Iran Cheats again, Obama still kissing mullah ass

As far as I'm concerned, the US should stay the hell out of trying to police the goddamned world. I could not care less if Iran gets nukes; hope they're not stupid enough to point them at us.

Israel needs to find another big brother to stand there and look mean after they throw rocks at cars.
The fact that there are still Obama supporters, shows the stupidity of people. So yes Iran if they could land a nuke on us they would. Then they would get all those virgins they are promised.
The Jews have nukes because 5mm Jews are smarter than 700mm Muslims. Simple math.

Well, far from negating their 'smarts"....we should admit that Israel got its nukes from French armament whores, financed by US Jews' money.

An extraordinary number of 20th century Jewish scientists were drawn into the field of nuclear research. As the Nazi dragnet tightened, dozens of them fled Europe and joined the USA's Manhattan Project, which built and detonated the first atomic bomb in July 1945.


Albert Einstein in 1921
Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity paved the way for investigation into nuclear fission. In 1939 he urged President Roosevelt to build an atomic bomb before Nazi Germany. In later years he opposed the use of atomic weapons.

Leo Szilard (1898-1964), born in Budapest, helped Enrico Fermi conduct the first controlled nuclear chain reaction. He later demanded curbs on atomic weapons.

Niels Bohr (1885-1962) was the first to apply quantum theory to explain nuclear structure. Born in Denmark to a Christian father and Jewish mother, Bohr worked with Ernest Rutherford in Britain. He won a Nobel Prize in 1922, and narrowly escaped Denmark in 1943, pursued by Nazis. He worked on the Manhattan Project with his son Aage, yet also sought to limit the spread of nuclear weapons.

Lise Meitner (1878-1968) was born in Vienna and became a pioneer of research into nuclear fission. She analysed the results with her nephew, Otto Frisch.

Enrico Fermi (1901-1954) was born in Rome. With Walter Zinn Fermi directed the first controlled nuclear chain reaction in 1942 at the University of Chicago.


J Robert Oppenheimer
J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967), US-born theoretical physicist, was chosen to direct the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos in 1942. On July 16, 1945, his team exploded the world's first atomic bomb. Three months later he resigned as project director and opposed development of the H-bomb.

Jews and the Atom Bomb
I confess to being a "Jew lover"...and you're a nazi lover glad we cleared that up

Does the above then also mean that ANYONE who criticizes a black thug is a "racist"?.......Since Obama called some of the Baltimore rioters "thugs" is he then a racist toward blacks?

Final question: When will "Jew-lovers" like yourself STOP (if ever) playing the victim card and stand up on your own merits and demerits????
I confess to being a "Jew lover"...and you're a nazi lover glad we cleared that up

Does the above then also mean that ANYONE who criticizes a black thug is a "racist"?.......Since Obama called some of the Baltimore rioters "thugs" is he then a racist toward blacks?

Final question: When will "Jew-lovers" like yourself STOP (if ever) playing the victim card and stand up on your own merits and demerits????

this person only likes Jews when they cant defend themselves :slap:
Intelligent people.

Simply guarantee the Jewish state right of survival, and the ME gets pretty much what it wants from the rest of the world.
So yes Iran if they could land a nuke on us they would. Then they would get all those virgins they are promised.

Stated like the biased idiot that you truly must be......Did you know that Iranians are NOT Arabs? Did you know that Christian Fundamentalists who believe in the Rapture would also welcome that "promised" heavenly existence?

Finally, did you know that you're a moron?
One, the Persians are a stupid as the Arabs when it comes to Islamic end of times, while the Christian Evangelicals are not quite as stupid as that.
So yes Iran if they could land a nuke on us they would. Then they would get all those virgins they are promised.

Stated like the biased idiot that you truly must be......Did you know that Iranians are NOT Arabs? Did you know that Christian Fundamentalists who believe in the Rapture would also welcome that "promised" heavenly existence?

Finally, did you know that you're a moron?
Awe, I got one of your nerves. Lol I'm sure you make Obama proud.
One, the Persians are a stupid as the Arabs when it comes to Islamic end of times, while the Christian Evangelicals are not quite as stupid as that.

Well, who could argue with such a "brilliant" conclusion....When was the last time someone called you an idiot? (past due, you know.)
Mythical end of times scenarios - Jewish, Christian, or Islamic -- reflect the weakness of such individuals' need for credulous reinforcement that life is worthwhile.
When they are attacked by numbers outnumbering them by seven times several times, then it sucks to be the loser, huh. Loser.

Sorry, I misplaced my Moron-to-English, I can't decipher your stupid post.
This reminds of the same naive frightened blindsight that democrats used to calm Baltimore.
When they are attacked by numbers outnumbering them by seven times several times, then it sucks to be the loser, huh. Loser.

Sorry, I misplaced my Moron-to-English, I can't decipher your stupid post.
Yup, you are the Loser, loser. Losers like the Arabs and Persians have shown they can't be winners in the last century.
Here are some predictions that may soon become facts:

Iran WILL have nukes, regardless of hand wringing and fear mongering by the Israeli leadership.

The European Union is poised to recognize Palestine as a legitimate state which would then make Israeli intrusion into Gaza an invasion and full-out declaration of war.

The country that has the MOST sanctions regarding human and civil rights violations imposed upon it by the Israel.....and only the US veto power has "protected" the Israeli regime from economic sanctions.

Israel was the ONLY "democracy" who refused to castigate South Africa for that country's apartheid policies.

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