Iran's Ploy Should Be Ignored For Now

Ridiculous. We no longer have the support of Western allies. We are completely alone going against Iran. Iran is five times the size of Iraq and Iraq cost us many trillions of dollars and the deaths of thousands of Americans and the maiming of tens of thousands of Americans far into the future costing us trillions more. Iraq is been a disaster that people don’t even realize yet the extent of.

Can you fucking read?
It has been a few years since I followed the Iranians on twitter but a few years back they were telling their people to tighten their belts as it was going to get tough (financially speaking).

Barry ignored their "Green Rebellion" instead of intervening and getting rid of the pervert mullahs once and for all. It was a tremendous opportunity and the little fairy froze.
So you’re saying that Obama froze? Like Bush?
Only PRO ZIONIST BULLSHIT will be tolerated by the TRAITORS here who support Israel and all the harm Israel has done to the US....

Shut your fucking mouth and get that shit out of this thread motherfucker.
It is "funny" to WillPower that Israel did

the USS Liberty
the US Marines in Lebanon 1983
Pan Am 103
ISIS creation....

Veterans Today

Were you LOADED UP with

and the LONG BOND

on Sept 10 like Epstein and Steyer were???
Ridiculous. We no longer have the support of Western allies. We are completely alone going against Iran. Iran is five times the size of Iraq and Iraq cost us many trillions of dollars and the deaths of thousands of Americans and the maiming of tens of thousands of Americans far into the future costing us trillions more. Iraq is been a disaster that people don’t even realize yet the extent of.

Can you fucking read?
Sure, this is from your own link:

"Listen, we're holding all the cards here. The Iranians are back on their heels in a way they've never been before. Based on their actions, we can isolate them politically and economically and squeeze them even further. Obviously, our military option will be on the table," he added.

Oh my God. You did read your own link didn’t you?
So you’re saying that Obama froze? Like Bush?

Hey asshole....nobody believes any of you and the other pervert's horseshit about "zionist plots" how about you drop your turds someplace else before I get you run off this board.
So you’re saying that Obama froze? Like Bush?

Hey asshole....nobody believes any of you and the other pervert's horseshit about "zionist plots" how about you drop your turds someplace else before I get you run off this board.
"zionist plots"?

I’m not sure what that is exactly. Perhaps you have me mixed up with someone else. I’ve never used those two words together.

And why is a turd threatening me?
They always end up flushed.
Shut your fucking mouth and get that shit out of this thread motherfucker.

and then there is the "intellect" of those who still defend the worst traitor in American history....

Time Magazine
I don’t think Bush is a traitor like Trump is. I think he’s just stupid. Like Trump is. They just have different kinds of stupid. Bush believed Cheney and Trump believes Putin.
I don’t think Bush is a traitor

You are either lost, incredibly stupid, or a Mossad....

Putin has been the most truthful world leader for the past 20 years, right down to IDing Israel as being behind the CHEM attack in Syria...

BTW, the "chem" was CHLORINE, not SARIN, which when it came out was the moment the "US media" totally lost interest in the story...

BTW, only ISRAELI WARPLANES were in the area when the chem went off....
I don’t think Bush is a traitor

You are either lost, incredibly stupid, or a Mossad....

Putin has been the most truthful world leader for the past 20 years, right down to IDing Israel as being behind the CHEM attack in Syria...

BTW, the "chem" was CHLORINE, not SARIN, which when it came out was the moment the "US media" totally lost interest in the story...

BTW, only ISRAELI WARPLANES were in the area when the chem went off....

Putin has been the most truthful world leader for the past 20 years

So you believe Putin when he said in Helsinki that he helped trump get elected President of the United States?
So you believe Putin when he said in Helsinki that he helped trump get elected President of the United States?

Putin has been truthful and accurate about

"Islamic terror"
who really dumped chem in Syria, and which chem it was
who Al Baghdadi really is

and posted three KGB photos in 2017 that show former Carter NSA Zbigniew Brzezinski talking to Col Tim Osman aka Osama....

Veterans Today

Two Bills Drive

Putin has been truthful and accurate about

"Islamic terror"
who really dumped chem in Syria, and which chem it was
who Al Baghdadi really is

and posted three KGB photos in 2017 that show former Carter NSA Zbigniew Brzezinski talking to Col Tim Osman aka Osama....

Veterans Today

Two Bills Drive

(((IRANIAN TROLL))) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Shut your fucking mouth and get that shit out of this thread motherfucker.

and then there is the "intellect" of those who still defend the worst traitor in American history....

Time Magazine
I don’t think Bush is a traitor like Trump is. I think he’s just stupid. Like Trump is. They just have different kinds of stupid. Bush believed Cheney and Trump believes Putin.
Its all how the politician is promoted or not. Every movie that pushed a little politics is anti Repub. So Cheney is no good. Biden is the salt of the earth. Biden is corrupted. And not that good. The middle east is a quagmire. Whether you hate Israel or love them, they have nukes. they will not leave this planet..... alone. When the time comes, a camera in space will show the middle east look like a rocket engine if it gets that far. And it probably will go further. You believed Mao and Stalin. No need to go any further.
, Iran attacked Saudi Arabia


You probably believe that Israel is behind the September 11 attacks

is - present tense.

Israel WAS behind it....

Explain to us, genius, how jet fuel, which burns at 600F, produced molten steel, at 2200F.....

WHERE DID THE ADDITIONAL 1600 F come from?????

Magnesium is a light, strong metal, and is used quite a bit in building an airplane. I know that in the Navy, if there was a class D fire (burning metal like magnesium), the standard procedure was to push the aircraft off of the deck and into the water. Why did we do that? Because magnesium produces its own oxygen as it burns and is damn near impossible to put out.

And.............the ignition point is only around 883 deg F., which means the jet fuel and some of the stuff that was burning would have been able to ignite the metal, resulting in temps that could melt steel.


Magnesium is also flammable, burning at a temperature of approximately 2500 K (2200 °C, 4000 °F). The autoignition temperature of magnesium is approximately 744 K (473 °C, 883 °F).

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