Iranian Woman Stoned to Death For Adultry

If you remember, we were talking about muslim women in America.

What they do in other countries isn't my business. . :cool:

Aren't those laws the same laws we are discussing?

Funny how you think gays & lesbians marrying is your business, but officials of your faith murdering young girls is not your business.

I think your response of "...isn't my business" is simply a dodge.
Again, my opposition to faggots marrying was in reference to American homos.

What they do in other countries basically is not my business.

Please try to focus........ :cool:

I am focused. It is quite clear that you will not speak against your faith, despite it being a refuge for murderers and misogynists. But you feel free to speak about a lesbian trio in Mass. that has absolutely no effect on your life.

And your justification for the difference between calling right or wrong is geography? lol
Aren't those laws the same laws we are discussing?

Funny how you think gays & lesbians marrying is your business, but officials of your faith murdering young girls is not your business.

I think your response of "...isn't my business" is simply a dodge.
Again, my opposition to faggots marrying was in reference to American homos.

What they do in other countries basically is not my business.

Please try to focus........ :cool:

I am focused. It is quite clear that you will not speak against your faith, despite it being a refuge for murderers and misogynists. But you feel free to speak about a lesbian trio in Mass. that has absolutely no effect on your life.

And your justification for the difference between calling right or wrong is geography? lol

Lest a fatwa be issued against him.
Iran beating a confession out of a rape victim and then stoning her to death for that is just kind of sucky, but telling some college gal to buy her own birth control pills is the real War on Women.

I am focused. It is quite clear that you will not speak against your faith, despite it being a refuge for murderers and misogynists. But you feel free to speak about a lesbian trio in Mass. that has absolutely no effect on your life.

And your justification for the difference between calling right or wrong is geography? lol
What happens in China, India, Egypt, Germany, Peru, or any other country, regardless of their religion, has no bearing on my life.

But what happens here in the U.S. does impact my life.

This trio of mentally ill women are just more debasing of my societies values and it's morals.

So yes, I does affect me. . :cool:
Wow Sunni.

Sorry, but I think the rift has gone too far for me. You have not crossed the bulldozed over it.
Your avi is insulting. You are just too far gone for me. Notch it up or down..doesn't matter to me anymore.

And with that, I will bid you adieu as someone I thought had some sense and compassion.

That is all.
Quote: Originally Posted by steven_r View Post
iran beating a confession out of a rape victim and then stoning her to death for that is just kind of sucky, but telling some college gal to buy her own birth control pills is the real war on women.

Kinda like the salem witch trials. Hold them under water, weighted by rocks. If they drowned...they were not witches. If they came to the surface, the devil cut them loose and then they were board pressed. Know what board pressing it? They lay a door on her then pile it with stones so she is slowly squashed to death. Or burned at the stake.
Sharia may be law and order in the minds of animals but it is far from justice.
The citizens of Iran support this law and it's punishment for adultery or else they would change it.

I see no reason that it's anyone else's business but the Iranian people.

But please continue with your self righteous outrage. . :cool:

That is the difference between a great country like the US and a barbaric country such as Iran. We live in a country that protects even the minority. If the majority of people believe it is proper to spit in your face, does that make it right? There was a time when the majority of people believed Blacks should not be able to eat in the same restaurant as a white person. Did that make it right? Just because the majority of a certain people believe that a woman should be stoned for committing adultery, which in many cases actually means being raped, doesn't make it right or moral. It truly is amazing how easy it is to brainwash people into believing the stupidest shit. You are proof of this.

Stoning a woman for adultery is not right, or moral, neither is executing someone who is gay for being gay. However, we do not get to impose our notions of right and wrong on another people. Not any more than another people gets to impose their notions of right and wrong on us.
Muslims are barbaric! Kill a mother in a horrific manner because she SUPPOSEDLY had an affair! This is Islam my friends. It's not radical Islam it's pure and mainstream Islam.

Note: She confessed after 99 lashes. They would have kept going until she confessed.



This image shows up a lot in threads arguing against stoning women. Fine & dandy, I agree with the sentiment. However, this photo is from more-or-less performance art protesting against such stonings, held in Belgium, as I recall (search "Islamic stoning" in Bing, under images - it comes up quickly.) It's a very popular image, often tightly cropped so that you can't see the incongruity of people in suits & ordinary street attire walking by, & paying no attention to the subject.

The point being that in protests of these practices, it's important to get the details right. Personally, I think the image isn't very convincing, the blood & stones don't look quite right to me. But I'm not a guerrilla street artist, so I may be wrong. Nonetheless, if you want to convince people about your cause, you need to get this kind of stuff right.

The photo is obviously a dramatization of an actual event. It is doubtful that western sensibilities would tolerate an actual depiction which is quite bloody.

Since this is the way the people in these countries have decided to live there is almost no way for the west to stop such self determination. Britian successfully stopped the practice of suttee in India. Not by wishing and hoping but by going in there, colonizing the country and setting up a colonial government. Western nations no longer replace governments with colonial governors. We protest instead which isn't nearly as effective.
The photo has been manipulated. Stoning looks much..MUCH worse. Think Christ after his torturing. But with eyeballs hanging down on cheeks, chunks of skull missing, mouth bashed in with teeth laying all around her and she is still alive. So they take a smoke break, then start in again with the rocks until she is finally dead. Then they dig her back up and drag her off for the wild animals to feast on to where nothing is left but bones.
Some think that one of judges needs to be kidnapped, taken to a remote island, and whatever happens to the woman should happen to him as it its recorded then sent to the social media.

Yes, the people of the world have a moral and ethical authority to render judgment.
So you are against law and order?? .:cool:

Won't speak for Fakey, but I (and most sane people) are against the pedophile Mohammed's murder cult of Islam!

Anybody who makes a suggestion "about law and order" in the context of this case would have supported the Third Reich's murder judiciary and their courts
The photo has been manipulated. Stoning looks much..MUCH worse. Think Christ after his torturing. But with eyeballs hanging down on cheeks, chunks of skull missing, mouth bashed in with teeth laying all around her and she is still alive. So they take a smoke break, then start in again with the rocks until she is finally dead. Then they dig her back up and drag her off for the wild animals to feast on to where nothing is left but bones.
Yep. The REAL WAR on Women...let's hear it for Sharia Law...
I seriously doubt she was lashed until she confessed.........Sharia Law doesn't work that way.

Most likely the article has it wrong.

And the lashes were part of the punishment after her conviction. . :cool:

Most likely Sunni is defending the indefensible.

When Muslim law works like it is in this case, then it makes Islam a murder cult.

No different than the Inquisition rendered the Catholic Church a murder cult for centuries.

Or Mormonism's blood atonement for a decade.

Or the evangelicals who will grant no abortion at all and let the mother die.

They are all murder cults.
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The photo has been manipulated. Stoning looks much..MUCH worse. Think Christ after his torturing. But with eyeballs hanging down on cheeks, chunks of skull missing, mouth bashed in with teeth laying all around her and she is still alive. So they take a smoke break, then start in again with the rocks until she is finally dead. Then they dig her back up and drag her off for the wild animals to feast on to where nothing is left but bones.

(My bold)

No, it's a real photo, right enough. It dates to 2012, but it's staged. It was protesting Islamic stoning. My objection is that in cleaning up the imagery to make it more palatable to Western tastes - & make is easier to see on US TV - as we have to be shielded against such violence (unless it's Chucky, or Rambo, or Rocky, or ...)

Anyway, the point is that if all we're going to put up in protest media coverage is a cleaned-up fake depiction, you might as well just post a nice slogan & call it a day. There aren't any easy answers to fixing this problem. But if we're too squeamish to even face reality - @ a safe distance, & mediated by our favorite electronic interface to the World - then I question the point to even airing the story.

Should people be offended? I say Yes - Offhand, I think we should invite any women who wish to leave behind this aspect of their culture to join us in the US - I suspect that in a few generations that Islam would change its tune in regards to the treatment of women.
Stoning is just another form of execution.......neither good or bad.

We have used hanging, electric chair, gas chamber, lethal injections, and firing squad, over the years in the U.S.

So death by stoning needs to be given a try. .. :cool:

Let's start with you! I'll even bring the truckload of rocks and a Bobcat!

truckload of rocks

sharia law has specs on that

the stones are not to be too big

or too small

No problem...there is a local quarry that will get me anything from 1/2" to 3-4".

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