Iranian Woman Stoned to Death For Adultry

Oh I seriously doubt that. Once the muslim women get a taste of freedom and equality, it will be hard to keep them down.
Obviously, you don't personally know any muslim women here in America.

They are some of the strongest supporters for Sharia Law in the Islamic community. . :cool:

Take your Sharia Law and shove it up your ass.:evil:
Interesting to note that the "bar scene from Star Wars" aka the UN was outraged that a lethal injection execution in the US was botched but they are silent about the routine abuse of women and horrific executions in Islamic cultures.
So you are against law and order?? .:cool:

Won't speak for Fakey, but I (and most sane people) are against the pedophile Mohammed's murder cult of Islam!

Anybody who makes a suggestion "about law and order" in the context of this case would have supported the Third Reich's murder judiciary and their courts
Uh-huh...and their LAW was a mirror of Sharia. Hitler was fascinated with their culture...another like his...a culture of DEATH.
The day this country embraces stoning is teh day I jump the border into Canada.
Muslims are barbaric! Kill a mother in a horrific manner because she SUPPOSEDLY had an affair! This is Islam my friends. It's not radical Islam it's pure and mainstream Islam.

Note: She confessed after 99 lashes. They would have kept going until she confessed.


Woman may be stoned to death in Iran, could it happen here? - National social justice |
Sakineh Mohammadie Ashtiani, a 42 year old mother of two, is expected to be stoned to death as early as today. In 1999, she was convicted of adultery. She already received 99 lashes for the "offense". If she is executed, she will be buried up to her chest and then pelted with rocks. Death will most likely be slow and painful.

Ashtiani confessed to the adultery after receiving the 99 lashes, according to human rights lawyer Mohammed Mostafaei.

She tried to retract the confession to no avail. She was convicted by three our of five judges without ponderance of the evidence, Mostafaei said. She has asked forgiveness from the court but the judges refused to grant clemency.

Iran's supreme court upheld the conviction in 2007.

Ashtiani's native language is Turkish, not Farsi. Mostafaei believes a language barrier prevented his client from fully comprehending court proceedings.

The circumstances of Ashtiani's case make it not an exception but the rule in Iran, according to Amnesty International, which tracks death penalty cases around the world.

"The majority of those sentenced to death by stoning are women, who suffer disproportionately from such punishment," the human rights group said in a 2008 report.
This post is a good example of anti-Muslim propaganda. The story is simply not true. Even the picture is a fake. The truth is Sakineh Mohammadie Ashtiani was sentence to death in 1999 in Iran for adultery. However, she was never executed. The Iranian judiciary officially placed a moratorium on stoning in 2002. In 2005, judiciary spokesman said that if lower courts pass a sentence of stoning, it will overturned by a higher court. In early 2013, the Iranian parliament took actions to remove stoning from the penal code. In March 2014 Ashtiani was pardoned due to good behavior and was released from prison

The fact is stoning is very rare among the 2 billion Muslims in the world. In the 9 countries in the world where stoning is legal, there has been only 26 actually executions by stoning in the last 14 years. During that time there were over 7,000 people legally executed by other means.

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stoning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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This post is a good example of anti-Muslim propaganda. The story is simply not true. Even the picture is a fake. The truth is Sakineh Mohammadie Ashtiani was sentence to death in 1999 in Iran for adultery. However, she was never executed. The Iranian judiciary officially placed a moratorium on stoning in 2002. In 2005, judiciary spokesman said that if lower courts pass a sentence of stoning, it will overturned by a higher court. In early 2013, the Iranian parliament took actions to remove stoning from the penal code. In March 2014 Ashtiani was pardoned due to good behavior and was released from prison

The fact is stoning is very rare among the 2 billion Muslims in the world. In the 9 countries in the world where stoning is legal, there has been only 26 actually executions by stoning in the last 14 years. During that time there were over 7,000 people legally executed by other means.
Be careful Flopper......they get confused easily with facts. . :eusa_angel:
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only 26 actually executions by stoning in the last 14 years.

Only? Well gosh, that sure makes it seem better. *eye roll*
One is too many. However, the number is actually smaller. 12 of the 26 were Nigerian and were never carried out. So the actual number is 14. In modern times, false allegations of stoning has become part of the political agenda of many anti-Muslim political groups.

People seem to fall for the most obvious propaganda. Black activist groups in the 20th century painted all white southerns as supporters of lynchings of blacks when in fact very few did. Germany carries the blame for the Holocaust which was planned and executed by the Nazis. Yet only 1% of the German people were actually Nazis. Blaming the many for actions of a few is nothing new.
The day this country embraces stoning is teh day I jump the border into Canada.
Have you heard this, Gracie?

Sharia gains in Canada


Well...then I guess if it ever gains a foothold here where asshole stone women to death, I supposed I will wind up dead myself cuz I will do whatever I can to stop it.
Not to worry it won't. As long we reject a literal interpretation of the constitution which some conservatives support, it will not be legal to murder people to support ones religious beliefs.
I am focused. It is quite clear that you will not speak against your faith, despite it being a refuge for murderers and misogynists. But you feel free to speak about a lesbian trio in Mass. that has absolutely no effect on your life.

And your justification for the difference between calling right or wrong is geography? lol
What happens in China, India, Egypt, Germany, Peru, or any other country, regardless of their religion, has no bearing on my life.

But what happens here in the U.S. does impact my life.

This trio of mentally ill women are just more debasing of my societies values and it's morals.

So yes, I does affect me. . :cool:

Bullshit. It has absolutely no effect on your life whatsoever. They got married. So what? That does not change your marriage or my marriage or anyone else's.

And do you think there is any less lesbian or gay sex if we refuse to allow them to marry?

But young girls being murdered is none of your business? Interesting set of priorities you have.

What about the muslim "honor killings" that have happened in the US? Is that none of your business too?

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