IPCC CO2 Science vs. Majority of Peer-Reviewed Research

The simple answer is your chart author confuses co2 resilience with co2 lifetime. The resilience of a co2 molecule is only a few years before it is exchanged with another. But the molecule does not go away. 100 years lifetime is actually on the conservative side the the scale.

The word "resilience" is not in the chart, nor is it in the linked article.

Try again.

Spellchecker can be such an unforgiving bitch. :)
It can be, yes.

Still no mention of the word anywhere, though.
I'm wondering if Daveman, Mr H andPercySunshine are going to admit their mistake.

There's no mistake to admit. Your petulant foot-stamping is utterly immaterial.

And there's no little blue pill for your kind of impotence, either.
I'm wondering if Daveman, Mr H andPercySunshine are going to admit their mistake.

Ooo...I made the list? Lucky me.

WTF are you talking about anyway?
We're wrong because he says so. Now admit it, or he'll hold his breath until he turns blue!!

Well, I followed the link to WUWT, and have returned to tell the tale.

It seems that Cambridge University has done a study that shows, if the global temperature increased by 4 degrees, there would be a general failure of plant life to absorb co2, and would, in turn, release more co2 into the atmosphere.

Skeptics might want to keep their heads buried, because this link could be alarming:

4 degree temperature rise will end vegetation ?carbon sink? | University of Cambridge
Well, I followed the link to WUWT, and have returned to tell the tale.

It seems that Cambridge University has done a study that shows, if the global temperature increased by 4 degrees, there would be a general failure of plant life to absorb co2, and would, in turn, release more co2 into the atmosphere.

Skeptics might want to keep their heads buried, because this link could be alarming:

4 degree temperature rise will end vegetation ?carbon sink? | University of Cambridge
Yeah. The cultists' predictions so far have netted them a big fat goose egg on the scoreboard, so I don't think I'll lose much sleep over this one.
I'm wondering if Daveman, Mr H andPercySunshine are going to admit their mistake.

There's no mistake to admit. Your petulant foot-stamping is utterly immaterial.

And there's no little blue pill for your kind of impotence, either.

"Ode to Daveman"
(Ode to Billy Joe)

It was the third of June, another scorching hot Michigan day
Seawater's in the house, me 'n brother was bailin' away
And at dinner time we stopped and walked out of the house to eat
And Mama hollered out the back door "y'all remember to dry your feet"

And then she said "I got some news this mornin' from Maple Ridge"
"Today Daveman the Scientist jumped off the Mackinaw Bridge"

'n' Papa said to Mama as he passed around the blackeyed peas
"Well Daveman never had a lick of sense, pass the biscuits, please"
"There's five more acres in the lower forty under water now"
'n' Mama said it was shame about Daveman, anyhow

Seems like nothin' ever comes to no good up on Maple Ridge
And now Daveman the Scientist jumped off the Mackinaw Bridge

'n' Brother said he recollected when he and Tom and Daveman
Put a frog in boiling water at the Junior High science lab
And wasn't I talkin' to him at college last Friday night?
"I'll have another piece-a soybean pie, you know it don't seem right"

"I saw him at the desalination plant yesterday on Maple Ridge"
"And now ya tell me Daveman's jumped off the Mackinaw Bridge"
'n' Mama said to me "Child, what's happened to your appetite?"
"I've been cookin' all morning and you haven't touched a single bite"

"That nice young preacher, Brother Taylor, rowed over today"
"Said he'd be pleased to have dinner on Sunday, oh, by the way"
"He said he saw a girl that looked a lot like you up on Maple Ridge"
"And she and Daveman was throwing somethin' off the Mackinaw Bridge"

A year has come 'n' gone since we heard the news 'bout Daveman
Me 'n brother moved upstairs, now the water's up to the doo' knob
There was malaria going 'round, Papa caught it and he died last Spring
And now Mama doesn't seem to wanna do much of anything

And me, I spend a lot of time dumpin' WUWT files on Maple Ridge
And drop them into the steamy water off the Mackinaw Bridge
I'm wondering if Daveman, Mr H andPercySunshine are going to admit their mistake.

There's no mistake to admit. Your petulant foot-stamping is utterly immaterial.

And there's no little blue pill for your kind of impotence, either.

"Ode to Daveman"
(Ode to Billy Joe)

It was the third of June, another scorching hot Michigan day
Seawater's in the house, me 'n brother was bailin' away
And at dinner time we stopped and walked out of the house to eat
And Mama hollered out the back door "y'all remember to dry your feet"

And then she said "I got some news this mornin' from Maple Ridge"
"Today Daveman the Scientist jumped off the Mackinaw Bridge"

'n' Papa said to Mama as he passed around the blackeyed peas
"Well Daveman never had a lick of sense, pass the biscuits, please"
"There's five more acres in the lower forty under water now"
'n' Mama said it was shame about Daveman, anyhow

Seems like nothin' ever comes to no good up on Maple Ridge
And now Daveman the Scientist jumped off the Mackinaw Bridge

'n' Brother said he recollected when he and Tom and Daveman
Put a frog in boiling water at the Junior High science lab
And wasn't I talkin' to him at college last Friday night?
"I'll have another piece-a soybean pie, you know it don't seem right"

"I saw him at the desalination plant yesterday on Maple Ridge"
"And now ya tell me Daveman's jumped off the Mackinaw Bridge"
'n' Mama said to me "Child, what's happened to your appetite?"
"I've been cookin' all morning and you haven't touched a single bite"

"That nice young preacher, Brother Taylor, rowed over today"
"Said he'd be pleased to have dinner on Sunday, oh, by the way"
"He said he saw a girl that looked a lot like you up on Maple Ridge"
"And she and Daveman was throwing somethin' off the Mackinaw Bridge"

A year has come 'n' gone since we heard the news 'bout Daveman
Me 'n brother moved upstairs, now the water's up to the doo' knob
There was malaria going 'round, Papa caught it and he died last Spring
And now Mama doesn't seem to wanna do much of anything

And me, I spend a lot of time dumpin' WUWT files on Maple Ridge
And drop them into the steamy water off the Mackinaw Bridge
You really SUCK at that. :lol:
There's no mistake to admit. Your petulant foot-stamping is utterly immaterial.

And there's no little blue pill for your kind of impotence, either.

"Ode to Daveman"
(Ode to Billy Joe)

It was the third of June, another scorching hot Michigan day
Seawater's in the house, me 'n brother was bailin' away
And at dinner time we stopped and walked out of the house to eat
And Mama hollered out the back door "y'all remember to dry your feet"

And then she said "I got some news this mornin' from Maple Ridge"
"Today Daveman the Scientist jumped off the Mackinaw Bridge"

'n' Papa said to Mama as he passed around the blackeyed peas
"Well Daveman never had a lick of sense, pass the biscuits, please"
"There's five more acres in the lower forty under water now"
'n' Mama said it was shame about Daveman, anyhow

Seems like nothin' ever comes to no good up on Maple Ridge
And now Daveman the Scientist jumped off the Mackinaw Bridge

'n' Brother said he recollected when he and Tom and Daveman
Put a frog in boiling water at the Junior High science lab
And wasn't I talkin' to him at college last Friday night?
"I'll have another piece-a soybean pie, you know it don't seem right"

"I saw him at the desalination plant yesterday on Maple Ridge"
"And now ya tell me Daveman's jumped off the Mackinaw Bridge"
'n' Mama said to me "Child, what's happened to your appetite?"
"I've been cookin' all morning and you haven't touched a single bite"

"That nice young preacher, Brother Taylor, rowed over today"
"Said he'd be pleased to have dinner on Sunday, oh, by the way"
"He said he saw a girl that looked a lot like you up on Maple Ridge"
"And she and Daveman was throwing somethin' off the Mackinaw Bridge"

A year has come 'n' gone since we heard the news 'bout Daveman
Me 'n brother moved upstairs, now the water's up to the doo' knob
There was malaria going 'round, Papa caught it and he died last Spring
And now Mama doesn't seem to wanna do much of anything

And me, I spend a lot of time dumpin' WUWT files on Maple Ridge
And drop them into the steamy water off the Mackinaw Bridge
You really SUCK at that. :lol:

Not my fault! You have a very unpoetic name! Would you change it to Dave Bob? :)

"Ode to Daveman"
(Ode to Billy Joe)

It was the third of June, another scorching hot Michigan day
Seawater's in the house, me 'n brother was bailin' away
And at dinner time we stopped and walked out of the house to eat
And Mama hollered out the back door "y'all remember to dry your feet"

And then she said "I got some news this mornin' from Maple Ridge"
"Today Daveman the Scientist jumped off the Mackinaw Bridge"

'n' Papa said to Mama as he passed around the blackeyed peas
"Well Daveman never had a lick of sense, pass the biscuits, please"
"There's five more acres in the lower forty under water now"
'n' Mama said it was shame about Daveman, anyhow

Seems like nothin' ever comes to no good up on Maple Ridge
And now Daveman the Scientist jumped off the Mackinaw Bridge

'n' Brother said he recollected when he and Tom and Daveman
Put a frog in boiling water at the Junior High science lab
And wasn't I talkin' to him at college last Friday night?
"I'll have another piece-a soybean pie, you know it don't seem right"

"I saw him at the desalination plant yesterday on Maple Ridge"
"And now ya tell me Daveman's jumped off the Mackinaw Bridge"
'n' Mama said to me "Child, what's happened to your appetite?"
"I've been cookin' all morning and you haven't touched a single bite"

"That nice young preacher, Brother Taylor, rowed over today"
"Said he'd be pleased to have dinner on Sunday, oh, by the way"
"He said he saw a girl that looked a lot like you up on Maple Ridge"
"And she and Daveman was throwing somethin' off the Mackinaw Bridge"

A year has come 'n' gone since we heard the news 'bout Daveman
Me 'n brother moved upstairs, now the water's up to the doo' knob
There was malaria going 'round, Papa caught it and he died last Spring
And now Mama doesn't seem to wanna do much of anything

And me, I spend a lot of time dumpin' WUWT files on Maple Ridge
And drop them into the steamy water off the Mackinaw Bridge
You really SUCK at that. :lol:

Not my fault! You have a very unpoetic name! Would you change it to Dave Bob? :)
Nope. Work around it and make it interesting, or don't even bother.
Gotta say that there is only right answer here and WestWall gave the chapter and verse.. But that OP chart IS correct in that the IPCC abuses the meaning of the term atmospheric residency to make points with the public perception.. And to not defend all the "positive feedbacks" they imagine in the CO2 cycle as separate issues -- like they should.

Here is an actual IPCC statement. Please rise !!!!


The contribution of a species to radiative forcing of climate change depends on the molecular radiative properties of the gas, the size of the increase in atmospheric concentration, and the residence time of the species in the atmosphere, once emitted. The latter � the atmospheric residence time of the greenhouse gas � is a highly policy relevant characteristic. Namely, emissions of a greenhouse gas that has a long atmospheric residence time is a quasi-irreversible commitment to sustained radiative forcing over decades, centuries, or millennia, before natural processes can remove the quantities emitted.

Atmospheric lifetime CO2 = (5 to 200 yr) Methane = (c 12 yr) N20 = (d 114 yr) CFC = (d 45 yr) HFC = (260 yr) CF4 = (>50,000 yr)

Could you be a little bit more VAGUE and squiggly on CO2 ??

Note a couple things. The words don't even reflect the numbers in their chart which I reproduced. They state that it's "decades or centuries or millenia" before it's "removed". But in the chart -- they call it 5 to 200 yrs.. Which reflects NONE of the concensus of studies given in the OP chart. And why do they have ALL THE OTHER GH Gases to within a year -- but CO2 is given as a 20 to 1 range??

It's because they are ABUSING the definition of atmos. residency..

Encyc Brittanica..

...molecules of the gas in question are passing through the atmosphere and are not permanently resident. The rate of the resulting turnover of molecules in the atmosphere is expressed in terms of the residence time, the average time spent by a molecule in the atmosphere after it leaves a source and before it encounters a sink.

Because a particular new volume is more and more diluted as the exchange proceeds, you need only look at the time distribution of that (probably Rayleigh like) distribution and take an average. No 5 to 200 "guesstimate" required.

Now Impertinent is correct and the latter 2 posts that GoldiRocks provided CONFIRM that the IPCC is PURPOSELY confagulating residence time with "remaining in the cyclical exchange of CO2 with the land and the ocean" (or I guess lifetime). So there --- there are leaps of faith on whether the ocean/land exchanges will CHANGE in the future making up the diff..

I spit on Goldi's 1st link from skepticalscience that says the oceans are "full up".. Later evidence shows no slowdown in the NET positive uptake. Impertinent retrieved "a guess" that the land will take up LESS CO2 at a particular temp. never likely to be seen. YET --- The IPCC is being vague and coy and CONTRADICTORY for a purpose. And that is to shroud CO2 in mystical powers of permanence.

All those other gases are nailed down to a YEAR.. IPCC should quit farting around and do the same.
They DON'T --- because they don't want to defend their "all positive feedback -- all the time" scenario of accelerated warming..
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Well, I followed the link to WUWT, and have returned to tell the tale.

It seems that Cambridge University has done a study that shows, if the global temperature increased by 4 degrees, there would be a general failure of plant life to absorb co2, and would, in turn, release more co2 into the atmosphere.

Skeptics might want to keep their heads buried, because this link could be alarming:

4 degree temperature rise will end vegetation ?carbon sink? | University of Cambridge

The PETM was at least 9 degrees F warmer than the current day.
Life bloomed. Terrestrial fauna exploded across the planet. What oh what did all of those animals eat? Yes benthic forams in a few areas died out but the current theory on that loss is local anoxic conditions....

You see dear foolish person....the problem you have when you pay attention to ridiculous bullshit like that, is we can go back into the historical and paleontological records and see what happened when similar situations existed in the past.

There is a fundamental underpinning of the scientific method called the "Principle of Uniformitarianism".

You should look it up and learn something real. The crap you are paying attention to is simply stupid, and has been proven so on many, many occasions. All you are doing is showing how scientifically illiterate you truly are.
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Ever notice that the IPCC always accepts the findings that agree with the lead authors and their papers?

Climate sensitivity is another example of accepting exaggerated claims, although the preponderance of evidence is causing them to climb back somewhat. Not happily though.
Did anyone ever 'fess up to the shining flaw in the lead argument?

What flaw? Are you referring to the "mass balance" nonsense that I summarily demolished?
Ever notice that the IPCC always accepts the findings that agree with the lead authors and their papers?

Climate sensitivity is another example of accepting exaggerated claims, although the preponderance of evidence is causing them to climb back somewhat. Not happily though.

You mean to say that the IPCC is totally political? :lol:

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