Iran: Lets Clear Things Up

In 1953 US overthows democratically elected leader of Iran to maintain oil profits.
From then till 1979, US supports murderous Shah who kills tens of thousands incuding the most hideous form of torture you can imagine.

Then US enocurages their ally Sadaam Hussein to invade Iran, supporting him with weapons while he kills half a million Iranianas. When Hussein uses chemical weapons against Iranians during that war US blocks UN from condemning, even denying Hussein has such weapons even though they were given to Iraq in part from the US.

US shoots down Iranian passenger jet and refuses to apologize.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. By my count US is complicit in killing nearly one million Iranians.

US then invades Iraq overthrowing old friend Sadaam leading to massive instability on Iranian border and bringing terrorists to their doorstep and refugees.

After 9/11 Iran gives key intelligence to US about terorrists leading to arrests of mostly Saudi(US ally) terrorists.

Iran Offers full peace offer to Bush Admin which is flatly rejected.

On behalf of the US, I apologize Iran.

You apologize to the leading exporter of terrorism in the middle east, the country that aligned itself with UBL and the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01, the PsOS Barry paid ransoms to in order to bring home Uas hostages...

Another enemy / terrorist sympathizer, just like Barry...
Moron, Iran had nothing to do with 9/11 and in fact help bring those repsonsible to justice.

Saudi Arabia is the leading exporter of terrorism. Period. Saudi Arabia, our ally and the most repressive regime in the region who has the same theology of ISIS.

Iran looks like Jeffersonian democrats in comparison. You apologize for killing half a million Iranians with chemical weapons to support Hussein because, what, you are a vile scumbag?

The fact that you dont know this shows you are an absolute idiot. The fact you think Iran was behind 9/11, when not one person alive does deprives you of the right to speak of any issue.

"The commission's final report also offered new evidence of increased contact between Iran and al-Qaeda. The report contains information about how several of the 9/11 hijackers passed through Iran, and indicates that officials in Iran did not place entry stamps in their passports. However, according to the report (Chapter 7), there is no evidence that Iran was aware of the actual 9/11 plot. Iran has since implemented several widely publicized efforts to shut down al-Qaeda cells operating within its country."

9/11 Commission Report - Wikipedia

Note, they passed through many countries.

A widow of 9/11
Iran and 9/11: Down the Rabbit Hole of Blame | HuffPost

Iranian peace offer incldued full peace with Israel.
In 2003, U.S. Spurned Iran's Offer of Dialogue

Where did you dig up that fantasy? The total casualties on both sides wasn't even close to a half million. Why do you lie? Total civilian deaths were estimated at 11,000-16,000 .

Do you not include the deaths of soliders in the casualties of WW2? The Iranian soldiers needn't have died if not for the invasion, no?

Try that again. That post covered about 60 years of history in about 15 words. You exceeded the temporal limits.
Unaware of your point here.
What about the Iranians supplying the Iraqis with IEDs used to kill our troops?
Horrible for our troops.

But you can bet if Iran invaded Mexico we would do more then supply mexicans with IEDS, no?

If you object to that you must then object to us giving Iraq chemical weapons to kill Iranians or us giving the Shah weapons to kill Iranians, no?

Check your history. Iran responded to the Iraqi invasion by pushing Iraq back and invading Iraqi territory.
Do you object to the Allies invading Germany to destroy Hitler? Or should they have stopped at the border?

What did we do in the Gulf War, or is that something you haven't studied? I lived it. We did not invade Iraq in 1992. Once we drove them out of Kuwait, that was the end.
You are correct. However, Iraq did not invade us. Kuwait doesn't have the capability to invade Iraq. We, eventually did, including enforcing a no fly zone and imposing sanctions which is something Iran could not have done, especially with a superpower backing Iraq.

We eventually did? 10 years AFTER the fact!

Why are you so challenged when it comes to dates? You seem to think Iran waited nearly 30 years t get pissed off over an invasion. Then you think 1992 is right next to 2003 on the calendar.

You might need remedial classes or psychiatric help.
You apologize to the leading exporter of terrorism in the middle east, the country that aligned itself with UBL and the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01, the PsOS Barry paid ransoms to in order to bring home Uas hostages...

Another enemy / terrorist sympathizer, just like Barry...
Moron, Iran had nothing to do with 9/11 and in fact help bring those repsonsible to justice.

Saudi Arabia is the leading exporter of terrorism. Period. Saudi Arabia, our ally and the most repressive regime in the region who has the same theology of ISIS.

Iran looks like Jeffersonian democrats in comparison. You apologize for killing half a million Iranians with chemical weapons to support Hussein because, what, you are a vile scumbag?

The fact that you dont know this shows you are an absolute idiot. The fact you think Iran was behind 9/11, when not one person alive does deprives you of the right to speak of any issue.

"The commission's final report also offered new evidence of increased contact between Iran and al-Qaeda. The report contains information about how several of the 9/11 hijackers passed through Iran, and indicates that officials in Iran did not place entry stamps in their passports. However, according to the report (Chapter 7), there is no evidence that Iran was aware of the actual 9/11 plot. Iran has since implemented several widely publicized efforts to shut down al-Qaeda cells operating within its country."

9/11 Commission Report - Wikipedia

Note, they passed through many countries.

A widow of 9/11
Iran and 9/11: Down the Rabbit Hole of Blame | HuffPost

Iranian peace offer incldued full peace with Israel.
In 2003, U.S. Spurned Iran's Offer of Dialogue

Where did you dig up that fantasy? The total casualties on both sides wasn't even close to a half million. Why do you lie? Total civilian deaths were estimated at 11,000-16,000 .

Do you not include the deaths of soliders in the casualties of WW2? The Iranian soldiers needn't have died if not for the invasion, no?

Try that again. That post covered about 60 years of history in about 15 words. You exceeded the temporal limits.
Unaware of your point here.

Your point was pointless talking about troops in WWII. Try rewriting it so it makes so sense to someone outside your head.
Moron, Iran had nothing to do with 9/11 and in fact help bring those repsonsible to justice.

Saudi Arabia is the leading exporter of terrorism. Period. Saudi Arabia, our ally and the most repressive regime in the region who has the same theology of ISIS.

Iran looks like Jeffersonian democrats in comparison. You apologize for killing half a million Iranians with chemical weapons to support Hussein because, what, you are a vile scumbag?

The fact that you dont know this shows you are an absolute idiot. The fact you think Iran was behind 9/11, when not one person alive does deprives you of the right to speak of any issue.

"The commission's final report also offered new evidence of increased contact between Iran and al-Qaeda. The report contains information about how several of the 9/11 hijackers passed through Iran, and indicates that officials in Iran did not place entry stamps in their passports. However, according to the report (Chapter 7), there is no evidence that Iran was aware of the actual 9/11 plot. Iran has since implemented several widely publicized efforts to shut down al-Qaeda cells operating within its country."

9/11 Commission Report - Wikipedia

Note, they passed through many countries.

A widow of 9/11
Iran and 9/11: Down the Rabbit Hole of Blame | HuffPost

Iranian peace offer incldued full peace with Israel.
In 2003, U.S. Spurned Iran's Offer of Dialogue

Where did you dig up that fantasy? The total casualties on both sides wasn't even close to a half million. Why do you lie? Total civilian deaths were estimated at 11,000-16,000 .

Do you not include the deaths of soliders in the casualties of WW2? The Iranian soldiers needn't have died if not for the invasion, no?

Try that again. That post covered about 60 years of history in about 15 words. You exceeded the temporal limits.
Unaware of your point here.

Your point was pointless talking about troops in WWII. Try rewriting it so it makes so sense to someone outside your head.
You said I lied about death total because you only counted civilians. I am including Iranian soldiers who died just as we would in WWII.
Horrible for our troops.

But you can bet if Iran invaded Mexico we would do more then supply mexicans with IEDS, no?

If you object to that you must then object to us giving Iraq chemical weapons to kill Iranians or us giving the Shah weapons to kill Iranians, no?

Check your history. Iran responded to the Iraqi invasion by pushing Iraq back and invading Iraqi territory.
Do you object to the Allies invading Germany to destroy Hitler? Or should they have stopped at the border?

What did we do in the Gulf War, or is that something you haven't studied? I lived it. We did not invade Iraq in 1992. Once we drove them out of Kuwait, that was the end.
You are correct. However, Iraq did not invade us. Kuwait doesn't have the capability to invade Iraq. We, eventually did, including enforcing a no fly zone and imposing sanctions which is something Iran could not have done, especially with a superpower backing Iraq.

We eventually did? 10 years AFTER the fact!

Why are you so challenged when it comes to dates? You seem to think Iran waited nearly 30 years t get pissed off over an invasion. Then you think 1992 is right next to 2003 on the calendar.

You might need remedial classes or psychiatric help.

Iran didn't wait to get pissed. They have been pissed off. Rightfully so because now they are made to be this demonic enemy when in reality history shows us killing them, not the other way around.

Its been 13 14 years since Iranians killed Americans in Iraq, I am not over it. Are you?

Are Jews over the holocaust? Im not.

Iran is also not mad at us they tried to offer peace numerous times, helped fight Al-qaeda and ISIS.

Their leader is a fucktard who often blames us for his own failings no doubt, like ours does to them.

But their people seem to like parts of our culture. There is hope here.

I want Iran and the US to forge a lasting peace so we can target the true enemeies of both of our countries. ISIS and the intolerant brand of Islam that Saudi aravia exports all over the world.
Where did you dig up that fantasy? The total casualties on both sides wasn't even close to a half million. Why do you lie? Total civilian deaths were estimated at 11,000-16,000 .

Do you not include the deaths of soliders in the casualties of WW2? The Iranian soldiers needn't have died if not for the invasion, no?

Try that again. That post covered about 60 years of history in about 15 words. You exceeded the temporal limits.
Unaware of your point here.

Your point was pointless talking about troops in WWII. Try rewriting it so it makes so sense to someone outside your head.
You said I lied about death total because you only counted civilians. I am including Iranian soldiers who died just as we would in WWII.

I told you that total deaths on both sides didn't even come close to half a million, so you STILL lied.

I can only laugh at the irony of your thread title because all you have done is spread bullshit over the topic. You have no honor I guess.
Do you not include the deaths of soliders in the casualties of WW2? The Iranian soldiers needn't have died if not for the invasion, no?

Try that again. That post covered about 60 years of history in about 15 words. You exceeded the temporal limits.
Unaware of your point here.

Your point was pointless talking about troops in WWII. Try rewriting it so it makes so sense to someone outside your head.
You said I lied about death total because you only counted civilians. I am including Iranian soldiers who died just as we would in WWII.

I told you that total deaths on both sides didn't even come close to half a million, so you STILL lied.

I can only laugh at the irony of your thread title because all you have done is spread bullshit over the topic. You have no honor I guess.
Iran, with a population of 50 million to Iraq's 17 million, mobilised to defend the revolution. By the summer of 1982 Iraq was on the defensive and remained so until the end in August 1988. The death toll, overall, was an estimated 1 million for Iran and 250,000-500,000 for Iraq.Sep 23, 2010
Iran and Iraq remember war that cost more than a million lives | World ...
Iran and Iraq remember war that cost more than a million lives

You realize your getting owned no?
Check your history. Iran responded to the Iraqi invasion by pushing Iraq back and invading Iraqi territory.
Do you object to the Allies invading Germany to destroy Hitler? Or should they have stopped at the border?

What did we do in the Gulf War, or is that something you haven't studied? I lived it. We did not invade Iraq in 1992. Once we drove them out of Kuwait, that was the end.
You are correct. However, Iraq did not invade us. Kuwait doesn't have the capability to invade Iraq. We, eventually did, including enforcing a no fly zone and imposing sanctions which is something Iran could not have done, especially with a superpower backing Iraq.

We eventually did? 10 years AFTER the fact!

Why are you so challenged when it comes to dates? You seem to think Iran waited nearly 30 years t get pissed off over an invasion. Then you think 1992 is right next to 2003 on the calendar.

You might need remedial classes or psychiatric help.

Iran didn't wait to get pissed. They have been pissed off. Rightfully so because now they are made to be this demonic enemy when in reality history shows us killing them, not the other way around.

Its been 13 14 years since Iranians killed Americans in Iraq, I am not over it. Are you?

Are Jews over the holocaust? Im not.

Iran is also not mad at us they tried to offer peace numerous times, helped fight Al-qaeda and ISIS.

Their leader is a fucktard who often blames us for his own failings no doubt, like ours does to them.

But their people seem to like parts of our culture. There is hope here.

I want Iran and the US to forge a lasting peace so we can target the true enemeies of both of our countries. ISIS and the intolerant brand of Islam that Saudi aravia exports all over the world.

Oh, my God! Why did you continue to post lie after lie!

The people of Iran seemed quite happy and we were on good terms with them until the religious nut cases gained power.

13, 14 years? Are you criminally stupid?

You cannot coexist with people whose main aim in life is to KILL YOU!

I am done. You have shown not even the first attempt to correct your mindless errors and intentional lies on this topic. I have better things to do than try to educate the willfully mentally retarded.

Enjoy your fucked up existence and may God have mercy on your idiocy.
Do you not include the deaths of soliders in the casualties of WW2? The Iranian soldiers needn't have died if not for the invasion, no?

Try that again. That post covered about 60 years of history in about 15 words. You exceeded the temporal limits.
Unaware of your point here.

Your point was pointless talking about troops in WWII. Try rewriting it so it makes so sense to someone outside your head.
You said I lied about death total because you only counted civilians. I am including Iranian soldiers who died just as we would in WWII.

I told you that total deaths on both sides didn't even come close to half a million, so you STILL lied.

I can only laugh at the irony of your thread title because all you have done is spread bullshit over the topic. You have no honor I guess.

Again Iran, with a population of 50 million to Iraq's 17 million, mobilised to defend the revolution. By the summer of 1982 Iraq was on the defensive and remained so until the end in August 1988. The death toll, overall, was an estimated 1 million for Iran and 250,000-500,000 for Iraq.Sep 23, 2010
Iran and Iraq remember war that cost more than a million lives | World ...
Iran and Iraq remember war that cost more than a million lives

What lie?
Do you object to the Allies invading Germany to destroy Hitler? Or should they have stopped at the border?

What did we do in the Gulf War, or is that something you haven't studied? I lived it. We did not invade Iraq in 1992. Once we drove them out of Kuwait, that was the end.
You are correct. However, Iraq did not invade us. Kuwait doesn't have the capability to invade Iraq. We, eventually did, including enforcing a no fly zone and imposing sanctions which is something Iran could not have done, especially with a superpower backing Iraq.

We eventually did? 10 years AFTER the fact!

Why are you so challenged when it comes to dates? You seem to think Iran waited nearly 30 years t get pissed off over an invasion. Then you think 1992 is right next to 2003 on the calendar.

You might need remedial classes or psychiatric help.

Iran didn't wait to get pissed. They have been pissed off. Rightfully so because now they are made to be this demonic enemy when in reality history shows us killing them, not the other way around.

Its been 13 14 years since Iranians killed Americans in Iraq, I am not over it. Are you?

Are Jews over the holocaust? Im not.

Iran is also not mad at us they tried to offer peace numerous times, helped fight Al-qaeda and ISIS.

Their leader is a fucktard who often blames us for his own failings no doubt, like ours does to them.

But their people seem to like parts of our culture. There is hope here.

I want Iran and the US to forge a lasting peace so we can target the true enemeies of both of our countries. ISIS and the intolerant brand of Islam that Saudi aravia exports all over the world.

Oh, my God! Why did you continue to post lie after lie!

The people of Iran seemed quite happy and we were on good terms with them until the religious nut cases gained power.

13, 14 years? Are you criminally stupid?

You cannot coexist with people whose main aim in life is to KILL YOU!

I am done. You have shown not even the first attempt to correct your mindless errors and intentional lies on this topic. I have better things to do than try to educate the willfully mentally retarded.

Enjoy your fucked up existence and may God have mercy on your idiocy.

Again Iran, with a population of 50 million to Iraq's 17 million, mobilised to defend the revolution. By the summer of 1982 Iraq was on the defensive and remained so until the end in August 1988. The death toll, overall, was an estimated 1 million for Iran and 250,000-500,000 for Iraq.Sep 23, 2010
Iran and Iraq remember war that cost more than a million lives | World ...
Iran and Iraq remember war that cost more than a million lives

What lie?What Lies?
What lie?What Lies
What lie?What Lies
What lie?What Lies
What lie?What Lies
What lie?What Lies
What lie?What Lies
What lie?What Lies

And yes, thsts how they feel about us, since all we have done is kill them for 60 years as I have proven,

You should bow lost.
Try that again. That post covered about 60 years of history in about 15 words. You exceeded the temporal limits.
Unaware of your point here.

Your point was pointless talking about troops in WWII. Try rewriting it so it makes so sense to someone outside your head.
You said I lied about death total because you only counted civilians. I am including Iranian soldiers who died just as we would in WWII.

I told you that total deaths on both sides didn't even come close to half a million, so you STILL lied.

I can only laugh at the irony of your thread title because all you have done is spread bullshit over the topic. You have no honor I guess.
Iran, with a population of 50 million to Iraq's 17 million, mobilised to defend the revolution. By the summer of 1982 Iraq was on the defensive and remained so until the end in August 1988. The death toll, overall, was an estimated 1 million for Iran and 250,000-500,000 for Iraq.Sep 23, 2010
Iran and Iraq remember war that cost more than a million lives | World ...
Iran and Iraq remember war that cost more than a million lives

You realize your getting owned no?

123,220–160,000 KIA and 60,711 MIA
11,000–16,000 civilian dead
Iran–Iraq War - Wikipedia

Now, kiss my ass, apologize and go to bed.

In the morning, find yourself a school to teach you how to read.

A little piece of advice from a warrior: Never go into a battle of wits unarmed.

You just did.

Goodnight and goodbye!
Unaware of your point here.

Your point was pointless talking about troops in WWII. Try rewriting it so it makes so sense to someone outside your head.
You said I lied about death total because you only counted civilians. I am including Iranian soldiers who died just as we would in WWII.

I told you that total deaths on both sides didn't even come close to half a million, so you STILL lied.

I can only laugh at the irony of your thread title because all you have done is spread bullshit over the topic. You have no honor I guess.
Iran, with a population of 50 million to Iraq's 17 million, mobilised to defend the revolution. By the summer of 1982 Iraq was on the defensive and remained so until the end in August 1988. The death toll, overall, was an estimated 1 million for Iran and 250,000-500,000 for Iraq.Sep 23, 2010
Iran and Iraq remember war that cost more than a million lives | World ...
Iran and Iraq remember war that cost more than a million lives

You realize your getting owned no?

123,220–160,000 KIA and 60,711 MIA
11,000–16,000 civilian dead
Iran–Iraq War - Wikipedia

Now, kiss my ass, apologize and go to bed.

In the morning, find yourself a school to teach you how to read.

A little piece of advice from a warrior: Never go into a battle of wits unarmed.

You just did.

Goodnight and goodbye!
LOL that was from the Iranian government downplaying their dead....from your same source it says the casualties were fixed:

your source:[160] By April 1988, such casualties were estimated at between 150,000 and 340,000 Iraqis dead, and 450,000 to 730,000 Iranians.[160] Shortly after the end of the war, it was thought that Iran suffered even more than a million dead.[27]

More recent sources:
Iran and Iraq remember war that cost more than a million lives
Iran Still Haunted By Chemical Weapons Attacks
Iran-Iraq War
The 'beauty' and the horror of the Iran-Iraq war 300-1 mill

Lol Lie? you said Lie, clearly at least I wasnt lying and at best I was right on

i OWN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
Unaware of your point here.

Your point was pointless talking about troops in WWII. Try rewriting it so it makes so sense to someone outside your head.
You said I lied about death total because you only counted civilians. I am including Iranian soldiers who died just as we would in WWII.

I told you that total deaths on both sides didn't even come close to half a million, so you STILL lied.

I can only laugh at the irony of your thread title because all you have done is spread bullshit over the topic. You have no honor I guess.
Iran, with a population of 50 million to Iraq's 17 million, mobilised to defend the revolution. By the summer of 1982 Iraq was on the defensive and remained so until the end in August 1988. The death toll, overall, was an estimated 1 million for Iran and 250,000-500,000 for Iraq.Sep 23, 2010
Iran and Iraq remember war that cost more than a million lives | World ...
Iran and Iraq remember war that cost more than a million lives

You realize your getting owned no?

123,220–160,000 KIA and 60,711 MIA
11,000–16,000 civilian dead
Iran–Iraq War - Wikipedia

Now, kiss my ass, apologize and go to bed.

In the morning, find yourself a school to teach you how to read.

A little piece of advice from a warrior: Never go into a battle of wits unarmed.

You just did.

Goodnight and goodbye!

You haven't exposed one false thing I wrote. Haha good night pal. Nice discussion.

Thank you for your service, as well.
The person getting owned is you. You sit here spreading falsities, expecting no one to pay attention to such. You have an agenda, to spread lies. You’ve been called on it.
One would assume you are a glutton for punishment.
Try that again. That post covered about 60 years of history in about 15 words. You exceeded the temporal limits.
Unaware of your point here.

Your point was pointless talking about troops in WWII. Try rewriting it so it makes so sense to someone outside your head.
You said I lied about death total because you only counted civilians. I am including Iranian soldiers who died just as we would in WWII.

I told you that total deaths on both sides didn't even come close to half a million, so you STILL lied.

I can only laugh at the irony of your thread title because all you have done is spread bullshit over the topic. You have no honor I guess.
Iran, with a population of 50 million to Iraq's 17 million, mobilised to defend the revolution. By the summer of 1982 Iraq was on the defensive and remained so until the end in August 1988. The death toll, overall, was an estimated 1 million for Iran and 250,000-500,000 for Iraq.Sep 23, 2010
Iran and Iraq remember war that cost more than a million lives | World ...
Iran and Iraq remember war that cost more than a million lives

You realize your getting owned no?
The person getting owned is you. You sit here spreading falsities, expecting no one to pay attention to such. You have an agenda, to spread lies. You’ve been called on it.
One would assume you are a glutton for punishment.
Unaware of your point here.

Your point was pointless talking about troops in WWII. Try rewriting it so it makes so sense to someone outside your head.
You said I lied about death total because you only counted civilians. I am including Iranian soldiers who died just as we would in WWII.

I told you that total deaths on both sides didn't even come close to half a million, so you STILL lied.

I can only laugh at the irony of your thread title because all you have done is spread bullshit over the topic. You have no honor I guess.
Iran, with a population of 50 million to Iraq's 17 million, mobilised to defend the revolution. By the summer of 1982 Iraq was on the defensive and remained so until the end in August 1988. The death toll, overall, was an estimated 1 million for Iran and 250,000-500,000 for Iraq.Sep 23, 2010
Iran and Iraq remember war that cost more than a million lives | World ...
Iran and Iraq remember war that cost more than a million lives

You realize your getting owned no?
Please name one falsity I have spread? Just one would be great....if so I want to know thanks!!!
Blow Back. When will the meddling end? The OP is spot on. The problems with Iran began when the US overthrew the Democratically elected Mossadegh. But it isn't just Iran. The US has been overthrowing foreign governments, and installing puppet regimes, for many years.

It's all part of the Empire-Building agenda we've embarked on. But as our Founding Fathers warned, all Empires fall. We need to end the Empire-Building. We're $21 Trillion in Debt and spread too thin all around the world. It's time to stop the meddling and come home. This can't be sustained.
The person getting owned is you. You sit here spreading falsities, expecting no one to pay attention to such. You have an agenda, to spread lies. You’ve been called on it.
One would assume you are a glutton for punishment.
Unaware of your point here.

Your point was pointless talking about troops in WWII. Try rewriting it so it makes so sense to someone outside your head.
You said I lied about death total because you only counted civilians. I am including Iranian soldiers who died just as we would in WWII.

I told you that total deaths on both sides didn't even come close to half a million, so you STILL lied.

I can only laugh at the irony of your thread title because all you have done is spread bullshit over the topic. You have no honor I guess.
Iran, with a population of 50 million to Iraq's 17 million, mobilised to defend the revolution. By the summer of 1982 Iraq was on the defensive and remained so until the end in August 1988. The death toll, overall, was an estimated 1 million for Iran and 250,000-500,000 for Iraq.Sep 23, 2010
Iran and Iraq remember war that cost more than a million lives | World ...
Iran and Iraq remember war that cost more than a million lives

You realize your getting owned no?
Also, I will admit I do have an agenda. My agenda is to prevent my nation from killing tens of thousands innocent people, which also leads to our own soldiers deaths and blowback.
The person getting owned is you. You sit here spreading falsities, expecting no one to pay attention to such. You have an agenda, to spread lies. You’ve been called on it.
One would assume you are a glutton for punishment.
Unaware of your point here.

Your point was pointless talking about troops in WWII. Try rewriting it so it makes so sense to someone outside your head.
You said I lied about death total because you only counted civilians. I am including Iranian soldiers who died just as we would in WWII.

I told you that total deaths on both sides didn't even come close to half a million, so you STILL lied.

I can only laugh at the irony of your thread title because all you have done is spread bullshit over the topic. You have no honor I guess.
Iran, with a population of 50 million to Iraq's 17 million, mobilised to defend the revolution. By the summer of 1982 Iraq was on the defensive and remained so until the end in August 1988. The death toll, overall, was an estimated 1 million for Iran and 250,000-500,000 for Iraq.Sep 23, 2010
Iran and Iraq remember war that cost more than a million lives | World ...
Iran and Iraq remember war that cost more than a million lives

You realize your getting owned no?
waiting, please name one falsehood or retract statement...thanks!!
Your point was pointless talking about troops in WWII. Try rewriting it so it makes so sense to someone outside your head.
You said I lied about death total because you only counted civilians. I am including Iranian soldiers who died just as we would in WWII.

I told you that total deaths on both sides didn't even come close to half a million, so you STILL lied.

I can only laugh at the irony of your thread title because all you have done is spread bullshit over the topic. You have no honor I guess.
Iran, with a population of 50 million to Iraq's 17 million, mobilised to defend the revolution. By the summer of 1982 Iraq was on the defensive and remained so until the end in August 1988. The death toll, overall, was an estimated 1 million for Iran and 250,000-500,000 for Iraq.Sep 23, 2010
Iran and Iraq remember war that cost more than a million lives | World ...
Iran and Iraq remember war that cost more than a million lives

You realize your getting owned no?

123,220–160,000 KIA and 60,711 MIA
11,000–16,000 civilian dead
Iran–Iraq War - Wikipedia

Now, kiss my ass, apologize and go to bed.

In the morning, find yourself a school to teach you how to read.

A little piece of advice from a warrior: Never go into a battle of wits unarmed.

You just did.

Goodnight and goodbye!
LOL that was from the Iranian government downplaying their dead....from your same source it says the casualties were fixed:

your source:[160] By April 1988, such casualties were estimated at between 150,000 and 340,000 Iraqis dead, and 450,000 to 730,000 Iranians.[160] Shortly after the end of the war, it was thought that Iran suffered even more than a million dead.[27]

More recent sources:
Iran and Iraq remember war that cost more than a million lives
Iran Still Haunted By Chemical Weapons Attacks
Iran-Iraq War
The 'beauty' and the horror of the Iran-Iraq war 300-1 mill

Lol Lie? you said Lie, clearly at least I wasnt lying and at best I was right on

i OWN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

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