Iran nuclear scientist killed..who done it?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
It was a sophisticated device placed on the scientist's car with magnets by a couple of assassins on motorcycles. Who would benefit from killing an Iranian nuclear scientist? The US? Israel? Obama has demonstrated that he is not afraid to engage in political assassinations. How about the CIA? Could Barry maintain plausible deniability if the CIA operated independently?
Israel already hinted at being responsible. It doesn't take a genius!~
My money is on Israel

I don't know....bad things keep happening to Irans nuclear program
I could care less who offed the asshole.

Everyone that somebody offs is one less to speed Iran on its way to a Nuclear bomb.

Hope they all end up dead.
The thing is, they've threatened and pissed off every player in the region. They are not the only ones capable of playing hardball. In any case we will never know for sure, they will grab some random guys, accuse them, try them, put them to death, praise Allah, the game continues.
My money is on Israel

I don't know....bad things keep happening to Irans nuclear program

There are alot of players behind the scenes, not just the Israelis. The Arabs don't want the Iranians to get nukes either, plus there are several Iranian dissident groups like the The Peoples Mujahideen of Iran (MEK) plus you also have the American CIA, Special Forces as well as the British intelligence, quite alot of players that do not want Iran's nuclear program to go through.
If you think the US should go around the world and knock off civilians we don't like it opens a big can 'O worms. Of course only a democrat administration gets away with political assassinations. Could Israel get away with it without the cooperation of the CIA? If so what the hell do we pay the CIA for.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the US is not involved in the murder of the scientist. Does she really know?
I could care less who offed the asshole.

Everyone that somebody offs is one less to speed Iran on its way to a Nuclear bomb.

Hope they all end up dead.

God I hope your enlisted. If not your fucking coward and someone needs to put you against a concrete wall.
Dunno..........but if I had to guess, I'd have to say Israel.

I don't think the US would do something that could be considered an act of war, especially with all of the current tensions over the Straits of Hormuz.
It's a win-win for the US either way. Iran's nuclear program might have been set back and if they retaliate it gives Barry an excuse to get NATO in the air again just in time for the election. Even if nothing happens it still gives the administration an option to ratchet up security restrictions.
If you think the US should go around the world and knock off civilians we don't like it opens a big can 'O worms. Of course only a democrat administration gets away with political assassinations. Could Israel get away with it without the cooperation of the CIA? If so what the hell do we pay the CIA for.

My money is on CIA. This reeks of the kind of thing our government does. The only thing different is that it actually hit the news.

The truth will come out eventually. Always does.

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