Iran now aiding Russia Involvement in Ukraine

All they are doing is to undermine confidence in US elections and prevent people like me from voting.
All they are doing is a big fat nothing. No one is trying to prevent you from voting, that's a lie.

If you were interested in restoring the confidence in our elections you would support transparent audits.
All they are doing is a big fat nothing. No one is trying to prevent you from voting, that's a lie.

If you were interested in restoring the confidence in our elections you would support transparent audits.

The Trump Republicans are working frantically to stop voting by mail. I've already voted by mail so I'm okay.
All they are doing is a big fat nothing. No one is trying to prevent you from voting, that's a lie.

If you were interested in restoring the confidence in our elections you would support transparent audits.

They have all been audited over and over. There's nothing to this crap but Trump's lies.
This is very worrisome to me that Iran is being engaged by Russia in the Ukraine, and it's about nuclear/drone issues. I don't like it. What say you?

I would say it shows the desperation of Russia that they have to turn to Iran to get drones.

If Russia did not have nukes people would care less about them than they do Mongolia.
Tell it to your uncaring DNC Deep state leadership, hon. :rolleyes-41:
I would not know who that is. We are a Red state and on the conservative side. I thought you were in California. That Dem leadership problem is more yours than mine.
The Post Office can't even deliver mail to the correct address in my area.
The hell I would trust them with my ballot.
Ukraine has its allies and Russia has theirs.
We were once Russia's best friend when Mikhail Gorbachev tore down the Wall in East Berlin on President GHW Bush's watch. They were eager to learn free enterprise hints and some loans to get their businesspersons started up. That was a happy time for both our countries. I'm sorry the KJB leaders became their future presidents, because they were crafty fellows who had no use for prosperous entrepreneurs. Their militarism prevented them from enjoying the welcome they got from the free world. Now their Putin is presenting one nuclear threat after another to anyone who asks him to be fair with his own people. Go figure.

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