Iran's Ploy Should Be Ignored For Now

.the ignition point is only around 883 deg F., which means the jet fuel and some of the stuff that was burning would have been able to ignite the metal, resulting in temps that could melt steel.

You are still lacking TWO THINGS...

1. the additional 283 degrees F
2. the massive amount of magnesium sitting around ready to be ignited


A much better explanation is this...

With the President's sanctions strangling the mullah's abilities to feed their captive nation, much less spread terrorism, something had to give. So, with their high seas piracy compromised, they attack the hated Saudis and disrupt the world oil supply. But they really didn't, although the oil market will fake a panic attack to justify raising prices. What should we do? Nothing. This is between the Iranians and the House of Saud. They've bought tens of millions of dollars in armaments from let's see what they can do with them. China is still buying oil from Iran and trade deal negotiations are in a promising stage at the moment. Why give Iran the ability to influence things they should have no say in? We can always deal with them a little later and as satisfying as it would be to strike is not the time.


Gen. Keane: US 'holding all the cards,' Iran 'back on their heels' like they've never been before

i disagree.

last thing you want to do is let the saudis, who have no-one experienced in regional war, fight this battle with the Iranians, who *do* have living members with real war experience.

we should back up the Saudis by putting a clear price on Iranian warmongering like this.
however, we do need to prove to the international community that it was the Iranians who were behind this.
therefore we also need to improve detection capabilities in the region, something the Saudis and our other allies (nation state and corporate alike) should get for free.

i recommend for every refinery asset they destroy, we destroy the same type of assets on their side but at a total cost of 1.5 times what was destroyed on our side. same for attacks that attack police or military personnel or assets, but obviously not for civilian casualties.
any large scale civilian casualties caused by anyone should be considered an act of war, i'm afraid.

and finally, every time the Iranians attack outside their borders, or any of their proxy groups, we should *not* show weakness by doing nothing back.

Iranians are the kind of Muslims who won't stop their futile quest for conquest and influence unless *forced* to do so by military might, wit, wisdom and guts.
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we should back up the Saudis by putting a clear price on Iranian warmongering like this.

and you post under "peacefan"


sometimes peace through strength is the only realistic option.
it's like that with a lot of Muslim groups around the world.
Iranians, ISIS supporters, muslim nationalist-fundamentalists, etc.

it's even like that with the Chinese and Russians, who also have "ambitions". and international economic needs.

so the whole peace through strength thing can not always be ignored, unfortunately.
"Peace" through endless Zionist warmongering is what you and yours are all about.

The American people see through your bullshit. The only question is which type are you?

Do you believe Fraud Jesus will float down from the clouds if the US wages enough war in the ME to satisfy your "christian" preacher?
we're done talking, mr muslim fundamentalist.
there's no reasoning with your kind, i've found out through other forums.

let's agree to disagree ok.
i don't have to justify or prove my opinions to anyone.
it's up to the reader to make up their own mind.
there's no reasoning with your kind


You have no real evidence that Iran did this. You have no fundamental reason why the US should wage war against Iran. Regardless of reason, you are 100% for a US war with Iran, and committed to seeing it happen. You will lie and spread falsehoods, just as your preacher tells you to every Sunday.

You have ZERO patriotism to the United States of America.

You are a TRAITOR.

YOU should GET THE FUCK OUT and move to the only country you care about = ISRAEL
I'm Dutch, white, i don't go to Church often, and i stand by my opinions -which we are all entitled to express on forums like these-, and you've just proven in just 2 posts what an aggressive moron you really are, to anyone with half a brain about the matters discussed here.

you've also proven that i'm probably right on the whole peace through strength factor, to most of the same audience.

so just shut up after expressing your own opinion. don't turn it into a kindergarten fight with words used by teenagers and young adults, fool.

(closing down this forum, now that i've expressed my opinions in plenty of detail - you can safely ignore what LaDairis says next, it's gonna be more aggressive-paranoid verbal diahrea ;) )
you've also proven that i'm probably right on the whole peace through strength factor


The actual data on that subject in the ME is that there is scant evidence of "peace" at all, especially where your hero W sold out our troops over Zionist lies and a false flag attack on 911 - Iraq and Afghanistan.

The whole point of what you support is

1. using US troops to reconquer the Biblical "promised land" for Israel
2. billing just the US taxpayer to do it

That you can't admit that is Exhibit A of why your kind should never be trusted and never viewed as "Patriotic American."
look, i could get into another discussion about who is right about their interpretation of history since say WW1 in the middle east region,

but ehm,

i'll let the readers do their own research and make up their own mind.

warning though : after a long search for the truth, you might find like i did in the end, that no country, group of countries, or peoples, are really responsible "for all the problems".

in my view there's slightly too much international and regional scale competition between nations, groups of nations, and peoples.
and with long-term opportunities arising within those competitions and bad behavior, sometimes very bad behavior, to keep those opportunities alive both during hard and easy times, as well as a largely invalid drive to increase one's status and standard of living relative to other competing nations and peoples,
you end up with the occasional war or even world war.

it's why we scaled up production of nukes, to avoid another world war, now that weapons have become as horrible as they have (since say WW1, when poison gas was added to flame throwers and guns and swords), and now that humanity has proven itself totally horrible to all life including itself, when in war.

but that drive for a better standard of living, which is i believe the main factor that keeps the whole competitions thing among nations and peoples going,
and that's not something that can be dismissed as a source of evil, it can be and often is a reasonable motivator to live with both more ease and actual peace.

did you all notice i called for evidence against the Iranians, and increased defensive detection capabilities in the region, much more so than i called for some kinda initiation of war against the Iranians?
hence the whole thing about proportional military response *after providing evidence to the international community*.

anything else, LaDairis?

and eh, FYI, LaDairis, i'm not an American, but i am white, and i am a supporter for keeping NATO alive and the strongest on the planet. i have valid reasons for doing so, your kind of lying and warmongering/fightmongering among them.
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i disagree.

last thing you want to do is let the saudis, who have no-one experienced in regional war, fight this battle with the Iranians, who *do* have living members with real war experience.

we should back up the Saudis by putting a clear price on Iranian warmongering like this.
however, we do need to prove to the international community that it was the Iranians who were behind this.
therefore we also need to improve detection capabilities in the region, something the Saudis and our other allies (nation state and corporate alike) should get for free.

i recommend for every refinery asset they destroy, we destroy the same type of assets on their side but at a total cost of 1.5 times what was destroyed on our side. same for attacks that attack police or military personnel or assets, but obviously not for civilian casualties.
any large scale civilian casualties caused by anyone should be considered an act of war, i'm afraid.

and finally, every time the Iranians attack outside their borders, or any of their proxy groups, we should *not* show weakness by doing nothing back.

Iranians are the kind of Muslims who won't stop their futile quest for conquest and influence unless *forced* to do so by military might, wit, wisdom and guts.

The Saudis have experienced pilots in American aircraft, the Iranians don't. We're talking about a video game kind of exchange...all aerial combat and I'd expect the Saudis to do quite well since we trained them. Their problem is the lack of a functioning anti-aircraft defense system. Drones are easy to shoot down yet the Saudi's apparently didn't hit any of them in the attack. At the moment, the Saudis are questioning our intel that it was Iran....who else would it be? Surely not the Israelis like the trolls/freaks in this thread are claiming. I'm wondering if they have the stomach to defend themselves...if that's the case, why should we?
Drones are easy to shoot down yet the Saudi's apparently didn't hit any of them in the attack


If they had been shot down, there would be no false flag attack from which to bait the US into a war with Iran....
Surely not the Israelis

The Israelis never question our intel, because our intel always lies for them, and always slants their "intel" to justify yet another war to help Israel.

It all started when Bill Clinton sold the CIA to the Mossad by appointing George Tenet.
Surely not the Israelis

The Israelis never question our intel, because our intel always lies for them, and always slants their "intel" to justify yet another war to help Israel.

It all started when Bill Clinton sold the CIA to the Mossad by appointing George Tenet.

Look asshole......I already told you you're a nutcase and/or a raghead everybody a favor and hang yourself.
Magnesium is a light, strong metal, and is used quite a bit in building an airplane. I know that in the Navy, if there was a class D fire (burning metal like magnesium), the standard procedure was to push the aircraft off of the deck and into the water. Why did we do that? Because magnesium produces its own oxygen as it burns and is damn near impossible to put out.

And.............the ignition point is only around 883 deg F., which means the jet fuel and some of the stuff that was burning would have been able to ignite the metal, resulting in temps that could melt steel.


Magnesium is also flammable, burning at a temperature of approximately 2500 K (2200 °C, 4000 °F). The autoignition temperature of magnesium is approximately 744 K (473 °C, 883 °F).

A magnesium stick is what I use to burn damp wood but if you want to see something burn until it's underwater check out phosphorous....Willy Peter grenades....never be in the shit without one.
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Look asshole......I already told you you're a nutcase and/or a raghead everybody a favor and hang yourself

Name calling, card tossing, never an attempt to refute the truth of the data.... where did the extra 1600F come from in the South Tower? Can a 757 fly at 500mpn with its nose 8 feet off the ground? Can anyone with a straight face claim WTC 7 was not subjected to controlled demolition?

Nope.... that's not what the preacher said on Sunday...

Here we have someone who is absolutely certain that the only demographic who observed his "divine hero" when he was alive are totally wrong to consider him a total fraud, because his beaked birdbrain still parrots the 2000 year old sales brochure.... and yet this same retarded moron considers that demographic "chosen" and above him, superior to him, and he exists to serve them, even as they are completely "wrong" about that which he worships...


If God took 7 days to make Earth, how long did it take God to make the Milky Way???

Christians and Math = mortal enemies

Math has truth.

Christians have.... a paper bag over the head
With the President's sanctions strangling the mullah's abilities to feed their captive nation, much less spread terrorism, something had to give. So, with their high seas piracy compromised, they attack the hated Saudis and disrupt the world oil supply. But they really didn't, although the oil market will fake a panic attack to justify raising prices. What should we do? Nothing. This is between the Iranians and the House of Saud. They've bought tens of millions of dollars in armaments from let's see what they can do with them. China is still buying oil from Iran and trade deal negotiations are in a promising stage at the moment. Why give Iran the ability to influence things they should have no say in? We can always deal with them a little later and as satisfying as it would be to strike is not the time.


Gen. Keane: US 'holding all the cards,' Iran 'back on their heels' like they've never been before

Cool GIF you posted; looks like Trump & all of his Sunni Saudi terrorists buddies were on 'Dancing With the Stars'

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