the DC area that found Madoffs scam to sound suspicious way back in the 1990s, and New Yorkers were just handing him more money hand over fist.

New Yorkers have one of the worst mayors in the country twice in a row and think they are so clever and sophisticated. They take the biggest terror hit with thousands dying and they think they are the nations experts on anti-terrorism. New Yorkers are some of the rudest and most crude people on the planet, rivaling Philadelphia and Paris allowing people to literally piss and shit in their streets and yet they think themselves among the cultural elite and the authority on manners and style.

One thing for certain; New York is the capital of all the self deluded twats on Earth.
Blaming New Yorker's for the 9/11 attack is pretty desperate. It was a Texas guy who fell asleep on guard duty.

Blaming Bush is even worse.
No, it isn't. No one in New York or anywhere else had the ability to protect New York on that day. Bush made decisions and failed to take actions that could have prevented 9/11. As President, he was the only one in the position to do so. He had it in his power to put a hi-jack alert in effect when he received the now famous warning he and his national security advisor Condoleeza Rice chose to give low priority to and ignore. He could have put his predecessors efforts and program to terminate his friends son, Bin Ladin and disrupt al Qaeda operations and plans. Clinton was lobbing Cruise missiles at them. Bush halted those efforts.

And if Bush would have done that, caused delays, cost money, the Dems would have been screaming how irresponsible he was in being so scared if 9/11 didn't happen.

Hindsight being 20/20 is a wonderful thing, but at that time no one thought that terrorists would ram airplanes into buildings. Hijackings, while bad, at that time usually involved terrorists trying to get money or pressuring some political agenda, not running planes into buildings.

Bush was irresponsible about a great many things, but 9/11 wasn't one of them.
So 9/11 was facilitated by Bush's concern about the Democrats being angry with his efforts to protect the country against a terrorist attack, and it was only expected to be a standard hijacking anyway?

Not sure how you got that from what I was saying. Maybe you need "hooked on phonics" to help you read.

The point being that if 9/11 WAS averted the Dems would blame Bush on something still. Bush wasn't irresponsible for 9/11 and I think I stated that above. Learn to read instead of just typing about what you "think" I said.
Lol, that is the biggest load of horse shit.

I knew people down here in the DC area that found Madoffs scam to sound suspicious way back in the 1990s, and New Yorkers were just handing him more money hand over fist.

New Yorkers have one of the worst mayors in the country twice in a row and think they are so clever and sophisticated. They take the biggest terror hit with thousands dying and they think they are the nations experts on anti-terrorism. New Yorkers are some of the rudest and most crude people on the planet, rivaling Philadelphia and Paris allowing people to literally piss and shit in their streets and yet they think themselves among the cultural elite and the authority on manners and style.

One thing for certain; New York is the capital of all the self deluded twats on Earth.
Blaming New Yorker's for the 9/11 attack is pretty desperate. It was a Texas guy who fell asleep on guard duty.

Blaming Bush is even worse.

And when Bush was president the right was blaming Clinton. That is the standard MO for either side. It's only a problem when the "other" side is president. When their side does it, they excuse it and blame the previous president.

It was Clinton that passed the chance to kill UBL.

You have only proved my point. And Bush had a chance as well in Afghanistan. Let me guess, you think Bush was the greatest president since Reagan right?

You prove my point, because we weren't in Afghanistan prior to 9/11.

You people never cease to amaze me.

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